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Don Jonas

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Status Updates posted by Don Jonas

  1. The Saudi-bitch in chief is making up excuses for their murder for them. They have a pee tape too?

  2. This forum is more outright racist than I expected.

  3. Steele dossier keeps getting corroborated and the shoes keep dropping. Trump finally admits to secret Russia meetings during campaign  Lol

  4. WH spreading fake, doctored InfoWars videos of Jim Acosta to justify their blatant attempt to curtail freedom of the press. 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      I see that you care...a lot. 

      I don't...I saw Acosta being an asshole many times. Pushy fucker...to his own colleges as well as those he barks at.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. betsy


      You know clearly........ you's got!  animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif


    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      I have often wondered whether these teenage Trump supporters believe they're exercising the media literacy taught to them in schools by taking it to the extreme and simply questioning reality itself

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Presenting actual evidence shuts those smiley faces down pretty quick. :P

  5. He sends out sexually explicit pictures of himself to the Internet and they're keeping him in caucus? Wow. Low standards or what! 

  6. Racist jokes are hilarious. Did you hear the one about the Trail of Tears genocide? 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Yes, there really is no defence for using condescending racial stereotypes when calling your political opponents names. I agree. Lol

    3. DogOnPorch


      She's native in the same sense my cat is a formula one racer.


    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      That's beside the point. And nobody cares anyway obviously.

  7. Quote


    A normal compassionate person would never support him again after he threatened the people affected by the fires with withholding federal funding based on his own stupid ignorance.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. bush_cheney2004


      My state learned its lesson in 1894 (Great Hinkley Fire - 400+ dead)...California hasn't learned yet.

  8. Andrew Scheer/Faith Goldy Alt-Right double bill today

  9. Trump admin trying to cut a deal with Turkey to get them to lay off SA for killing U.S. resident by giving them another U.S. resident they too can kill. I shit you not.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. bush_cheney2004


      The only penalty for Trudeau's multiple ethics violations was public shaming.    Sorry....not sorry.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      I guess you're stuck with him as PM lol

  10. In light of Saudi Arabian murder of WashPo columnist who was critical of Trump, Trump holds a rally and praises violence against journalists and incites crowd to do more of the same. I'm not making this up.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Neither side seems to take responsibility for what they're saying. For all our supposed commitment as a society to fairness, equality and tolerance, in politics we see rather an increasing tendency towards extremism. This is where THEY ARE LEADING US.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      It's sort of a false equivalency to hold some random, anonymous, possibly fictional antifa protester to the same standard as the president, and then say "both sides" behave poorly.

    4. Wilber


      You can't justify violence on either side but the President is the chief rabble rouser for craps sake. If anyone should be showing some responsibility, it should be the goddamn leader.

  11. You can certainly see him being an angry drunk. Hard not to believe Ford's testimony

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      Really, you don't think there is and was a concerted effort to destroy him before he got to the supreme court....really? 

    3. Argus


      I don't believe in conspiracy theories without evidence. And I don't believe in appointing Mr. Angryman as a judge. What if some case makes him break down in tears again? 

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Really, Hal? After watching Ford's testimony after all your BS that she wouldn't even show up, you're comfortable saying it's all a setup? He proved he isn't cut out for the job with his tantrum. Give it up and move on. Don't reduce yourself to being a conspiritard for that guy.

  12. After spreading malicious conspiracy theories about him, Foxnews won't book a representative of George Soros to rebut their lies. #Homeofthebrave

  13. Russiapublicans are so screwed.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Amazing the extent Trumpers will go to try to change the subject from their own corruption. They're like teenagers trying to distract their parents from their own wrongdoing by bringing up all the bad things other kids are doing. Lol

    3. betsy


      ....because, by bringing up Trump - with nothing really substantial to say (at a time when Canada is really embroiled in one disastrous Trudeau-decision after another)............I can't help but make that ironic observation.

         It's amusing too, watching your butt up in the air, ostrich:lol:

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      It's amusing how Trump can do no wrong for you. Do not accept any politician as an idol. Betsy. It will just get you burned.

  14. Another day, another right-wing terrorist. #MAGA

  15. Now I've seen everything! California women's march canceled for fear it would be overwhelmingly white

  16. DEBUNKED Expert analysis of the video explains that it was carefully slowed down and then sped up precisely to make it look like his arm moved faster than it did.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      I only care that you care, hombre.

      I'm a caring individual.

      Meanwhile, 99.9% of the people have already seen the "un-doctored" footage of this waste of time and space called Acosta without having to go to Infowars. The same conclusion was reached, regardless.

      If it was his first time being a heckler rather than a reporter, I might want to see the WH cut the fellow some slack. But it ain't...

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Yes, doctoring the video didn't help their cause at all but I guess the WH took their cue from China in media manipulation 

  17. Surprise! Mifsud, who delivered Hillary's stolen emails to the Trump campaign, is still alive after disappearing for some time. And he wants to testify. Oh noooo!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Yep. Pretty soon, pretty soon.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Do you understandthe implications of people flipping? They have to provide something in return. The information of what has been provided in return is not public yet, so it would be foolish to pretend you know ut's nothing because you don't know at all. But whatever it is, it's good enough for them to have reduced charges in exchange for their testimony 

    4. OftenWrong


      Yes it will be very interesting to see the final report. Really can't wait until it's out, so this question is put to rest, either way. In the meantime, still working on it, wait a little longer, little longer...

  18. Trump could not have done the Trump Tower deal in Russia with the sanctions still in place. There's your proof of treason right there.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OftenWrong


      They entrap the person, knowing they will almost certainly find something. Then try to get them to sing like a little birdie. The indictments are used against the person to pressure them to "fess up" on something. So these indictments themselves are not the thing, yet.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      How are they entrapped? By asking them questions and watching them lie? That's a pathetic excuse for illegal activity and treason.

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      I guess it could always be considered entrapment when you ask a compulsive liar a question, but if they didn't lie they wouldn't have a problem. The lying suggests they have illegal activity to hide, dontcha think?

  19. Think I'll go rake the forest, like the Finns. Lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OftenWrong


      For one, too much removal of species that are naturally fire resistant in place of others that have more commercial value, but burn good. People on the west coast have been warned about these things for a while now. Tree huggers may have also contributed to this problem, by insisting that old growth be left in place, that nature should be allowed to take its course. Well, nature has taken its course.


    3. Wilber


      Leaving old growth is letting nature take its course. I agree that removing deciduous growth is a mistake but most logged forest is replanted in the same species. Climate change and warmer winters have also resulted in mountain pine beetle infestations that are decimating western pine forests, adding to the fire risk.  California has been in drought conditions since 2011.

      The fact remains, you can't rake a whole damn forest.

    4. Wilber


      Trump also seems not to understand that those Finnish forests are covered in snow this time of the year, not sitting in 30 degree weather, dry as a bone.

  20. Trumper white nationalist coast guard officer plans terror attack on Dems and media. Seems like he has many aligned individuals on this site.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      It doesn't surprise me at all that a Trumper from this site would defend a wannabe white supremacist terrorist.

    3. bush_cheney2004


      Sorry, but Americans don't give up their rights just to please you.

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      I guess they did with the Homeland Security act. He's in jail.

  21. I'm part of the normal majority that considers rabid SJWs and Trump supporters to be equally insane and humorless.

  22. Remember when John Baird went on Saudi TV and said Trudeau should go to SA and personally apologize?

  23. How long before Trumpers make comedy illegal? Seriously.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. betsy


      The Trumpers?  Where have you been? 

      It's the looney left that has made comedy illegal for sometime now!!  That's old news!

      You can't make comedy out of fat people, black people, Injuns, women, lgbtqxyz, Newfie, etc..,  Only making fun of conservatives is allowed!   No wonder comedy isn't what it used to.

      Now....the looney left is out to do a hack-job to the classics!  ....and, even songs!



    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Wah. Betsy wants to make racist offensive jokes and people aren't laughing with her.

      Meanwhile, the orange dictator is trying to use his office to order retribution against political satire. There's a difference between that and people telling you you aren't funny.

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Betsy, it's not illegal to make racist jokes. When were you ever arrested for it? Don't make stuff up and pretend you're making a point. It makes you look foolish.

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