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Everything posted by H10

  1. I agree with this, and me and bush_cheney2004 almost never agree on anything. I perceive white south Africans of being very resentful not only of Africans but also of white north americans. They would make comments like how are we the racists when the whites in north america killed of the aboriginals down to 3% of the population and Africans are 90% of the population of south africa. Pre colonial Africa was substantially more developed than most native indian groups in the Americas. Although as native indians got horses and guns in the west they were slowly able to start handing military defeats to the increasingly powerful us army. Many African nations already had and produced guns before the Europeans even arrived, there steel technologies and metal working was more advanced than Europeans who were entering and they had a better understanding of medical science and germs than europeans did at that time. Natives were cut off from the old world, technologies didn't spread to them like that.
  2. I definitely favour death penalty for people who were mass murdering children and shooting old ladies in the back, I guess you'd say we can't try all the nazis we just need a truth and reconciliation for the Nazis and jews, where the Nazis can talk about all their war crimes, just not go to jail for them or be held accountable or punished in anyway for it. No I think the Israelis got this right, they go all over the world finding 99 year old Nazis, kidnapping them, putting them on planes back to Israel via extra judicial means, put them on trial and sentence them to death. That is one thing I find to be very admirable about the jews. No forgiveness for these mass murderers, hunt them down to the ends of the earth, put them on trial infront of an all jew jury and then let them jurors decide their fate. This is the model South Africa should have followed in 1994. Shut down all the airports, and give trials to all the mass murderers.
  3. Not white farmers, any farmer/land. Truth and Reconciliation was really bad, it just let off tens of thousands of government back killers, they should have sent all the guilty parties to jail and sentenced them to death like in the Nuremberg trials.
  4. Its not realistic, they tried that during apartheid, the world saw through it as a farce, no one recognized the nations as real countries.
  5. I doubt it will be a genocide. White South Africans best bet is Australia, that being said the ones left do not have the skills to qualify in Canadian immigration.
  6. I agree, if we were in Bolivia with an Indian majority, we'd be facing the same backlash. Do you think you'd get to keep your big house in the suburbs or a big farm in Oakville if Ontario was 80% iroquois Indian?
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natives_Land_Act,_1913 "Date of repeal 1991" That wasn't even 30 years ago The Glen Grey Act 1894 "White famers resented African ownership of the land and demanded that it be taken from them. " By that logic it would seem almost all of the farmers around today in South Africa who are white would have a hand in this. It won't destroy foreign investment because foreigners already are banned from owning farms in SA. It won't sink the agra sector because most of the farm workers are Africans and do most of the work running the farms. That being said climate change will turn the area into a dust bowl in a decade so it won't matter who has the land. Well the only people who will have their property confiscated are farm owners, which again are all locals. Further China, Canada, Australia, USA, New Zealand, France and England all had some version of this and it seemed to turn out ok. Moz. and Angola did as well and they have much higher foreign investment per capita than their neighbours who haven't.
  8. How is this any different than all the jews who took back their land and property from Germans after WW2?
  9. Fake news. Nothing in the bill talks about race. The bill is aimed at expropriating land worth tens of billions or trillions from tribal chiefs in South Africa who rule over homelands setup by the apartheid government. There is no way the government could pay them trillions and the chieftan system is stifling legitimate land reform. Further your ignorance of South Africa is quiet obvious as is Zimbabwe. SA banned foreign land ownership back in 2015, so this will not affect any foreigner unless they refused to comply with the law which saw them compensated at market rates. Malema is not even the opposition leader, Maimane is, Malema is the third in terms of votes and was expelled from the ANC for making foolish comments. Although he is correct that most of the landowners in South Africa who are white obtained those land via apartheid and colonial era theft. The dailymail is not even a real news paper, it is a tabloid.
  10. Well the last case I can remember with gun rights going to the supreme court saw washington d.c. gun control struck down as anti-constitutional. At that time you had a swing vote and 4-4. But even with a liberal majority like in the 60s, I didn't see it get struck down. The US was not suppose to even have a standing army when the 2nd amendment was drafted. The militia was not suppose to come from the national government, probably not even the states. Most likely they envisioned the militia's coming from the local community. Look at how it is worded, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms..." its not the right of the state or the national or federal government. It would be presumed naturally a government can have militias and arms. So people here has to mean individuals. Lets be realistic, back in the 1770s most guns were 1 shot a minute and highly inaccurate unless you had like a column of 30 people shooting all at once. Further the US government was flat broke and didn't want to pay to field a national army, so it was easier to just say everyone protect yourself. It wasn't like Canada where the RCMP and army and police settling an area. In the US, they encouraged settlers to just go take land, use their guns to defend themselves from Indians.
  11. Liberal gun grabbers just want to grab up all the guns. Shame on you, this is the right og all americans.
  12. I agree, the original intent was for arms which could be used to launch a military assault against modern armies, we need to expand the understanding to include other small arms like rocket launchers, anti- aircraft weapons, tanks, military bomber planes and so on. If the right to free speech includes the most complex printing presses and manufacturing machines then the right to bear arms should include the most complex weapons.
  13. I think he should sabotage the PC party. He brought that party from the ash heep, was winning in the polls, then they all turned against him and tried to kick him out the caucaus weeks before an election. He should definetly run, win, fire vic fedelli and the conservative elite and clean house and prepare for the next election. Brown can't let these scum get away with this. He has the popular support.
  14. He'll probably still win, because the other candidates are low iq and severely incompetent.
  15. I believe the word is colonized. There are tens of thousands of US troops and the Japanese cannot even have a real army.
  16. It is fair to say Israel is well on the path to being the next Nazi state, all they do is rant and rave about being a "Jewish" state and deporting refugees and calling them "infiltrators. They are currently trying to deport 60,000 refugees from the darfur and eritrea who'd face certain death upon return. At this point they have basically become the Nazi party.
  17. Brown shouldn't have resigned, he should have trumped it, deny everything, call the media liars, the accusers liars and proclaim his innocence while continuing to campaign. If they kicked him out, threaten to run a slate of candidates 3rd party.
  18. Given that he shot a child in the back for according to him was at worse punching him in the face, complete overreaction and he should be in prison. If this is the way cops think, they should really de-police, shooting someone for walking in the street is sickening, maybe in Nazi Germany this is acceptable, not America.
  19. There exist a rebuttable presumption once you have a police interaction with a racialized group that racism is the defining issue due to the history of racism in Canada. It really is a reverse onus because everyone is already presumed innocent until guilty, so the police have a lot ot prove to prove they aren't behaving racistly. Good, we want our police to stop and think about their conduct before they engage in them. If they see a suspicious character, we want police questioning what about this character is suspicious. Is it just their skin color, or is there an actual suspicious action that is possibly criminal occurring. This shows anti-racism training is working.
  20. Well technically, I don't think there is a central America. It is just a fabricated area to cut the mestitos out of north america.
  21. I already said my piece on this, I favor a conservative who will give tax holidays to normal Ontarians.
  22. It was like 500 pages, reference a quote or give me a page #
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