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Everything posted by taxme

  1. A wall would help make and create a great work project for some of the 2 million unemployed Canadians out there. Hopefully the government doesn't decide to hire some of those illegals. Knowing our politicians, hey, it would make sense to them. Now that would be some joke on Canadians, eh?
  2. No money to build a wall. All money gone to support illegals. Can you help with some money? Can you talk to the Donald for me?
  3. Whatever Trump does is good enough for me because he knows how to do the right thing. Illegals are criminals, and they should be treated as criminals. Try crossing into Mexico and see what happens if you try to enter there illegally. You are either thrown out of the country or thrown in jail. But nobody here whines or cries about that, now do they? But Trump wanting to do the same is such a big crime. You don't seem to have the slightest concern about people from other countries entering Canada illegally, and sucking off our social services, do you? Maybe after say a million illegal refugees cross the border, maybe then you might start to get and show some concern, eh? Geez, I would hope so.
  4. Sure our politicians will make sure that the integrity of our Canadian borders will be secure and taken care of. Are you one of those people who still believe what a politician tells you? We all should pretty much know by now that politicians will tell you one thing, and do another. And the fake media always goes along with them and supporting their bull. I am not prejudice or racist. I am just a concerned Canadian patriot who is not afraid to call it as I see it. There are probably thousands of illegals in Canada right now. So much so for our securing of the borders. Continue to dream on that our politically correct politicians will do the right thing for Canada and Canadians. It is more like they are more concerned about the rest of the world, not Canada. Canada will always be seen as a sucker country and full of foolish Canadians who will always be led a stray by our fake politicians who will always lie to them and treat them with contempt. The only time a politician will be truthful is when it is politically correct to be so. And their being oh so politically correct is never good for Canada or Canadians. At least that is how I see things these days.
  5. Good luck with that one. Maybe make Mexico pay for it. After all, I am pretty sure that there are many Mexicans in Canada illegally. Hey, you never know.
  6. Well, what more can be said except that you can continue to go with your sources for news, and I will continue to go with my sources for news. Faith Goldy has reported many times on many crimes having been committed against young girls and boys by muslims. Is she lying about those stories? Maybe, maybe not. But according to your reply she must be lying. I don't know why you would believe that she is lying when the stories that she has reported on were all true stories. Personally, I think that you have a bias against anyone trying to tell the truth. I dare you to accuse Faith Goldy of bias. I think that she would quickly run many truthful circles around you, But hey.
  7. I never make up stories. I would make a lousy liar anyway. I would be caught in seconds. I try and do a proper research, and do my homework as best that I can. I just don't take everything I read willy-nilly being reported as being true or false. There is a lot of fake news going on out there, and they need to be questioned and challenged. Sure I could screw up, and say something that later came out to be found out not to be true after all but a lie, and I will admit that I was wrong. But so far, so good. I don't believe that I have lost a battle yet.
  8. The Rebel and Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley and Faith goldy for some Canadians to listen too. They will cite what you want to know. And You tube is full of stories to give you all the evidence you require.
  9. Recently in the Canadian news there have been many reports of so-called refugees crossing into Canada at the Manitoba border from Minnesota. The numbers have ranged into the hundreds, and it is believed that this is just the beginning of what is too come. With supposedly 12 - 13 million illegals living in America right now, and afraid of now being deported, it is rumored that incidents like at the Manitoba border could be just the beginning of some of those millions trying to flee into Canada. What I am afraid of is trudeau. Will he or some government official one day be at the border welcoming them into Canada with open arms. I believe that trudeau is refugee and immigrant crazy, and has said that he is willing to take in many refugees from America if need be to escape from deportation under the Trump plan for removing illegals from America. Where and when is all this madness going to end with our open door immigration and refugee fiasco? How long must it take before Canadians start to take this immigration crazy policy of ours serious? Canadians are constantly being swamped with so-called refugees who are going to start to drain our social and medical services and infrastructures and environment dry if there is no effort made too at least have a moratorium put in place for awhile. One refugee who made it to the border got frostbite and had to lose some of his fingers. Now that he is here, it would appear as though he won't be able to work as a result of losing some of his fingers. Will he now be on welfare forever at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer's? With trudeau I think that he will be allowed to stay, and who most likely will remain on the welfare payroll for the rest of his life in Canada. What a deal for Canada and Canadians, eh? Our Canadian immigration policy needs a common sense and logical overhaul, and not this continuous emotional and bleeding heart liberal pro-immigration nonsense that is putting Canada and Canadians into a deeper and deeper debt. Canadians need to stop being oh so political correct and speak up before we all end up on welfare. How then are we going to run Canada as a country? Canada becoming a third world socialist country doesn't sound or look at all that great too me.
  10. Most European countries crimes have gone up since all these so-called migrants started immigrating to many European cities. Rape alone has gone up significantly in Sweden, and all due to the new refugee guests.
  11. I didn't hear or see that kind of response on TV from Sweden from the main scream media. And besides why would I want to believe reports from Swedish politicians or the Swedish media anyway? They most likely are lying in order to cover up the real non-fake stories about what is really going on in Sweden with those so-called refugees, and the crimes they are committing. Their media reminds me of the North American media. They are just as good at lying as the Clinton's were. I have watched many videos on Youtube about the crimes being committed by those so-called migrants, and you cannot honestly tell me that what I am viewing on Youtube at most times is all bull chit, do you?
  12. Are you then saying that anything that is viewed on Youtube may just be all fake and false news, and anything shown on Youtube should not be taken seriously? You don't believe that Youtube can be a good source for real and true news?
  13. You are right on the button. It is our politicians that are creating all the mess that we Canadian taxpayer's are about to reap from all the bull with what these political fools sow. It is hard to believe but our politicians have become more concerned about refugees then their own people. Of course the people don't seem to mind watching their tax dollars go down the drain. Most Canadians are just an exercise in futility in trying to get any common sense and logic into their wee liberal brains. Just my opinion. of course.
  14. The people of the so-called west are being ripped off by all of these sob stories about refugees. True their may be some as you said that may be legit but they are not all refugees. Most immigrate to Canada to take advantage of the free ride that Canada has to offer with all of it's medical and social services that is offered if they can get in. And they are getting in by the thousands every year, and the Canadian taxpayer's are forking out hundreds of millions of their tax dollars to give them a home in Canada forever.
  15. I get most of my stories from Youtube, and The Rebel/Ezra Levant website among many others. The videos that I watch on You tube have shown actual events that have recently occoured, and I have no reason to doubt those videos that I am viewing are reporting false or fake news. Stories that I never see on the main stream Canadian media. All one has to do is go to Youtube and punch in Swedish rapes and other associated crimes involving so-called migrants in Sweden. I hope that answered your question.
  16. Maybe Trump didn't see whatever was coming at him from trudeau but Canada may have to pay a price if trudeau thinks that he is going to be able to pull a fast one anymore on Trump. I don't think that it is a good plan to try and get on the bad side of Trump. You will lose in the end. Trump knows how to handle smart azzes.
  17. Good point. I guess that all Canada can do now is to send customs officers to every country on earth where they can stop those illegals in their tracks from getting over here. I think that it would be a lot cheaper then allowing the illegals to get over here and then start sucking off the system taxpayer's which has been costing the taxpayer's of Canada hundreds of millions to baby sit just about all of them for life. A make work project for Canadians. Works for me.
  18. The fake main scream media in Canada refuses to tell Canadians as to how many women in Sweden are being raped every year by Syrian refugees. Sweden has become the highest rape country in the world. Their police and politicians tell the women that they should not go out alone at night by themselves. So, Swedish women have to hide and lock themselves away in their homes at night, and all the police and the politicians seem to want to do about the rapes is sweet nothing. Pretty much saying to the women that it is your fault you got raped. They know the problem but they just keep on bringing them in. And where are the men? They should be out there protecting their women. They hide also it would appear. Thanks to puzzy liberalism and socialism and multiculturalism it would appear as though they have turned men into wimps and cowards. Men today are fast becoming to feminine and are acting more like a bunch of women. Indeed we are in grave danger but do the leftist politically correct politicians really care? Me thinks not.
  19. This needs to stop. No one needs to have dual citizenship in Canada. This farce has been allowing new immigrants to come to Canada, and after they are here, and get their citizenship they go back to their country from whence they came and go to work there. Most Canadians are so clueless as to how the rest of the world thinks, and makes fools and suckers of them. Bloody amazing indeed.
  20. Reports on The Rebel by Faith Goldy tells of incidents where young Syrian boys are beating up on Canadian girls in a Halifax school. It is obvious that these boys are being led to believe that it is ok to beat up girls in Canada by their parents. Trudeau has made a big error here by wanting to bring too Canada 50,000 Syrian and other refugees from other countries. Hey trudeau, which females will be next, eh? Personally, I don't think that you really could give a dam. Pathetic.
  21. Common sense and logic should tell anyone who can think that if all the money being sent to Haiti is not working for them well isn't it time to stop with the foreign aid?
  22. With this present day PM of Canada nothing will ever change with him. With him all he appears to want to do is open the border flood gates and let them all come in. When it comes to immigration the guy is clueless. Canada is flooding this country with every kind of culture, religion, traditions, heritage and languages which in time will destroy this country if it is allowed to continue. The clock is ticking away. Our British and European ways and values are slowly being replaced. It's wake up time.
  23. So, just how much more foreign aid do they need then? Enough already. Now it is time for you to start showing some concern for Canadian seniors, veterans, kids going to bed and to school hungry. Our hospitals and medicare are going broke. Canada and Canadians needs need to come first, not strangers needs. Haiti has received enough Canadian tax dollars and it needs to stop now.
  24. A billion dollars down the drain. CIDA is a waste of taxpayer's tax dollars. But yet you can't seem to figure that one out.
  25. The suckers and fools here are the ones who keep donating their dollars. Haiti should be a paradise by now to want to go and visit but sadly it is not. This 70 million is gone down the drain thanks to our foolish politicians who continue to show contempt for the Canadian taxpayer and their tax dollars, and to the foolish Canadians who believe that this money is going to be of any help for the Haitians. There truly is many suckers being born every minute.
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