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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Will the Trudeau appointed RCMP Commissioner get off her fat arse and serve the citizens of Canada? "Oh, we'll look into it . . . . " Would really like to see Trudeau in cuffs . . . Book him Dano
  2. Who cares about you? You just want to wear the queens dress. I'd like to see Trudeau charged, tried, and sent to jail. RCMP will do nothing on this.
  3. Michelle Rempel Garner . . . PC MP from Calgary. Wonder if she'll ever try for PC leader ?
  4. Go dress up in your queen outfit . . . you'll feel better. Justin and the queen are 'your kind of guys' . . . . October 21st, fast approaching. 63 days Please vote !
  5. Commissioner Brenda Lucki . . . . . . appointed by Trudeau Lite. Betting the RCMP are hiding behind the couch on this one . . . This country is fucked !
  6. queen, queen, queen, blah, blah, blah . . . . do you ever get as tired as the rest of us with all your queen bullshit ? October 21st . . . . please vote.
  7. Ralph Goodale is a stupid man . . . whines because Britain outmaneuvered him and his dimwit leader.
  8. Your wife the queen? October 21st . . . Canadian Federal Election
  9. Simplistically, my vote will cancel out yours . . . and vice versa.
  10. The queen is a mannequin and the royal family is fiction. They have no bearing whatsoever on the welfare of Canada. Who (except you) cares what that old hag does ? October 21st is fast approaching . . . Canadian Federal Election. Please participate.
  11. Trudeau's named in the title of this thread . . . . Are you taking 'deflection instruction' from Michael Hardner ? October 21st . . . . please vote !
  12. Have you ever shot a G-bear . . . . or, any bear for that matter ?
  13. Had a permit to pack while prospecting. Minimum calibre/caliber is .41 A lever big-bore long gun is a better choice, they're always in the way when you're using a packboard. Coastal BC grows big bears.
  14. You've made a post without referring to your repetitious embarrassing love of the queen, monarchy, america, trump, etc. (capital letters withheld by request) . . .
  15. Make sure your protest has some teeth . . . Protest on October 21st, 2019 . . . . . . Canadian Federal Election.
  16. Did Trudeau shed any tears when he stated multiple times that he's responsible for the SNC clusterfuck ? Any statement without tears is an obvious lie . . . coming from that clown. Hand the clown a handkerchief . . . . he cries for everything.
  17. Are you doubtful that the budget will balance itself . . . ?
  18. Canadian Federal Election . . . . October 21st, 2019 Please vote! Flush the turd down the toilet . . .
  19. Ontario is the Best Place to Live in Canada . . . . by Michael Hardner No, it's not the best place to live in Canada . . . . Sums up your thread . . . .
  20. Your original post wasn't ironic . . . . nice attempt at deflection though. You deserve Toronto, and Toronto needs you . . . please stay there.
  21. Humid and flat . . . what more could you ask for ? Oh yeah, I forgot about transit . . . . please stay there.
  22. Good punch line ! Can I use it ? Royalties ?
  23. Toronto has always been the 'in house' joke of Canada. They are the blustery second uncle at the family re-union, loud and boring . . . the one with his gut poking through his shirt, the boor that looks down his bulbous alcoholics nose at the rest of Canada. At any Toronto restaurant frequented by the inflated Toronto elite, you'll find that toilet paper is used instead of napkins . . . .
  24. The rest of the country laughs at you . . . Self importance is an industry in Ontario. Please stay there.
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