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Posts posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. 37 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    I think that's true, although to clarify - they want and need less from other people by and large.

    They are content to mind their own world and be left alone, and that makes them happy. Where as those on the left and perhaps on the far right concern themselves with the behavior of others, and demand to change or impact that behavior.  You have to be pretty hate filled to go try to prevent someone else from talking at an event - you don't see a lot of conservatives do that. 


    That kind of anger and hatred leaves a permanent mark on people, it doesn't just go away the next day.

    Meanwhile conservatives are at home eating a nice dinner and talking about their next fishing trip.  Because Fishs don't care about your Feelings.  :)  LOL

    Actually, I see quite a lot of that activity on the right too. What do you think DeSantis is doing to educational institutions in Florida. These vices are human ones. 


    44 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    the term "the most" is synonomous with "exclusively'? :) 

    Once again - the left has to lie and twist to try to make a point. Did i use the word exclusively anywhere? no? Hmmm. Did i say they tend to do it "the most"? yes.  Not the same thing - but you know i'm right and you're ANGRY i'm right so you have to lie about what i said so you can make it look like i was wrong when i wasn't.

    And you realize i was replying to your anger post ? 

    I’ll leave it to others to decide which of us exhibits more anger in their posts. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    the term "the most" is synonomous with "exclusively'? :) 

    Once again - the left has to lie and twist to try to make a point. Did i use the word exclusively anywhere? no? Hmmm. Did i say they tend to do it "the most"? yes.  Not the same thing - but you know i'm right and you're ANGRY i'm right so you have to lie about what i said so you can make it look like i was wrong when i wasn't.

    And you realize i was replying to your anger post ? 

    Would you consider yourself an angry person? Do you ever wonder whether people might see your posts that way? 

    To any genuine socialists out there - I know it’s absurd to consider me left-wing. 


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  3. On 12/18/2023 at 9:54 PM, I am Groot said:

    Focking loonies. If they came here from somewhere else they should be forcibly returned there, regardless of status. I hope the tories get in and reverse Trudeau's change in the law there so their Canadian citizenship can be revoked.

    So you’re going to revoke citizenship for what, attending a demonstration? Would that be a positive development? There might be repercussions across the political spectrum in due course. 

  4. On 12/13/2023 at 8:32 PM, CdnFox said:

    Actually, fun fact - if you look at the actual posts while they tend to have opinions, it's those on the left such as yourself who actually do most of the whining and anger-posting.  You're especally bad these days.  Conservatives might say "well it seems silly putting tampons in boys bathrooms'  but you actually freak out about it and throw out vitriolic rage-fuelled posts, whereas we find it funny and a little sad.


    Anger-posting is an exclusively lefty thing? This site shows abundant evidence to the contrary. 

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    • Haha 1
  5. The rising cost of housing is a widespread issue in the world and certainly not confined to Canada. Governments have to address all the issues involved on both the housing unit supply (e.g. zoning, planning) and demand (e.g. immigration) sides. Even then, turning this ship of a problem around is going to take years. In any case, the banks wouldn’t welcome any sudden resolution that results in lower house prices and a more precarious balance sheet for them. 

  6. 16 hours ago, August1991 said:

    Canada is a large place. Huge 

    Current immigrants - since the 1970s or so - mostly want to live where we live.


    Previous immigrants - the 1890s or so - lived in our large country. 

    Lord knows how many factors are involved there in that contrast. I do know new Canadians who dream of living in Mississauga(!) for social reasons but the changing nature of work and society also plays a role in the surge towards cities. We need far fewer farmers now as a proportion of the total population, for example, and our pulp mills are becoming a thing of the past. Well paid service sector jobs are concentrated in the major centres and young graduates seek out their own kind in the city. That’s one of the major reasons we don’t have enough GPs in the outback anymore. 

  7. Across the West, except for the US which has its own problems, the political landscape is fracturing. At Canada’s founding the two biggest parties earned over 95% of the vote - now they are lucky to break 70%. This leads to a situation in FPTP where small regional parties can earn a disproportionate number of seats, e.g. the BQ here or the SNP in Scotland. Even with FPTP the decline of the major parties means we may be headed for a lot more minority government, an inherently unstable situation other countries address with coalitions (shock, horror). 


    On 12/11/2023 at 11:33 PM, WestCanMan said:

    Tobin misrepresented 1) where the pressure from Chauvin's knee was, and 2) the prosecution also lied about the reason for Chauvin putting his knee there in the first place:

    1) He put it on the back of the shoulder area, 2) like the policy manual said to do, not "because he was a racist".

    Your whole version of the story is based on paranoia, stupidity, lies, the withholding of evidence, and Dem hate-mongering.

    Baker did the autopsy and even he said that heart disease and drugs contributed to Floyd's death. Police policy for subduing people who resist arrest also contributed to Floyd's death. 

    Your assertion that Chauvi's racism was what killed Floyd is just patently stupid, but that's also why it's your answer. 

    I never asserted that Chauvin’s racism killed Floyd. I just never said that, did I?  

    Again, you don’t seem to understand the importance of the video evidence here. I think it needs to be integrated with the pathology findings at autopsy to interpret what happened. 

    Thirdly, you need to understand that factors contributing to a death do not negate a causal link between an action by a person and the death itself. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to prosecute a person for asphyxiating a victim who had underlying diseases, and that would be very bad news for the elderly. 


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  9. On 12/13/2023 at 10:10 AM, August1991 said:

    It has always astonished me that the French regard Napoleon in a positive way. He was a psychopath.

    The Germans properly understand Hitler and what happened.


    If Europeans have any hope, it is that Russians remember that they defeated both of these tyrants.

    And the British remember that they always chose the minority side. 

    Yes, Napoleon was authoritarian but he offered the ordinary people of Europe a far better chance in life, an escape from the old way of doing things into modern meritocracy. He was an extraordinary reformer who sought to unleash Europe’s potential. If you seek comparisons, think of both Hitler and Woodrow Wilson. That’s why the British hated and feared him. They conspired with the tyrants of Europe to keep those dreadful empires going until 1918. After WWI, from Ireland to Estonia, captive nations threw off their yoke but a hundred years had been lost. 


  10. 4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    How would he know if he was having trouble breathing, right? ?

    Aside from the fact that George himself said that he couldn't breathe, the coroner's report also said:

    • When asked what he [Baker, the medical examiner who performed Chauvin's autopsy] believed caused Floyd's death, he pointed to what he called "severe underlying heart disease" and said Floyd's heart already would require more oxygen than normal. He said in the context of an altercation or restraint, adrenaline would ask the heart to beat faster and the heart would require more oxygen. He said the law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression "was just more than Mr. Floyd could take by virtue of those heart conditions."


    Just so you know, doing something 'normal' at your job, in this case "performing the textbook protocols to someone resisting arrest", which results in their death,  due to 1) their own underlying health conditions and 2) the amount of Fentanyl in their body, isn't really "MURDER: 20 YEARS!"

    Geez, who saw that coming?

    Or because there were mobs demanding a guilty verdict.

    FYI those mobss weren't demanding that verdict because of the post I wrote earlier. They already killed people and did $2B in damage. People believed them when they said that they'd riot again.

    1) Was Chauvin a racist, Dr Spanky? Is that in Tobin's report somewhere? 

    2) You’re not actually obliged to repeat low-IQ BLM platitudes anymore, yet here you are, to the surprise of no one.

    Oh my Lord. That is not a coroner’s report as you can actually see in the text you have quoted. It’s a medical examiner’s report. Not all coroners are doctors, let alone pathologists. Even in this report, the most favourable to Chauvin, a causal link between Chauvin’s actions and Floyd’s death is not denied. 

    Hennepin County medical examiner Dr. Andrew Baker testified that heart disease and drugs contributed to but didn't directly cause Floyd's death.

    …He said the law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression "was just more than Mr. Floyd could take by virtue of those heart conditions.

    If what you are claiming was true then every asphyxial death of an old or sick person in custody or during an arrest could be ascribed to some pre-existing pathology - not a situation any reasonable member of the public would like to see.

    You are still free to make the daft claim that Chauvin’s actions were normal police procedure. I will leave it to others to shoot that down. 



  11. On 12/9/2023 at 12:49 PM, Nationalist said:

    War on poverty? That's funny. You Libbies create poverty.

    Yes I suggest you go stand in front of a mirror and slap yourself repeatedly for the slavery you Democrats loved so much.

    The fact that only two political parties have run America all that time is one of many signs that all is not well down there but there have been some changes. The segregationist etc. wing of the Democratic Party in the South largely defected to the Republicans long ago. 

  12. On 12/8/2023 at 4:48 PM, WestCanMan said:

    Again, I urge you to listen to what Floyd said himself. He knew what was going on inside of his own body when no one else did. 

    People aren’t always the best judge of what is going on in their own bodies. 


    On 12/8/2023 at 4:48 PM, WestCanMan said:

    I urge you to read the coroner's statement. They are good at stuff like that. 

    Do you mean the Medical Examiner’s report? The system in that state is a bit weird and has both but I don’t think a coroner was involved here? In any case, go back over the opinion as presented at trial and explain how it absolves Chauvin of guilt. 


    On 12/8/2023 at 4:48 PM, WestCanMan said:

    I need you to understand how important a guilty verdict was in this situation. 

    What do you think would have happened if the court determined that Floyd's resisting arrest, the dangerous level of Fentanyl that he put into his body, and his own heart condition were the greatest contributing factors to his death, and that Chauvin was doing what he was trained to do (while he was followingg the Minn PD's restraint protocol)?

    I'll tell you, because there's zero chance that you get this right:

    1. There would have been more arson
    2. there would have been more looting
    3. there would have been more assaults on citizens
    4. there would be more citizens murdered
    5. there would be thousands more cops assaulted
    6. there would be a few more cops killed
    7. CNN would have called the protests "mostly peaceful"
    8. The Dems would call the protests "mostly peaceful"
    9. The Dems and CNN would call cops racist
    10. Michelle Obama would implore young kids to stay angry
    11. Kamala Harris would try to raise money to bail out violent criminals
    12. Kamala Harris would gleefully predict that the riots would last another 6 months

    Chauvin's conviction prevented communities from being destroyed, racial violence, the further deterioration of the Dems and CNN, and several deaths.

    Do you think it would be worth it to see that one trial through to it's proper legal conclusion if it was going to cost all that violence and chaos? Do you think it would be good for Biden's presidency to have to deal with that?  

    No, I won’t get that right because it sounds like rampant, delusional paranoia to me.  You’re not actually obliged to defend every bad cop in the world. 

  13. 6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    They weren't supposed to.

    If Chauvin didn't go to jail it would cost the US another $2B in riots, thousands more assaults, more dead cops, more dead citizens, etc. 

    BLM and CNN were the judge & jury.

    I can do way better than that: I can give you George Floyd's own opinion, and he's the guy who died from a lack of Oxygen. He knows better than anyone else when his blood oxygen level became dangerously low. 

    George Floyd said many times that he couldn't breathe, he felt like he was dying, he felt like he was choking, etc, when no one was touching his neck or chest, but no one believed him because it made no sense. He just seemed like a disrespectful whiner. 

    If Floyd hadn't said that himself, I wouldn't be telling you about it. It turns out that he said it for very good reason.The impression that I get from watching how Floyd was acting was obviously wrong, as is Tobin's. 

    So what's your expert medical opinion, Dr. Spanky? Was Floyd lying when he said that he couldn't breathe while he was alone in the cop car? Was Floyd lying when he said that he felt like he was choking when he was standing up beside the cop car? Was he lying when he said that he felt like he was dying while no one was touching him on any part of his body that was involved in his breathing?

    Aside from the fact that George himself said that he couldn't breathe, the coroner's report also said:

    • When asked what he [Baker, the medical examiner who performed Chauvin's autopsy] believed caused Floyd's death, he pointed to what he called "severe underlying heart disease" and said Floyd's heart already would require more oxygen than normal. He said in the context of an altercation or restraint, adrenaline would ask the heart to beat faster and the heart would require more oxygen. He said the law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression "was just more than Mr. Floyd could take by virtue of those heart conditions."  

    Chauvin was a cop, not a doctor. He restrained:

    • a guy who was resisting arrest,
    • not a guy whom Chauvin himself had diagnosed with a serious heart complication, which was compounded by the fact that he had a high amount of Fentanyl in his system.

    Again, I urge you to read Tobin’s testimony. His opinion that Floyd was killed by Chauvin does not depend on what Floyd said. He also asserted that a healthy person would have died if put in Floyd’s position. 

    On the question of heart disease, you may not be aware how common it is in middle aged men. Narrowed coronary arteries are frequently found in men over forty who die in accidents. In fact atherosclerosis is visible long before that. 


  14. On 12/6/2023 at 5:46 AM, WestCanMan said:

    They weren't supposed to.

    If Chauvin didn't go to jail it would cost the US another $2B in riots, thousands more assaults, more dead cops, more dead citizens, etc. 

    BLM and CNN were the judge & jury.

    The defence didn’t challenge Tobin’s evidence. Can you challenge it with a similarly expert opinion? 

  15. 8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    If you watch the bodycam footage, Floyd was already complaining that he couldn't breathe when no one was touching him, and he was in the police car. His inability to breathe was mainly due to his own set of circumstances and didn't have anything to do with Chauvin.

    Didn’t have anything to do with Chauvin…I don’t think anybody will buy that particular claim. 

    You have a basic problem that you fail to address. The expert testimony of Martin Tobin, which sealed Chauvin’s fate, was not challenged by a similar witness for the defence. Why were they not able to find somebody as well qualified to dispute Tobin’s evidence? 


    • Thanks 1
  16. On 12/4/2023 at 4:30 PM, WestCanMan said:

    Yeah, I've heard the theory that he was placing pressure on the carotid artery but it's not legit. The knee is too wide to apply specific pressure like that. Also, with Floyd facing away from him, the pressure of the knee was closer to the back of the neck than under the side of the chin. 

    The pressure was also up in the shoulder area, away from the chest, so the effect on his breathing wasn't all that bad. It's what officers were trained to do in the Minneapolis PD. 

    If you want to talk about the medical pathophysiology, the drugs that he took were the greatest contributing factor to his death. The fact that he was resisting arrest was the next greatest contributing factor to his death. 

    If you watched that whole arrest in real time, without the benefit of hindsight, you'd think that Floyd was a complete ****** and that officers were quite patient with him. He almost got himself shot when he was in his car, in the first 20 seconds of the incident. 

    Floyd's arrest was a case study in "what not to do when you're being arrested". 

    AFAIK Tobin’s evidence was not challenged by an expert in the same field. It laid emphasis on the restriction in breathing rather than pressure on blood vessels. 

  17. On 12/4/2023 at 11:00 AM, Nationalist said:

    An autopsy is not supposed to be an opinion. There was no evidence of Floyd being choked to death. The low life died from drugs and panic.

    Do you think it is revealed truth passed down from the Almighty? Sometimes in natural deaths the autopsy findings basically explain themselves, eg a ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aneurysm, but not in asphyxial deaths. That’s why we are having this conversation. 

  18. 11 hours ago, Nationalist said:

    "Baker's preliminary report had sparked anger after it found "no physical findings" to "support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation". The report had also suggested Floyd's had underlying conditions which contributed to his death.

    According to the report, Floyd's death had been caused by the "combined effects of Mr Floyd's being restrained by police, underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system".

    In an updated report filed two months later, Baker confirmed he had found traces of fentanyl—an opioid used as recreational drug—in Floyd's system, but stated that could not be identified as the cause of death.

    According to the documents, Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his blood, a dose that could have been justified an overdose verdict had his death occurred in different circumstances."


    Fact is...Chauvin is the victim of "social justice" instead of legal justice. 

    The medical investigation of death involves bringing together all available evidence and arriving at an opinion. That usually involves medical notes and the scene of the death as well as the autopsy itself and the toxicology report. In Floyd’s death, however, we have something else - a video of the death as it occurred. Martin Tobin examined this evidence hundreds of times to assess many things, including the changes in Floyd’s respiratory rate. In this way he was able to exclude the presence of significant fentanyl intoxication which would have depressed the rate. 


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