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Everything posted by CitizenX

  1. You really don't see how ridiculous your questions are? I think you are just posting inflammatory statements and questions. From my understand you are by definition a forum troll. And until you in an intelligent way I see no reason to acknowledge your ridiculous comments.
  2. WOW aren't you clever. You are unable to have a mature conversation or supply intelligent rebuttals. Who is the young one here?
  3. Again this is not my logic. It is your distorted and twisted understanding of what I've said. I'm trying to be patient with your lack of understanding and strange logic but I find it frustrating. Perhaps this is your Plan.
  4. I sorry but I don't remember this. Does anyone here remember this?
  5. That's right you wouldn't want to come up with an intelligent rebuttal. The truth hurts, and for this I apologize. I won't force you to think. have a good day If I could suggest some books to you that I've found interesting and enlightening Saving Jesus from the Church: How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus The Philosophy of Jesus (Please buy Local and from Small businesses)
  6. If you enjoyed his video, I mean as much as one can. You might find this one as enlightening. Only Part one..please go to you tube for the rest Warning: May cause you to rock in the fetal position for long periods of time after viewing.
  7. Your logic astounds me. Do ambassador's make executive decisions? I mean really what the hell are you talking about?
  8. So you have to be a Christian, and believe in God to understand the philosophy of a man name Jesus? His words seem to be easily understood, and even you agree that the teachings that I have quoted are "what the teachings of Christianity are all about - love and understanding and compassion and empathy - and that's what Christians strive for". But you seem to believe that because people are not "Jesus or God themselves" that Christians have an out if they want to ignore any of the teaching they don't agree with. Is this correct? You stated "They strive for what Jesus taught, but Jesus never said 'you can't be a Christian unless you follow my words and do exactly as I suggest and never fail in any of my teachings." But isn't it just common sense? Where did he say, hey guys and gals these are just suggestions, you know follow them or don't no biggy. And I'm not talking about failing his teachings and coming up short, you are right human's are fallible and imperfect. But to pick and chose which of his teachings you want to follow, well that's just not correct. "Jesus didn't write the Bible, men did. So one has to approach the Bible and Christianity with a critical mind." Well this is the first thing that we agree on. But it makes me question you as a Christian, if you are one. Not to be rude or disparaging but Christianity and a critical mind don't really go hand in hand. Christianity is about faith, which is why I call my self an agnostic. I have no room for faith in my life, and being an atheist requires just as much faith. "Christians don't all have the same beliefs, which is why there are different sects. So for you to determine what does, or doesn't, constitute "being a Christian" is either ignorance or arrogance." Are you saying that Christians don't all share in the basic teachings that I've previously quoted? I think your wrong and would be very surprised if you could show different. "So no, that's "not the problem with people that call themselves Christians." That's not what it's "more about." The problem is with your total lack of understanding/knowledge." Please enlighten me as to where I lack the understanding and knowledge of the philosophy of jesus. "Being human as opposed to being Jesus himself." I would call the picking and choosing of his teachings and outright ignoring others and still calling yourself a Christian because you go to church is by definition Hypocrisy. Jesus and God are not in any church they are in your heart and in your actions. Go for it if that's your choice. In the meantime, Christians, who understand what Christianity is about, what God is about, and what Jesus is about, know that the only Christian who is hypocritical in this area is one who expects others to love their enemy as they don't, and expects others to turn the other cheek as they don't. That's they only way hypocrisy enters into it. I'm sorry but if you look up hypocrite in the dictionary you would find a picture of your face.
  9. Well because Cheney is in Vancouver to promote his book, and because of his admission. As far as Netanyahu and Castro, please stay on topic.
  10. Yes I've watched this video a few years back. It was very eye opening. I bought his book a few months back, just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. P.S. Welcome to the forum. The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment( Please buy Local) This documentary is off the topic of the crash course but I highly recommend people watch it Status Anxiety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKkdFSqAxV8 This only part 1...please go to You Tube for the rest
  11. One who breaks an unjust law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law. - Martin Luther King, Jr. An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so. - Mohandas Gandhi
  12. Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: "I am Willing to Testify" If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKVaq2R5h68 NDP critic wants to bar Dick Cheney from Canada Former Powell Chief of Staff: Cheney "Fears Being Tried as a War Criminal" Movement to arrest Dick Cheney for war crimes grows
  13. Senior economist Armine Yalnizyan was commissioned by the National Post to make a case about income inequality. It threatens the whole foundation on which our capitalist economy is based. A problem for everyone Armine Yalnizyan, National Post · Sept. 21, 2011 Time to talk replacements as capitalism moves to bury itself By Murray Dobbin September 26, 2011
  14. First I appreciate your contribution to this subject. I agree with you as I stated on page one "Evil is usually seen as the dualistic opposite of good" I think where you have confused what I have said is the definition of good and therefore the definition of evil. I never said the definition of Evil = Corporations I Said Corporations fall under my definition of Evil My definition ( mostly from the book The Science of Evil by Simon Baron-Cohen) Good = Empathy and Compassion Evil = The absence of Empathy and Compassion Your definitions (correct me if I'm wrong) Good = creative Evil = destructive If this is your definition I don't understand it. Perhaps you could expand upon it. Another Video demonstrating Corporations in action IBM and the Holocaust ( http://www.ibmandtheholocaust.com/)
  15. I can assure you that I am not posting just to upset people. My questions and statements are genuine. Something that I have thought about is the idea of a person like Jesus living today, he would most certainly be a socialist. Do you agree or disagree? The reason I ask is, and I'm making an assumption, Why are most Christians Conservatives and not NDPer's? I am neither in case you are wondering. Is Jesus Christ a Socialist?
  16. Yaaa I'm really starting to question the intelligence of some of the posters here.
  17. Are these really your responses???? And now you have me pegged as a troll??? a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community. Had to look it up. How am I a troll?
  18. Yes OK I read the article, ...so? What are you complaining about? That normal thinking human beings won't travel to China and try to pressure that Government? I guess that's because they are smarter than you and know that it would not fly and they would be thrown in jail immediately. So instead they try to pressure our government to bring up there human rights record. Uhhhh just like they are doing with Cheney. Got that?
  19. Well you don't have to be a Christian to understand and appreciate Jesus's Philosophy and teachings. They are pretty much the same as a man named Siddhārtha Gautama. In some ways I'm more christian than some people I know that go to church regularly. My uncle goes to church on a regular basis yet he truly hates gay people. I'm sorry but I don't understand this. Did Jesus not live in the real world? Credo Latin for "I Believe", is a statement of belief. "Hate the sin but love the sinner" is a statement of belief. Do you not believe the words and teachings of Jesus?
  20. Does anyone understand what this guy is talking about?
  21. Of course it is. That's the problem with people that call themselves Christians it's more about being a social club than a way of life. Christianity about love and understanding, it's about compassion and empathy. Either you follow his philosophy or you don't. If a person calls himself/herself a Christian but does not follow Jesus's philosophy what do you call this? love your enemy and turn the other cheek.
  22. What is the point of this statement? How is it relevant to the topic?
  23. Of course I don't think Allah condones murder. Just like I don't think that Jesus condones murder. Both sides of this subject are just as wrong. When so called Christians go against the word of Jesus they are just as hypocritical as the Muslims. I think both sides would do well to walk the talk.
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