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Everything posted by BillyBeaver

  1. No, the act of consensual unprotected sex during a woman's window of opportunity should be recognized as consent to bear a child unless explicitly stated that the sex is recreational or protection is used. Just because you have all the womb doesn't mean you have all the control over my genetic property. Abortion as birth control is wasteful considering all the preventative measures we have. I think single men would be more conscious of who they were impregnating if they knew that they would be liable as fathers if unprotected sex was had. Same for women. We need to rebuild the family unit. Technology has us all isolated and in a state of anomie. Fuck tax breaks for single moms.
  2. haha first of all, you stop using MSM buzzwords and further dividing by labels, I don't think wanting to restrict immigration to the best of the best from around the world is regressive. You think that sanctuary cities are progressive? More of a return to feudal serfdom.
  3. Lol, we need to truly define parenthood in the western world. if a woman can consent to uinprotected sex, she is giving the man access to her reporuduction. This whole myth of women having full rights to decide whether or not to keep a child is bullshit. yes, abortion should still be an option here, but saying it's completely up to the woman is horseshit, That zygote is a unique mixture of both of their dna and the male donor should have as much say as the female in an consensual, safe and legal joining. personally, I've always thought that freedom to reproduce was one of the great paradoxes of western civilization.
  4. No, you're confusing conservative with authoritarian in the case of the two dictators. Stalin and Pol Pot are both Authoritarian Left. Here's the political compass. Take the test. https://www.politicalcompass.org/counterpoint-20161110 it's not lack of empathy and principles, it's the state-first group before individual philosophy. All authoritarian governments, including our own, have tendencies towards class separation and institutional divides as a method of social control. The problem is we have enabled the representatives of our Dominion to overstep their bounds in return for privacy and isolational oblivion. Most people you meet aren't fully engaged in the real world. Their minds are so singular and compartmentalized its difficult to engage. A libertarian collectivist model searches for meeting group goals while retaining individual liberties with limits. I'm getting offtopic but I fail to see how the application of communism changes the outcome in any way at all. I don't think that Islam can comprehend equality with the Hadiths essentially giving a guide to violent conquest by force. Moral relativism bounces back towards the state that imposes it and undermines its foundations in the end. So, before we solve our own problems, we'll import more. Great strategy.
  5. Thank you for your generous offer, I hope I haven't come across as dismissive or adversarial.
  6. the problem is islam isn't culture, it's their alignment with an ideology that is antithetical to canadian values.
  7. i agree that we are in a dire need for a series of referendums. They are cost-effective if you ask 10-15 questions at once. @Michael Hardner I'm barely christian but noah started the ark before the waters started to rise.
  8. Do I think it will happen overnight, no. Am I concerned about the possibility, yes. Especially seeing the culture war that is going on in Europe and the USA. I want Canada to retain its secular multiculturalism without this marxist bullshit. Minority this and minority that when the real minority sits on trillions of dollars using us as debt slaves.
  9. Thank you for highlighting many of the concerns facing our military and expressing what Afghan deployment was like. You're right about Chretien green-lighting afghanistan with no debate or criticism much like the Iraq WMD debacle. We need two years of 10% GDP spending on defence and a stronger domestic military-industrial base. We are so weak in so many regards because we have wasted so much money on useless crap.
  10. When a religion that lays out the penalties for apostasy and blasphemy so harshly in its tenets gets recognition and the makings of separate protections above and beyond those outlined in our constitution for all religions, we are in danger of becoming the theocratic state that Islam promotes.
  11. It's not a strawman if it has happened before in previous countries. look at how Islam attached itself to the left in Iran and then boom theocratic state. Go back a few centuries to India where muslims are peacefully living besides hindus and sikhs for decades; muslim warlord shows up, boom muslims turn on their neighbours and start the purge. I'm not interested in fixing things that aren't broken. I don't believe in indulging states and ideologies that are proven backwards, oppressive and violent. SA buying their way onto the human rights council in the UN is everything that is wrong with the world today. You can ostrich this issue and claim that my reaction is disproportionate but politcal change is sudden and swift and all Canadians must be willing to stand up and defend our culture and the Charter when it is infringed upon.
  12. kevin o'leary is a globalist shill of shills. Canada needs an egalitarian, nationalist, centrist party to combat all the globalist authoritarian bullshit of the last 10 years. Kelly leitch has zero charisma and zero chance of winning.
  13. No, they didn't charge him with blasphemy lol. It's applying unjustifiable limits on speech that is a hallmark of cultural marxism. You really want a nation of people afraid to speak out against protected groups/ the state at penalty of fines or jail?
  14. Look at how the Ontario government escalated vs Jordan Peterson with that whole pronoun debacle. Cultural marxism is knocking on our door. You may scoff now, but I don't want to live in a country of Orwellian thoughtcrime, neither do I want an emulation of the American mode (shout, lie and slander). But the government definitely needs to repeal antiquated laws regarding blasphemy. England did it a decade ago. I blame the catholic influence in ontario and quebec.
  15. Blasphemy laws are still on the books in canada even though they haven't had a successful conviction in 80 years. Check section 296.
  16. Yeah that looks like a cherrypicked Liberal statistic. It's likely more 55%-60% because of the media indoctrination and lies.
  17. As opposed to "left-wing conservatives" lol. What a statement. Vegreville (full of rural, conservative 2nd and 3rd gen Canadians) handled a lot of Immigration canada's paperwork. Suggesting that conservatives lack empathy as a group is both fallacious and detached from reality.
  18. There are some anti-103 protests planned for March 18th. Should be entertaining. yes, burning federal and provincial flags publically is worthy of scorn, and then some.
  19. Yeah, I'd like to see that evidence too. I'm of the idea that bigots and discrimination have always existed in Canada, the liberals have just amped up the focus. Technology and the speed of digital media also contribute. I think that the -isms have been steadily decreasing since the 80s. here as more awareness and diversity has been promoted and encouraged. But feel free to expound on Soros-funded NGOs talking points. These protest groups are promoting racial tensions and division, not unity and tolerance. BLM is cancer.
  20. go to openparliament.ca and look at the conservatives and liberals stance on TPP and CETA and tell me they don't have globalist values. I don't mean the way the military conducted themselves while stationed in kandahar, just the way that the americans used us a proxy for all the shit they didn't want to do. And, how quickly we jumped on board post 9/11. Chretien stayed out of Iraq purposefully and despite his flaws, he put Canadian lives first over sabrerattling by Bush and Blair. I agree about nato units being underfunded, but Canada is very guilty of allowing our military infrastructure to deteriorate. The state of our Navy is very telling.
  21. Conservatives and Liberals are the same globalist party, neo libs and neo cons have the same end game in mind.
  22. hear hear, meritocracy. I don't think people with dual citizenship should be allowed to run for parliament or legislature. You're either fully Canadian or you are not. I'd also like to restrict newcomers from running for poltical office for 20 years after landing. They can still vote once given citizenship, but I don't want anymore Maryann Monsefs, thanks. They should be contributing to Canada by raising smart and productive children who have the benefits of full rights as natural citizens.
  23. Canada Day and our returning soldiers' mental health should be immune to scorn. There is no reason that our individual soldiers should be held accountable for leadership decisions they didn't make. Being against confederation and celebration of our nation-state is unpatriotic and divisive. I don't know many christians that consider themselves Canadian second, after their religion. That's my main issue with Islam, it's a fascist doctrine disguised as a holy text.
  24. Just curious as what you have to gain by generally rehashing the whole ordeal. I'd rather know specifics about your experiences than your musings about the entire tour. As you were, though, whatever polishes your pistol.
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