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Posts posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. On 11/28/2023 at 4:06 AM, WestCanMan said:

    That's right, especially when they're on certain drugs, as was the case with both Floyd and Timpa. 

    Have you read the opinion given at trial by Martin Tobin that the pressure applied to Floyd would have killed a person completely free of any drugs? Do you have some specific objection to that testimony based on medical pathophysiology? 

  2. 11 hours ago, betsy said:





    JT isn't vindicated!


    Look at the messaging coming out from the USA......and compare it with Trudeau coming out in the House of Commons!   Trudeau automatically made an accusation to the government of India, as behind the assassination (with nothing to support it).


    USA messaging refers to  "someone who identified himself as a GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE," and I think they also said, "alleged government employee!"

    Look how India responded!  They'll look into it.  

    See how diplomacy works?


    His big mouth is the problem! He doesn't understand that the world stage isn't the same as Boradway!

    India will look into what exactly? That they’re conducting a campaign of extrajudicial assassinations across the globe? You think they don’t know that somehow? That’s not how diplomacy works. When a country does that on your soil they have zero respect for you. In this particular case, the Americans are more constrained than we are. They need Modi on their side against China. 

    Again, we have no idea what evidence Trudeau had when he correctly accused the Indian government of outrageous conduct in Canada. 

  3. 19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Wow - looks like i hit closer to home than i meant to. 

    You have  a bit of  a habit of talking out of two sides of your mouth.  All i said was that as long as you're clearly separating history from hamas's decisions to start a war then that's perfectly legit. You seem to have a problem with that and freaked out.

    Lets keep this simple and eliminate any misunderstandings.  I say the Gaza gov't, Hamas, was 100 percent responsible for starting this war and attacking israel.   Do you agree with that statement or do you feel someone else shares responsibility for their actions?


    Yes, Hamas are entirely responsible for this horrendous attack. Let’s leave it at that so there is no room for misunderstandings. 



  4. 38 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    If you do it in the same breath, you're making excuses for hamas.

    Generally being critical of israel's gov't or actions is fine.  But when you imply that those actions resulted in this war (the 'vacuum' excuse) then what you're saying is that it's "understandable" or somewhat justified that this happened. 

    If you want to discuss israel's role in the whole peace process that's fine but it has NOTHING to do with the decision by Gaza to initiate a war by slaughtering thousands of civillians deliberately as a target of terror. Just so were' clear.


    Just so we’re clear, I have a fundamental problem with Hamas as I stated above. No reasonable person would regard my post as an endorsement of what they have done but this place is different. We don’t all have to follow a party line in Canada. Not yet, anyway. 

  5. On 9/19/2023 at 3:06 AM, CdnFox said:

    Yeah, and now Modi looks like he outplayed JT.  We'll wait to see if there's anything that sticks to the allegations, but it sure is bad optics now. Unfortunate timing from Justin.

    Sticky stuff is presently pouring forth from another country. In such matters going early is OK if you turn out to be correct. Looks like JT was vindicated on this particular file. 

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  6. OK, I think the evidence question can be given some warm milk and put to bed:

    An Indian national is facing murder-for-hire charges in a case of what American law enforcement are calling an attempt “to assassinate a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil,” with an alleged connection to an employee of the Indian government.





  7. I fully understand the police have a very difficult job but there’s a line you can’t go beyond. It was clearly crossed with both Floyd and Eric Garner, another person suspected of a minor crime who posed no imminent threat to the public. You can’t compromise a suspect’s breathing unless you are in mortal danger. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

    You're vile dude.

    No one intentionally killed anyone.

    Floyd is a big guy who was resisting arrest, and the cops couldn't get him in the back of their SUV so they just held him on the ground til he was calm for a while. 

    It's true that he was saying that he couldn't breathe, but he said that for the first time when he was in the car and no one was touching him, so officers didn't believe him. 

    This is just like most plane crashes and other extremely unfortunate events, where a confluence of unlucky and unfortunate issues conspired to turn a difficult arrest into a death. I.e., it wasn't ONE thing, "Chauvin's knee", it was the drugs Floyd took, the fact that officers didn't believe that Floyd couldn't breathe, his resisting arrest, his own size which gave him the ability to resist to the extent that they couldn't get him into the car, and again his own weight contributed to making it difficult to breathe when he was on the ground. 

    The common theme in all of these deaths that caused riots in the US: resisting arrest. Brionna's BF shot a cop, Floyd resisted, Brown wrestled a cop, Rayshard punched a cop and tried to shoot him in the face with a taser, etc. 

    All of those guys would have been completely unharmed if they didn't resist arrest. 

    The problem is that if you apply pressure on a person like that you are liable to kill them. Humans are exquisitely vulnerable to asphyxia in certain positions. We should be able to learn such basics. 

    And do I really have to point out that resisting arrest should not be a capital offence? Maybe on this forum. Where I clearly do not belong. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, West said:

    Right because if they did they would've faced threats from a mob over a delusion that cops are out to harm black people



    Take a look at the actual evidence presented by both sides. Ask yourself why nobody was able to discredit Tobin’s testimony. The prosecution was simply more convincing.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

    That's what you Tweenkies used as a symbol for your civil destruction. A loser who OD'ed while resisting arrest. The whole thing is a perfect metaphor for Libbie mentality. Hell they even got a lot of you to hate the skin you're in. Now is that dopey or what...

    The jury did not believe fentanyl toxicity was a significant factor in his death, ie, a person without fentanyl in their system would have died under the same circumstances. 

  11. 9 hours ago, West said:

    Far leftist who wanted to solidify a fake narrative that black folk are being hunted down by cops and aren't actually committing crimes but are being unfairly targeted for having black skin. 

    I will let his words speak for themselves:



  12. On 11/25/2023 at 6:35 PM, West said:

    No it's not at all. Chauvin never got a fair trial due to the threats. 

    And actually what the cowardly so called experts concluded was that the drug use and heart disease contributed to the death as well

    Dr. Martin Tobin, a world-renowned expert in respiratory physiology, testified free of charge in this trial because after viewing the video evidence he felt so strongly that Floyd had been killed by the police. How is he a coward, exactly? 

    • Like 1
  13. Looks to me like a pattern is emerging…


    A prominent Sikh activist who was reportedly the target of a foiled assassination attempt on US soil has accused India of “transnational terrorism” after Washington raised concerns the Indian government may have had knowledge of the plot.

    The Financial Times reported on Wednesday that the US had thwarted the plot to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an American and Canadian citizen, after the June murder of another Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in a Vancouver suburb.


    Washington has raised concerns with New Delhi that the Indian government may have had knowledge of the plot.



    I’m more than happy to blame China when appropriate but this ain’t one of those times.

  14. On 11/20/2023 at 2:04 AM, Nationalist said:

    Cheering? Nice try fool. You're nothing more than a panicked little looser.

    "Ukraine will beat Russia out of Crimea and all of the east. Russia is losing. Raw Raw Raw."

    You’re not quoting me there. I have never claimed that and I don’t know why ‘panicked little loser’ applies to me. I have no idea what will happen in the future - I suspect it’s not going to end soon - but I do know that this war is already a disaster for Russia and Putin. He thought he could finish Ukraine in days and now he is stuck. Imagine his forebears being unable to defeat Ukraine. It’s a humiliating situation for any Russian leader. 

  15. One of the issues I was prepared to listen to Republicans on was spending and the debt. These days, most US Republican pols are down with high spending but would still like to cut taxes. How’s that gonna work exactly? There are fans of Putin in the party too. And then they have the gall to talk about Leftists. 

  16. Leaving doctrine aside, the Catholic Church is a hierarchical organization and I don’t know if you can diss your boss like this and be surprised if he takes action. Praising a description like ‘diabolically disoriented clown’ leaves little room for debate. 




    And his friend Father Altman is a real live wire:



  17. 24 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    well there's plenty of evidence to suggest there could be.  And that's a problem. Whether there is or isn't is not really germane for the most part.

    it's critical that people know and have faith that their democratic institutions are solid.

    So when democrats say "there was no voter fraud" and yet we see that there may well have been much voter fraud, that's a severe problem. It breathes life into all the conspiracy theories out there about who "realty" won, and that's true the other way around as well. Caveat's like "well they didn't catch anyone" aren't really helpful.

    This issue is going to plague america for years no matter who wins

    I think this is a semantic problem, firstly. Does “no voter fraud” really mean not one fraudulent vote in common parlance? I don’t think it does. You’d have to look at the quotes in detail and find out what people meant by them. Is there an example where a senior Democratic politician said there was no voter fraud and said he meant it absolutely literally when asked about it? Anybody who maintains that is being unreasonable. 

    Given Biden’s winning margin, fraud on a large and systematic scale involving many people in a conspiracy would have been required and there is no evidence of that. This seems to have become a bigger issue since Republicans gave up trying to win the national vote and decided to try and change the voters rather than their policies. 


  18. On 11/4/2023 at 7:46 AM, CdnFox said:

    The people who say there's "no" voter fraud are as delusional and dishonest as they claim the trump 'stolen election' people are.

    I don’t know how anybody could be sure there is no voter fraud whatsoever. However, there does not appear to be evidence of significant voter fraud in US elections. 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    Disaster? Is that how you expect to excuse this fiasco? ? 

    Quick Laura, get in front of this most obvious of failures for Biden and NATO. We can still snatch victory from the arms of defeat. Just ignore that we've been saying that Ukraine will win this war. Deny deny deny.


    He expected this war to last days. Instead it’s going to drag on for years. That’s a disaster in my book. And why anybody in the West would be cheering on this monster is beyond me.

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