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Everything posted by thepatrickblack

  1. The Canadian Medical Association has condemned the Conservative government for continuing to support Asbestos exports. This was prompted by the government’s behavior at the recent Rotterdam Convention where Canada blocked a move to list chrysotile asbestos as a hazardous substance. Article here: http://envirogy.ca/2011/09/16/canadian-medical-association-condems-asbestos-exports/ Is this wrong? If other countries want to by it, should we stop them?
  2. I heard that in polls where people were asked if Ontario is going in the right direction, most people thought it was. But when asked about MCGuinty, they hated the guy. I'm no big McGuinty supporter, he's got flaws, but I'm wondering if there's too large of a disconnect for Ontarians. Are they so upset about one or two things that they are can't remember what they do like about how Ontario works?
  3. It's a tough situation. All parties are committing to closing coal by 2014 so we need new power fast. Is the price worth it? Source on the $65 here: http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/samsung_energy_deal
  4. I've definitely heard increased health-care funding proposals from both sides of the political spectrum.
  5. Is health-care the primary Ontario 2011 election issue (like 2006)? How important, or not important, is it to you? POLL:
  6. I'm still looking for clarification on this point: that what Ford is falling a deficit, is actually just a prospective budget. Because revenues won't get tallied until the end of that budget year, it is unknown if there will be a deficit, or even a surplus. Accurate?
  7. If you haven't seen this Ken Robinson speech about schools killing creativity, do so; it's brilliant. Essentially, he agrees with letting children be what nature designed them to be. Unfortunately, schools and parents try to shove everyone into the same box. Not everyone learns or expresses themselves the same way. Children (or anyone) should be allowed to thrive in environments that best suit them Robinson Speech:
  8. Chronic illness is not something to take lightly. Chronic diseases afflict almost 20% of Ontario's population, which is why we need to assist Ontario's doctors in providing the expert, professional and timely care that patients deserve. Join the movement for better health-care in Ontario by joining the OMA mailing list on their Facebook page. http://omafacebook.org
  9. http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/green_backlash Serious question, what is your ceiling? We all want a cleaner Earth but how much would be too much to pay for it?
  10. There have got to be better ways for Ontario to save money on electricity. Stop paying other regions to take our surplus power?
  11. http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/attacking_tarrif The FIT program contains a domestic content requirement which violates WTO rules. Japan, the EU, AND the USA are taking us to court over it. Is this program dead in the water?
  12. "The Western Canadian province of Saskatchewan, which depends heavily on burning coal for power, will build one of the world's first commercial-scale power plants that will capture carbon dioxide emissions, the provincial government said on Tuesday." http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/canada_to_build
  13. Would you voluntarily earn less in order to produce a smaller footprint?
  14. What do you lovely folks think of this? Article here: http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/smart_meter
  15. You're being a bit dramatic about his green power plan. He's starting a new business. Any business has start up costs, angel periods where investors pay in big in the hopes of paying off later. Also, he's doing it so that he can ween the province off coal and kill fewer people. There are lots of things to disagree with in there (government shouldn't run businesses? Allow market forces? Coal is cheaper?) without calling it a scam.
  16. This drug is no more debilitating than alcohol and no less healthy than cigarettes. It's also not chemically addictive. I keep hearing about countries that are decriminalizing it and it hasn't changed their society much.
  17. This is a serious question. Right now, citizens in the UK are rebelling against an (over?)aggressive green policy because of high energy bills. Article here: http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/green_backlash So, think about it. Everyone supports a greener Earth but what is your price?
  18. I support a lot of other things, people, and ideas in addition to the troops. I expect they will also receive funding from the bumper sticker account.
  19. Article here: http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/Nuclear_plants I know the article references Ontario plants but Canadian plants are CANDUs anyway, so I think it's widely applicable. So what do you think, are you safe living next to one?
  20. There are good and bad nuclear plants. Some are old and need replacing. Canadians plants have been giving a passing grade according to this report: http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/Nuclear_plants
  21. Agreed, pick one. I think it needs to do only one thing well and that is educate children. The other issue for me is energy. Are we getting the Darlington nuclear plants? Are we continuing with the Green Act? We need a 'better energy plan' - http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/Nuclear_plants
  22. The Ontario Power Workers' position on the AECL sale. http://abetterenergyplan.ca/#/news/strong_aecl
  23. I would rather we ignore such behavior.
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