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Everything posted by taxme

  1. I ain't got time anymore for the liberal/socialist lies and fake news from the fake and phony establishment media. I do my research and I have found that the main scream media do not tell the truth nor give any facts. Just nonsense and constant politically correct establishment news.
  2. I believe that Canada will have to start to think like Trump, and start to get rid of plenty of in the way of business rules and regulations that hurt businesses. Canada needs to start to think about more freedom, less government, and less taxes. Canada will have to start to think conservatively. There are many programs and agendas that can be cut or abolished. We can survive but we need to think like Trump does if we want to get along with Trump. There can be no other way out. It's join or die.
  3. Then it will be replaced by another liberal party. Whether they are called conservative or NDP or whatever will not matter. Ontario needs a Trump to straighten out and to drain the swamp of liberalism. Ontario voters need to smarten up and needs to get rid of the crooked political party's that have been running Ontario into the ground with it's political correctness and multiculturalism, and stop trying to promote the ridiculous gay and other perverted life styles.
  4. Aw bull. They got scared so they surrendered. Apartheid didn't end because of the Soviet Union or Cuba. It ended because of all the sanctions and boycotts that were done by countries like Canada, USA, Europe, Australia, and so many more to try and end apartheid. The communist ANC was backed by western countries to destroy white apartheid. Since the end of apartheid, 70,000 white people murdered after apartheid was abolished. Some progress, eh?
  5. Let's be honest here. The conservative party is not a real conservative party. It is a liberal party dressed in conservative clothing. Why? Because they all think and act and pretty much carry on with the same programs and agendas as does the other. Whether it will be JT or some new conservative party leader they will all adhere to political correctness and multiculturalism, and will keep flooding this country with the third world, and refugees. Canada means nothing to them. All they are interested and concerned in is money, power, and trying to keep up with the Aga Khans of the world. The conservative party is smart enough to know that in order to gain power one must speak political correctness and suck up to every minority in the country. So, don't worry about the conservative party if they ever did come to power. All Canadians will be doing when they foolishly vote is to replace one JT liberal party with another JT liberal party. In Canada it will always be the same old, same old because the majority of PC Canadians like it that way.
  6. You said that "zionists don't all think the same way". Well, I say to you that all pro-white activists don't all think the same way also. So, what's your point for speaking before you think?
  7. Truth be known there are no best candidates for the job from any party in Canada. They are all just about being politically correct, and that makes them all unworthy of running a country. I don't see a Trump in any of them. The closest to Trump may be O'Leary or Leitch. The rest are all just talk and they always keep repeating the same old bull. They offer nothing new and only want to keep feeding we the people with the same old politically correct multicultural garbage. They fiddle away while Canada burns.
  8. Indeed. All of our PM's these last few decades pretty much have all been from Quebec. Ever read the book "Bilingual Today, French Tomorrow" that was written over 40 years ago explaining how the french will take over Canada. Voila. It is just about here.
  9. I know as to what I would do if we could go back and do it all over. It would be bilingualism for Quebec, and the rest of the country will be unilingual English. There, problem solved.
  10. Common sense and logic appear to be missing a lot around here. Too much emotionalism, and foolish politically correct talk.
  11. Just two more days to go before the inauguration, and then all the communist nonsense will hopefully be a thing of the past.
  12. So just where or how are those websites I mentioned supposedly spreading neo-nazi material? Go ahead make your day. I anxiously await your reply.
  13. The good old WASP days are pretty much gone along with it's past culture and traditions which are being attacked every day by the anti-WASP establishment. Canada is now being resettled by a new batch of immigrant settlers that are coming from lands that have nothing in common with Canada and it's present day way of life and values. It would be nice if we could dial back to 1964 but I kind of doubt that will happen. Most Canadians are not all that much interested in trying to hang on to their past/present Canadian culture. Sad indeed.
  14. It would appear as though all the Americans that voted for the Donald didn't seem to have a problem with what Trump has done or said in the past. Of course they all have learned by now that most of what the American media says is mostly all lies or they take things out of context. And the applies to the Canadian media also. Shocking.
  15. Not a very multicultural looking bunch in those days. I wonder if that is what Americans mean today when they say that those days were the good old days? I know that in Canada those days were the good old days. Aw well.
  16. The sheeple that I am referring too are the ones who don't take the time to bother to check out as to what is being told to them. The ones that listen to the main scream media all the time and will take for granted that what is being said has to be the truth. They cannot or will not believe that a politician or the media would lie to them. And thanks to Trump that fake and phony main scream media and politically correct politicians have now been exposed to them that they can and do lie and pretty much so all the time. But hey.
  17. It's the same old, same old from people like you. Anyone that you do not agree with, and has a different opinion and point of view to yours well they just have to be a bunch of screwballs or lunatics. So much for trying to debate with a person like you. Try and remember that not all things posted on youtube is all lies. Hello.
  18. If you bothered to take the time to listen to those "whackos" you might learn something. But knowing you from most of your replies you appear to be one of those people who only will listen to one side of the story. Most likely too lazy to get the other side of the story. Too bad for you.
  19. Indeed. I am pretty sure that there are many Canadians who may have something to lose when Trump becomes President. It appears as though the liberal elite establishment here in Canada appears to be concerned about a Trump presidency. Aw well.
  20. Off topic alright. Just go to Youtube, and there you will get many opinions and websites to go to as their are many who do not believe that planes brought down the Towers or did the damage to the Pentagon. Don't believe me. Check it out for yourself. Are you packing for Mexico yet?
  21. The people who voted for Trump did not hold their noses. They held their noses up high in the air, and knew who they wanted as their new president. It was the liberal/democrats and people like you that got their noses all out of joint over Trump becoming president. Now they appear to be having a problem trying to breathe. Good.
  22. Trump is not well liked here by most of the sheeple here in Canada either. They have been listening too much to the fake and phony American and Canadian liberal media propaganda who have convinced the shepple that Trump is the big bad bogeyman.
  23. I would like to see more deportations happen in Canada also. Let's make Canada great again.
  24. Maybe/maybe not. No one knows for sure. But I am dam well sure that planes could not bring down the Twin Towers. So, do you believe that an airplane hit the Pentagon?
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