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Money As Debt, a 47 minute cartoon

This is the most important lesson in everyones life. Knowing where a dollar comes from is as important as knowing where babies come from before you go on your first date.

How many will bother.

I think this is the best movie on banking ever made.

Thoughts ?

The parties that stand for monetary reform in Canada are:

(1)The Canadian Action Party

(2)The Libertarian Party

(3)The Heritage Party

The mainstream parties will never get involved with this because they are banker controlled parties.

Being a monetary reformist, I would say that the Canadian Action Party has the most evolved position on this as well as advisors that have a very clear understading of the problem and its possible solutions.

This idea must spread to the USA and all over the world to develop a public consciousness of the problem. Any country that wants to have its own banks would be declared a terrorist nation and subsequently bombed by the USA, they must change first.

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I watched the movie, and I agree...it really is something everyone should watch. I will give you that much.

I will also admit that I can see the problems that are inherent in a fractional reserve system of money.

However, let me pose a question to you. If we were to eliminate money as private debt, would we not all as citizens be forced to vastly reduce our material possessions? I'm pretty sure the answer must be yes. Now, maybe advocates of such monetary reform will say that is the answer to many of our environmental problems including how to reduce greenhouse gasses...I'm not sure.

I guess what I'm saying is...in order to be a young professional with a wife and two kids and own a house and two cars and everything else I have...don't I need fractional reserve monetary theory? Otherwise, I could not own any of these things until I was my dad's age and I had already made the money I would use to buy the stuff (rather than use credit).

Perhaps the likes of Geoffrey can help me out on this?


P.S. I won't accept that this is a BIG SECRET conspiracy...the sheer number of quotes in the movie demonstrate that this issue has been written about by economists, presidents and other thinkers for decades...there is a difference between a massive clandestine conspiracy and an issue that the masses of the population simply ignore through complacency.

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P.S. I won't accept that this is a BIG SECRET conspiracy...the sheer number of quotes in the movie demonstrate that this issue has been written about by economists, presidents and other thinkers for decades...there is a difference between a massive clandestine conspiracy and an issue that the masses of the population simply ignore through complacency.

This is the most astute comment I've read on this matter after a year of CT/NWO rantings. It is not a BIG SECRET. We had a locally produced program (from university) on this topic over 20 years ago.

We know how the damn banking system works.

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FTA, I don't know where you find the time to watch all of these movies. I think I may switch over to your profession. :)

Unfortunately, it's late and I need to be up early for work tomorrow (never go to 7 cent wing night with work in the morning), so I can't watch this movie right now, I will tomorrow hopefully. But I'll briefly answer your quick question about standard of living.

The reality of it's quite obvious, is it not? Could you go to law school without any student loans? Perhaps, if your parents had a quite a bit of money (likely helped by investments, which are only possible in fractional reserve) or if you were one of the few that were privledged with finding a steller job while in school. There is your first use of fractional reserve banking. Student loans. If they are government secured great, it's still fractional reserve. The government is just paying (material or otherwise... a reduction of risk is as much of a payment if the rate of return remains the same) to postpone your interest payments, otherwise it's a traditional loan.

Second, when you bought your house, I really doubt if you paid cash. If you did, bravo. Same with the cars, though I suppose that's more likely. When you started your law firm, I'm sure you charged a few things to the corporate (well, the partnership) credit card.

All of these things wouldn't be possible. Beyond that, few of your clients would be able to pay you. Beyond that yet, I'd be out of a job because without interest bearing debt, there would be stunted economic growth (nearly all companies grow on debt).

People that claim we can exist without fractional reserve and enjoy the same standard of living are delusional. Our entire way of life revolves around debt financing, and investing. Fractional reserve works in your favour when you invest your (somewhere along the line, most likely your employer) borrowed money... lending it to someone else to pay someone else who invests it in someone else.

Are there dangers, sure. But to advocate a 100% reserve system is absurd. You'd have to pay the bank to keep your money, and you could never get a loan. Think of your life that way. It's not a pretty picture.

You can see the results of non-fractional reserve situations in the tribes of Zambia or something like that. Everywhere modern uses it whether PolyNewb or these people admit it or not.

Debt is the best tool to increase your personal wealth.

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The problem is not with the banks loaning money, it is the way they calculate interest. Some people think the government could just hand out free money. Well they couldn't. They would have to do it the same way the banks do or it would have no value. Countries have tried that and they ended up printing more and more money becoming more worthless every time. Banks may create and manage the money, and financial transactions, but they also see that it gets it's value, and government controls the supply. Money is what you pay, and value is what you get.

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P.S. I won't accept that this is a BIG SECRET conspiracy...the sheer number of quotes in the movie demonstrate that this issue has been written about by economists, presidents and other thinkers for decades...there is a difference between a massive clandestine conspiracy and an issue that the masses of the population simply ignore through complacency.

This is the most astute comment I've read on this matter after a year of CT/NWO rantings. It is not a BIG SECRET. We had a locally produced program (from university) on this topic over 20 years ago.

We know how the damn banking system works.

actually and unfortunately, many people do not.

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Debt is the best tool to increase your personal wealth.

can I clean that up a bit?

Debt, USED WISELY, is a tool to increase your personal wealth.

There are other tools, such as employment.

DEBT used badly, can lead to what is happening in the US right now, with all the mortgages going BUST.

Mortgage holders/lenders/insurer's, etc., etc.,

Unfortunately too many people use debt badly, don't understand how the banking system really works, don't even understand about credit card charges and I could go on........

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FTA:However, let me pose a question to you. If we were to eliminate money as private debt, would we not all as citizens be forced to vastly reduce our material possessions? I'm pretty sure the answer must be yes. Now, maybe advocates of such monetary reform will say that is the answer to many of our environmental problems including how to reduce greenhouse gasses...I'm not sure.

Fractional Reserve banking is a very powerful tool, rather than used in exclusively private interests its powers can be turned to work for everyone. This is how:

(1) Governments borrow from government banks and pay very low interest on the money. In Canada this would be the Bank Of Canada. Canada used to borrow half its money from itself until Trudeau (Club Of Rome) got into power. That was whn Canada started going downhill. It wasn't the social programs. See my comment on this below*. In this case the interest is only about 0.5 % - 1% - enough to cover costs.

(2) Private banks continue to exist and to lend money to the public, but the process of money creation is in the open and taxes are paid at every step of the way. This prevents bankers from buying politicians and controlling education,media, medecine, law & culture the way they do now.

Bankers are prevented from controlling politicians and thus starting wars to implement their banks in other countries. Countries like Iran. Libya, Syria, do not have our thugs owning their banks. This is not easy to implement, the first step it to have an educated populace. In the past presidents have always been assassinated for taking power away from the banks. Look into any assassination closely enough and you will find monetary policy and a banker. Jackson has "I Killed The Banks" on his tombstone. Before the Federal Reserve took over in 1913, the US gov had a dept of Monetary Education.

We live in a unique time in history to reverse things - the popularity of the internet can make it so that almost everyone can see this movie. Its much more important than Loose Change and look how many people have seen that. 911 has opened many eyes.

There are many advocates of the gold standard, Greenspan was one of them but there are some practical problems in implementing the gold standard - the true cost of borrowing money is around 30 % and therefore under the gold standard power just changes from the bankers to the property owners since no one can afford to buy a house. Fractional reserve banking is a way of giving everyone a chance to have a stake in the country.

*Its important to know that when politicians are asked about this they always give the same reponse - government controlled banks would cause too much inflation - banking must remain in private hands. The private bankers were behind the destriction and KAOS of private banking before 1913. They practised economic terrorism to get people to demand new banking system and thats how the Fed came into existance. An excellent movie on banking is "The Money Masters" (free on google video) and that shows the history of this.

The Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional and was signed into law just before Xmas 1913 when most members had gone home from the holidays - shades of Bush and congress working at midnight to sign laws into existence.

This issue is far more important than anything else - suppose global warming was real - how well has it been managed up until now ? Suppose it is false - how much have we been lied to up until now ?

What can you do ? Simple: Convince your friends that they need to watch Money As Debt and tell them to tell their friends. Buy copies, pass them around - I did this with The Money Masters. Next time a charity calls you for money, say NO and use the money to buy Money As Debt DVD's to pass around.

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FTA: P.S. I won't accept that this is a BIG SECRET conspiracy...the sheer number of quotes in the movie demonstrate that this issue has been written about by economists, presidents and other thinkers for decades...there is a difference between a massive clandestine conspiracy and an issue that the masses of the population simply ignore through complacency.

People are not educated to the realities of banking and monetary reform. Its hidden in plain sight.

Geoffery: People that claim we can exist without fractional reserve and enjoy the same standard of living are delusional.

True, but governments can be separated from private banking and private bankers can be accountable instead of having governments bail them out and they can be restricted from playing major roles in other aspects of society, using their activities as writeoffs and to control the public in their own interest. They can be restricted from participating in politics - no more Rockefeller Republicans and Rockefeller Democrats as we have now. There is no politics, only a banker sponsored dog & pony show.

Governments can use GCM - Government Created Money instead of BCM - banker controlled money.

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FTA: P.S. I won't accept that this is a BIG SECRET conspiracy...the sheer number of quotes in the movie demonstrate that this issue has been written about by economists, presidents and other thinkers for decades...there is a difference between a massive clandestine conspiracy and an issue that the masses of the population simply ignore through complacency.

People are not educated to the realities of banking and monetary reform. Its hidden in plain sight.

No, it's just in plain sight. It's not a plot. It's not a conspiracy. It's one of the most written about topics in history. Anyone with the inclination and time to look into the specifics of capital and interest merely has to open one of a million books or webpages explaining in depth how the banking system works. Some like it and others don't. The Jews took a lot of heat for it in the middle ages, which, incidently, is the source of all of this plot fabricating, if you look a little deeper into the historical epistemology and ontology of financial plot construction.

It's not a plot. It's not a conspiracy.

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It's not a plot. It's not a conspiracy

You will never ever see a documentary like this one on mainstream media and the topic will never be seen in mainstream papers. You won't learn about money creation in public education systems as part of the cirriculum.

The Federal Reserve Act was a conspiracy and the formulation and voting in of this act was done on the sly, big time.

People that like how our banks work and how our countries are financed don't understand it or may enjoy burning themselves or hitting themselves with a hammer on weekends when away from public view or just be paid off government apologists. There is nothing good about any of it. It works against public interest in every way. We have it because so few people understand it. I believe this can change with alternative media and well done videos such as Money As Debt.

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It works against public interest in every way.

But it doesn't. It's the reason we were able to succeed during the industrial revolution. It's the reason we will eventually be able to switch away from fossil fuels. It is the backbone of our technological advancement.

It's not a plot. Just because you just discovered it with a backdrop of scary music and fearfully whispering tones doesn't mean the rest of polite society didn't know it long ago.

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ScottSA:But it doesn't. It's the reason we were able to succeed during the industrial revolution. It's the reason we will eventually be able to switch away from fossil fuels. It is the backbone of our technological advancement.

You should watch the movie. You don't understand how the banks work to say this. Canada got away from the private banks after ww2 and pulled itself out of debt very rapidly, our country was doing very well until the mid 70's when Trudeau changed the way gov is financed. Now we are in an upward spiralling debt that will cost us more and more every year in taxes as we are de industrialized. See the ads for colleges, now its for police programs instead of productive work such as technology.

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How someone can say that sending wealthy private bankers billions in interest in return for absolutely nothing benefits the economy completely escapes me.

I know it does. You should read up on it so it doesn't escape you. Look up "lombards" as a beginning point, and move through the tomes that have accumulated since then. Macroeconomics and monetary history are far too large to be learned in one movie even if the movie wasn't so completely so-sided.

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I know it does. You should read up on it so it doesn't escape you. Look up "lombards" as a beginning point, and move through the tomes that have accumulated since then.

I've studied economics and I have read a fair amount on it in my spare time. I ahve also read a fair amount on banking.

You are saying that giving private bankers billions every year benefits us. Thats like saying 2+2 = 5. If you think this is a benefit then it must benefit you to send me money in return for nothing. Perhaps you will become richer.

ScottSA:Macroeconomics and monetary history are far too large to be learned in one movie even if the movie wasn't so completely so-sided.

Actually I have read several books on the topic, listened to many experts on radio shows plus personally spoken to economists with many years of experience and I think the movie sums things up quite nicely and gives a complete logical picture of the situation. This movie is very well respected and regarded as correct by many people. I like it because it is simple, complete and can be viewed in 50 minutes. Its the ideal tool to wake people up and lead them to understand the problem.

The solutions are not so simple and thats why I read more - to try and understand the various solutions and their possible negative affects on the economy.

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I know it does. You should read up on it so it doesn't escape you. Look up "lombards" as a beginning point, and move through the tomes that have accumulated since then.

I've studied economics and I have read a fair amount on it in my spare time. I ahve also read a fair amount on banking.

You are saying that giving private bankers billions every year benefits us. Thats like saying 2+2 = 5. If you think this is a benefit then it must benefit you to send me money in return for nothing. Perhaps you will become richer.

You seem to have read a lot. Perhaps your reading should be a bit more varied then.

I am saying that what bankers do in return for us giving them billions benefits us. Someone else tried to explain to you the benefits of living in a house one has not yet paid for, as opposed to never living in a house because all the money one could have saved up for it would be spent in rent while trying to save up for it. I tried to point out how credit is essential for leveraging technology and everything else on the macro end of things. You just don't want to hear it, so you keep asking the same rhetorical question and then ignoring the answer. Pretty soon you'll do what you did after repeated hammerings in the WTC thread, and start claiming things are "proven" when they're clearly not.

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ScottSA: I tried to point out how credit is essential for leveraging technology and everything else on the macro end of things. You just don't want to hear it, so you keep asking the same rhetorical question and then ignoring the answer.

I don't think financing with government created money instead of privately created money actually has a downside. Any of the downsides provided by politicians as examples can easily be shown to be rediculous. Using government created money does not cause inflation and more than banker created money does.

The fact is that banks control governments and you could read John Kenneth Galbraith's book called Money to learn this. Thats why governments keep using private money for financing.

ScottSA: Pretty soon you'll do what you did after repeated hammerings in the WTC thread, and start claiming things are "proven" when they're clearly not.

You do not understand much of the science in the 911 thread or probably why all of Riverwinds scientific statements are so blatently wrong as to be considered foolish. I have quoted enough physicists and structural and mechanical engineers to make make my point clear. You have nothing to dispute my points other than your own opinions because neither the NIST report or the FEMA reports back your opinions with any kind of investigative result. All of your linked experts have different opinions that have been shown to be irrational using simple science.

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