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Everything posted by WestCanMan

  1. There are liars, damned liars, and stats. In order to arrive at a number like 3.7%, all that they had to do is call every single person carrying a sign somewhere a 'protest'. A far more accurate description is "Almost every single BLM protest which had over 500 people and lasted until after 10pm turned into a violent, destructive riot."
  2. Canada isn't the only country where that happens. NoKo and China do it too.
  3. Rebel News reporters don't go to jail yet, but they do get physical smackdowns and constant lawsuits.
  4. As usual, people will be allowed to cross the border illegally with no problems. That's probably the way to go now. We should all just go back and forth across the border like that.
  5. Lying and playing stupid just to antagonize people isn't a legitimate hobby. I can't believe you even admitted to that.
  6. Now you've forgotten about the BLM riots. You live in la-la land.
  7. I never said anything about you being evil, for the most part your debate points here are just incredibly stupid. QM is bordering on evil though, with his Trudeaupian fantasies about how all of the scandals were just harmless misunderstandings and his battle against covid was life-saving and brilliant. It's past the point of being dishonest or stupid, he's completely whitewashing the history of a scandalous and dangerously fascist PM.
  8. Repeating something stupid isn't something to brag about. You'd have been better off staying silent. She is charged with "Being responsible for 1% of the damage and 0% of the violence that the BLM leader caused, without all of the lies and incitement." She is a political prisoner by definition. Your stupid comments don't change that.
  9. Really? But leftists thought that it was such a huge controversy when some protesters put signs up on the Terry Fox statue. They didn't even destroy it. Are all leftists fuckin retarded? Holy Kool-Aid Batman, that's some duuummmmb shit right there. Have you ever heard of sayings like "A stich in time saves nine" and "Avoid it like the plague"? Trudeau did the exact opposite during covid. He just said "Covid won't really get here" and waited for it to get here. He let planes pour in from China, he let the people walk everywhere here freely, and then a week after the Chinese visitors were finally stopped from flying in, Canadians weren't even allowed to walk outside in public parks. That's. Plain. Fuckin. Stupid. You literally couldn't botch it any worse than that if you tried. Then he didn't order any US vaccines. He wanted Chinese vaccines. But the Chinese ones apparently sucked, and then we were last in line for American ones, so he poached 1.9 million vaccines from the 3rd world charity pool. The liberal MSM was ok with that. I think their quote was "F those n____s". Ok, they weren't honest enough to say it out loud, but their actions yelled it. Those great protectors of the poor said "Let's steal from the poor. They can all go to hell." Then he said "we won't have a gesundheitspass", then he brought in a gesundheitspass and forced people to take the vaccine even though we all knew that they didn't need the pseudovax by then. Canada wasn't saved by PM Stupid, Canada was saved by virtue of the fact that we're socially distanced geographically. The population of Alberta rides the NYC subway every day. I know that you don't understand the significance of that, but don't fret, the info is just there for other people to see. Our pandemic response was a joke. By the time we started doing anything to fight it we already knew that it was a pandemic of the geriatric. Covid deaths aren't the greatest tragedy in US history. People who were about to die, died. The people who died of covid are the same people that died of the flu for the last 5,000 years. Basically all they did is lower the requirements of what was considered a flu (covid) death to "was sick within the last TWO WEEKS". FFS dude, it's a massive deal when foreign influencers confer benefits on our elected officials. Instead of spending Christmas with Canadians, Trudeau was biting a Saudi pillow and killing the Canadian energy sector. OMG dude, do you think that Clifford Olsen just massaged kids a bit to hard and then lost track of their bodies? Trudeau didn't just "ask the AG". Trudeau CREATED A LAW specifically for SNC, tucked into page 560 of an omnibus bill. He tried to force the AG to use it. He fired her. He used attorney-client privilege to stop her from talking about his crime. SNC isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to all the jobs he killed in Alberta. He didn't do that for 'Canadians'. Not even for Quebecers. He did it for a company with a court-documented history of bribing people who could help them get what they wanted. Google Michel Fournier. He got $2.3M for helping them win ONE BRIDGE CONTRACT. What Trudeau was helping SNC get access to was the ability to bid on $150B worth of infrastructure spending. You didn't even mention the WE scandal. They gave his mom half a million dollars, then he gave them a sole-source contract for $1B. Bill Morneau had to resign because his daughter made $30k a year there, less than 10% of what Margaret Trudeau hauled in. Trudeau is a scumbag's scumbag. He's a lowlife piece of shit with no redeeming qualities.
  10. None at all. But the law is simple: you're not allowed to have the US gov't's confidential information on a private server. She did. She was ordered to turn in her server by a congressional subpoena, she had it destroyed two weeks later. Lesser folks served actual jail time for lesser crimes. Even Gen Flynn served jail time for less than that. Luckily her husband, the former Dem POTUS, just happened to be gassing up his airplane at the exact same airport at the exact same time as the current Dem AG, Loretta Lynch, the weekend before they decided whether or not to prosecute. Oh wait, that wasn't a big deal. They were just talking about their grandchildren, which, in Bill's case, were still just "Chelsea's ovaries". What a weird convo. Dipshit leftists still believe it though. Were the people who were let into the buildings at Capitol Hill by police offers innocent until proven guilty? How have they been in jail this whole time then? Why are the people who attacked the WH while Trump was in it still in jail? Just kidding, they weren't even arrested. Why did Artur Pawlawski spend 51 days in jail? Almost two months in solitary confinement? He was guilty of far less than Hillary. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2022/april/pastor-artur-pawlowski-spent-nearly-two-months-in-solitary-confinement-for-inciting-mischief There's video of M Brown's uncle (or stepfather) in Ferguson yelling "BURN THIS SHIT DOWN! BURN IT ALL DOWN!", and there were riots where "shit was burned down" right after that. How did he not go to jail? That's orders of magnitude worse than what Pawlawski did. Stop playing cute QM. You're borderline evil now.
  11. Stokely Carmichael died in 1998. I didn't even look up all of those other people. Are you talking about a bunch of people who were jailed for protests before I was born, back in 1968? I don't really care about those people, we're not comparing ourselves to 1963 or 1491. There's nothing we can do about that now. The demand to lock up the woman who lied to the FBI? The one who was known to have committed a felony? The one who then went on to destroy evidence after it was subpoenaed? That Hillary Clinton? Why would anyone lock her up? Do you know that she's been interrogated twice by the FBI for crimes that she was allegedly involved in? Believe it or not, on both instances she had a head injury and couldn't remember anything. On the two days in her life when she suffered amnesia she was interrogated by the FBI both times. Such a huge coincidence. Most recently, during her 2016 election campaign, she famously "fell while going up the stairs and hit the back of her head" before she was interrogated, and she just said "I don't remember" to every single question. Then she had a miraculous recovery the next day and had perfect recall for the rest of her campaign. She even aced the first debate with Trump (she was actually caught cheating there, with Donna Brazille). Do you know that 5 of her associates were given immunity in that instance, even though they never gave the FBI any evidence or intel? Since when do the police give up something like that for nothing? It doesn't happen. I didn't expect Hillary to go to jail, but she was guilty by the simple definition of the crime and her obvious mishandling of confidential information. She should have been found guilty. Leftists are dumber than cows. It's unbearable trying to talk to such simple people.
  12. We get compared to other countries. We jail protesters for political reasons and most other western nations don't. I guess the US actually does as well, but only the Jan 6th ones go to jail there.
  13. According to multiple sources, they're the ones who killed the 15,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbas in the years between 2014 and 2022. Or maybe they did the majority of the killing. Who knows what to believe?
  14. You need to stop playing stupid like a world champion. You need to understand that the leader of BLM in America was responsible for over $10 billion worth of looting and destruction that is still a long way from being repaired. Two dozen murders. Thousands of assaults. Over 2,000 police officers were injured. The loss of revenue from the BLM riots was larger than the total economic impact of blocking the Ambassador bridge by orders of magnitude, but it's small potatoes compared to the damage from BLM's burning and looting. BLM's leader got rich as a result. She wasn't charged or convicted of anything. The leader of the Freedom Convoy in Canada was responsible for zero assaults of civilians, zero murders, zero shops looted, zero cops assaulted, zero cops injured, zero statues torn down, zero statues defaced, zero buildings burnt down. She didn't get money at all. She did go to jail. So in America they allow lethal protests, which you support. In Canada you go to jail for protesting peacefully, but only if your protest is against a cause that the PM is in favour of. If your Canadian protest is far more damaging, but it's in favour of a cause that the PM likes to virtue signal about, you won't go to jail. It's called "Political Prisoners 101". The Nazis supported violent protests, like Kristallnacht, much in the same way that the dems and Libs supported the violence and carnage of BLM. Protesting against the Nazis got you beaten up, thrown in jail, bank accounts frozen, much in the same way that protesting against our Supreme Leader gets you beaten up, thrown in jail, bank accounts frozen.
  15. OMG, so there was no scandal? Who knew? I thought that the PM fired an AG for not using the DPA law, and appointed a lackey. Oh yeah, I'm also right and you're an apologist for our fascist PM. Justice was thwarted. The lawful governance of our country was thrown under the bus. A first nations lady and stand-up Canadian was unceremoniously turfed for doing the right thing. Your description of those events is entirely lacking in candor, to a disgusting extent. 1) Fixed it for you. 2) In case you are actually unable to make the connection for some reason - the fact that Trudeau unlawfully exerts control over the AG and RCMP has a lot to do with why a judge turned Tamara Lich into a political prisoner.
  16. She looked 85, but she was only 49 or 50-something iirc.
  17. I'm talking about the definition of a political prisoner. How could I compare the definition of a political prisoner in Canada with the definition of a political prisoner in Canada? I used another country as an example. Do you understand that QM85? So, in some countries, people are thrown in jail for things that are considered to be part of a healthy democracy in others. For example, if Tamara Lich organized a protest in the US which was an affront to Donald Trump's policies, she definitely wouldn't have gone to jail. She wouldn't have been considered a loser for protesting against vax mandates if Trump initiated them in the US. She'd be considered a social justice warrior, and a hero. When Trump was president, and BLM actually was destroying entire communities, he never sent any jack-booted cops to beat people up after they surrendered peacefully on their knees. He didn't declare martial law. He never froze any bank accounts. No protesters were killed when they attacked the WH while the President was in it. If there was a peaceful, friendly Freedom Convoy-style protest in the US, Trump would have gone to speak with them. Protesting is sacred right in the United States now by comparison to Canada. By the standards of western democracies, what Tamara Lynch did was small potatoes. By comparison to what BLM did in the States, the Freedom Convoy wasn't even a real protest. It was more like a folk festival. If you insist that we can only compare it to something in Canada, compare it to the rail blockades. The CN mainline through Ontario was blocked, along with a lot of other blockades. CN had to lay off hundreds of employees. Via Rail laid off 1,000 at the beginning, then suspended operations entirely. Protesters blocked BC ferries main routes. They blocked bridges. They blocked roads. They blocked our main seaports. They destroyed rail infrastructure. When Andrew Scheer called for a response to keep our country running, Trudeau had a meeting with the other opposition parties and barred Scheer, the leader of the opposition. Fascist much? After all of that, who was charged criminally? Some people were arrested and let out the next day. 200 FB accounts were temporarily suspended. That was it. By every reasonable measure, Tamara Lich is a political prisoner.
  18. You have a post to reply to up at the top of the previous page... One which you can't just slough off with some whining about Trump. Are you a man or a mouse? Squeak up.
  19. These are children with their heads in the sand. They don't understand the difference between lawful, peaceful protests and violent riots - they only see those things through the prism of their political ideology.
  20. You don't know how the justice system in Canada works, do you QM85? The PM will just replace the AG if the AG doesn't do his bidding. How does a judge ever get promoted to federal court if they run afoul of the PM/AG? The PM controls the RCMP - they beat down reporters who the PM doesn't like if they get too close to something that they're not supposed to report on, and he shuts down investigations into his own misconduct. And they beat up people who protested against the PM's human rights violations after they had surrendered on their knees. We don't even have legitimate cops in this country anymore. It's a joke. And you're acting like a judges ability to vote is someow proof that we don't live in a Canana Republic? The PM controls the media, what do you think happens when a small-time judge goes against the Supreme Leader? The man who can freeze bank accounts and force millions of people to take a dangerous pseudovax?
  21. Can you explain to me how Tamara Lich is guilty of more than the leader of BLM? (A) How much property was destroyed by BLM protests vs Freedom Convoy? $10,000,000,000.00+ vs $0.00 (B) Basically a lesser version of (A). Again, $10,000,000,000.00+ vs less than $0.00. (C) Obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property... Obstrction was the very least of the damage caused by BLM, it's not even a consideration in the damage estimates, but it would still be far more than what was caused by the Freedom Convoy, even if you include the blocking of the Ambassador Bridge. BLM overran a police station and held it for weeks, claimed sovereignty over part of Seattle for 3 weeks and murdered a child there, laid siege to a federal building in Portland for 100 days, attacked the WH and lit the adjacent church on fire, businesses entire downtown areas were closed and boarded up for months on end although that didn't prevent them from being looted & burned down. (D) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property - LOL. Does killing people count as interfering with the lawful use of their property? Does assaulting people and customers at their businesses count? Does burning down their business count? It sounds like BLM was guilty of far more than mischief. So tell me QM85, if Tamara Lich isn't a political prisoner then why is she facing such severe (by your own account) charges compared to the BLM leader, who was guilty of far more? To say " far more by several orders of magnitude" is an understatement - it's a division by zero equation. We both know that it's because leftists supported the BLM protests, they even pushed the false narratives that kept the protests going... In two instances they even withheld video evidence that would have diminished the rioting. So this is clearly a case of allowing extremely illegal riots which supported a racially divisive leftist cause, and punishing a legitimate & peaceful protest which was about protecting the most basic freedoms of Canadian adults and children. If it's not a political issue, then... if the Freedom Convoy killed some people, assaulted thousands of civilians and cops, burned down cities, claimed sovereignty over a few city blocks, had some bogus "Freedom Police" murder a child and then clear the crime scene of evidence, and they had an angry mob trying to attack the PM in his own residence, would Tamara have gotten off without any charges? Did the BLM leader just get away with it because the DOJ in the US was afraid to prosecute her for her obvious crimes? Should Freedom Convoy v 2.0 include a massive swath of death and destruction in order to be considered lawful?
  22. Congratulations sir, you seem to have made a post which is 100% legitimate.
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