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Why I dislike Canadian born visible minorities sometimes.

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Second, the posters to this forum should understand that Leftists view their anger as a simple reaction to their loss of privilege. In the past, white men ran a closed shop - a cartel. They had it good. Argus and MikeDavid, when you complain about immigrants, it just sounds like you're Canada Post (or CUPW) complaining about e-mail.
Leftists are well known for simplistic views which assume that everyone else has simplistic views too. Ironically, leftists also believe that they have more complicated views than they really do, and everyone else really does have more intellectual depth than leftists do, so we are forever seeing leftists proclaiming simplistic views as intelligent views and everyone else laughing at them. And slaughtering them at the polls come election time. Some leftists are too dumb even to see the glaring irony of driving about in a smelly CO2 belching VW bus with Green Party bumper stickers on the back bumper.
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Why not? The people who send their kids there do so WILLINGLY by choice. Nobody forces it. If they shouldn't be funded directly....then people should be able to redirect their tax dollars from the public system to the school of their choice.

Voucher system works best IMO, freedom to choose, freedom to chose better, while still giving all children a primary and secondary education.

Leftists are well known for simplistic views which assume that everyone else has simplistic views too. Ironically, leftists also believe that they have more complicated views than they really do, and everyone else really does have more intellectual depth than leftists do, so we are forever seeing leftists proclaiming simplistic views as intelligent views and everyone else laughing at them. And slaughtering them at the polls come election time. Some leftists are too dumb even to see the glaring irony of driving about in a smelly CO2 belching VW bus with Green Party bumper stickers on the back bumper.

The most simplistic views are gross generalisations, I believe.

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Ok fine. Here are the turbans that we pay for:



"keep the hair and beard uncut provided that it is kept neat with the hair tied in a bun and concealed under the issued turban."

And of course countless other articles but I've wasted 15 min on something to prove what anyone who lives in a Canadian big city already knows.

See couldn't you just take my word for it in the first place?

My God...How come no one has ever told me before that the RCMP pays for the officers uniforms!!!! It is the end of civiliazation!!!

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Argus and MikeDavid, when you complain about immigrants, it just sounds like you're Canada Post (or CUPW) complaining about e-mail.

The common theme amongst some is immigrants are all on welfare and immigrants are taking our jobs.

So screwed up they can't keep their urban myths straight.

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You have a cowboy's kid wearing cowboy boots, cowboy hat and a 6 inch hunting knife out of sight and sheathed...the kid will still catch hell. But it is part of his culture.

Oh....what is the Religion of that Cowboy? What religious significance does his knife hold?

Double standard? I think so.

Nope, but dont let that stop you from believing it.


. But he did it knowing full well it would be taken down rather than open that can of worms. It was nothing more than a ploy to get what he truly wanted without making himself to look like a villain.

So in other words I was right? They did not have trees removed because they were jewish/whatever. the airport removed them instead of putting all the other religious icons up.Dont worry, you are safe and there is no war on christmas, its a FOX news myth.

NWA.....Dont believe the hype !



Exactly. It won't happen. Because it is open season on Christianity and everyone else is protectected under the umbrella of our b.s. so loosely worded "charter" and fear of being labelled a bigot for pointing out any double standard. A religious symbol is a religious symbol and the only ones ever attacked under the guise of "charter" law is Chritianity.

Perhaps that is because Christianity has been prevelant in our govt buildings without thought that this country is run by people of all religions paying the same taxes.

Here is an idea......got to church if you want religion , put up your own christmas tree , light a candalabra celebrate Diwali ...in your house on your own dime. It is really rather simple.

Is it too much to ask that people actually acknowledge that there is a culture clash?

If there was one, I guess I would see it and agree. But I only see myths being spread.

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I beleive in immigration via a functioning policy. Canada does not even have a real immigration policy.

I think it was Australia that called our immigration policy 'Illogical' when they studied our system.

We'll always need skilled and unskilled labor. But our current program does not intend to fill this demand.

It strives to get 70 year olds in the country and into our hospitals as soon as possible.

Right. Australia's is brilliant. Record levels of social cohesion in the past few years. I am currently in the process of bringing someone from down south into Canada, and I assure, it's not that easy despite this person possessing the highest possible qualifications.

And yes, that video is just a metaphor for each and everyone of the millions of immigrants who came here, it speaks much more than official process.


In fact, they should screen not only for police background checks when immigrating, but also one's propensity to argue at Niagara Falls.

guess you believe everything you read.

Not quite, but a few sources I value. But who needs math, and geeky men with bad suits and lots of book who call themselves "econo-met-rishians er sumfin' when I saw me dat der vee-deo on yuu-tube"

P.S. You don't need to be Catholic to go to Catholic School

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I beleive in immigration via a functioning policy. Canada does not even have a real immigration policy.

I think it was Australia that called our immigration policy 'Illogical' when they studied our system.

We'll always need skilled and unskilled labor. But our current program does not intend to fill this demand.

It strives to get 70 year olds in the country and into our hospitals as soon as possible.

Right. Australia's is brilliant. Record levels of social cohesion in the past few years. I am currently in the process of bringing someone from down south into Canada, and I assure, it's not that easy despite this person possessing the highest possible qualifications.

And yes, that video is just a metaphor for each and everyone of the millions of immigrants who came here, it speaks much more than official process.


In fact, they should screen not only for police background checks when immigrating, but also one's propensity to argue at Niagara Falls.

guess you believe everything you read.

Not quite, but a few sources I value. But who needs math, and geeky men with bad suits and lots of book who call themselves "econo-met-rishians er sumfin' when I saw me dat der vee-deo on yuu-tube"

P.S. You don't need to be Catholic to go to Catholic School

You don't need to be Jewish to go to some hebrew schools.....

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So screwed up they can't keep their urban myths straight.

Don't you mean "turban myths"?

P.S. You don't need to be Catholic to go to Catholic School

True, except that if the school has too many students, the Catholic ones receive priority over non-Catholics.

You don't need to be Jewish to go to some hebrew schools.....

But not all?

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So screwed up they can't keep their urban myths straight.

Don't you mean "turban myths"?

P.S. You don't need to be Catholic to go to Catholic School

True, except that if the school has too many students, the Catholic ones receive priority over non-Catholics.

You don't need to be Jewish to go to some hebrew schools.....

But not all?

Well, have you seen Yentle? Yeshivas are very strict, male only ultra orthodox....you don't have to be Jewish, justa convert,,,

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he sad fact is that when an visible immigrant culture reaches a certain critical mass, it stops integrating and becomes insular. Sure, some on the fringes move around a bit and integrate, but the great mass of such a culture contracts, organizes, and starts flexing its collective political muscle

I agree in the sense that it MAY become a big issue once a group reaches a critical mass.

But I disagree that it WILL.

Rather than pure numbers, we should also examine the cultures behind this migratory process. The fact of the matter is, certain cultures are very insular by nature, often very paternalistic and undaunted in their efforts to keep what they seem as foreign, out at ALL costs. Others, are not only accepting and tolerant, but actively seek out to copy that which is best.

This was my little hypothesis behind the stagnation in the middle east, because the forces of conservatism/fundamentalism were winning over the forces of progress. (And than I found out such a hypothesis was already proposed by the British academic Paul Johnson a year earlier.)

And it is also applicable to the amazing progress taking place in Japan post war, Korea, Taiwan and now China. They don't reject western methods, western values, they embrace them. It seems when a lot of Chinese immigrants come here, they don't play their own game, they try to beat us at our (I guess your, since I too am a new comer )game. Once they attain a certain linguistic or cultural threshold, integration is a natural process. And besides, some friendly competition never hurt anybody.

In sum, the starkest evidence is a tale of two nations and the gulf of differences between them : India and Pakistan.

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Second, the posters to this forum should understand that Leftists view their anger as a simple reaction to their loss of privilege. In the past, white men ran a closed shop - a cartel. They had it good. Argus and MikeDavid, when you complain about immigrants, it just sounds like you're Canada Post (or CUPW) complaining about e-mail.

But that is a decades-old argument and simply not even close to being the case anymore.

What's clearly happening now is that there is a new cartel, and it includes and loves everybody except white males.

Now I'm not going to sit here and argue that white males aren't doing alright for themselves economically.

But certainly in the arena of public discourse, we are a neutred bunch without the same freedom of expressino as EVERYONE ELSE for fear of being called bigots, racists and every other generalist name in the book, when in reality, many times the racists are the others.

This thread points that out and it's worth talking about.

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Some leftists are too dumb even to see the glaring irony of driving about in a smelly CO2 belching VW bus with Green Party bumper stickers on the back bumper.

Actually running an old lawnmower for an hour releases more co2 than a new car going 500km distance.

Not that we have proven C02 levels cause global warming... just an interesting tid bit.

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The common theme amongst some is immigrants are all on welfare and immigrants are taking our jobs.

So screwed up they can't keep their urban myths straight.

Yes Immigrants do BOTH unless they are issued a work permit and told to leave after 4 years.

If we have the above US style of immigration, there won't be any real immigration.

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I am currently in the process of bringing someone from down south into Canada, and I assure, it's not that easy despite this person possessing the highest possible qualifications.


The application process is annoying and long. But he'll get in regardless.

Now I challenge you to let me file papers to get into his country.

Ah yes, I can't even try unless an employer sponsors me. And then I am not allowed to use social services. Yes.

When your friend comes, he or she will just wander into our country with our high unemployment rate and his/her qualifications will drive down our labor market. That's a fact.

We have too many people looking for the same job in Canada. Thus, high unemployement and low wages.

Your friend coming here is the CAUSE of this problem. Don't you udnerstand that?

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I agree in the sense that it MAY become a big issue once a group reaches a critical mass.

But I disagree that it WILL.

The numbers prove you wrong if the level of immigration continue:

Does 50,000 people marching down the streets of downtown Toronto count for anything?

Yes. The stuff the media doesn't show you.

Oh yes and then suprise suprise, marching to city hall to throw politics into it.

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So I am reading the Nat Post just now, and on page A7 is a little burb on the top of the page about immigrants.

I will pull the stats right off the page.

StatsCan says...on their first four years in Canada immigrants

- 32% said quality of life was reason for settling in CDA.

- 9% said the peaceful nature of CDA

- 84% of immigrants toi Quebec said that learning or improving English is a great idea

- 75% of immigrants to Quebec said it is important or very important to improve or learn French


...and for the good parts.....

75% of immigrants aged 25 - 44 employed four years after arriving.

81.8 % of national rate of employed CDN's in the same age group.

Lastly....% is refugees employed after four years?

WOW....78 %

So much for an arguement I suppose.

Just none of the ones in this thread, but congratulations anyway. Straw men are always nice to see.

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And just to build on top of Guysers post, like it or not, we need immigrants to survive. We always have, and we always will.

*And we should be thankful to have the worlds most effective immigration policy in place here.*

Some immigration is helpful. The amount we get now is not necessary, and in fact is harmful to our standard of living an quality of life as it causes urban sprawl, pollution, and crime. We only need a fraction of the immigration we're now getting. And even if we completely stopped immigration our population would only fall by a fractional amount within the next fifty years. Big deal.

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Argus and MikeDavid, when you complain about immigrants, it just sounds like you're Canada Post (or CUPW) complaining about e-mail.

The common theme amongst some is immigrants are all on welfare and immigrants are taking our jobs.

So screwed up they can't keep their urban myths straight.

Actually NO ONE has ever said that on this site. So like Guyser, being unable to actually address any of the substance of what people really HAVE said you're simply pulling an argument out of your ass in order to argue against THAT.

Real impressive.

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And even if we completely stopped immigration our population would only fall by a fractional amount within the next fifty years. Big deal.

Actually any decrease would be a huge deal. Given our aging demographics, our population has to grow substantially just to maintain our existing standard of living. CPP and Old Age and Medicare and even our infrastructure cannot be supported by a bunch of geriatrics, and our existing population is not churning out enough babies to even replace themselves. The fact is, without immigration, our economy will collapse. You can whine all you want about how they're just as racist as you, but ultimately that's irrelevant. The point is, you need them.

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Actually NO ONE has ever said that on this site. So like Guyser, being unable to actually address any of the substance of what people really HAVE said you're simply pulling an argument out of your ass in order to argue against THAT.

Real impressive.

Oh Argus , you really are being silly.

Lets read that blurb above...."unable to address any of the substance" and then you reply thusly..."Just none of the ones in this thread, but congratulations anyway. Straw men are always nice to see." Beautiful !

Straw men.nah...just showing all the posters that infact the immigrants are doing much better than they want to believe , as if in their "concern" they would ever help them out.But I digress.

Oh sure plenty of people have addressed all the concerns presented. But some .....ahem....dont like the message and therefor attack the poster , not the message.

I know, immigrants, Quebec, all bad.....

Considering that they will pay your CPP, I wouldnt be too critical.

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Actually NO ONE has ever said that on this site. So like Guyser, being unable to actually address any of the substance of what people really HAVE said you're simply pulling an argument out of your ass in order to argue against THAT.

Real impressive.

Oh Argus , you really are being silly.

Lets read that blurb above...."unable to address any of the substance" and then you reply thusly..."Just none of the ones in this thread, but congratulations anyway. Straw men are always nice to see." Beautiful !

Straw men.nah...just showing all the posters that infact the immigrants are doing much better than they want to believe , as if in their "concern" they would ever help them out.But I digress.

Oh sure plenty of people have addressed all the concerns presented. But some .....ahem....dont like the message and therefor attack the poster , not the message.

I know, immigrants, Quebec, all bad.....

Considering that they will pay your CPP, I wouldnt be too critical.

Note to Guyser: If you're counting on CPP your financial plan leaves something to be desired.

But this thread seems more to do with the attidues of SOME immigrantss families, not their economic productivity.

Stick to the subject.

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And even if we completely stopped immigration our population would only fall by a fractional amount within the next fifty years. Big deal.

Actually any decrease would be a huge deal. Given our aging demographics,

Oh okay then, you know about our demographics.

Let's hear it with cite. Because I've already had this argument. I've already produced the cites. You go ahead and show me the support and I'll dig them out again.

The fact is, without immigration, our economy will collapse.

Excellent! So you have economic cites too! Let's see them.

Or are you, like always, just jerking your knee again.

You can whine all you want about how they're just as racist as you, but ultimately that's irrelevant. The point is, you need them.

YOU might need them in hopes that if we bring in enough illiterate third world goat herders someone might consider you to be educated by comparison, but don't push your frustration about your glaring inadequacies onto me.

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Actually NO ONE has ever said that on this site. So like Guyser, being unable to actually address any of the substance of what people really HAVE said you're simply pulling an argument out of your ass in order to argue against THAT.

Real impressive.

Oh Argus , you really are being silly.

Lets read that blurb above...."unable to address any of the substance" and then you reply thusly..."Just none of the ones in this thread, but congratulations anyway. Straw men are always nice to see." Beautiful !

Straw men.nah...just showing all the posters that infact the immigrants are doing much better than they want to believe , as if in their "concern" they would ever help them out.But I digress.

Oh sure plenty of people have addressed all the concerns presented. But some .....ahem....dont like the message and therefor attack the poster , not the message.

I know, immigrants, Quebec, all bad.....

Considering that they will pay your CPP, I wouldnt be too critical.

No one has even talked about whether immigrants and refugees get jobs or don't. You pulled that out of your ass because you are incapable of addressing the actual substance of the discussion and want to shift it into other areas.

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No one has even talked about whether immigrants and refugees get jobs or don't. You pulled that out of your ass because you are incapable of addressing the actual substance of the discussion and want to shift it into other areas.

Really? How about mikedavid, you , and a couple of others have talked about it.

Face it argus, the whole thread was disguised but quickly outed as to its real intentions, to bash immigrants. I wont stand for that . Lets see, starts as dislike immigrants as they are not assimilating, then it gets into too many coming and overwhelming the healthcare system, then the same to welfare.Same old same old.

You cant bully anyone into believing you, so why try?

But should you like, tell me the gist of the discussion and I will provide anything you want.....even an apology should that be warranted.

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