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Everything posted by Marocc

  1. It's not like you can't have someone bring food and stuff. It's not the plague. They specifically say it isn't caught easily. Can I be concerned for them?
  2. Umrah and Hajj have been canceled for now due to coronavirus. Free?
  3. Just imagine taking in coronavirus in the dozens.
  4. The media you follow. I hear most of them are either from Syria or Afghanistan. For sure there will be a few from other places as well.
  5. If it's commanded by Allah and the whole procedure of making the judgment and executing the punishment is done according to Allah's law, then yes.
  6. You could have just liked the comment..
  7. I asked, what does it mean to support beheading. My question clearly refers to the word "support". Do you support the slaughtering of animals?
  8. I just heard of such people today. Some Canadians have gone crazy and are making everyone's situation worse by panicking and emptying stores. If you co-operate things will go better.
  9. You can ask questions. I have no problem with it. Just ask, "what do you mean by.." or "how do you define..." or the likes if it helps you answer truthfully. If I am unable to answer back or don't feel up to it, I count it as my "failure", not yours. How exactly? It's not that simple. Or are you referring to the Christian ideology? Like I said, I don't ask if I don't want to know. Moreover, usually, I don't ask if it does not benefit me to know the answer. On the other hand, I may also refrain from answering a question if I think the answer will not benefit the person asking the question, or anyone else for that matter. I don't see that. How do I want to be treated? (hypocrisy btw, to require other people to have higher moral standards than yourself) You are a bully. I never said you have. How? Based on what? No. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
  10. Now you're just being a bully
  11. It is wrong to say something incorrect about Islam. Do you think I would sin to please you?
  12. I've no clue what you're talking about.
  13. It's done in all good forums. Keeps it in better order.
  14. What is a pointless question? I never ask what I don't want to know Some questions I don't have answers for — and to some other questions I don't have simple answers for. Yes. His arguments are always directly ignorant in a positively straight forward manner and he doesn't tire of "debating" the same topics year after year.. It's your time. But the social pressure As if I was here to entertain you. I have never, but I avoid responding to futile arguments and vain provocations.
  15. Something's wrong with that sentence, but in case I can understand something, I do think this topic can stay open as per the general rules and goals of this forum. But it is inconveniently long and it is distasteful to approve of personal insults and that doesn't fit the general rules and goals of the forum.
  16. Well yes, that as well could be and should be closed. In fact, in makes no sense at all that it is there and the user is not banned. Not because of the propaganda, actually, so much as because the user pretty much refuses to communicate with anyone. It is spam. But it is of no interest nor of importance to me.
  17. It would be better to close this thread and start a new one if it's going to stay. This is way too long now.
  18. Of course! His contribution with a hundred likes a day is much more convenient than it would be for him to say the same thing over and over again.
  19. So many questions, but no answers. What is your definition of Sharia law? which crimes according to it require excecution? What is the punishment in Islam, thus according to Sharia law, for blasphemy? Does Saudi Arabia obey that? Does Saudi Arabia behead blasphemers or do they say they do? Again, what is supporting beheading?
  20. It was clear as the moon on a cloudless night.
  21. You weren't responding to it, you were responding because of it. You circled around the topic of the article and my comment and then pedalled to the opposite direction with a whole other topic. I'm interested in what I initiate to talk about. But... It's almost never addressed here.
  22. What constitutes a "standard punishment"? I think it's pretty rare these days, but it's sounds like you know much better than me, so you tell us how often it is used, why and is it justified.
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