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Everything posted by crazymf

  1. I'm a redneck and I resent that accusation. You should substitute 'self centered a**hole' for redneck.
  2. Yeah, maybe on second thought, Saddam shouldn't have been hung. Maybe they just should have cut out his vocal chords so he couldn't communicate with his followers, cut off his nuts so he couldn't breed, cut off his fingers so he couldn't write to his followers, and then stuffed him back into his rathole to live the rest of his life in peace. Yeah, maybe they were a bit tough on him.....
  3. Well, I'm disapointed in this crew. I thought I came up with some very colorful tortures for old dic-tater. I'd have thought some of you would have added to that. After all, the guy was a mere tin horn dictator of a non world power. His whole scene and the Iraq war will be a mere blip on the history scope someday. I did like the 'hung well' comment, or should it have been well hung? ...especially after the calf got through with him.
  4. I don't think you'll get much support for your view frankly so we'll leave it be. Comparing Saddam to Bush is ridiculous. Granted, Saddam was elected democratically, although there was only one name on the ballot.
  5. Theo, I believe that the end justifies the means in this case. Personally, I feel they should have dropped a grenade in the hole and then filled it in.
  6. Comeon...... No matter how you slice it, the guy is way overdue for this. Let's not bicker over how. And maybe you're right. After all, I have no control or voice in the proceedings. I'm just part of the cheering section like everybody else. Don't tell me some of you would have cried over Hitlers death??
  7. Don't forget that even though the USA had the guns pointed, it was the Iraqis that put him on trial and ultimately will carry out the sentence.
  8. In this case they should hang him, shoot him, put honey and ants on him, let a few weening calves at him, bamboo under the nails, fart in his face after eating cabbage and drinking beer, and then have Hillary Clinton give him a big wet one on the kisser. And THEN, they should hang him by the heels and give him a hundred lashes, inject borg nanoprobes in his veins, and make him watch CBC news non stop for a week. Then they should get that little guy in the back pack on Ace Ventura Pet Detective to beat him up and eat him. Seriously: We wish you a merry Christmas and a haappyyy nneeewww yyyyeeearrr!!!! Bye bye Saddam.
  9. I thought income tax was supposed to be a temporary fix after WW2 to get the country going again? It would seem to me then that our long lived income tax must be the most charitable donation to the government that we must all endure, except indians.
  10. We're starting to think about looking for labor elsewhere in the country as well. Newfoundland perhaps? Or are they all in Fort Mac already?
  11. Two sayings come to mind: When the USA farts, we smell it. Even a dog doesn't bite the hand that feeds it. Our society is completely integrated already with American society. Thank God too so I don't have to watch the cheesey cop dramas filmed in Vancouver all the time. The almighty Ameribuck certainly has a lot to do with good times here in Oilberta. I hope things carry on for some time to come, at least until I retire because I have too much money.
  12. I have no experience there, but often wondered that exact thing. People under the screw for so long now are free to make choices as never before. I assume it's major growing pains while the checks and balances of society work themselves out. Argus, I believe the Chechnya thing WOULD have made Stalin proud, but then he would have said, "Hey, watch this.", and then wiped it off the map including the surrounding countries as well just in case they had some Chechnyans in them. Putin just isn't in the same class of villains as Stalin, IMO. Same shit though, just a smaller pile.
  13. I've mentioned it before, but I think Canada should contract out the prison system to another country such as any South American or central american state. Let them handle the prisoners and just send us a current photo every month or year so we'll send a cheque. It'd be cheaper and I would bet my last dollar that the reoffense rate would plummet.
  14. The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed! Ok, Ok, I know this isn't serious debate material. I thought it was funny.
  15. Yeah I guess. But I'm not a lawyer. That's what I think about lawyers. I don't debate on legal grounds. I can debate on electrical, emotional, dog training or musical grounds. Those I know about.
  16. Yep. It all boils down to: Life is what you make of it.
  17. Drea, You didn't say if you remarried or not. What happened later?
  18. Why get married at all then? You can't stay married without total commitment. Otherwise you are a joke. Marriage is forever. There's no easy out. If you are willing to make that decision, live by it.
  19. You are. However, if you can keep your personal derogatory comments to a minimum, I'd be happy to chat with you.
  20. Doubtful. Many would just be two miserable people forced together. I fail to see how having two miserable adults together creates a benefit for the kids. Well, the way I see it is slightly different. If those two people would have had their butts kicked by dad when they were kids, they'd probably have the wherewithall to work out their problems and be happy. Unfortunately, they probably came from broken homes or weren't forced to be decent human beings while they were growing up. The cycle repeats. If they'd stop thinking about themselves only as such people do, and instead, sacrifice themselves for a time so the kids can see happier times, they might actually wind up being happy. I have plenty of experience working problems as such. We got through it and it's not impossible or the easy way out. The end however, justifies the means in this case. Tell me how long you've been married or why you think the way you do.
  21. Only a small part of a marriage is a legal contract. The big contract is the promise(es) that you make to your spouse on that day. The continual commitment to the marriage at all costs is what makes it work. After almost 25 years, I'm reaping the benefits of having made it work. Financially, emotionally, sexually, whatever, I'm set. I feel sorry for the little people that can't stay the course. They have to start all over again if they fail on their marriage.
  22. If more people felt that way, there would also be a hell of a lot more miserable people in the country. Yeah, and they'd be forced to work out their problems instead of running away and being miserable anyway. Think of all the kids that would benefit.
  23. If the JP doesn't give a hoot that two homosexuals marry, why would you? It would seem you have a very restrictive view of marriage. Are there any conditions under which you see that a marriage shoudl be dissolved? Adultry? Spouse Abuse? Or do you think a marriage should be forced to withstand that? Marriage has to withstand all but the death of a spouse. My view of marriage is traditional. You say restrictive. If two people don't love each other, don't get married. Once they do get married, make it work above all else. If more people felt that way there'd be a hell of a lot less confused people in this country.
  24. See my title? Redneck Albertan. Here's what it means: Marriage is a one time deal, before God, or at least a JP. The question of a man and a woman, of course a man and a woman. Queers don't count, they're queers and should live their queer lives behind closed doors. Marriage isn't to be taken lightly as it seems to be nowadays. Once you are married, it's for better or worse, not quit when things get stressful. We've been married for 24 years straight out of high school. I can't help but think less of people that get divorced merely because things aren't pretty at the time.
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