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A cabinet shuffle

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The Government needs a new agenda. They have lasted longer than anyone thought they would.

Look for the new agenda to be tied in with a cabinet shuffle. It won't be a dramatic shuffle. Any cabinet ministers who aren't serious about running in the next election will be encouraged to step aside to bring some new blood into cabinet.

Any thoughts on the new cabinet?

Rahim Jaffer? James Moore? Sylvie Boucher?

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Bernier to Finance perhaps? Hmmm... I'd love to see Flaherty gone, both for his dismal policy making and his unappealing nature. He can't sell a budget to anyone. He has the demeanor and appearance of a used car salesman. Bernier can at least sell to Quebec, and to business. I highly enjoyed and agreed with his academic work that I've read, on both income taxation and business structure. It was discussed before, I'm not the first to bring up this shuffle.

O'Connor is canned, without a doubt. Who to fill in? Jason Kenney is sharp, and deserves a place for being one of Harper's closest party allies. 4 ministers from Calgary will likely be too much though. Ablonczy out to move Kenney in? Prentice is in my opinion one of the best Indian Affairs ministers we've ever had (from a political view point, you all know my views on kicking the welfare to the curb).

Blackburn, Nicholson, Thompson, Solberg, Lunn, Hearn, Toews, Ambrose, Findley, Oda, Clement are all safe where they are.

Verner stands a good chance of moving to something more high profile. If only she spoke better English.

Lawerence Cannon has performed extremely well. Unfortunately, I can't see him moving to Finance or TB President, so he's likely stuck.

Baird in enviro? Ugh. Helena Guergis is looking for a cabinet spot.

Skelton should be shuffled for another woman... not neccessarily from Sask, as long as they pick up someone else from there elsewhere in the cabinet.

MacKay has been an effective foreign affairs guy. The only other place for him to go would be Justice, and I could see that move if the CPC's big new focus was safety/crime.

Stockwell Day should move up. He has been a brilliant minister, suprised even his biggest critics from the left. I'd like to see Day in as Treasury Board President, essientially the spot he held in Ralph Klein's cabinet.

How is Strahl's health? Paradis will likely take his spot if it doesn't look like he's going to be fit to hit another election.

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Harper hints that the good ship red Tory has run aground, is likely a more accurate statement. Harper, in a case like this the captain resigns and doesn't try to blame it on the crew.


Interesting question on the radio the other day. Given that we have Captain Queeg as PM how many Canadians can name the members of the Cabinet? Or half of them? Half a dozen? Three?

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Interesting question on the radio the other day. Given that we have Captain Queeg as PM how many Canadians can name the members of the Cabinet? Or half of them? Half a dozen? Three?

Stockyard Day, Joe Flaherty, Donald O'Connor, Pete MacKay, Stralh, John Baird.....

I'm done.

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Stockyard Day, Joe Flaherty, Donald O'Connor, Pete MacKay, Stralh, John Baird.....

I'm done.

Regardless of who the PM is, who ever knows more than a handfull of cabinet ministers anyways. The last five or six years of Chretien was a little different because they had been around for so long.

But it's only us true hacks that really care that much.

I'll bet you more than half the ministerial staff members can't name all the members of the cabinet.

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Interesting question on the radio the other day. Given that we have Captain Queeg as PM how many Canadians can name the members of the Cabinet? Or half of them? Half a dozen? Three?
Captain Queeg?
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It will be the new ideas that will be important for the government moreso than the cabinet shuffle. The last cabinet shuffle didn't give the government a boost in the polls.

We'll see if they come up with a new set of priorities. I'm sure crime will be an appealing one for them but they will also have to come up with new ideas in other areas as well. Some of those new priorities won't necessarily be popular and some may lead to their defeat in a confidence vote. However, if they don't make an attempt to show direction, they risk being labeled rudderless. Such is the rough water of a minority government.

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It will be the new ideas that will be important for the government moreso than the cabinet shuffle. The last cabinet shuffle didn't give the government a boost in the polls.

Yet again we here from yet another mischaracterization of polls. What about the Angus Reid poll which shows the CPC five points up on the Libs? Link That was a boost in the polls.

Nothing the Conservatives ever do helps them, gives them a boost, strengthens them (you choose your loosely defined adjective) in the polls.

Reading these fabrications you'd think the Conservatives support would be in the mid-20s.

This continual misrepresentation is sad indeed.

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That was a boost in the polls.

Nothing the Conservatives ever do helps them, gives them a boost, strengthens them (you choose your loosely defined adjective) in the polls.

Reading these fabrications you'd think the Conservatives support would be in the mid-20s.

This continual misrepresentation is sad indeed.

The link you showed was not at a time of a cabinet shuffle. Nor is it the most current poll out there.

The last cabinet shuffle was in January and polls numbers didn't jump as expected. A month after the shuffle, the Tories were in the lead with the same figures they had prior to the shuffle. The latest poll show the Tories stalled at 34, the same number as just after the cabinet shuffle. The Liberals have gone from 29% to 32% in the poll released earlier this week.


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The only cabinet shuffle. Whose expectations are you talking about? Proof? Support?

Cherry pick the polls as you do, but don't take offence when others do the same things.

I guess you plum forgot that that last shuffle was made with the thought of a spring election and the budget. Even you were saying that the you expected a bump from both or do you deny making those remarks?

You were even giving riding breakdowns of how you thought it was going to go.

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I guess you plum forgot that that last shuffle was made with the thought of a spring election and the budget. Even you were saying that the you expected a bump from both or do you deny making those remarks?

You were even giving riding breakdowns of how you thought it was going to go.

Weren't you saying something about not personalizing things? Or are there two sets of rules at play here?

Whose expectations are you talking about? Proof? Support?

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Weren't you saying something about not personalizing things? Or are there two sets of rules at play here?

Whose expectations are you talking about? Proof? Support?

What personalizing are you talking about? My response was a civil one. I never use face icons which is what you use regularly. I never make reference to your name is a post in a mocking tone. I wonder if it is possible for you not to use them in a post.

You often ask for citation but it is apparent you don't read them based on your response. I can give an example of that if you like.


As for the citation about the bounce the Tories were expecting from a cabinet shuffle and budget, it is here:


The federal Conservatives got the budget boost they were hoping for, putting them on the cusp of a majority if an election were to be held today, latest poll numbers suggest.

Taken between March 20 and 21 following Monday's budget address, the Strategic Counsel survey for CTV News and The Globe and Mail asked: How would Canadians vote today?

* 39 per cent said they would vote for a Conservative candidate.

* 31 per cent chose Liberal.

Around this time, you started making broad predictions on a riding by riding basis despite the fact that I pointed out that this was still below the numbers most of the pollsters were saying was needed for a majority.

Many thought an election was imminent. In the next polls though (as you can see from the political polls thread), the Tory numbers began to retreat to where they were in the election in 2006. Election talk cooled off.

There might be a boost from next cabinet shuffle but if it is anything like the last one, it will still fall way short of majority territory.

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As for the citation about the bounce the Tories were expecting from a cabinet shuffle and budget, it is here:

There might be a boost from next cabinet shuffle but if it is anything like the last one, it will still fall way short of majority territory.

Wow, very convenient.

Nothing in that link about a boost from a cabinet shuffle. Please try and provide some support for your assertions. :lol:

A boost from the budget was never mentioned before. But I guess if that's the only support for a boost I guess you are right. :rolleyes:

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Wow, very convenient.

Nothing in that link about a boost from a cabinet shuffle. Please try and provide some support for your assertions. :lol:

A boost from the budget was never mentioned before. But I guess if that's the only support for a boost I guess you are right. :rolleyes:

No comment on your post where you obviously didn't read the link referring to the Wheat Board?

CTV was reporting on the day of cabinet change that Tory insiders were using it to prepare for a spring election.


Sources told The Canadian Press that Harper consulted heavily with Conservative campaign director Doug Finley -- husband of Diane Finley -- on what would be the best makeup of cabinet ahead of another election.

"You find when you make one or two changes you find, by necessity you must make others. ... we felt we had to make some changes to make sure we had the people in the portfolios that were most suited to them," Harper said.

The departure of Ambrose from the environment portfolio leaves the Conservative cabinet vulnerable to accusations of weak female representation.

Where there were six women on the 27-member cabinet there are now seven of 32. Critics say none of the current group hold prominent positions.

But Harper abstained from admitting the new cabinet was designed to sell Canadians on his party in advance of the next election.

They were obviously trying to boost party fortunes but continued to fall below 40% in the polls even after this.

Is it possible to respond to a post without using icons? You don't find them to reflect a lack of civility?

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CTV was reporting on the day of cabinet change that Tory insiders were using it to prepare for a spring election.


They were obviously trying to boost party fortunes but continued to fall below 40% in the polls even after this.

At least your newest link talks about a cabinet shuffle. Only took you three kicks at the can. :rolleyes:

From that story this is the only mention of any Conservative talking about the shuffle in relation to an election.

But Harper abstained from admitting the new cabinet was designed to sell Canadians on his party in advance of the next election.

"I wouldn't call it an election cabinet because I am not planning to call an election -- and who knows, there could be other changes if an election took place."

Harper said the government is working on a new budget that will cut taxes, focus spending, crack down on crime, improve democratic institutions, boost Canada's profile on the world stage and address the so-called fiscal imbalance with the provinces.

So you still haven't provided any support that Conservatives expected a boost from the cabinet shuffle.

Is it possible to respond to a post without using icons? You don't find them to reflect a lack of civility?

You aren't a moderator. You have repeatedly acted with a lack of civility in your own right. You have no right to issue orders. Reacting petulantly because your orders aren't followed is ridiculous. If you want to ask something politiely then do so. If you expect others to follow a higher standard than you yourself followed .... well I guess the answer is :lol:

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At least your newest link talks about a cabinet shuffle. Only took you three kicks at the can. :roll eyes:

From that story this is the only mention of any Conservative talking about the shuffle in relation to an election.

So you still haven't provided any support that Conservatives expected a boost from the cabinet shuffle.

You aren't a moderator. You have repeatedly acted with a lack of civility in your own right. You have no right to issue orders. Reacting petulantly because your orders aren't followed is ridiculous. If you want to ask something politiely then do so. If you expect others to follow a higher standard than you yourself followed .... well I guess the answer is :lol:

I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything different from someone who complains about sexism in print and then makes sexist comments on the forums. Or from someone who says that he can't trust a citation without even opening it.

You have been wrong before with your claims that CCF was made up of disaffected Liberals and you are wrong now. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to think of when you were ever right. Let's have an icon party! :lol:

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In fact, I'd be hard pressed to think of when you were ever right. Let's have an icon party! :lol:

My lack of civility?

I'll repeat.

If you want to ask something politiely then do so.

I guess asking you to do something politely brought out the worst in you. Nice civil response dobbin. :rolleyes:

---end tangent due to dobbin looking for a sparring partner, apologies to other posters on the board--

There might be a cabinet shuffle in the fall. As I said earlier if it happens it will be small. The only cabinet Ministers who might be of an age to consider retirement (I picked people in their 60s as an arbitrary cutoff) are O'Connor and Oda.

So there might not be a shuffle that involves changing the faces at the Cabinet table at all.

Maybe just a re-assignment of cabinet jobs?

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My lack of civility?

I'll repeat.

I guess asking you to do something politely brought out the worst in you. Nice civil response dobbin. :rolleyes:

---end tangent due to dobbin looking for a sparring partner, apologies to other posters on the board--

There might be a cabinet shuffle in the fall. As I said earlier if it happens it will be small. The only cabinet Ministers who might be of an age to consider retirement (I picked people in their 60s as an arbitrary cutoff) are O'Connor and Oda.

So there might not be a shuffle that involves changing the faces at the Cabinet table at all.

Maybe just a re-assignment of cabinet jobs?

Just replying in the same fun way I see from yourself. :lol:

Never heard of anyone saying Oda or O'Connor retiring. Perhaps you should stick with the word "firing" instead.

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Is it possible to respond to a post without using icons? You don't find them to reflect a lack of civility?
My lack of civility?

I'll repeat.

I guess asking you to do something politely brought out the worst in you. Nice civil response dobbin. :rolleyes:

I am very interested in learning more about Canada and its politics; subjects about which I know little.

If I want to listen to a petty dispute, I can listen to a typical employee squabble at a professional office or g to a Grade 5 recess. Or listen to my 11 and 10 year olds fight over the Nintendo.

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