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Hates politicians

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Everything posted by Hates politicians

  1. They can be paid minimum wage. No benefits. Mcdonalds workers have more value
  2. I used to vote none of the above. Blank ballot They throw away your ballot when you do that. So why should I waste my time getting off the couch?
  3. When the royal welfare bums come here on vacation we pay for it. I say pay your own way you lazy good for nothing moochers. Get a job
  4. Bombardier is one business who should'nt be getting corporate welfare.
  5. The queen and royal welfare bums are a waste of skin. I don't know payett and don't care. So what if she is a scientist. And an astronaut. That means nothing. The bureaucratic waste of money needs to gotten rid of period. It does nothing to run this country sucsesfully.
  6. Good for you. You can pay for these wastes of skin as well. I sure as hell don't want to, and I'm not alone
  7. We arent locked into anything we can get rid of the crown and have a president. There are people who are'nt politicians who can run this country better than the shitbags who are running it into the ground currently
  8. They already are. Politicians getting minimum wage is in my opinion more than they are worth for what they do, which is absolutely nothing of value. A politician has less value than dog exhaust on the sidewalk.
  9. Get rid of the queen as well she is another useless waste of skin as well as all of the other royal uselessness. Run the country as the husiness it is put all the pomp and ceremony on display in a museum
  10. Politicians don't give a rat's ass about our injured soldiers. I've said it before, take away the politicians pensions and benefits and give them to our vets who deseve them
  11. The people should be controlling politicians wages. Not politicians.
  12. The dyke and mcgoofy and all the liberal party members should have all there assets seized, including any pension money they're going to get. And the money used to pay down the debt they created.
  13. Get rid of the position. Its nothing but a waste of taxpayers money.
  14. Politicians are all liars and thieves. They are'nt going to give up the barrels of money they steal. We the people have to force change upon them
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