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Everything posted by CITIZEN_2015

  1. Great post. I have been very concerned about lack of proper screening to weed out bigoted, racist or hateful or women haters. This does not apply exclusively to Muslims but it does to a large extend. There are many non-Muslims in Islamic country (those who are Muslims only in their birth certificates but not in beliefs), simply having the unfortunate luck of being born there and also some (though rare in my view) who are progressive but in my view the majority in some Muslim countries fall into neither category. There has been a significant increase in immigration levels past 8 years with little and no screening and we already witness the consequences. I am very concern for the future of this great country I have chosen as my home and has been my home for decades. You wish to see future Canada then look at France today!! There is nothing racist about his post. I am afraid by calling a post like this racist you suppress similar posts. This is a free country. We live in democracy because our veterans made sacrifices so that we live in peace and democracy.
  2. I am going out tonight with this banner with a poppy pinned next to it. Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we live in peace and democracy. Bless their souls.
  3. I have been telling you this again and again/ You and anyone else is not listening. majority of Iranians hate Arabs. They are regarded as enemies. The imposed regime of Islamic republic is not representing Iran or Iran nation/ They are a separate entity. THE WEST MUST HELP THE NATION OF IRAN (by non-military means, the 8 principals I stated), TO TOPPLE THE REGIME AND THEN PEACE WILL RETURN TO MIDDLE EAST AND THE WORLD. CUT OFF THE HEAD OF OCTOPUS. The regime wants the worlF to think they still have lots of support inside. But this is a lie. They pay lots of money to the MERCENARIES so that they take part in pro-regime or anti-Israel demonstrations to show the world that most of nation are with them. In spite of generous rewards to the traitors and mercenaries (and government employees will be fired if they refuse to take part) they have not been able to gather large crowwd in recent years. That is because the nation is in the middle of a revolution. the Woman Life Freedom revolution and the nation of Iran needs support deom democratic world to topple this terrorist regime. WOMAN LIFE FREEDOM.
  4. Iranians are being taken hostage by a bunch of terrorists called Shiite clergy who rule by terror and torture and murder and those actions extends to children too. Many children most of them teenage girls have been raped and murdered by Islamic republic mercenaries. As for the question, Iranians believe that Israel is the only friend they have in the Middle East. They Arabs have proven again and agian that they are the enemies of Persians by their invasions and even trying trying to change the name of Persian territories like Persian Gulf and Khuzestan into Arabic names. Iranians see Arabs and Palestinians as enemies and have demonstrated many times against the regime's support for terrorist Palestinian grous. They see that whilr their country being the riches they live in poverty. Why because the imposed regime is giving away their wealth to fu*king Palestinians and other Arab terrorist groups. Victory to Israel Death th Hamas. This is the news I posted a month ago.
  5. I wouldn't put so much emphasis on white color of skin but rather the right culture. I have myself a very white (pale) skin and in comparison to over hundreds I yet to find anyone with whiter skin then myself though I would not judge or ban people based on skin color alone but what is under that skin. There are also many white Canadians who beat up their wives or girlfriends and hate or attack gay and lesbians. Those with inferior cultures alien to our culture of respect for women and equality for all and respect for human rights and other religions and other sexual orientations must be banned from entering Canada no matter what skin color. It is true that based on this a good majority from Mid East and Africa and Asia will be banned but believe it or not there are also some who may have been born there (by no choice of their own) and be even more progressive than white Canadians when it comes to above criteria.
  6. Multiculturalism is fine as long as we bring in the right cultures and that excludes those who are hateful, women haters, islamo-fascists, terrorist supporters. Europeans are much more culturally compatible with Canadians than Middle East and Africa or Asia so why the majority of recent immigrants are from non-compatible cultures? The white culture of Canada should be preserved in my view.
  7. Please refer to my earlier post describing the 8 principals the West has to do to help to topple Islamic republic without the need for a single shot. The nation of Iran will topple the regime with the help from the West. To star, STOP helping the Iranian regime by giving money to them/ The nation of Iran will not forget or forgive.
  8. Hamas is just a leg. The world biggest terrorist organization is the Islamic republic. The West must help the nation of Iran to cutt the head of this snake.
  9. Nothing short of completer overthrow of Islamic republic will solve Mid East problems. Cut off the head of the octopus. The legs will remain active if Trump just kicked the head. CUT IT OFF.
  10. He accomplished nothing. At the end he wanted to sit with the murderous islamis republic and talked to them in order to raise his election numbers, He was all talk and no action. Old and arrogant who refused to accept the election results and took the US to the brink of civil war or chaos.
  11. Well this is what I consider extremism and yes it happened a few centuries ago whrn Christianity was 1600 or 1700 years old. Considering that Islam is 1400 or 1500 years old then it has had less time to evolve. I am sure in 600 years there will be no extremist Muslim or very rare too. Apart from time of evolution, see what Christ stood for. He stood for love and sacrifice. He sacrificed his life with all the pain he took to save us. He took our sins upon himselves so this was the kind of person he was. So clearly the religion he represents cannot possibly stand for terrorism and hate and bible clearly bans that.
  12. And he accomplished nothing. Islamic republic remained fully in place and more united. Things may have been different if he had chosen to help the nation of Iran who is starving for democracy to overthrow the fu*king mullahs.
  13. Just tell me who the Muslim world don't hate that Jews should be the exception. They even hate themselves as why Syrian refugees have to come to Canada because no Muslim nation wanred their Muslim brothers and sisters.
  14. Listen blackbird. You are preaching to converted. The way you presented your response to my post, I think very strangely you think I am defending Islam or the extremists in Islam. Not sure where on earth that assumption has come from. My only guess is that you have not read any of my posts in other threads. In my post you responded to, I never said there are more Christian than Muslim extremists. That would have been stupid. I said there are extremists in every religion.
  15. Unfortunately we have to take another 2 years of Trudeau because of NDP-Liberal pack which Liberals do everything they can to hold as they know if election is held now they will be eliminated.
  16. The white supremacists groups too have their beliefs based on bible or Christianity.
  17. Immigration officers can be trained to screen out potential problem makers. It is not 100% bullet proof but it would be much better than what we have now. I can easily screen out based on the way they are dressed, their behaviour and the questions I will ask during my hour long interview.
  18. I am saying there are extremists in all religions and this is a fact. There were christians too who not long ago viewed Jews as Christ killers and gased them. There are priests who committed crimes in the name of Christianity like Islamic clergies. There are Orthodox Jews who still grow long beard and observe strictly outdated traditions. Who believe they are the chosen people and everyone else is inferior. In all religions there are elements of hate. That said Islam is the only religion which was spread by war, invasion and hate and that is because it was originated in the desert of Arabia where before that they were burying their daughters. Among barbarians.
  19. I certainly don't know about what Koran says and doesn't say but as you said it yourself it is even split among Muslims themselves when it comes to controvercial issues like this. From what I have heard Koran respects believers of religions before it. As for those who don't believe in God, I don't know, I think there are moderates and extreme Muslims like like any other religion or idealogy so keep the extremes out. There are also many citizens of Muslim countries who are not Muslims or practicing Muslims or believe in what Koran says especially when it comes to women's issue like a majority Iranians and Turkish population. We cannot ban them simply because they happened to be born there and if we do it will be racism.
  20. No it is not racist. Not at all/ We don't say all Arabs or all middle easterns must be barred. We say screen based on beliefs and behaviour. Same as we don't allow in people with criminal background. These who are women haters or who do not believe in equality of women or respect for other religions or back terrorist organizations or lack respect for human rights should be banned from coming to Canada. This does not include all Muslims or all Arabs or all Africans or all Indians but yes a good portion of them and some Europeans too and those individuals must be barred coming to this great country. Keep the trash out.
  21. As usual you try to twist my words. I meant if you are supposedly a good guy you are not supposed to justfy acting evil by saying that I am justified because bad guys did it too.
  22. No, because Israel is supposed to be a democracy pr the good guys not Syria or Saudi Arabia UNLESS you admit that Israel is as bad as murderous Islamic republic or Assad of Syria or Saudi criminals?
  23. Ceasefire will allow humaneterian help reaches the desparate people trapped in Gaza msjority of which are women and childrem. Israel ground offensive can resume after a brief ceasefire. It is the wrong immigration policies mainly since Trudeau was elected. Keep Islamists out of Canada or we all will pay heavy price. Keep the trash out. Canadians do care but afraid to speak out. Afraid of being accused of racism. Now that Trudeau has brought in Islamophobia laws is even worse.
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