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Everything posted by shoop

  1. Beautiful. This is the chance for Harper to be really astute and put Martin in the wringer over the issue. What is the only thing more sacred to the Liberals than health care ... The Charter! Stephen Harper needs to reaffirm the CPCs support of the Canada Health Act by stating they would invoke the nothwistanding clause of the Charter in August of 2006 when the current delay of the Supreme's decision has expired. This puts Martin in an impossible position. Because he would be stuck between alienating the left-wing of his party that over the Charter. The majority of the electorate would choose health care over the Charter any day. Bring it on Stephen. Put Martin on the defensive. The Conservatives can fight the entire election on the issue of saving health care. Martin is stuck and has the potential to look as awkward as Turner did when Mulroney cornered him in the debate over Trudeau's patronage appointments. A planned election fight on health care will, hopefully, be as successful for the Liberals in 2006 as it was in 1984.
  2. Mirror is fun and good to have around. Biotches like err on the other hand. So if someone is from the left they are WELCOME and very good for debate. But anybody from the right is automatically extreme right?
  3. I don't really understand the Quebec element in those links. Quebec has traditionally always had three supremes. They have three supremes now and Major is from Ontario. Why the mention of Quebec's request to be involved in the process of picking new justices? All provinces should be involved?
  4. Uhhh, a GAI would NEVER fly in Canada because most Canadians wouldn't think a system guaranteeing everyone a basic income, regardles of whether or not they work, is best for Canadians because of the fear of people scamming the system. How exactly would a GAI scheme reduce government bureaucracy enough to magically pay for itself? Why don't you give a quote as to how much a GAI would cost along with the plans for your magical 'substantial reduction' in costs related to government bureaucracies.
  5. Stan, Sorry. I forgot that if you don't favour high taxes you have to be nuts and must get all your information from Fox News. Ignoramus Mirror could have used a "Canadian" right-wing media jab if he put in some effort himself. Perhaps some sort of government agency could be created to help him on that front... Eureka, what is an alternative means of comparison for comparing tax burdens across countries?
  6. What then do you feel is a fair level of taxation? Do you have one? Or do you just favour 'high' taxes in general? Uhhh, it is possible to form opinions on one's own without listening to Fox News. No, I don't think I am nuts. I do think that blanket support of "high taxes" is pretty weak. I would think it fair to say most Canadians wouldn't support the statement: "It is essential that we have high taxes ." But thanks for the blanket personal attacks without any justification. How long until this 'forthcoming' National Childcare Program is enacted? Ken Dryden, Hall of Fame goalie, pretty weak as a minister so far.
  7. This is a joke right? Is is "essential" that Canada has high taxes. "As long as Canada keeps high taxes we will be fine." Are you advocated an increase in Canadian tax rates? Tax freedom day for 2005 was on June 26th. So the average Canadian had to work half the year to cover their tax bill. How is it equitable to ask somebody to work half the year to fund "a fair and equitable society"? How many people cut back on the amount they work because of the heavy burden of taxation?
  8. Harper deserves another shot. Say what you will be he almost got 100 seats in the last election. An election that started with Liberals talking about beating the PC record of 211 seats in 1984. I think Harper has been very quiet on a lot of issues this summer for good reason. Now is the time for him to take stock and build his image in the grassroots. He is starting to appeal to Canadians as the leader of a reasonable alternative government. Dumping the leader and bringing in a new one would do nothing for the CPC before the next election.
  9. And your point is???? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The point is that Phyllyis Schlafly is a right-wing nut job. Always has been, always will be. No need to worry though. The U.S. would NEVER open its borders to the free flow of labour from Canada and Mexico. Maybe read the source before freaking out...
  10. Harper doesn't need to change his strips (or his stripes for that matter). All of the fear-mongering that was used to demonize Harper and the CPC was false. A Conservative minority government would allow people to judge the CPC on their actions, not on what the Liberals scare people with in order to protect their own hides. The CPC is only 3% behind the Liberals in the polls. No need for panic. Harper needs to roll out specific policy proposals that will: A. Show him to be a potential PM and cut back his image of continually fighting the Liberals and B. Help slowly build a more moderate image. By keeping his head down and working at things slowly Harper allows Martin to do what he has done best as PM -- shoot himself in the foot. (Poor, poor Mr. Dithers.)
  11. I partially agree with Sparhawk but I support the CPC and hope to work for them in the next election for those reasons. I disagree with his take on social conservatism. In my view the CPC has taken its first necessary steps on the path to moderation. The party is at an interesting crossroads. They have to continue on the path to moderation or Canada is destined for perpetual Liberal governments. The present Liberals are corrupt and need a long time in the wilderness like they got in 1984-1993. Those of us with moderate social views who like the CPCs economic policies need to become active in the party to ensure it becomes a viable option for Canadians by making sure the social views of the party are palatable to enough Canadians to win it a majority government. I personally trust Stephen Harper and think he will do his best to govern for all Canadians. I never EVER would have voted for Stockwell Day.
  12. Hmmm, two sides to every issue. Before this revelation Harper is bad for authorizing the taping. Now he is bad for showing loyalty to a member of his team, admittedly a dude with a few issues. In hindsight, Harper should have distanced himself right away. Definitely would have been the crass political move. i.e. the Liberal move. In reality, he is the leader of a party that is trying to heal internal wounds and maybe showing a little loyalty will help him in the long run. Besides distancing himself the day of the revelation costs him Grewal's vote at a time when Cadman still could have supported him. Loyalty, ever heard of that one Paul? Who needs it when you can back-stab and claw your way into a weak minority government and be mocked internationally as Mr. Dithers. Best case you serve two terms as a weak minority government Prime Minister. Kinda sad for the man that his legacy will be what he has already done in a different job.
  13. Man the threads here get hijacked pretty often... Anywhoo, back to the original post. Does Parrish have an actual problem showing a little discretion? I think she would already be back in caucus if she wound't have gone off on this last tirade. She clearly does want to be welcomed back into the fold. If Martin does take her back it is just a sign of his desperation to stay in power at any cost.
  14. Why would a CPC government "surely" fall very quickly? There is a valid case that they would get at least a full year to govern. When it comes down to it the only reason the Liberals survived the budget vote was Cadman asked his constituents and they just didn't want another election so soon. Say the next election is held in January 2006 and the CPC does win a minority. Martin retires right away with a late spring or summer 2006 leadership vote. Earliest possible chance to bring down the CPC minority government is fall, so an October 2006 election. Are voters really going to be eager for a third election in a 28-month span? Parliamentary pension is another issue. 2000 election was held at the end of November. There could be a few members elected as rookies in that election who want to make sure they get their six years in to guarantee their pensions. Maybe they don't want to run again, face a tough race for re-election whatever, which means the earliest possible time a CPC minority would fall is January 2007. Are people really going to want another election in the dead of winter? That adds up to at least a full year, if not 15 to 18 months, for Harper to prove his worth. As much as some people despise him, he still does have a solid base of support and there are a lot of people who do like him. If he can build his coalitions wisely in that time and not force any social agenda he might be able to stick around for a while.
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