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Anybody catch Christiane Amanpour's CNN mini-series?


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Guest American Woman
Here's her Wikipedia entry.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiane_Amanpour

I can't believe they are showing this on CNN. The worm is turning folks.

Has anybody seen it?

I missed it, but I've heard her speak and was really impressed. So what is your problem with the mini series? All you say is you can't believe they are showing it on CNN, but you don't say why.

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I gather that the series examines violence motivated by religious belief. I suspect the reason for Higgly's astonishment is that in addition to an episode about Muslims, there is an episode about Christians and an episode about Jews as well.


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I gather that the series examines violence motivated by religious belief. I suspect the reason for Higgly's astonishment is that in addition to an episode about Muslims, there is an episode about Christians and an episode about Jews as well.


LOL!!!! Let's call it a hunch but I don't think he's worried about any criticism of Judaism. But you made my day. That was funny.

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I missed it, but I've heard her speak and was really impressed. So what is your problem with the mini series? All you say is you can't believe they are showing it on CNN, but you don't say why.

She married a Jewish guy called Rubin. See Rube, Rubin. Its like too close for comfort. Lol.

I find her very interesting to listen to. I have found her pretty much critical of everyone on all sides consistently. I can't say I have found her pro American, or pro anything. Some accuse her of being a Clinton-Kennedy sympathizer. I am not quite so sure if that is a fair thing to say but then I like her and so did John F. Kennedy Jr.

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Guest American Woman

I like her too. I heard her speak at the University of Michigan a little over a year ago, and her message was very inspirational. She's led such an intersting life, and she encourages the 'youth' of America to get involved-- in America, in the world. To make a difference. To think and act globally. To stop the self absorption and become a citizen of the world. She does think highly of America and says she came here like so many other refugees because of what America had to offer. She thinks our nation has gone down the wrong path lately, and encourages everyone to do whatever they can to help change that. I agree with her completely.

I can't imagine what she would say in her mini-series that would be objectionable, and I wish I had seen it.

Edited by American Woman
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LOL!!!! Let's call it a hunch but I don't think he's worried about any criticism of Judaism. But you made my day. That was funny.

Who said anything about him being *worried* about a piece critical of Jews?

I was just guessing that he's astonished that an American network would actually broadcast a piece critical of Jews and Christians.


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Guest American Woman
I was just guessing that he's astonished that an American network would actually broadcast a piece critical of Jews and Christians.

ohhhhhh. That makes sense. I thought he was saying that there was something wrong with the mini-series; that there was something wrong with what she was saying. I think now that I took it completely wrong-- I read "the woman is a goddess" as the woman is godless. :P I do wish I'd seen the series, though. Hopefully it'll be shown again.

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Who said anything about him being *worried* about a piece critical of Jews?

I was just guessing that he's astonished that an American network would actually broadcast a piece critical of Jews and Christians.


Yes, that is right. CNN veered sharply to the right after 9/11 and reported from Iraq using completely embedded reporters. It has gone out of its way to give pro-Israeli voices every chance to be heard while the Arab side has been muted, to say the least.

This is an extraordinarily balanced feature that focusses on extremists of all stripes. Amanpour is an Iranian by birth and provides insight into some of the often promulgated myths being spread by the anti-Arab/Iran voices in the American body politic. She correctly identifies Israeli settlement building as the single biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle East and shows a sequence of presidents from Reagan to Junior stating very clearly that the settlement building must stop. And still it continues because of a constant flow of funds being generated by the Jewish people of North America either through personal donations or by focussed harassment campaigns directed against any politician who tries to stop Israeli settlement building. She also shines a very bright light on the Christian right and shows how it too is responsible for the mess created by American foreign policy.

For those who are interested in learning more about what is going on in Iran, there was an excellent feature piece in the Economist July 21-28, 2007 edition as well

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That is an interesting sentiment, that the single biggest blocvk to peace in the middle east is Israeli settlement. I would think that large western military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as US bases in Saudi Arabia offended the extremists more.

Or are you saying that it is the biggest block to peace within irael/palestine?

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That is an interesting sentiment, that the single biggest blocvk to peace in the middle east is Israeli settlement. I would think that large western military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as US bases in Saudi Arabia offended the extremists more.

Or are you saying that it is the biggest block to peace within irael/palestine?

Extremeist will be offended one way or another. That's becuase they are extremists. If it wasn't US bases it would be Israel. If it wasn't Israel it would be Vienna.

No one should go out of there way not to offend an extremist, there's no real point.

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That is an interesting sentiment, that the single biggest blocvk to peace in the middle east is Israeli settlement. I would think that large western military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as US bases in Saudi Arabia offended the extremists more.

Or are you saying that it is the biggest block to peace within irael/palestine?

So much of the sentiment in the Arab street is driven by the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. If that can be resolved fairly, a lot of the air in the Arab resentment balloon will be let out. Up until now, Western military power has been the driver with respect to events in the Middle East. It is not working.

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And still it continues because of a constant flow of funds being generated by the Jewish people of North America either through personal donations or by focussed harassment campaigns directed against any politician who tries to stop Israeli settlement building.

The above comment I am calling out as anti-semitic. It states a negative stereotype attributed to all Jews of North America and suggests all Jews are engaged in a conspiracy with their money or as Higgly spews out byu "focused harassment campaigns" to harass politicians who try stop Israeli settlements.

The above comment is typical of Higgly's subjective negative generalizations about all Jews that are not backed up with any factual proof.

These constant slurs that lump all Jews into one category and depict us as rich and using our money to engage in conspiracies and harass politicians is typical of anti-semitic thought which tries to depict all Jews in negative simplistic terms where we allegedly use wealth to coerce.

I am calling this out as bigoted bullshit.

Higgly put up or shut up. Come on this forum and proof how you know all Jews of North America or ANY Jews of North America are doingt his. Either provide substance in the form of objective evidence or shut the f...ck up once and for all with your negative generalizations of ALL Jews.

Edited by Rue
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That is an interesting sentiment, that the single biggest blocvk to peace in the middle east is Israeli settlement. I would think that large western military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as US bases in Saudi Arabia offended the extremists more.

Or are you saying that it is the biggest block to peace within irael/palestine?

ABsolute bull. The alleged "Israeli settlement" issue is a pretense, a pathetic, transparent excuse. The biggest obstacle to piece is the decision of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the countless other terrorist cells to choose to engage in daily terrorism and you know it.

The settlements would be disbanded tomorrow if there was some way to guarantee no terrorist attacks. As long as their are terrorist attacks, Israel will be hesitant because it has no one to enter into a binding agreement with-something you are absolutely oblivious to because in your trendy leftist world, one sits and talks with terrorists and terrorists only exist because they fight settlements.

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The show I watched stated ISraeli settlements are an obstacle to peace and exasperate relations with Palestinians and Israelis. The decision by Higgly to misrepresent the show in discussion to justify smeering ALL North American Jews as engaging in a conspiracy to coerce politicians and harass them with money is his anti-semitic concept not the show's.

Settlements in the West bank are not the major obstrcle to peace in the Middle East, terrorism is and everyone knows it and no one would deny that.

No one in their right mind other then Higgly or probably Buffy believes Hamas and ISlamic Jihad and Hezbollaha and the over 500 other terrorist cells and the regime of Iran and Al Quaeda and all the other terrorists suddenly disband if there are no settlements of Jews in the West Bank.

This simplistic absurd notion that all terrorism and all problems in the Middle East can be blamed on the Jews of North America as Higgly has done has to be called out for what it is absolute and utter bull.

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She was condescending to the Christians, her hostility obvious. For anyone to compare current Christians with the daily global slaughter commited by Islam is assinine. The same for the Jewish segment, tripe fluff. Now on to the Muslim segment, well she couldn't gush about how devote and wonderful the Muslim couple were. I mean Muslims live with their faith daily but the Christians they drag their faith out on Sundays and commence living like evil sinners for the other six. I found the entire mini-series to be insulting, CNN should be ashamed at it's pandering to Islam while it made Christians and Jews look inferior. Oh-could that of been their goal, Muslim appeasement and pandering. Oh say it isn't so, but it is.

It's clear she has no grasp on what's going on globally in the name of Allah, perhaps she should visit Tailand. I'd recommend the south.

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No one in their right mind other then Higgly or probably Buffy believes Hamas and ISlamic Jihad and Hezbollaha and the over 500 other terrorist cells and the regime of Iran and Al Quaeda and all the other terrorists suddenly disband if there are no settlements of Jews in the West Bank.

WTF is this crap Rue? Really?

Stop talking for me as you never get it right.

As far as I have ever seen here it is YOU that seems to lump all Jews in with Israelis - as though all Jews are utterly responsible for Israel's actions on a governmental level. It is you who does this - not from what I have seen here any of those posters who happen to be critical of some of Israel's policies wrt the Occupied Territories.

No Rue - the lumper is YOU.

WRT the series - I ended up finally watching the whole thing. It wasn't full of any surprises for me and by and large was pretty balanced for a mainstream production. The link between the Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists is one which cannot be overlooked - as it stokes the fans of hate just as much as the Islamist extremist ideals.

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WTF is this crap Rue? Really?

Stop talking for me as you never get it right.

As far as I have ever seen here it is YOU that seems to lump all Jews in with Israelis - as though all Jews are utterly responsible for Israel's actions on a governmental level. It is you who does this - not from what I have seen here any of those posters who happen to be critical of some of Israel's policies wrt the Occupied Territories.

No Rue - the lumper is YOU.

WRT the series - I ended up finally watching the whole thing. It wasn't full of any surprises for me and by and large was pretty balanced for a mainstream production. The link between the Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists is one which cannot be overlooked - as it stokes the fans of hate just as much as the Islamist extremist ideals.

Go back and read out Higgly's words. For you Buffy read them out slowly, one word at a time. Maybe that way you can figure it out.

No Rue the lumper is you. Brilliant. I am the one who comes on this forum and makes generalizations about every Jew of North America. Yah it was me not Higgly. I wrote it. Thanks Buffy. As usual your insight and analysis makes it clear Higgly is really me. Yah its a Zionist cover I use.

No Rue the lumper is you. Love it. I respond to a racist statement so I am the one who is the racist. Brilliant. Utterly brilliant.

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Go back and read out Higgly's words. For you Buffy read them out slowly, one word at a time. Maybe that way you can figure it out.

No Rue the lumper is you. Brilliant. I am the one who comes on this forum and makes generalizations about every Jew of North America. Yah it was me not Higgly. I wrote it. Thanks Buffy. As usual your insight and analysis makes it clear Higgly is really me. Yah its a Zionist cover I use.

No Rue the lumper is you. Love it. I respond to a racist statement so I am the one who is the racist. Brilliant. Utterly brilliant.

How is it a racist statement? There are many Jews (and for that matter also Christian Zionists) in NA who contribute financially to Israel, that is simply a fact. Recall the Blue boxes? I do. They have their modern equivalents too. What's the problem?

Edited by buffycat
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How is it a racist statement? There are many Jews (and for that matter also Christian Zionists) in NA who contribute financially to Israel, that is simply a fact. Recall the Blue boxes? I do. They have their modern equivalents too. What's the problem?

How is it racist? Well gee. We refer to ALL North American Jews, assign them ALL the same thoughts, motives, agendas, political beliefs, make subjective accusations they all are egaged in one uniform action with one uniform motive and you ask how its racist?

This is why we Jews invented the expression Oy Gevalt. Someone else deal with Buffy. I responded on another post in detail to her.

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How is it racist? Well gee. We refer to ALL North American Jews, assign them ALL the same thoughts, motives, agendas, political beliefs, make subjective accusations they all are egaged in one uniform action with one uniform motive and you ask how its racist?

This is why we Jews invented the expression Oy Gevalt. Someone else deal with Buffy. I responded on another post in detail to her.

Oy gevalt? Is that like Go Gestalt?

I will deal with Buffy. You go girl!

The Amanpour series shows how much North American Jews pour financial support into Israel and attack anybody who tries to hold Israel accountable for its policies and behaviour. Large sums are poured into the campaign of their opponents. No Rue, it doesn't have to be all North American Jews. Just a lot of those who have money. Coincidentally, the same ones who have for the past 10 years been encouraged to buy homes in settlements so that they can retire to their own little piece of Eretz Israel. Especially Sumaria!

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