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Marijuana In Canada

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The last time I did some LSD, I explained to those laughing in harmony with me, strangers who surrounded me on the beach at Vaniere Park,

"Wanna know what it's all about as I see it at this moment?"

"Yeah, give to us Timmothy!"

"There once was nothing but a spirit that wished to exist. A pure thing of energy-the spirit of life. It existed alongside nothing.

One day it willed itself into being by causing an energy fluctuation. At that point matter sprang forth in a unidirectional dynamic dimension. This cataclysmic explosion of self expression is still going today.


So that some distant Primate could communicate his understanding of its presence and wonder as to its complexity, all the while being free to express himself within this evolving miracle.

His purpose would be not to understand it all, only to wonder at it and perhaps as a reward for asking questions, striving to do no harm to others, each one of these primates might advance the grand miracle by his measure."

To preclude the avenue of genetic experimentation because of ancient moral codes, whose origins are in doubt, might be not what the spirit of life had intended when it gave us the gifts to do so.

A person of such dogmatism, that their faith would trump all other's well reasoned, constantly re-evaluated, self evolved understandings, is dangerous to everyone's freedom.

If there really is such a thing as a sentient Supreme Being, I think it is a thing for each of us to keep on searching out personally, because in the Religions of today, I see nothing of grand design, elegant execution, or universal love.

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Boy do you range in diversionary tactics to keep people from seeing the truth.

Is this the tactics of someone who comes from the Moral/Religious forums?

Why are "The Religious" always so quick to lower the standards?

We were talking of a serious issue that could be affecting you soon. Ranging from the death of your offspring, to vandalism of your vehicle. You who post much in the religious columns would come here to distract valuable communications discussing viable alternatives.

Don't you think that discussing your fiction writing abilities might be better addressed in another forum.

I could be way off in my rational assessment, though, because unlike you I am "impaired by marijuana" and may lack the ability to formulate a cohesive argument.

So, I do always stand to be corrected if I am wrong.

Why is it that those who claim the highest moral ground, always resort to the lowest, vile tacticts?

Do you need a history lesson on the vile tactics used by all relgious faiths?

Can we judge a vine by the fruit it bears?

I ask people to read your inputs, and mine, and judge for themselves their substance.

We are all snared by the words of our mouths, some more often than others.


Look all I am saying is man you are blowing this societal oppression thing out of proportion. I dont look down on people who smoke pot, alot of my friends do and I used to. But the fact that some people dont support legalizing it is not some attempt to keep you down, KO2. And whenever someone disagrees with you or chides you a little bit for a spelling mistake (which we all make, only it makes a good joke when we are talking about getting high right.) or saying something like marijuana actually enhances driving ability, you fly right off the handle with poetic raving against them or against Americans or whatnot. You arent fighting for freedom anymore than me, you are just whining about not getting your way. Reminds me of the tactics I would use as a teenager to try to get my way with my parents. "What do you mean no allowance this week , mom? You guys are tyrants and I am moving out."

Its' kind of funny all this jibberish you are speaking, like you are mimicking Jesus and we are all the Pharisees. Now thats quite a tactic, aint it. I can do the exact same thing and just as well. Calling everyone else a Pharisee dont make you Jesus, pal. It makes you rather self-indulgent. Oh well, no one is asking for your head.

Smoking a little pot aint the worst thing in the world. Everyone here knows someone who smokes it. People are not getting on you cuz you smoke the stuff, they are getting on you cuz you are blowing up at them in this lunatic fashion. And you keep citing studies from a website called Cannabisfacts or whatever. Look I am not debating how bad pot is, but everyone knows the marijuana camp is more than a little biased in studies they endorse and cite. They basically only publish things which say cannabis would make the world a magical place. These are not the only people who do studies. In recent years, medical studies link cannabis to chemical imbalances and mental problems becasue they have a direct affect on neurotransmitters and over time this affect can create chronic depression, anxiety, even paranoia. I know lots of people who stopped smoking pot cuz they found it caused alot of paranoia or they would freak out from having episodes of intense over-analysis. So instead of painting it as the cure-all for everything just stick to your right to do it, which is something I can take more seriously. People who want to smoke tobacco are not going to say its good for you but they can still make an argument that its a personal freedom. Hamburgers are not the healthiest food choice, but I dont want some health nut saying I cant eat em once in a while, right.

Now from a legal perspective as far as driving goes you may actually be fine driving on it. Probably a lot of people are. And as I said before I dont doubt there are people who can drive alright if they are a smidgeon beyond the legal limit of alcohol. But legally no one has time to debate who can handle what. And there is no accurate way to test for legal limits of pot. Pot stays in your system a long time too, so you could test positive a month later.

Insurance companies have said that if marijuana is legalized rates are going up-- for everyone.

A lot of employers dont want people who use drugs to work for them, and I believe that if you own a company you should be able to hire people you want based on what you value, and dont even try comparing this to hiring based on color of skin. Sure a lot of people smoke pot and can be responsible, while some others are lazy and dull. I knew a girl who smoked pot at high school who was super focused and hard working. But personally it made me dreamy and dull. Alot of employers dont want to be in the business of seperating the two. If you dont like the company's policy about drugs go elsewhere.

Lol pal. I just wrote the story, you are the one who initially brought up my fiction-writing abilities, insulted them and critiqued them as if I were planning on it to be a best-seller anyway. :)

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What's all the personal anger and focus on me about?

The important issue is not who brought in fiction writing.

The thread of discussion on a modern dilemma facing societ is what it is all about.

You keep loosing that thread, taking my reasoned answers as a personal attack on you.

I actually try to remain on topic roaming through all the nuances of the Prohibition dilemma, while I use your own inconsistancies to demolish your factless criticisms and diversions.

You move to the personal attacks favoured by our Conservative Party, by trying to denegrate me personally and dissmissing me because I am under the influence.

A close scruntiny and comparative study of our writings, would set the record straight as to whose congnative/reasoning functions were of superior quality, impaired or not, as you so boldly asserted. You boldly call us "stoners" with disdain, but fail to actually prove it as detrimental.

The proof of who is scoring points in this conversation, my freind, is in the reading.

Edited by KO2
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What's all the personal anger and focus on me about?

The important issue is not who brought in fiction writing.

The thread of discussion on a modern dilemma facing societ is what it is all about.

You keep loosing that thread, taking my reasoned answers as a personal attack on you.

I actually try to remain on topic roaming through all the nuances of the Prohibition dilemma, while I use your own inconsistancies to demolish your factless criticisms and diversions.

You move to the personal attacks favoured by our Conservative Party, by trying to denegrate me personally and dissmissing me because I am under the influence.

A close scruntiny and comparative study of our writings, would set the record straight as to whose congnative/reasoning functions were of superior quality, impaired or not, as you so boldly asserted. You boldly call us "stoners" with disdain, but fail to actually prove it as detrimental.

The proof of who is scoring points in this conversation, my freind, is in the reading.

I never once said you were under the influence. Lol. I never called you a stoner with disdain. No its not important who brought up my fiction but you are the one who said that analysis of my fiction belongs in another thread and were also the one analyzing it. So its like you are fighting with yourself here, but confusing me for the one who did these things in the first place.

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Don't you think that discussing your fiction writing abilities might be better addressed in another forum.

See here you suggest that I should be discussing my fiction in another forum...when you began the fiction discussion with this:








And silly me I ony continued my story cuz I thought you like it.....which I assumed when you said

"Great fiction! Looking forward to read the "The Green Goulag" by jefferiah."


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Something Dan Simmons said once, and I paraphrase..."There are crowds of would be writers out there, all writing bad, poor, or passable prose, and the one thing their works seem to share is an overwhelming focus on "me". Could have been Stephen King, but I doubt it...he lives in too glass a house to throw those rocks...

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You boldly call us "stoners" with disdain, but fail to actually prove it as detrimental.

I am not trying to prove it as detrimental. I am just saying that there is a lot of evidence that it is, because believe it or not CannabisFacts is not the only source of research stats. I am not even arguing whether it should be legal or not. I am just saying its not some evil plot to oppress pot smokers---this is not the reason why there are many people who dont support legalization. And its certainly not comparable to anything the Nazis did.

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Something Dan Simmons said once, and I paraphrase..."There are crowds of would be writers out there, all writing bad, poor, or passable prose, and the one thing their works seem to share is an overwhelming focus on "me". Could have been Stephen King, but I doubt it...he lives in too glass a house to throw those rocks...

OK does anyone actually think I am trying to get a book deal?

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Something Dan Simmons said once, and I paraphrase..."There are crowds of would be writers out there, all writing bad, poor, or passable prose, and the one thing their works seem to share is an overwhelming focus on "me". Could have been Stephen King, but I doubt it...he lives in too glass a house to throw those rocks...

OK does anyone actually think I am trying to get a book deal?

no, you are simply not clever or charismatic enought. Sorry. Next.

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Something Dan Simmons said once, and I paraphrase..."There are crowds of would be writers out there, all writing bad, poor, or passable prose, and the one thing their works seem to share is an overwhelming focus on "me". Could have been Stephen King, but I doubt it...he lives in too glass a house to throw those rocks...

OK does anyone actually think I am trying to get a book deal?

no, you are simply not clever or charismatic enought. Sorry. Next.

Lol I feel terrible. :)

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If you were trying to go for that book deal with what you've shown me, I might become confident enough to try to publish something of mine, rather than bang my head on this "cyber-wall" for free.

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well thats just it, i am not trying to impress you with my writing abilities. it was just a simple sarcastic story making fun of the idea that any of this is comparable to nazism, and also throwing in a bit about how pot makes people better pilots. its not an attempt at a writing career. :)

no one here is putting you down cuz you smoke pot. you arent the first one to come on here and argue for pot legalization and to say you smoke the stuff. I used to smoke pot. Its this far out stuff where you blow up and say Americans are all stupid and everyone is sheep cuz they dont smoke weed and we should send the US Gov some weed to smoke so they can actually start solving problems. That's pretty funny stuff man. Cmon.

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Ok The link I clicked on said something about religion fearing LSD????

OK....I dont know where its leading by I dont think LSD is frowned upon strictly by religious people. And I dont think it really leads one to any higher spiritual planes. How can a chemical affect you spiritually?

LSD increases the amount of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, thus causing a temporary chemical imbalance. There is nothing higher about this reality, its just like having a temporary mental condition. It's like giving your nervous system a good swift kick. Yeah sometimes the bruise wears away, but sometimes a good kick or a few good kicks leave some kind of lasting effect, whether you notice em or not. LSD affects brain chemistry and changes its natural state. No its well known LSD and Shrooms are not addictive----they are not pleasure drugs like cocaine or anything---but intense experience drugs. But yeah basically these are things that pretty much put your mind in an unbalanced state. Alot of people take LSD and function well but again people have reasons for not recommending it. Mind expansion is a huge lie.

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"How can a chemical affect you spiritually?"

How can it not?

Just what makes chanting that much more of a prefered and guarranteed method for everybody?

I've been affected spiritually by all manner of things that may not affect you.

"but sometimes a good kick or a few good kicks leave some kind of lasting effect"

"put your mind in an unbalanced state."

These are all subjective opinions of what you feel LSD is all about.

When I tell people who wish to give hang gliding a pass after I describe it, I say, "it's not for everyone."

I'm no fool and have a good grasp on what is happening to me at all times, otherwise I don't like doing it.

For me the slight motor control loss involved in just one glass of mistaken alcoholic punch, is blatantly obvious and undesirable.

With LSD there certainly is an extremely noticable effect in some of the dosages I've tried.

"Mental imbalance" doesn't describe it for me.

It is, for some, a dangerous state which I recomend young people not to experiment with indiscriminately.

But for those whose preprogramed perceptions don't generate fear, but curiosity, the experience can be extremely spiritual, intensely passionate, self revealing and pure blatant extacy from beholding mind boggling associations never before considered.

From this intense Kaliedascopic journey, you will get from it what you have put into it.

Only people with insatiatable curiosity are drawn to it in the first place. Their minds should be filled with as much knowledge gained from many sources and areas as possible. Confidence is important.

This will lead to plenty of interesting insights, reflections, a true expansion of what was inside your neural-net to begin with.

That is I why I don't recomend it as a recreational drug, but a sacred ritual that someone must be prepared for.

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For me the slight motor control loss involved in just one glass of mistaken alcoholic punch, is blatantly obvious and undesirable.

Are you serious? Weed and acid will also give you motor control loss. Weed more than acid.

Why don't you try drinking instead of the other drugs and you might like it more. Buy a bottle of Savignion Blanc and have a couple of glasses on an empty stomach. I'm sure most people would enjoy that more than drugs.

I admit you have very good spelling and are intelligent. But the drugs are holding you back from your potential each day. A couple of drinks after work don't do that.

The only way you'll realize that is if you stop. I mean you don't have to stop, but drugs will hold you back from your potential IMO.

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"How can a chemical affect you spiritually?"

How can it not?

Just what makes chanting that much more of a prefered and guarranteed method for everybody?

I've been affected spiritually by all manner of things that may not affect you.

"but sometimes a good kick or a few good kicks leave some kind of lasting effect"

"put your mind in an unbalanced state."

These are all subjective opinions of what you feel LSD is all about.

When I tell people who wish to give hang gliding a pass after I describe it, I say, "it's not for everyone."

I'm no fool and have a good grasp on what is happening to me at all times, otherwise I don't like doing it.

For me the slight motor control loss involved in just one glass of mistaken alcoholic punch, is blatantly obvious and undesirable.

With LSD there certainly is an extremely noticable effect in some of the dosages I've tried.

"Mental imbalance" doesn't describe it for me.

It is, for some, a dangerous state which I recomend young people not to experiment with indiscriminately.

But for those whose preprogramed perceptions don't generate fear, but curiosity, the experience can be extremely spiritual, intensely passionate, self revealing and pure blatant extacy from beholding mind boggling associations never before considered.

From this intense Kaliedascopic journey, you will get from it what you have put into it.

Only people with insatiatable curiosity are drawn to it in the first place. Their minds should be filled with as much knowledge gained from many sources and areas as possible. Confidence is important.

This will lead to plenty of interesting insights, reflections, a true expansion of what was inside your neural-net to begin with.

That is I why I don't recomend it as a recreational drug, but a sacred ritual that someone must be prepared for.

Yes but its not some religious superstition or fear that steers people away from LSD. If you like it fine. It's not some character weakness or wimpiness that makes some people shy away from it, but a valid belief that it is no more than a good swift kick to the nervous system and that its not advisable to do that to yourself.

Personally I dont put much stock in the "light show". You know, dazzling insights and such things.

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Is that right? You sound like an authority figure to me, demanding I conform by consuming a highly taxed known poison for my good.

You have judged my potential to be wanting from the perspective of an consumer of a very sophistiocated alcoholic product which I grant may be enjoyable to you.

Again you assert unverified claims that my my motor skills are impaired.

Lets have that defining test. I do mine every day and can verify through 40 years of driving mostly under the influence, by having an abscence of accidents or points off, 27 years of flight with the destruction of every aircraft that I ever owned at least once-but myself only injured in the pride/financial department.

I never took any flying lessons, but I had read volumes. Still, I admit it would have been cheaper, but perhaps less exciting, to take lessons. All errors were made in a safe way, the proof of which is the fact that I'm still here. A lot better pilots, who flew much more intensely than I, always very straight, but made FATAL ERRORS PUSHING THE ENVELOPE are no longer enjoying what is the most important treasure, not victory, not airtime, but life. People say, yeah but, I was never in that class of pilot skills.

That is true, but none the less I made safe unimpaired decessions, for the level I was flying at...

Perhaps I was aware that I was not making such dangerous flight plans, because the THC put to an end the desire to out-perform everyone. It made me be content enjoying the moment with the least amount of hassle and danger.

If you wish to call that impaired you would be mislabelling it.

That is called awarenes of the situation and clear thinking on the side of safety.

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Is that right? You sound like an authority figure to me, demanding I conform by consuming a highly taxed known poison for my good.

You have judged my potential to be wanting from the perspective of an consumer of a very sophistiocated alcoholic product which I grant may be enjoyable to you.

Again you assert unverified claims that my my motor skills are impaired.

Lets have that defining test. I do mine every day and can verify through 40 years of driving mostly under the influence, by having an abscence of accidents or points off, 27 years of flight with the destruction of every aircraft that I ever owned at least once-but myself only injured in the pride/financial department.

I never took any flying lessons, but I had read volumes. Still, I admit it would have been cheaper, but perhaps less exciting, to take lessons. All errors were made in a safe way, the proof of which is the fact that I'm still here. A lot better pilots, who flew much more intensely than I, always very straight, but made FATAL ERRORS PUSHING THE ENVELOPE are no longer enjoying what is the most important treasure, not victory, not airtime, but life. People say, yeah but, I was never in that class of pilot skills.

That is true, but none the less I made safe unimpaired decessions, for the level I was flying at...

Perhaps I was aware that I was not making such dangerous flight plans, because the THC put to an end the desire to out-perform everyone. It made me be content enjoying the moment with the least amount of hassle and danger.

If you wish to call that impaired you would be mislabelling it.

That is called awarenes of the situation and clear thinking on the side of safety.

Hey I see a lot of I's and Me's in that post. :)

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Is that right? You sound like an authority figure to me, demanding I conform by consuming a highly taxed known poison for my good..

I just recommended that you should try it.

You have judged my potential to be wanting from the perspective of an consumer of a very sophistiocated alcoholic product which I grant may be enjoyable to you

Again you assert unverified claims that my my motor skills are impaired.

Well it depends how high you are. You certainly can fall over, the room can spin, and you can even get motion sickness and throw up. All the above happened to me on more than one accasion so I know that motor skills can definately be impaired when smoking up.

Lets have that defining test. I do mine every day and can verify through 40 years of driving mostly under the influence

Well at least you are big enough to be honest here on the forums and admit that you drive under the influence.

Part of enjoying life is being at your potential. Most here like to be impaired also. But weed is not widely used regularely for many reasons. I tried way back and it did nothing but give me insomnia and make me slow and dumb most of the time. Drinks just don't do that sort of thing.

I'm the type of dude that is into trying new things adn I'm sure you too. How about for the next three days, you buy 3 bottles of wine at $7 each. Don't smoke any weed. When the time comes that you need to smoke, have the drinks instead and smoke ciggarettes or something. Or roll some tobacco. Drink the wine on an empty stomach. After 2 glasses you'll have a great buzz going.

But you have to do it for 3 days.

AFTER 3 days of this, your mind will become clearer and you'll feel real alert and great. You'll feel hyper and energized.

Then come back here and take a look at some of the things you wrote.

Then you'll see what I was talking about.

You should atleast try it. There's no fun in smoking if your not willing to give it up for a bit. And you just might like the drinks more.

And BTW, these two glasses of wine are proven countless times to be beneficial to your health. Everyone knows this.

Weed is simply not beneficial to your mind state and physical health. It's don't nothing but costing you money and holding your back. Try for 3 days and you'll see.

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Is that right? You sound like an authority figure to me, demanding I conform by consuming a highly taxed known poison for my good..

I just recommended that you should try it.

You have judged my potential to be wanting from the perspective of an consumer of a very sophistiocated alcoholic product which I grant may be enjoyable to you

Again you assert unverified claims that my my motor skills are impaired.

Well it depends how high you are. You certainly can fall over, the room can spin, and you can even get motion sickness and throw up. All the above happened to me on more than one accasion so I know that motor skills can definately be impaired when smoking up.

Lets have that defining test. I do mine every day and can verify through 40 years of driving mostly under the influence

Well at least you are big enough to be honest here on the forums and admit that you drive under the influence.

Part of enjoying life is being at your potential. Most here like to be impaired also. But weed is not widely used regularely for many reasons. I tried way back and it did nothing but give me insomnia and make me slow and dumb most of the time. Drinks just don't do that sort of thing.

I'm the type of dude that is into trying new things adn I'm sure you too. How about for the next three days, you buy 3 bottles of wine at $7 each. Don't smoke any weed. When the time comes that you need to smoke, have the drinks instead and smoke ciggarettes or something. Or roll some tobacco. Drink the wine on an empty stomach. After 2 glasses you'll have a great buzz going.

But you have to do it for 3 days.

AFTER 3 days of this, your mind will become clearer and you'll feel real alert and great. You'll feel hyper and energized.

Then come back here and take a look at some of the things you wrote.

Then you'll see what I was talking about.

You should atleast try it. There's no fun in smoking if your not willing to give it up for a bit. And you just might like the drinks more.

And BTW, these two glasses of wine are proven countless times to be beneficial to your health. Everyone knows this.

Weed is simply not beneficial to your mind state and physical health. It's don't nothing but costing you money and holding your back. Try for 3 days and you'll see.

Well Mike, on this one I might have to take KO's side. Now it may be that different people are affected in different ways, but having been a former pot smoker and a person who has indulged in alcohol, personally I can say that every time the effect on motor skills is much greater from alcohol. And I am not talking about getting sloshed either. And it was one of the reasons I smoked pot when I was younger as opposed to drinking----I could still play my guitar well.

That said though, I prefer drink too (which I very very rarely do)....and only mildly. There is something more down to Earth about being tipsy than being high. I think pot makes you think too much, basically.

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You guys must take into consideration that there is a huge range in allowable motorskill reactions.

Think about those around you, the completely sober ones with no clue of vectors, accelaration, F=MA, and all those other problems of eyesight, cellphones and you might believe that it is easier to teach chimpanzees rather than homonids to drive.

Think of the balance, the coordination required for a four year old to stay up on a bike and how many seconds it takes him to get it.

These driving skills need not be honed to lighning speed, all that is required is that your mind stays engaged with the task. If slightly impaired in motor skills, an intelligent, careful, driver will compensate. A headache, or backpain may impair you. It is up to a competent well trained driver to compensate, or if not able to, park the vehicle.

These lifesaving skills some people find very difficult to master, whether they are under the influence of a substance or not. As long as they pay attention, we also will compensate for them. Certain groups of races cannot seem to understand whether they drive or walk that the safe way to do this is with the eyes forward. Even on 3000 micrograms of LSD I can do better, guarranteed. I ride a bike, with a dog trotting beside me leash in hand, on the busy seawall and smile while throwing freindly conversation at strangers. I never come close to touching anyone.

Walking through China town I have to verbally warn people to watch where they are going to avoid a collission. These people have just stepped out of their parked cars. I'm not racist, just honest and observant.

My take on it is that the chinese have been a slow moving, yet tightly packed, pedestrian society for a long time. It seems to be a devil-may-care- way of saying you get out of my way, because I'm not looking out for you. An assertion of private space in a crowded society?

Much more safety, lives spared, would be our reward, if we focussed less on what substance was in a particular persons blood or what its precise effects are. The real target for our energies and money that would pay off exponetially, is better driver training at all levels and more traffic enforcement, via cameras if necessary.

Cellphone use is extremely dangerous and I urge everyone to check the other guy's phone records to see if they were on the phone during the time of the accident. You'll find the reason for the accident right there, often. This is something that the coroners should be doing for our safety now, in order to gather the evidence necessary to base critical legislation on. It is easy and cheaper than blood tests to get a copy of the deceased's telephone records. This is where a government of excellent capability would shine with intelligence gathering , good corrections applied in a timely manner which pre-empts the dangers to society.

The campaign to demonize pot as being a danger to drivers has only a basis in political propaganda, not facts, because the goal is to get ever closer to a police state, where every social problem's cure is enforced by criminal law and police.

Edited by KO2
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Judge rules Canada's pot laws unconstitutional.


A Toronto judge has ruled that Canada's pot possession laws are unconstitutional after a man argued the country's medicinal marijuana regulations are flawed.

The 29-year-old Toronto resident had been charged with possession of about 3.5 grams or roughly $45 dollars worth of marijuana.

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Judge rules Canada's pot laws unconstitutional.


A Toronto judge has ruled that Canada's pot possession laws are unconstitutional after a man argued the country's medicinal marijuana regulations are flawed.

The 29-year-old Toronto resident had been charged with possession of about 3.5 grams or roughly $45 dollars worth of marijuana.

Yeah yeah...bet it doesn't even make it past the provincial court.

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