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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. This country isn't fixable. We're too far down the rabbit hole. Divided along regional, economic, and racial lines. Divided as never before. There isn't any leader of any stripe that can fix what has happened to Canada. The populace is politically lazy and stupid. The likes of a Trudeau can flash their hair or socks and the stupids think they have a leader. We are a sad joke, an unfunny joke. 

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  2. We're a country of politically brain-dead dolts.  Content to let another country look after our defence all the while looking down our collective noses in our typically self-righteous manner.  Content to vote in twice the most corrupt, appalling, inept fool  . . . ever!

    Content, content, content.  We are the joke of the world . . . . and we're content with that.  F'k !

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  3. The missionaries arrived on the Great Plains, tried to get the many Indian factions to discard their environmental based religion (Father sky-Mother earth) and believe what the newcomers believed. Strange dudes on strange animals following stars, baby born with out copulation, dead guy rising to live again, baby floating down a river, walking on top of water, splitting the water so you can walk across, etc., etc., the list is long.

    The earth based 'religion' of the Indians was/is completely applicable to the everyday life on the plains.  European religion can be the downfall of any society. 

    My God is tougher than your God . . . . I'll go to war with you just to prove it.

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  4. 33 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    My nephew who was an experienced head nurse had to wait 5 years in the lineup and pass various exams to demonstrate her ability in various fields including her own profession and English to eventually qualify last year and immigrate to Canada. As I said stop your campaign of misinformation and lies without any evidence or real life story..

    What is the 'real' life story ?

  5. Just now, cougar said:

    Speaking about immigration, I am seriously considering ridding you guys of my intolerable presence.  I will leave you to grow the economy and increase the population of humanoids in Canada while I will be applying to immigrate to.......BHUTAN !

    They will leave 60% of their land intact.  They have no homelessness and they also have a Department of Happiness which is interested in getting people happy and not growing GDP.   Time to leave the overrated shithole behind.

    Please go.  Sooner is better than later. Have a nice trip.  Send a postcard.

  6. 8 minutes ago, cougar said:

      Don't try to sell me those smiling fast food East Indian servers; not to me.   I want to meet people of my kind.  Life is too short to live in a zoo!

    And of course you did not answer any of the two questions above.  There can be no suitable answer for you


    And what exactly is 'your kind' . . . . ?  Seems to me that you once mentioned that you're an immigrant from ??  Now you want to stop all resource industry, and all money producing commerce any where near you.  Is your hand out for that 'free' govt. welfare that so many are fond of.  You are not credible.  Your incredible.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    There are at least two Canadians awaiting execution in China and two Michaels being held as hostages. There are thousands of Canadians who are potential hostages in China. China is in a position where they hold all the power. 

    When the high school bully has your head in the toilet, sometimes, all you can do is hold your breath.

    So, what's your solution?  Think long term . . . be precise. What is your solution?

  8. 18 hours ago, cougar said:

    There is no such thing although you might have been brainwashed to believe there is a nation. 

    There ARE First NatioinS; then in addition there are people from all other possible nationS on the planet.  Many of them hate one another.

    But you are right that we need to support the left for now, because the right are straight from Hell.

    They are not 'first nations' . . . . . they are first immigrants.  I'm a halfbreed, and I know who I am and the warlike background of my ancestors . . . on both sides.  You seem to have child's grasp of reality. Your boy Justin has sunk this country. Hope you're happy with his antics. 

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