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Everything posted by taxme

  1. I agree. What happened in the past was tragic but I think that the Indians are better off today than what they were living under in the good old days. If the Indians of today want to bring back and live in the past than let them go for it but I doubt that they will give up all the toys that old whitey invented and they use today that they did not have back then. But we must admit that the Indians of today are far better off than the ones that lived hundreds of years ago. Obviously, old whitey did a lot of good things for them to help get them out of their poverty way back when. Liberals just love to always bring up the past just to stir up the chit.
  2. Here we go with the word "white" again. You forgot to throw the word racist in there.
  3. Trump at some of his rallies before he became president always said that he is not a politician. Trump could have not been much clearer than that. Indeed politicians do lie. That is a given. Canada is full of lying politicians as far as I am concerned, and it is impossible to try and get the truth out of any politician. They will try as hell to never have to say the words yes or no. It seems that once someone becomes a politician they learn quickly that they must omit those two words from their vocabulary. Don't believe me, watch one sometime.
  4. I say right wing when what I really mean is hoping to see a true conservative party come to power that believes in more freedom, less government, less taxes. And Trump does not call himself a politician. The word politician has lost all credibility in today's society and world. We now just have political correct puppets on a string who will only follow the ones that pull their strings. No politician today will ever say that they believe in freedom of expression, wants limited government, and less taxes. Canada is in deep doo-doo. Rob Ford was not a puppet on a string like the rest of the Toronto politically correct city council are. The rest of them are all classless intolerant leftists liberals.
  5. Liberals always remind me of communists. It's their way or the gulag way. Liberals are so full of intolerance that when confronted with some common sense and logic and even the truth they prefer to just ignore you and just continue on with their emotional rants and name calling. Liberals are truly an exercise in futility.
  6. What are you talking about? There has never been any right wing party's in Canada. There has only been liberals or liberals in conservative clothing or the socialist/communist NDP. As far as I can remember all political party's always have towed the same politically correct line. Here in Canada we are not allowed to have our own Fox News channel. We had one that came close to it was The Sun News channel which was eventually removed by the elite that run this country off the air. The establishment liberal elite could not allow any channel that would dare to expose their NWO agendas and programs on Canada and Canadians. Leftists are way too much for me. They are nothing more than a bunch of intolerant liberal bigots that are getting away with destroying this once great nation. Canada needs a right wing party and leader that will Make Canada Great Again. I can only hope and pray that I will get to see that day come before the liberals finish this country off for good.
  7. Indeed, Trump will be good for Canada. Although BC becoming the 51st State of the union is starting to sound good too me. Sad, but true. BC being a part of Canada is starting to become a Province of illegal refugee criminals, and Canada one day may have to start rounding them up, and kicking them out. But that will probably have to wait until we can get a Trump PM for Canada one day. Fingers crossed.
  8. They already have infected Canadian culture and values.
  9. Indeed. I wonder how many of these Canadian anti-Trump, anti-American intolerant liberal bigots go down to the USA to shop or vacation? They just love mocking everything America but find it very hard to mock their own country, and the problems it has, and is starting to have. Many Canadians just love butting into other countries affairs, especially American affairs. What more can be said.
  10. Ya, that should work putting up warning signs all across Canada. Expensive though. Signs should say STOP you cannot enter Canada illegally. Problem solved, right? I am pretty sure that should stop all those illegal refugee criminals wanting to enter Canada. I feel so much safer now.
  11. Obviously, you are a liberal pro-third world mutlicuturalist, and I am not. I am a patriotic Canadian who will fight to keep Canada Canadian. And I also come from the old stock where we did not have all these problems in those days with this multiculutural nonsense. Immigrants that came here before the sixties were just happy to get here. They learned how to become Canadian unlike the immigrants of today who do not want to assimilate, and accept the old stocks values and ways. They want me to assimilate. Bull to that.
  12. Give them an inch, and then they will try to take a foot. Liberalism is dangerous to any countries culture. They love trying to destroy a culture and then try and replace with a worse culture. Welcome to liberal la-la-land Canada.
  13. No doubt, pro-third world PM was probably behind it. One would swear that this PM and his daddy were out to destroy our British Canada and Canadian heritage, traditions, and culture. It would appear as though those two have always been in favor of flooding Canada with the rest of the 3rd world to destroy our western culture, and ways of life.
  14. The problem is that when these new immigrants come here some of them demand that we accept what they left behind. No way. When a new immigrant comes to Canada they must assimilate into how things are done in Canada. This bs multiculturalism is what is the problem. These new immigrants are being told that Canada is a multicultural country and that they need not assimilate. In a sense, yes, Canada is a multicultural country where many immigrants from many countries came to Canada to live here. But that should not mean that Canada has to accept all other religions, languages,traditions and cultures and to be on par with Canadian culture and how things are done in Canada. As the old saying goes "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". So, when in Canada do as Canadians do. Become Canadian, and not try to carry your past lives in what ever country you came from, and try to foist them on the host Canadians. Canada speaks English, and is a Christian nation, and learn to live with it. What you left behind is your problem, don't make it mine. If not, take the next plane out back to wherever you came from. Enough of people like this MP demanding that I accept their beliefs. You accept mine. Period.
  15. They will use this back lash against motion 103 as an act of racism and anti-muslim hatred. Very rich alright.
  16. Welcome to the real Canada alright. Everyone in BC who rides a motorcycle has to wear a helmet on their heads. But thanks to multiculturalism, Sikhs don't have too. So, how is that for multicultural discrimination? Canada is fast going to lose it's heritage and traditions if Canadians don't soon start to get off their butts and start to stand up for a one Canada, and not a Canada of and for many other Canada's.
  17. You really are intolerant of other peoples opinion and points of view, aren't you? Typical liberal. I don't like what you have to say so I will attack you on whatever you say even though you have been shown that you were wrong. You need to learn that you cannot always win all the time if that is possible for you to easily accept. And you will never win with me because I use common sense and logic, and not liberal emotionalism and foolishness. I don't say that everything Ezra Levant reports is true but lot's of what he reports is true. You just cannot accept that bit of reasoning. To bad for you.
  18. Apparently, it would appear as though muslims don't think like that. I think what multiculturalism means to muslims is that we must accept and eventually adapt to their Islamic lifestyle. All others will be tolerated but will have no real and true rights under Sharia law. It will be there way or the death way.
  19. On the contrary. I am a Canadian, and I value Canadian traditions,heritage,values and culture that is under threat from all the different races,cultures,religions,traditions,heritages and ways of their doing things that I do not want to see being done here. This is Canada, not the rest of the world, and everyone immigrating to Canada needs to be made aware of this. Thanks to multiculturalism, no one really needs to become Canadian anymore, and encouraged not to do so by our different levels of governments. The only time people call themselves Canadian is when they go to apply for a new passport or when asked by a border guard from some other country as to what our citizenship one is. Otherwise now there is Indo Canadians, African Canadians, Irish Canadians, French Canadians, Chinese Canadians and so on. This all bull crap. Yes indeed, we should tolerate another person's opinion and point of view but there should be only one culture? A Canadian culture that has served Canada well before all this multiculturalism and immigration policy changed everything decades ago. This MP should have not asked parliament anything. This is just a test by a muslim to see how far she could go to get Canada and Canadians to accept her Islamic culture and eventually Sharia law to be implemented in Canada some time down the road. This will be one of many attempts that these muslims will try to get this country to accept and go Islamic. Better stop them in their tracks before they try to go any further. Works for me. This is what being Canadian is all about. To do otherwise is to be unCanadian. My personal opinion, of course.
  20. I think I know what you mean, and who is behind it, and has us all as their debt slaves. They truly are the enemy, and the ones behind the push for this marxist nonsense. Why is it that the minority always gets to rule over the majority in Canada? Laws are getting created by minorities who get to then rule and control the majority of their thoughts and beliefs. We need Citizen Initiated Referendums in Canada like they have in Switzerland where the majority can vote on whatever as to whether they want to be ruled over by a minority. Works for me.
  21. No, I think not, and I am not really concerned that this would ever go anywhere. My reason for creating this thread was to let people know that there are certain groups in Canada who will try to push thru silly azz motions like this, and to report such nonsense. It never hurts to do so. We must be on the ball for enemies like this muslim MP. And this MP is an enemy to Canada, and it's traditions, heritage, and values. There can be no argument there.
  22. And I would be out there also. How dare anyone even try to put a motion like this one forward, and maybe try to make it the law. We must be thankful for the many groups of people who have already demonstrated against this communist piece of nonsense.
  23. I gave everyone here many sources for this motion to be looked at and read. Are you trying to tell me that those websites and what has been reported on Google and Youtubs may not be factual sources because that is what I am getting from you. Even the CBC reported it. What more does anyone need?
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