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Everything posted by taxme

  1. So sad that they were disappointed, eh? Well, I know that here in BC women by the tens of thousands every year go across the border to go shopping at some American clothing store. What would they do without American clothing stores? Hey, they then will be forced to have to buy Canadian. Yikes.
  2. Hey rue, are you calling me a white supremacist? And if so, explain why? The story line was about women off and running to demonstrate against Trump. No men mentioned in the story although I am pretty sure that some Hillary loving men will be there too demonstrate, and hopefully none will be carrying a man purse around their shoulders. I am with Trump all the way. All the politicians in Canada put together could never match up too a single Trump. No comparison. I find that our politicians are to whimpy, politically correct and too multicultural for my liking. I cannot think of any politician that we have ever had in Canada that was anywhere close to a Trump. I enjoyed watching Trump pretty much telling the reporter from CNN to go fly a kite. Now where did we ever see a Canadian politician tell a reporter to basically go fly a kite in Canada. Canada needs a Trump like politician who will put the Canadian liberal media party in their place. Is there a wannabee Trump somewhere in Canada? It's for sure that if he/she is there and comes forward the media party will attack and try to crucify him/her relentlessly. There will never be allowed another Trump to come to power after Trump in North America. The elite globalist will just have to wait for now until the next American election eight years from now where they hope that they can get a Hillary/Obama kind of person to run for President. There should be no more Trump's after the Donald. Personally, I don't think that Canadians give a dam about Canadian politics anyway. Look who they just put in as PM for Canada. They are just to interested in themselves and what is good for them, not the country. The zionist elite will make sure that no Trump like politician will ever become the PM for Canada. That is a given.
  3. That is what happens when men gave women the right to vote, and enter politics. Silly men. Now we have a bunch of feminist men running around with man purses on their shoulders, and trying to pretend that they are women in men's skin. At losing approx. 35% on my Canadian dollar, I doubt that I will be going to the States all that often.
  4. The Canadian media is so boring that they have to keep reporting over and over again about the Russian hacking. Report it a couple of times and then drop it. But the Canadian media won't let up. I guess what they are trying to do is stir up the pot for those who still would like to have a war with Russia, and get Canadians to root for it. There can be action in Canada in regards to politics but the Canadian media will only pick and choose what it will be. There are plenty of patriotic Canadians that could stir up a lot of political crap, but unfortunately for them they are not allowed to be heard from. They are censored like they do it in Saudi Arabia, North Korea and China. It's interesting about Trump and how my three grandchildren are all against Trump. I asked them as to where did they get this dislike for Trump but they would not say. Either they got it from their parents or in school. I did not pursue it any further. I would not be surprised if they got this hatred for Trump from school. Our school system is so loaded with anti-conservative liberal/socialists that it would not surprise me if that were the case. Aw well.
  5. Why an American election seems to have been big on Canadians minds is most likely because of the Canadian media.The media got the Canadian public all worked up. They kept butting in and voicing their concerns and opinions about something that was none of their business. Nothing else exciting happening in Canada to talk about I guess. But for some Canadian women to go bonkers over who becomes President is beyond me. And for these women to go so far as to go to some American cities to demonstrate against Trump just shows sheer stupidity. No one really cares now. The election is over, and it is time to put the election behind them, and live with Trump as President. Hillary and Obama are gone. Live with it for gawds sake. And we have to wonder as to how many illegals like that Canadian woman were able to vote for Hillary and get away with it all these years?
  6. Trump is too smart for them. He will never become anybody's puppet unlike just about every other politician who needs some kind of backing to get into politics. It's not cheap to get into politics these days. Anything that the liberal/democrats try to get on Trump will never go anywhere. All they keep doing is just keep shooting themselves in the foot, and yet they appear to enjoy the pain. Trump won, the Hillary losers lost. Get over it.
  7. I am not afraid of meeting people from other countries. And I have been too Mexico, The Carribeans, Egypt and Turkey so I have been around. What I fear is that my white brothers and sisters will become a minority in their own country one day. Why is that a problem with you? I have no problem with non-white immigrants coming to Canada. I have a problem with the non-white numbers coming to Canada. When 80% - 85% of our new immigrants are coming from the non-white world, and that is what I have a problem with. I see the country that I grew up starting to disappear, and become a new one, full of people that I have nothing in common with. I don't like what I am seeing, ok? I will admit though that I do like eating Asian,Thai, and some East Indian foods for a change. I get tired of eating Canadian foods at times. See, I do get around.
  8. Well, I do feel a lot more comfortable around my own people. I must be a racist then, eh? Yes, I want a wall built, and I am going to get Trump to pay for it.
  9. British and European immigrants built up this country in the beginning. The non British/Europeans came along later on. Now those people are now starting to take over and become the new immigrants, and beginning to replace the earlier ones. It's not my head that is in the sand. Now go clean out your ears, and try to understand as to what he being said. Stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. You will eventually get what you want. More diversity and more multiculturalism, and you will get to see white people become the minority. I am sure that you reading this will make your day, eh?
  10. What the hell is going on with some Canadian women these days. It appears as though some Canadian women are planning on going to some American cities and maybe all the way to Washington, DC and join in a campaign with other Americans too demonstrate against Trump becoming President at his inauguration. There are suppose to also be some demonstrations going on in some Canadian cities. Some Canadian women feel that they have to be heard, and want to make a point that Trump is not fit to be President. Well bully for them. No one will care as to what these Canadian women will do or say. It will not change anything. Trump will be the President and that is that. They are not going to change Trump and some of the things he has said that may have offended some people. His supporters do not seem to care what he says. They still like him. And what the hell is it to these Canadian women anyway? Their opinions and points of view will have no bearing on the outcome. They are just trying to involve themselves in another countries affairs which is none of their dam business. There are human rights being committed in many countries all around the world who's leaders have committed a lot of human rights violations against their people but where do we see these same women demonstrating against those leaders. North Korea and Saudi Arabia are big violators of human rights. We don't see any Canadian women by the dozens or hundreds demonstrating against these dictators and communist bullies. The only time we ever see Canadians demonstrate seems to be when the media says something about someone or some group that they oppose, and then get some Canadians all worked up, and have them go demonstrate against those people or groups. These poor foolish women have been conditioned and brainwashed by the liberal fake and phony media into believing that Trump is the anti-Christ. I thank gawd that these women are not running Canada although we do have one woman in Ontario and one woman in Alberta who are pretty good at messing up the economy and everything that is decent and moral and who certainly know how to blow taxpayer's tax dollars. This demonstration will just be a waste of time but don't try to tell these women this? They are way to liberal minded and with liberals they are very hard to convince that what they are doing is wrong. Common sense and logic does not exist in the minds of liberals. But bigotry and intolerance certainly does. These women need to get over the election, and stop listening to the lame duck fake stream media who has them all worked up over nothing. The media is making fools of these women and no doubt some men also. Source: A small local Vancouver newspaper. I think that Bush/Cheney will like to read this one.
  11. Ya, too many Japanese that look like Japanese. No problem there. They don't want anything to do with multiculturalism there, especially muslims. Smart people indeed. Silly people here in Canada.
  12. I know that we are really getting off topic here but all you have to do is to go on the internet and see what is going on in Europe with the muslim immigrants. The muslims do not want to assimilate but take over, and they will force the Indians to assimilate also if they did one day take over Canada. You should know by now that we are not dealing with people who will negotiate any terms except to force us to accept their terms. Believe it or not.
  13. So you believe. I believe differently and that those two mentioned will destroy Canada. The so-called knuckle draggers are just putting out the signals of what those two mentioned above by you will eventually come to pass. Those two you mentioned have cost the Canadian taxpayer's billions of tax dollars that have really done nothing for Canada and it's unemployment problems. They only made things worse.
  14. If the Natives think that they have/had it rough with the white man running and ruining their lives, wait until the muslims take over. The muslims will no doubt be a lot harder on them. But it would appear as though Trudeau has not given this much thought. His cabinet shuffle will not be good for the native Indians or the ordinary Canadians. All trudeau is doing his re-arranging the deck chairs and preparing Canadians for the eventual future collapse of Canada.
  15. Then or now really makes no difference. It will still be the same old, same old with that liberal gang of misfits. It will still be a tax and grab of the sheeples money for the liberals to blow on more of their pet projects, programs and agendas like climate change, refugees, and multiculturalism too name but a few things that will do nothing for Canadians except make them poorer.
  16. Now I hear that the refugees who have just recently arrived in Canada are now trying to get some of their families to come to Canada. So, are all those new Syrian refugees working now, and are they now able to support their relatives if they can get them here? I doubt that very much. I guess that they have told them how wonderful Canada and Canadians are. They tell them that Canadians give us free room and board, have a great welfare/medical system, and give us money to buy things. And if they cannot find a job then we just have to make many babies and will get money from government for having them. Eventually, we may be able then too take over Canada by having lots of future muslim followers. To bad that so many Canadians do not see what is happening to them and their country. But then again, did Canadians ever really cared anyway? Source: CBC TV News Channel.
  17. Personally, I don't really care as to who trudeau shuffles around. It will make no difference for Canada or ordinary Canadians. But times should be good for big liberal donors.
  18. Because someone who dislikes some one else of another race does not need to be called a racist. Just because one is a pro white activist does not have to mean that he has to be called a racist or is even a racist. If someone does call himself a racist then yes call him a racist. He deserves it for his saying so. The word racist sounds demeaning and especially demeaning when it comes from others of that same race. I can assure you that I will never get an ulcer from calling myself a pro white activist or someone calling me a racist. I just see the ignorance in that person. I might get liver problems from saluting myself from having too many shots of scotch and saying cheers though.
  19. Welcome to the new Canada. I remember when papa trudeau back in 1980 when the liberals were elected as the government, and in his victory speech to Canadians he said "welcome to the new Canada". And we see today what he meant by saying "welcome to the new Canada", and how the third world immigration has become a big part of that welcome. We are being taken over by the third world but to mention this gets one called a racist and anti-immigrant. Yes, that will be enough for today. Tomorrow we will get more of it.
  20. I am pretty sure that Canada will be getting a lot more Somali immigrants and refugees coming to Canada very soon because of this guy's appointment to the immigration department. He will probably try to flood his department with those Somali immigrants. Many more Somalis coming that will most likely end up on the taxpayer's payroll, and help to bankrupt the welfare and medicare systems. I believe that Western Europeans and Australians will be having a tougher time trying to get into Canada now. That I am sure is a given. Multiculturalism(white genocide)is in, and white western immigration will be out. I too believe that his interests will come first before Canada's or Canadian peoples interests.
  21. Sure you can think or be a racist and hate whomever you want to hate just as long as you don't say anything that appears racist out in public square. Then that is where the the crap hits the fan, and you are labelled a racist, and attacked for supposedly being a racist. So no one really can say or be a racist because like you say, one may end up with an ulcer. Calling myself a pro white activist has pretty much got me labelled as a racist.
  22. As long as the politically correct fake and phony liberals are in control Ottawa will never shape up. Ottawa would rather ship out the old Canadian ways and culture to please the rest of the world and their cultures. Now Muslims are starting to make Canadians accept their ways of doing things and that we must assimilate into their cultural ways of doing things. If a country will not fight and stand up for it's values and traditions and culture and allow others to have equal status to their culture then that country will be eventually doomed for takeover by another. Muslims will never assimilate but they will try their hardest to make the host countries people assimilate into their cultures. As you said immigrants or refugees who do not want to assimilate into Canadian society and culture then they should go elsewhere. I am glad that we still have people like David Menzies around who have no fear of telling it like it is. Faith Goldy is great also. I miss the Sun News Channel that was once on the air. I am pretty sure that the liberal elite globalist establishment had a lot to do with them going off air. The CRTC didn't help much either to help keep them on air. But then again look who controls the CRTC? Liberals.
  23. I guess coming to Canada didn't do them much good for their health conditions, eh? Maybe if they join the Canadian culture and ways of doing things their existing problems will go away. I guess the advice of the doctor will not sway their boss controlled husbands. I guess most of the muslim women haven't yet learned that they don't really have to cover up anymore. They are now living in Canada, don't they know. Muslims only want it one way? Their way. All else is infidel nonsense. They say that Sikh religious women will not wear a bathing suit at the beach because their legs are covered in hair. Yee gads. Scary thing to see for sure. Thank god that Christian or some non-Christian women have beautiful shaved legs and that we are able to see their glowing hair in the sun. Western culture is the life for me.
  24. Better go buy one for yourself if you think it will work for you.
  25. What I am trying to convey here is that there are too many people on drugs where there is no need for them to be on any drugs. It is then just pushed on them because they ask the doctor for some pain relief pill for what ails them. If you think that big pharma has your interest at heart, well like they say, I do have a great deal on some swamp land for you. I have nothing against drugs being used where they are needed for certain illness or injury. But people do not need every pill that is on the market. Some are just plain useless, and given to people to make them feel that the drug will work for them. That's it.
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