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Everything posted by taxme

  1. (X)Personally, I think that the liberals are a liability for Canada.
  2. (X)There are just too many Israeli crimes being committed to be able to count them on your fingers or toes. And they are never made accountable for any of the crimes that they have committed. They can legally get away with any crime that they want to commit, and not one politician or country will make them answer to those crimes. Must be nice, eh?
  3. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but to many Americans, it makes lot a sense to them as to what Trump says he is going to do. If he says he will make Mexico build and pay for the wall, he means it. And if Mexico says no, well Mexico may be in deep doo-doo for not listening to the Donald. We all know that if Canada were to want to build a wall across Mexico, to stop illegal immigration, our politicians would build the wall and make Canadian taxpayer's pay for it. Probably hire Mexican illegals to help build the wall, and pay them to do the job. But coming back to reality that wall would never get built. After all, that would not be Canadian, denying illegals to enter the country illegally. We have become experts at that these days. But does America need Mexico? I don't think so. Mexico needs America and if you want to stay friends with America than Mexico better get it's labor force out there and get ready to build and pay for that wall. I don't believe that Trump is fooling around. Why would he say such a thing and than back down after he becomes President, if he becomes President? You have to admit that Trump is not as wishy-washy like most of our politicians are.
  4. (X)The loony TV programs that are produced in regards to UFO'S, sasquatch and alien civilizations is so laughable. I had been watching those kinds of shows and never really questioning what I was watching. Then one day, bingo, I started to wonder as to all these stories about UFO's and their coming to earth for centuries. So, I asked myself, if these UFO's have been coming here for centuries than why haven't they set up an office somewhere in the world? And if they did why can't I find one and go to one of their travel agencies and book a space flight to wherever? I probably wouldn't be able to afford it, but no harm asking. LOL. Aliens could not be coming to earth for all these centuries, and have not made their presence noticed to us earthlings by now. Just like the God theory, where is he staying way out in space? Is he living on some planet somewhere? I know the universe is big, and it takes a lot or work to keep it up and running so how does one so-called God able to do all that? Does he breathe or eat or drink water to survive? Did he ever have sex? The Universe is endless. And every time I think about the Universe and where does it come to an end my brain wants to explode. Try really hard thinking about that and see what happens in your head. It's like the brain cannot accept such a possibility that there can be an end to the universe. And if I could ever come to the end of the Universe, what is on the other side of that end? There just can't be nothing? Try also about thinking as to how the universe all started? How does something start from nothing? I cannot create anything when there is nothing there? I am baffled by it all. Life and the universe being around makes no sense to me. We should not be here but we are. Anybody know how to explain all of this to me? I need help.
  5. I just want someone to show me as to where are all the airplane parts? No one so far can produce a picture from the Pentagon showing airplane parts. Surely there should be a few big parts lying around? It cannot have all burned up. Parts of the tail end must have survived the so-called theory of being burnt to a crisp. It is impossible to not have some parts around. There is just no way that an 80 story building can come tumbling down from an airplane hitting the 70th floor. The planes would disintigrate upon impact and turn up into a million pieces as soon as it hit the building. The building was suppose to be built and prepared for just the possibility of a plane flying into the towers. And with many Firefighters that were close enough to the towers said that they had what sounded like explosives sounds coming from the basement area of one of the twin towers. Are we going to call firefighters liars? I think not. There would be no reason for them to lie. The most interesting thing about all of this is that Silverstein, the owner of the twin towers, just six months before the big event happened had taken out insurance against such an incident happening. Interesting, isn't it? The conspiracy appears to be there but there are too many people ready to believe the government version of what happened, and not willing to listen to other groups and people and the alternative media who have other versions of what happened. AE911 is a website that should be looked at if anyone wants to get the other side of the story. An old saying goes like this: "To know only one side of the story, is to know nothing at all". Too many people believe and will only listen to the government side of the story, and refuse to listen to the other side of the story that is being presented to them.My gain, their loss.
  6. At this point I do seriously believe that Trump is being honest in what he says. He has not said anything that would appear to be a lie. Look, everybody at sometime in their life as told a lie or two. And I am pretty sure that you have told a fib or two in your life also. I will admit it, I have. I am only human. If Trump says that he has proof that Obama is not an American citizen than I can believe him. Why would he put his neck in the noose if he didn't believe so? But Obama being the President it would be an exercise in futility to try and continue on with it. He knows it will go nowhere with the media. The media don't like Trump, and they would only fight him over it. Obama has the mainstream media support. They are hard to convince. A waste. Whether Trump will build a wall is up for grabs but I do believe that he will do something about all the illegal immigration that is going on which he wants stopped. He is not anti-immigrant as the media will have people believe he is just anti-illegal immigration. I just wish that here in Canada our politically correct politicians would work harder to try and eliminate all the illegal immigration that is going on in Canada. Now why would I think that or expect that? We have always been a nation of illegals, and I don't think that is going to change, especially now with the liberals back in power. With the liberals in power now, I believe that it will only get bigger and better, for the illegals, that is. Get in shout refugee and you are a shoe in. Sad indeed.
  7. Oh boy, now that is funny. Reading what you just wrote, now I do believe in the 9/11 conspiracy. Why didn't other buildings close to the towers not have the same thing happen to them as did building #7, and come tumbling down. Building #7 appears to have been a planned explosion also. And why was all the steel from the towers removed as quickly as possible and shipped to China and apparently melted down before any real investigation could be done? Looks like someone was trying to get rid of any evidence. Something is not right with this picture people.
  8. Ok. I need to see plane parts on the ground. Than you may convince me that I may be wrong here and getting the wrong information. So, where is the tail section, for instance? There still should be some big parts of the plane lying around somewhere? It cannot all have been burned up. That I find hard to believe. So, let's see some photos. Not much to ask. Cheers.
  9. Politicians, aren't they just such a bunch of wonderful, noble and honest people? Ya right. Maybe Trump can change all of that in America. Maybe one day we can find someone who is not oh so politically correct on everything. Someone who can discuss certain issues without be labelled as a racist or anti-immigration/multiculturalism. It does not seem to be hurting Trump, so what is the problem with debating those issues in Canada also? I despise political correctness. It's there to suppress opinions and points of view of we the people, and it attacks our right to freedom of speech. This needs to be challenged and changed. But who out there will be our saviour?
  10. Rubio and Cruz are just showing their true political colors. Establishment sucks, plain and simple. Attack-attack and hope that they can win by attacking Trump. It is not working. Trump is winning every primary, and the establishment is running to the bathroom every minute. They are crapping thier pants. The people that go to those primaries like and want as their President, and that says it all. They want the elite cabal establishment gone. The elite cabal had their day, and they did nothing with it except destroy a once great country. I hope Trump can bring America back from what the elite have done to it. Go, Trump, go. Cheers.
  11. The Canadian media is the problem. They want to try and portray Donald Trump as a bogeyman. I do not fear him, and there should not be any fear from Trump being elected President. Surely, when we see what Clinton and Bush have done to America, can Trump be any worse? Trump calls it as he sees it, and says what many Americans have had on their minds for years but were denied from saying anything and kept out of the loop by the mainstream corporate establishment media. If you want bad, put in Hillary. Apparently, the woman has in indictment against her. The rumor is that she could be in jail in a years time. But besides that? Go, Trump, go.
  12. Yes, I do have an excellent idea as to where the majority of our new immigrants are coming from. Check with the Canada Immigration website, as I have done. There it will tell as to where the majority of our new immigrants are coming from. Approx. 80-85% of our new immigrants are coming from what we call third world countries. You can also check out Paul Fromm's website. His website can tell you all you need to know about where our new immigrants are coming from. For example, walk in downtown Toronto and look around. It doesn't look any more like the old Toronto of fifty years ago. I am not mired in anything. Just pointing things out as I see them and wonder and question why and what is going on here in Canada. That's all.
  13. There were several holes created that went into buildings behind the first wall hit by what they said was a plane of the Pentagon complex. There is no way a plane could have penetrated other buildings behind like that. If the nose of a plane hit the building and created the hole that we all saw then why didn't we see where the wings would have gouged out a part of that wall also? There was just one big hole. Witnesses have said that they saw no airplane debris. Were they lying? Believe what you want to believe. I will believe what AE911(architects and engineers)have said about this incident. I think that they are more reliable to listen too.
  14. Indeed, it was not the planes that brought those buildings down but explosives. Yet many believe the mainstream media lie that the planes brought those towers down. Conspiracy abounds here.
  15. Ya, and so was the plane that supposedly flew into the Pentagon. But yet after the event there were no airplane parts found. How does one explain that? Just one big round hole in the Pentagon which looked like a missile went thru it. But hey, what do I know.
  16. Not helping what cause? Indeed there are cities that allow planes to fly over them. There is no choice. But in New York this is not allowed.
  17. I don't understand what you mean that I know nothing about aviation? I do know that planes can fly. Anyway, anyone with any commons sense can see that those twin tower buildings were brought down by explosives. They came straight down period. No building as high as those towers were, would come straight down, they would tip over somewhere on their way down. But they did not. If you have ever watched other buildings being brought down by explosives, they come straight down. The towers did just that. There is no way that planes flying into those towers way up near the top could have brought them down. It is impossible. Firemen on the site reported that they had heard what sounded like explosions going off in the basement area. Explosives going off in the basement no doubt to weaken the steel support beams. Controlled demolition brought them down. Conspiracy is all around this event. Even building 7 came down like the foundation pillars were weakened with explosives before it came down. Believe it or not. Source: AE911.
  18. Only after the major globalist players are long gone then maybe the truth will come out. But it won't happen in your life time. And some people are still waiting to find out who really were involved in the killing of JFK. That was over 53 years ago and they are still waiting. There does appear to be another government running the world, a government that we the people know nothing about. It appears to be a well guarded secret. Aw well.
  19. Maybe you should care and try to make those Americans happy who do believe that 9/11 was part of a conspiracy. Silverstein, the owner of the twin towers, took out an insurance policy against the possibility of a plane flying into them. Well golly, it did happen. And planes are not allowed to fly over or near the city. And no one seems to be able to explain as to how those towers came straight down as if they were demolished by explosives. And why did another building in the same area called building 7 come down just like there was explosives planted inside the building? Interesting, eh?
  20. Did you ever think about the possibility that you can pay people to lie? It does happen quite often.
  21. How is having an all black school going to change them in any way? Will the be taught the same education as the rest of the other pupils in other schools? Will the test scores be lowered to accommodate them in passing and getting a job? Indeed this multiculturalism program that was foisted on Canadians by Liberalism only ever offers disunity, and never unites. With the Liberals constantly running the country I would not be surprised if every different ethnic group out there ends up having their own schools. In BC I believe that there are some Punjabi schools allowed. Who is next? Yup, multiculturalism, isn't it wonderful? It sure knows how to unite people together alright.
  22. Well, we can certainly thank the Conservative Party and Harper for getting rid of that draconian communist Sec.13 of the Human Rights Commission Hate law which kept people from expressing their right to express an opinion. This law was given to Canadians as a gift against freedom of speech by the liberal party that you so love and keep telling me that they believe in freedom of speech and democracy. The liberals have taken more rights and freedoms away from we the people than the Conservatives ever did. And yes, I can speak against the government and it's actions but for how long? How long will it be before the liberals bring back another version of Sec. 13 Hate law? Who gave us the gun laws that we have today which allows Police to enter a person's home without a warrant and take that persons gun away from them. The Liberals. The police cannot go into a pedophiles home and seize their computer without a warrant but they can go into a farmers home and take his rifle. I do not and never will trust the Liberals with my freedom. They have proven to me several times that they are not freedom lovers. They will do anything they can and create new laws if need be to shut up anyone whom they disagree with. We are living in some of those communist countries you mentioned above but it just has not gotten to the extreme that they have done in those dictatorships. I would like you to tell me the names of some of those ultra right parties so I can view them for myself, plus others here who may wish to do also, so we can make up our own minds as to what they are all about and whether they can be considered to be ultra right or not. Go ahead, please make my day. Or if you do not wish too, than how do I know that they are out there at all? Or are you just saying that? I believe that the reason why these so-called national parties get bad reviews is because of the corporate controlled globalist media who can and do make or break a party or group if they so wish, and the majority of the people will listen and believe many of the media lies. The majority of people never really do any investigation of their own to find out if the media is telling the truth or not. Many so-called right wing groups are well meaning but all the media has to do is label them as Nazi or racists and it's almost certain they are finished. Again people will believe the media labeling and stay away from them. After all, nobody wants to look or appear to be deemed a racist or Nazi. The media knows how to manipulate peoples minds very easy. It really does work too.
  23. Yup, no proof it is Russia yet but let's all jump to conclusions and blame it on Putin. Every time the mainstream try to blame something on Putin, they lose because he is not behind anything. Just a bunch of American propaganda.
  24. That is why I listen to alternative news also. Sounds like something you also should do. Then you will understand as to where I am coming from. Thanks to alternative media, I can now get the other side of the story that the mainstream controlled media will work hard to ignore and keep me ignorant of the facts and wrapped up in their grasp. I read and listen to both sides of the story. I guess from your response you do not. Aw well.
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