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  1. image.thumb.png.fc868ec8c4a30f8bd7f10a76de705a19.png

    If you ever had hope that Canadians would come together to fight back against the government again, just look to Calgary. They're quite literally turning into brownshirts over water instead of collectively removing the administration.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I am Groot

      I am Groot

      Snitches get stitches is a popular saying in America's urban ghettos and helps make them the shitholes of crime and violence they are. It allows crime to thrive. It is not the kind of thing a healthy society considers good behaviour.

    3. Goddess


      For real crimes, there are already legit ways to report them. Snitch lines are for made-up "crimes". 

    4. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      I think the US has much greater problems than neighbors not snitching...budgets for police and other security measures have been sliced to the bone, the government lack of services  or programs is another...lack of trust in policing is another, all of it needs funding which they don't have....I would prefer just shutting them out of my life than telling the cops or government on them which for the most part does nothing anyways... 

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