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Believe it or not, the British bombers were Islamic! I'm sure it must have come as a shock to those who were convinced it must have been the Templars or the Scottish Council for the Legalization of Sheep Shagging or some such, but it's true!

What's even more surprising is that it's not "ignorant misguided impoverished youth." It's bonafide brilliant folks, well educated, and well to do! Well, this just doesn't fit with any of our leftist stereotypes...we can't blame poverty, or ignorance, or racism...why, all that's left to blame is Islam. But it's a religion of peace, right?

To paraphrase an old Star Trek episode, a lot of Islamic apologists must be saying: "Does not compute. Does not compute. *sputter* *fizzle* Does not com...*clack*"

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Believe it or not, the British bombers were Islamic! I'm sure it must have come as a shock to those who were convinced it must have been the Templars or the Scottish Council for the Legalization of Sheep Shagging or some such, but it's true!

What's even more surprising is that it's not "ignorant misguided impoverished youth." It's bonafide brilliant folks, well educated, and well to do! Well, this just doesn't fit with any of our leftist stereotypes...we can't blame poverty, or ignorance, or racism...why, all that's left to blame is Islam. But it's a religion of peace, right?

To paraphrase an old Star Trek episode, a lot of Islamic apologists must be saying: "Does not compute. Does not compute. *sputter* *fizzle* Does not com...*clack*"

Goodness! You're right! Whatever shall we do?

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Peter, we should round up all of them (every muslim on earth) and kill them. Done.


Scottsa and his ilk believe nothing can be done short of killing them all. Fundies of all stripes think the same way. :rolleyes:

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Peter, we should round up all of them (every muslim on earth) and kill them. Done.


Scottsa and his ilk believe nothing can be done short of killing them all. Fundies of all stripes think the same way. :rolleyes:

Errrr...mind pointing me to a post where I said that? If you do, I'll point you to the post where you said you like to mate with turnips and goats.

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Peter, we should round up all of them (every muslim on earth) and kill them. Done.


Scottsa and his ilk believe nothing can be done short of killing them all. Fundies of all stripes think the same way. :rolleyes:

Errrr...mind pointing me to a post where I said that? If you do, I'll point you to the post where you said you like to mate with turnips and goats.

I can see the goat thing happening, cough cough but a turnip. Dear me, it must of been my catholic upbringing, turnip sex. Who knewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

LOL of course it was Muslims who drove the gas filled vehicles into buildings, to date all domestic terror attacks in the past six years have been commited by Radical Islamists. Not Jews, not the CIA or M6, or the FBI or the old Lady's Brigate that knits for premmies.

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LOL of course it was Muslims who drove the gas filled vehicles into buildings, to date all domestic terror attacks in the past six years have been commited by Radical Islamists. Not Jews, not the CIA or M6, or the FBI or the old Lady's Brigate that knits for premmies.

Yes, but, whatever shall we do? Crucifiction didn't work for christians...what works for Muslims?

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Peter, we should round up all of them (every muslim on earth) and kill them. Done.


Scottsa and his ilk believe nothing can be done short of killing them all. Fundies of all stripes think the same way. :rolleyes:

Errrr...mind pointing me to a post where I said that? If you do, I'll point you to the post where you said you like to mate with turnips and goats.

Thats the point Scottsa, you're long on condeming islam, but short on what should be done.

Give us leftie immigrant-tolerating wooses some options please.

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To paraphrase an old Star Trek episode, a lot of Islamic apologists must be saying: "Does not compute. Does not compute. *sputter* *fizzle* Does not com...*clack*"


From Star Trek "The Changeling":

The "death" of Nomad ("Error…Error…Faulty!…Faulty!…Must sterilize!"); the scene's effectiveness enhanced by Nomad's tortured voice.

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Stop pandering to them, since September 11 the left and the left/left have tripped over themselves globally granting special powers to Islam's followers. New rules in schools, special prison cells. Christ the list globally is endless, the left call it "Reasonable Accommadation" also knowns as kissing their asses. Islam is a minority in our government and should be treated as such, to date the ass kissing has only helped to aid the abusers in believing they are the victims. I don't think so, but hay the left like to pander to Muslims because they like the immigrant vote. As per usual the left have no answers to the problems they create so they look to the cons for leadership.

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Stop pandering to them, since September 11 the left and the left/left have tripped over themselves globally granting special powers to Islam's followers. New rules in schools, special prison cells. Christ the list globally is endless, the left call it "Reasonable Accommadation" also knowns as kissing their asses. Islam is a minority in our government and should be treated as such, to date the ass kissing has only helped to aid the abusers in believing they are the victims. I don't think so, but hay the left like to pander to Muslims because they like the immigrant vote. As per usual the left have no answers to the problems they create so they look to the cons for leadership.

I am unable to identify any government policy of "granting special powers to Islams followers". Please identify what special powers Islams followers have been granted.

Also, please indicate some of the new rules in schools and what is special about muslim prison cells.

I'm sure there is no need to specify other items of the globally endless list - just the above two should suffice.

I agree that Islam is a minority in our government but I am unable to fathom what treating them as such means. How do we treat other minorities?

I don't think immigrants have special votes that are worth more than anyone elses vote. So vote pandering to immigrants is really no different than other forms of vote pandering.

I am sure that you are correct...if these unspecified special rights were ended Islamic terrorism would quickly stop.

True, the left obviously no answer to Muslim terrorism, so I am begging you to help me out here. I beseech the cons to provide leadership.

Thank you for your assistance. Answers to the above questions will really help identify to my MP what steps should be taken to help end this horrid terrorism.

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Believe it or not, the British bombers were Islamic! I'm sure it must have come as a shock to those who were convinced it must have been the Templars or the Scottish Council for the Legalization of Sheep Shagging or some such, but it's true!

What's even more surprising is that it's not "ignorant misguided impoverished youth." It's bonafide brilliant folks, well educated, and well to do! Well, this just doesn't fit with any of our leftist stereotypes...we can't blame poverty, or ignorance, or racism...

It doesn't fit the right-wing stereotype that they hate us for our freedom, either. If anything, the perpetrators of these acts (and 9/11) have more access to freedom, wealth and education than the proverbial man on the Arab street. "Hating us for our freedom" is just as ignorant and as foolish a position as blaming it all on poverty. But don't let balance get in the way of a well-formed prejudice.

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Believe it or not, the British bombers were Islamic! I'm sure it must have come as a shock to those who were convinced it must have been the Templars or the Scottish Council for the Legalization of Sheep Shagging or some such, but it's true!

What's even more surprising is that it's not "ignorant misguided impoverished youth." It's bonafide brilliant folks, well educated, and well to do! Well, this just doesn't fit with any of our leftist stereotypes...we can't blame poverty, or ignorance, or racism...

It doesn't fit the right-wing stereotype that they hate us for our freedom, either. If anything, the perpetrators of these acts (and 9/11) have more access to freedom, wealth and education than the proverbial man on the Arab street. "Hating us for our freedom" is just as ignorant and as foolish a position as blaming it all on poverty. But don't let balance get in the way of a well-formed prejudice.

You mean it doesn't fit the leftwing strawman supposed to issue from the mouths of rightwingers. I have never argued that they hate us for our freedoms. They hate us because we're not them. Islam by root nature hates anyone who is not Islamic. They even have a name for us. In fact, Islam is so fixated on the "other," like Eskimos with snow, that it has several different names for the other, depending upon the status of the other in relation to Islamic society.

Let me pluck your response from your lips...yes, Christianity is also evangelical, and in fact once upon a time it behaved in roughly the same way. But there are two obvious answers to that critique: 1 This is not the 12th century and weapons are somewhat more dangerous today, and 2 Christianity at it's root treats heretical belief with forgiveness. By the latter, I mean that in spite of what organized religion may have done in the past, Christianity at its root belief demands forgiveness. Islam is radically different, explicitely calling for death and dismemberment right there in the Koran. Nowhere in the NT can this sort of rhetoric be found.

Islam is a disgusting regressive ideology that seeks to put mankind under the same kind of totalitarian yoke as fascism and communism once did. We need to stop worrying about offending good totalitarians lest they turn into bad totalitarians; we need to start worrying about totalitarianism itself.

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It doesn't fit the right-wing stereotype that they hate us for our freedom, either. If anything, the perpetrators of these acts (and 9/11) have more access to freedom, wealth and education than the proverbial man on the Arab street. "Hating us for our freedom" is just as ignorant and as foolish a position as blaming it all on poverty. But don't let balance get in the way of a well-formed prejudice.

Yes, they do hate us for our "freedom"....in this case, the freedom to depict images of The Great Prophet (I can't say his name for fear of certain death by his followers). The freedom to describe said prophet in unflattering terms. And the freedom to flush his religious user guide down a toilet.

Allah Akbar (Oh damn..I have blasphemed...I am doomed!)

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It doesn't fit the right-wing stereotype that they hate us for our freedom, either. If anything, the perpetrators of these acts (and 9/11) have more access to freedom, wealth and education than the proverbial man on the Arab street. "Hating us for our freedom" is just as ignorant and as foolish a position as blaming it all on poverty. But don't let balance get in the way of a well-formed prejudice.

Yes, they do hate us for our "freedom"....in this case, the freedom to depict images of The Great Prophet (I can't say his name for fear of certain death by his followers). The freedom to describe said prophet in unflattering terms. And the freedom to flush his religious user guide down a toilet.

Allah Akbar (Oh damn..I have blasphemed...I am doomed!)

You're right...freedom is part of it. The freedom to disagree with them is certainly part of what they hate.

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You mean it doesn't fit the leftwing strawman supposed to issue from the mouths of rightwingers. I have never argued that they hate us for our freedoms.

Well, it's not all about you. And saying Islamists hate us for our freedom is most certainly not a liberal strawman. Just look to the rightwingers' "Dear Leader" -- I'm sure I could google up dozens of times Bush and Cheney have claimed they hate us for our freedom. Can you find as many quotes from Nancy Pelosi or Howard Dean (or any of the liberals of your choice) saying it's all about poverty?

Truth is, it's a combination of things including politics, a sense of helplessness and national failure, a religion that does not allow dissent or free thought, dislike of western liberal democracies, support for Israel, poverty in their homelands, oppression by western-supported dictators, etc. It's a bunch of reasons.

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Islamists hate us for our freedom is most certainly not a liberal strawman. Just look to the rightwingers' "Dear Leader" -- I'm sure I could google up dozens of times Bush and Cheney have claimed they hate us for our freedom. Can you find as many quotes from Nancy Pelosi or Howard Dean (or any of the liberals of your choice) saying it's all about poverty?

Truth is, it's a combination of things including politics, a sense of helplessness and national failure, a religion that does not allow dissent or free thought, dislike of western liberal democracies, support for Israel, poverty in their homelands, oppression by western-supported dictators, etc. It's a bunch of reasons.

You just had to squeeze in that poverty mantra, huh? It has absolutely nothing to do with "poverty" in their homelands. Most of these morons are born in Britain or in the country they are raising hell in. It has very little to do with support for Israel, except whenever the so-called "moderates" want to blackmail a western government on its foreign policy. "Oppression by western supported dictators?" That doesn't even make sense.

Its actually not a "bunch of reasons." It's actually very simple...all we have to do is listen to what they say instead of what we, looking through a rationalist lens think their reasons ought to be. They want the ascendency of Islam and of the the Ummah. Everything else is secondary. They want to bring the west to its knees because the west works better than Islam, and does so in direct opposition to the precepts of Islam. If Islam is right, then it follows that western ethos must be wrong, and the fact that it works better must be the work of the devil. We're dealing with 6th century savages here, following the most reductionist and intrusive excuse of a religion ever invented. It's just not complicated.

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Islamists hate us for our freedom is most certainly not a liberal strawman. Just look to the rightwingers' "Dear Leader" -- I'm sure I could google up dozens of times Bush and Cheney have claimed they hate us for our freedom. Can you find as many quotes from Nancy Pelosi or Howard Dean (or any of the liberals of your choice) saying it's all about poverty?

Truth is, it's a combination of things including politics, a sense of helplessness and national failure, a religion that does not allow dissent or free thought, dislike of western liberal democracies, support for Israel, poverty in their homelands, oppression by western-supported dictators, etc. It's a bunch of reasons.

You just had to squeeze in that poverty mantra, huh? It has absolutely nothing to do with "poverty" in their homelands. Most of these morons are born in Britain or in the country they are raising hell in. It has very little to do with support for Israel, except whenever the so-called "moderates" want to blackmail a western government on its foreign policy. "Oppression by western supported dictators?" That doesn't even make sense.

Its actually not a "bunch of reasons." It's actually very simple...all we have to do is listen to what they say instead of what we, looking through a rationalist lens think their reasons ought to be. They want the ascendency of Islam and of the the Ummah. Everything else is secondary. They want to bring the west to its knees because the west works better than Islam, and does so in direct opposition to the precepts of Islam. If Islam is right, then it follows that western ethos must be wrong, and the fact that it works better must be the work of the devil. We're dealing with 6th century savages here, following the most reductionist and intrusive excuse of a religion ever invented. It's just not complicated.

Sounds like you need to go back and read some history and find out who the savages were several centuries ago Perhaps a talk with Saladine or a good read of his history would help.

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Islamists hate us for our freedom is most certainly not a liberal strawman. Just look to the rightwingers' "Dear Leader" -- I'm sure I could google up dozens of times Bush and Cheney have claimed they hate us for our freedom. Can you find as many quotes from Nancy Pelosi or Howard Dean (or any of the liberals of your choice) saying it's all about poverty?

Truth is, it's a combination of things including politics, a sense of helplessness and national failure, a religion that does not allow dissent or free thought, dislike of western liberal democracies, support for Israel, poverty in their homelands, oppression by western-supported dictators, etc. It's a bunch of reasons.

You just had to squeeze in that poverty mantra, huh? It has absolutely nothing to do with "poverty" in their homelands. Most of these morons are born in Britain or in the country they are raising hell in. It has very little to do with support for Israel, except whenever the so-called "moderates" want to blackmail a western government on its foreign policy. "Oppression by western supported dictators?" That doesn't even make sense.

Its actually not a "bunch of reasons." It's actually very simple...all we have to do is listen to what they say instead of what we, looking through a rationalist lens think their reasons ought to be. They want the ascendency of Islam and of the the Ummah. Everything else is secondary. They want to bring the west to its knees because the west works better than Islam, and does so in direct opposition to the precepts of Islam. If Islam is right, then it follows that western ethos must be wrong, and the fact that it works better must be the work of the devil. We're dealing with 6th century savages here, following the most reductionist and intrusive excuse of a religion ever invented. It's just not complicated.

Sounds like you need to go back and read some history and find out who the savages were several centuries ago Perhaps a talk with Saladine or a good read of his history would help.

Are you saying Saladin was not svage in his behavior toward those whom he conquered. That is an interesting proposition. I think you might be hard pressed to support that. or have you been watching that Ridley Scott movie too much. Heck - even that silly-ass film acknowledges that had Jerusalem not held out and pushed for terms - a slaughter would have been had. But Saladin did wear makeup - and that, I guess - made him civilized.

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Its actually not a "bunch of reasons." It's actually very simple...all we have to do is listen to what they say instead of what we, looking through a rationalist lens think their reasons ought to be. They want the ascendency of Islam and of the the Ummah. Everything else is secondary. They want to bring the west to its knees because the west works better than Islam, and does so in direct opposition to the precepts of Islam. If Islam is right, then it follows that western ethos must be wrong, and the fact that it works better must be the work of the devil. We're dealing with 6th century savages here, following the most reductionist and intrusive excuse of a religion ever invented. It's just not complicated.

Ok,ok. I promise not to convert...no matter what happens.

Now, you're long on condemnations but short on solutions. What should be done?

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Its actually not a "bunch of reasons." It's actually very simple...all we have to do is listen to what they say instead of what we, looking through a rationalist lens think their reasons ought to be. They want the ascendency of Islam and of the the Ummah. Everything else is secondary. They want to bring the west to its knees because the west works better than Islam, and does so in direct opposition to the precepts of Islam. If Islam is right, then it follows that western ethos must be wrong, and the fact that it works better must be the work of the devil. We're dealing with 6th century savages here, following the most reductionist and intrusive excuse of a religion ever invented. It's just not complicated.

Ok,ok. I promise not to convert...no matter what happens.

Now, you're long on condemnations but short on solutions. What should be done?

I've answered that in a number of threads.

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Radical Islamists hate the fact that we have a choice regarding religion, so Peter please enlighten us with what you would do to eradicate Radical Islam. Please keep your fingers out of my purse when giving your opinion, the left always like to make the tax payer pay for their version of UTOPIA.

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Sounds like you need to go back and read some history and find out who the savages were several centuries ago Perhaps a talk with Saladine or a good read of his history would help.

I've actually done extensive reading on Saladin. What in particular would you like to discuss?

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