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Everything posted by egghead

  1. hey, climate chage is real. I just said people make a hill out of a sand grain
  2. the problem is that at what costs though? Is LNG or Nuclear OK?
  3. Were you thinking hillary clinton and joe biden, but, somehow, wrote Trump instead?
  4. Too bad, another undercover cops brusted; now no one knows how many mobs are actually undercover cops, and the whole thing is just a "reichstag fire'
  5. C'mon, why are we so self centered? We are not the only species in Earth; there are plans too
  6. haha, whatnever you said. The old man is not just an old man. He is a pro-gov't mob. Are you dare to post the news from one week ago? Or, you have no idea what is "警黑合作"? BTW, are you VPN from china? It is against the law
  7. We do; where are you living?? we are tax to death with the greenhouse gas emissions tax, electric cars rebate....
  8. I don't understand, it don't make sense https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/india/
  9. Don't know man, obama is buying a beachfront property, so we must be fine.
  10. did you read the story and click at link to read some more? Sorry for my ignorance, after reading the article(I really read it), is this another "harry and meghan are flying carbon neutral private because they are climate change activists" story? There is no hard date yet (Then, I am so confused with their back to 2005 stuff). All are projection.
  11. told you so; that 2 reporters were the "head" giving. HKG needed them for the political propaganda. HKG's hand-out at the OHCHR (too bad, they forget to ps the gun out from the undercover cops)
  12. Another one too; , we are back, like father like son, our PM is USA media talking point
  13. I think you misread the whole story here. There was no fake news. NYT only dropped part of story (she don't remember and it was a second-hand information). Media has no obligation to be honest or to report the news; It only has to report the narrative. People (CNN, 2020 dems candidates) who grabbed the story and ran with it without FC it first were the problem.
  14. Quebec is already in JT's pocket after the SNC. The really problem for him is in BC and ONT. Some middle-class wives in suburbia are very upset now
  15. You are damn right. It is 20 years ago. However, it was not right 20 years ago already, remember it was at the Van, not deep south. Here are the 2 "things" really troubling me: (1) People who were at the party came out to defend him. They said that no one found it was inappropriate at that time. If they did, they would stop him. C'mon what a weak reasoning. It was be'cos only JT was "brown-faced" (2) JT did not find it was odd that he was the "only brown-faced" in the party.
  16. You better listen to your local phone-in. A lot of libs are stilll in his corner. BTW, he was the only brown face at that nights Anyway, finally US cable news picked up a Canada news
  17. Now, I don't know he was acting like an ape or was mocking the native. Anyway, we all know why he keeps on apologizing to the natives
  18. he has always been more enthusiastic than others Black face
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