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Everything posted by Dougie93

  1. Did you see Broberg's mom? Woof-woof, what a Swedish Milf.
  2. Buffalo lucks out, 6'4" Dylan Cozens drops into their laps.
  3. The Wings need D, the only D man ranked higher was Broberg, who ain't exactly a lock neither.
  4. And you've got another pick coming, that's sick. Been awhile since the Leafs haven't had a 1st rounder, Jake Muzzin better have a career year this season.
  5. Dreger is being contradicted by Elliot Freedman now, Freedman saying the Leafs are close to signing an extension with Kapanen.
  6. The Church of ZOMG carbon chases their own tails, exactly as Rex said.
  7. CO2 is not filthy, CO2 is what plants breath to produce the atmosphere, ZOMG CO2 is obviously a Red Herring, although I'm no fan of bitumen extracted hydrocarbons, simply because they are not profitable at historical average prices. You're wasting your time and energy on trying to get the government to kill the tar sands, but don't worry, market forces will do it in the end.
  8. Governments can do whatever they please, my strategy is to amass sufficient capital as to be able to ignore them for them most part, and sabotage them wherever I can.
  9. Leftists are slaves to their delusions, Cucks are sycophants to the leftists, I have no evidence as to it being a plot, I see them as simply being weak minded and so lacking of critical thought.
  10. I couldn't litter even if I wanted to, I was a Reconnaissance Patrolman, every piece of litter provides intelligence to the enemy, I've been so thoroughly indoctrinated by the RCR battleschool that littering is now against my very nature. That's what makes me such a formidable mass murderer, it's all so deeply ingrained as to be reflex without conscious thought.
  11. Don't vote for the Cucks, feed the lefties rope to hang themselves with, step down on the gas pedal and help them drive the economy off a cliff, crisis is opportunity, chaos is a ladder, a debt bubble popping in a massive market correction which whipsaws through the Canadian middle class like a hot knife through butter is not only a good thing, it's just desserts. Can't find any value anyways until there is blood in the streets, embrace the suck, buy low sell high.
  12. Well I am absolutely insurgent against the Climate Mob and their Red Herring ZOMG carbon religion, and also recycling is a big lie, so I don't bother with that, but I never litter, in fact I meticulously remove litter from the environs around here, there's no reason to litter, that's self harm in the end, one man one kit, leave no trace behind you.
  13. Recycling is just more fatuous virtue signalling, hence why I just throw everything in the trash, glass bottles, cardboard, aluminum cans and all. Stick it to the leftist elites where you can, refuse to recycle, drive a big truck and idle your engines, buy an "assault" rifle, etcetera. Just don't scapegoat ethnic minorities and Jews, because it's the white gentiles who are the biggest commies of them all.
  14. While leftist self hating Jews might have some paradoxical quarrel with Germans of today, quite sure the stalwart Zionist defenders of Judaism do not, as the vast majority of Germans now are stalwart allies of Israel, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems - Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft after all, builds the Dolphin class submarines for the IDF, to include the Dolphin II survivable second strike deterrent submarines loading Popeye Turbo thermonuclear cruise missiles.
  15. Ah, but Rue, you see, I am an extremist, the issue is simply that moderation for its own sake; is no particular virtue, while extremism in the defense of liberty; is no vice. My code of honour precludes moderation, when that becomes euphemism for capitulation; in the face of tyranny.
  16. Darren Dreger reporting that Kadri, Kapanen and Brown are on the trade block, would need a D man back for Kapanen and any deal for Kadri needs to have a center coming back to play 3C.
  17. Rex Murphy as usual summing it up nicely with "Scheer and Trudeau both continue their tiresome climate charades". . . https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-scheer-and-trudeau-both-continue-their-tiresome-climate-charades?video_autoplay=true So deary, so endless, so true.
  18. Now, this is not to say that the GOP base is motivated by some sort of humanitarian pacifist impulse, but they have at least turned on the Neoconservative Reagan Democrat permanent global interventionists in the wake of successive humiliating failures, preferring instead to adopt a Fortress America model, wherein King Dollah rules the waves and maintains full spectrum dominance, while simply not chasing every threat down rabbit holes ashore to micromanage world affairs with a three thousand mile screwdriver. Which is progress and they should be commended for it, although obviously, again, political tribalism precludes that, not being a political tribalist myself, I appropriately salute them for their efforts in this regard. There are certainly many things I do not commend them for, from mindless knee jerk protectionism to scapegoating of immigrants, none the less, in this regard they are on the ball. Ironically though, mindless knee jerk protectionism and scapegoating immigration for the loss of industrial work are long standing Democrat Party unionist positions which have now migrated to the GOP along with the industrial working classes of the Rust Belt. In essence, the GOP is becoming what the Democrats used to be, which I am no fan of, while the Democrats are going off the deep end into proto communist totalitarianism, which is insane. Which is why you should probably brace yourself for four more years of Trump, not because of Trump so much, simply because the Democrats are seemingly determined to, for the second election in a row, blow themselves up in the name of Cultural Marxist thought crime and whatnot. Probably should brace yourself for at least four years of Mike Pence after Trump is done, because the last time the Democrats went off the deep end, they handed the White House to the Republicans for twelve years straight, and even in the hippie dippie 1970's the Democrats were not as koo-koo cray-cray as they now.
  19. Well, as I have said, the decades in between have not as of yet resulted in the discrediting of Eisenhower's Domino Theory, so Eisenhower remains the cause, although Jimmy Carter was the one who took the Domino Theory up again in the wake of Vietnam, transferring it from Indochina to the Middle East, by rebranding it as the Carter Doctrine. The Carter Doctrine is by this point simply another zombie Cold War legacy project driven on by institutional inertia, for so long in fact, the public now has completely forgotten the origins of it. That being said, none of this is Donald Trump's fault, and in fact, Donald Trump is the first President to actually ever disavow it in any way, so rather than Trump being a monstrous danger to peace, he is rather a sign of progress in terms of discrediting the Domino Theory, whatever other foibles he may present, he is not a hawkish interventionist, despite your hysterical nonsense blathering Trump Derangement Syndrome alarmism.
  20. Rather an absurd contradiction when General Eisenhower was one of the great architects of what he called the Military Industrial Congressional Complex, but I wouldn't over interpret, Eisenhower was not in anyway saying that America should not project power by force of arms, Eisenhower's principle concern, as with all conservatives, was boondoggles to no particualr military utility. Eisenhower was after all, as I said, the one who invented the Domino Theory, and was at the time deliberately inciting the conflict which went on to become the Vietnam War. Go down the list of military, paramilitary, overt and covert actions on Eisenhower's watch, it surely marks him as one of the most hawkish interventionists in the history of the republic. Exponentially more so than Donald Trump by many orders of magnitude, so the reasoning as to why Trump is an interventionist villain while Eisenhower is some sort of paragon of non interventionist pacifism, escapes me. So again, putting aside the political tribalism of hysterical nonsense peddling sycophants of the race hustling Democrat Party Plantation Aristocracy, the facts are that Trump is by this juncture, one of least military interventionist Presidents of all time.
  21. Well, as Canada is a racist Apartheid state born of military conquest, which openly admits to committing genocide, I see no particular utility in wagging moralizing fingers from your British North American high horse. As to mortality, I think Oliver Stone summed it up nicely when he wrote;
  22. Oh it's not that I think wars are futile, everything I have, everything I enjoy in life, is rather a product of war, particularly brevet Lt. Colonel George Washington inciting the Seven Years War by invading Nouvelle France at Jumonville Glen on 28 May 1754. My position on war is rather, as Al Davis said; "just win, baby", it's simply an issue of appropriate restraint and alternative means, when there is no viable path to victory by force of arms.
  23. The reality is, Jews cannot rely on the good graces of others, first they fled the Russian Czar for the sanctuary provided by the Kaiser, and fought with valour for what was at the time, the most progressive European empire, but we all know how that went upon German defeat by the Anglo-American blockade. If Zionists are hardliners, it was the gentiles who made it so, and in terms of self righteous Canada, when the chance was there to give the Jews sanctuary, virulently anti-Semitic Liberal Prime Minister Mackenzie King said "one Jew is too many", so Canadians played their part in driving the formerly Ottoman Arabs off the land as well. Canada is not just a racist Apartheid state, Canada is a racist anti-Semitic Apartheid state, as it all generally goes hand and glove. As a North German Protestant, I uphold Martin Luther as the father of the Enlightenment, none the less, even Martin Luther became a raving anti-Semite in the end. The Enlightenment of course, still being a work in progress, striving for a more perfect union, in the land of the free and the home of the brave, Canada being a quasi autonomous colonial protectorate therein.
  24. Trump Derangement Syndrome and leftist partisan hackery aside, the origins of the confrontation in the Gulf date all the way back to Eisenhower. It was Eisenhower who first invoked the Domino Theory, and while it was somewhat discredited by Vietnam, it didn't actually die, it was repackaged as the Carter Doctrine in 1979, this time the Dominoes were going to fall in the face of the Iranian Revolution, and ultimately a Soviet invasion of the entire region through the Caucuses. The Domino Theory remains deeply entrenched in what Andrew Bacevich has called the Washington National Security Consensus, although, again, due to Vietnam, it is no longer called the "Domino Theory", that has been supplanted by other euphemisms. It's quite clear that the GOP base no longer upholds the Washington National Security Consensus, that would be part and parcel of what they refer to as the "Swamp" or "Swamp Creatures", but the reality is, the Domino Theory is so deeply entrenched, that every President who comes into office is under constant pressure to adhere to the tenants of the faith, and they all genuflect to it to varying degrees, some more than others, Trump is actually one of the least inclined to that I have seen. Obama was far more inclined to cave to it, even though it was clear he didn't really believe in it, hence his attempts to abrogate responsibility by "leading from behind" as seen particularly in Libya. One of the major reasons why Trump was elected, is that Hillary Clinton is an absolute adherent to the Washington National Security Consensus and the war weary American public was simply loathe to elect another Neoconservative Hawk. For all his foibles, the fact of the matter is, Trump has largely delivered on his promise to be non-interventionist, so far, he's been one of the least interventionist Presidents of all time. Apparently nobody on the left can acknowledge the truth of it, the mantra of ZOMG Trump is obviously all they got, but that's how partisan tribalism and associated Trump Derangement Syndrome goes, who knew? On the operational side of things, the primary constraint on the Washington National Security Consensus in terms of rushing headlong into war with Iran, is the geostrategic maritime choke point at the Strait of Hormuz, as while the US military could inflict great damage on the Iranian regime, it could not be done in one fell swoop, it would be a prolonged operation, and all through that operation, the Iranians would be able to grind maritime traffic in the Strait to a halt asymmetrically, with mines, boghammer fleets, anti-shipping missiles, torpedoes etc. None the less, in the event of, this would be an economic windfall for Canada, as war on the Strait of Hormuz would of course spike the oil price back up towards if not exceeding $100/barrel, which is the threshold wherein Western Canadian Select becomes actually profitable.
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