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Seat in danger as Tories feud

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Catchme is a bit of a partisan hack...

I remember the struggle in quite a few ridings after Martin took power and tried to push the Chretienites out. But then again, some people like to mentally block some things out of their mind.

You are the partisan hack here. I can't find another explanation for excusing such loony behaviour. But don't worry, when the Liberal or NDP candidates start hurling death threats at each other, you can start a topic of your own. We won't call you a partisan hack for it.

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You are the partisan hack here. I can't find another explanation for excusing such loony behaviour. But don't worry, when the Liberal or NDP candidates start hurling death threats at each other, you can start a topic of your own. We won't call you a partisan hack for it.

Again, it's not the MP. It's just some looney volunteer.

Want to see how easy it is to become a volunteer for any candidate in any riding?

Just walk into the campaign office on election day and say "Hey, I want to help."

I have no idea what proof he had, but the only misstep the MP took was filing charges without stronger evidence.

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I have no idea what proof he had, but the only misstep the MP took was filing charges without stronger evidence.

It's not even the MP who "filed charges". The two riding association workers filed a complaint; the police are the ones who decide whether to file charges.

There seems to be a bit of a reading comprehension problem among those who are accusing Watson of wrongdoing here.


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I have no idea what proof he had, but the only misstep the MP took was filing charges without stronger evidence.

It's not even the MP who "filed charges". The two riding association workers filed a complaint; the police are the ones who decide whether to file charges.

There seems to be a bit of a reading comprehension problem among those who are accusing Watson of wrongdoing here.


It sure seems that way; mostly malicious innuendo.

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You are the partisan hack here. I can't find another explanation for excusing such loony behaviour. But don't worry, when the Liberal or NDP candidates start hurling death threats at each other, you can start a topic of your own. We won't call you a partisan hack for it.

No, I've heard of internal fights within Liberal and NDP ridings, however I don't really care. Saturn it's kind of ironic since you and catchme are very well known partisan hacks.

I didn't excuse the behavior, but I have enough common sense to know that a dispute between two people is just that and nothing more. But since you want to seem to believe their is only loony behavior in the conservative party, I'll give you a link.


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You are the partisan hack here. I can't find another explanation for excusing such loony behaviour. But don't worry, when the Liberal or NDP candidates start hurling death threats at each other, you can start a topic of your own. We won't call you a partisan hack for it.

No, I've heard of internal fights within Liberal and NDP ridings, however I don't really care. Saturn it's kind of ironic since you and catchme are very well known partisan hacks.

I didn't excuse the behavior, but I have enough common sense to know that a dispute between two people is just that and nothing more. But since you want to seem to believe their is only loony behavior in the conservative party, I'll give you a link.

Please start your own thread on Liberal infighting, that is not the topic of this thread. Moreover, in your link I see nothing of infighting in the Liberals leading to criminal charges being laid for uttering murder threats.

So, if we are well known to be partisian hacks, what does that make you Can blue? Because seiously, excusing this type of behaviour and trying to down play, it is beyond the parameters of common sense, or logical rational normal thinking. There IS NO history of this type of criminal behaviour leading to charges and a court case, in Canda. IT IS only the CPC who have sunk to such new violent criminal behaviour lows.

Down grading it does a disservice to Canadians.

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Because seiously, excusing this type of behaviour and trying to down play, it is beyond the parameters of common sense, or logical rational normal thinking. There IS NO history of this type of criminal behaviour leading to charges and a court case, in Canda. IT IS only the CPC who have sunk to such new violent criminal behaviour lows.

Down grading it does a disservice to Canadians.

As people keep trying to explain to you, the accused is not an MP, it is a guy who worked for the riding association.

Holding up a riding association worker as being representative of the MP or the entire party is so patently stupid that it's exactly what I'd expect from you.


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Please start your own thread on Liberal infighting, that is not the topic of this thread. Moreover, in your link I see nothing of infighting in the Liberals leading to criminal charges being laid for uttering murder threats.

You think you are going to get a free pass on starting a malicious and biased thread against the Conservatives then *politiely* ask people not to point our the more overtly partisanship behaviour of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Please go back to 50+ Rita. Oh that's right you were banned there before the board collapsed. Please don't try and make this a Harper-hatefest...

Down grading it does a disservice to Canadians.

Blowing it out of proportion is a disservice to your credibility. It proves how thoughtless, blinded and full of hate some of the true Liberals really are.

Thankfully it is another brick in the wall of your inevitable departure from our board...

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As people keep trying to explain to you, the accused is not an MP, it is a guy who worked for the riding association.

Holding up a riding association worker as being representative of the MP or the entire party is so patently stupid that it's exactly what I'd expect from you.

This is not a CPC thing. It is the wackos in the riding association. Tiffs occur in riding associations, and it is always a good thing to keep such things out of the media spotlight. Perhaps the workers whom took this thing to the police were doing the right thing. I do not know.

Regardless it is really bad press for the Essex MP. It does not shine a bright light on the riding association.

The best thing the CPC could do right now is distance themselves as far as possible from this bad publicity.

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Because seiously, excusing this type of behaviour and trying to down play, it is beyond the parameters of common sense, or logical rational normal thinking. There IS NO history of this type of criminal behaviour leading to charges and a court case, in Canda. IT IS only the CPC who have sunk to such new violent criminal behaviour lows.

Down grading it does a disservice to Canadians.

As people keep trying to explain to you, the accused is not an MP, it is a guy who worked for the riding association.

Holding up a riding association worker as being representative of the MP or the entire party is so patently stupid that it's exactly what I'd expect from you. -k

Please try to keep it off the personal, it does a disservice to discussion and patently shows lack of salient points and truths that are pertinent to the discussion..

The judge acquitted the case against the riding person, why? Because they were playing politics with the court system.

Having said that I concur, it is the riding person who levelled the murder threats and is most at fault. but he is now seeking nomination and wants the MP to step aside.

Now, you also took my comments out of context to Can Blues who insisted on comparing with the Liberal infighting. Instead of discussing the topic at hand.

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Please try to keep it off the personal, it does a disservice to discussion and patently shows lack of salient points and truths that are pertinent to the discussion.

You say that, but...

So, if we are well known to be partisian hacks, what does that make you Can blue? Because seiously, excusing this type of behaviour and trying to down play, it is beyond the parameters of common sense, or logical rational normal thinking.

So is it keep it off the personal for everybody but you?

Seems to me your higher level of conduct is only when it suits your purposes.

Have you read the judge's decision? I am guessing you are just going of the quote in the story. Do please prove me wrong.

This is a tempest in a teapot trying to make the Conservatives look bad out of nothing. Sorry, we aren't going to play by your rules in your attacks.

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Please try to keep it off the personal, it does a disservice to discussion and patently shows lack of salient points and truths that are pertinent to the discussion..

I would apply the "sauce rule" (link) to that, i.e. "what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander".

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Please try to keep it off the personal, it does a disservice to discussion and patently shows lack of salient points and truths that are pertinent to the discussion.

You say that, but...

So, if we are well known to be partisian hacks, what does that make you Can blue? Because seiously, excusing this type of behaviour and trying to down play, it is beyond the parameters of common sense, or logical rational normal thinking.

So is it keep it off the personal for everybody but you?

Seems to me your higher level of conduct is only when it suits your purposes.

Have you read the judge's decision? I am guessing you are just going of the quote in the story. Do please prove me wrong.

This is a tempest in a teapot trying to make the Conservatives look bad out of nothing. Sorry, we aren't going to play by your rules in your attacks.

Ok, I will accept that point of rebutting Canadian Blue as not being as positive of a response, to his personal attacks, as I should have been. I will endeavor to do better. Let's hope others here do as well, as really personal attacks instead of discussing the topic are really just propaganada ploys. So, I do hope you keep up pointing out the standards to others as well, it would certainly be helpful. Because not applying it to all certainly smacks of partianship.

Yes, I read portions of the Judges transcripts, where he made his acquital comments. Tis sad, and a waste of taxpayers money and the courts time. Did you get a chance to read them?

There is no need to make the CPC look bad, they do a very good job of it themselves. But discussing what they're doing to make themselves look bad sure is fun. Seeing how they try to get out of it, is even greater fun. Don't you agree? It is such comic relief after the dark ad scam days. Na, just fooling around, discussing how bad the Liberals were was just as much fun.

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Yes, I read portions of the Judges transcripts, where he made his acquital comments. Tis sad, and a waste of taxpayers money and the courts time. Did you get a chance to read them?

No. Provide a link and I'll take a look.

There is no need to make the CPC look bad, they do a very good job of it themselves. But discussing what they're doing to make themselves look bad sure is fun. Seeing how they try to get out of it, is even greater fun. Don't you agree?

No I don't agree.

I think your snottiness and arrogance is quite offensive.

The Conservatives are governing well.

They only *look bad* in your hack partisan eyes.

I definitely do agree that your appeal to discussion is undermined by such childish attacks on the party.

Ahh, the hypocrisy and faux-intellectualism of the left is what I find funny.

Please don't appeal to behaviour on a higher level rings pretty lame when you only direct it towards conservatives ... then you repeatedly won't behave at the level you want other people to behave at.

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So, if we are well known to be partisian hacks, what does that make you Can blue? Because seiously, excusing this type of behaviour and trying to down play, it is beyond the parameters of common sense, or logical rational normal thinking. There IS NO history of this type of criminal behaviour leading to charges and a court case, in Canda. IT IS only the CPC who have sunk to such new violent criminal behaviour lows.

No, because it's not representative of the government, this is nothing more than one guy angry at another and making innane comments.

I'm not a partisan hack, because I don't resort to stupid threads on party infighting at a riding level which most parties are guilty of. It makes me somewhat rational.

I remember once I was talking to a Nova Scotian who was a Liberal party member and supported the idea of the maritime provinces seperating, does that mean all members of the Liberal party are like that.

Ok, I will accept that point of rebutting Canadian Blue as not being as positive of a response, to his personal attacks, as I should have been. I will endeavor to do better. Let's hope others here do as well, as really personal attacks instead of discussing the topic are really just propaganada ploys. So, I do hope you keep up pointing out the standards to others as well, it would certainly be helpful. Because not applying it to all certainly smacks of partianship.

You also believe that our troops are apologists for Adolf Hitler, because you found a quote on a website. It's not a personal attack, you are a partisan hack. I simply point out the hypocrisy in you're posts, perhaps if you had asked if the infighting every party has is a disservice to this country, then maybe I'd listen and debate, but you're frequent innane comment's do nothing but stir up partisan rhetoric. I actually had a debate with Normanchateau, and he was able to make valid criticism's, however with you, all I hear is a bunch of rhetoric. My favorite so far is when you criticized the CPC's silence on an issue in Germany which doesn't concern us in one bit.

Good day...

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This is not a CPC thing. It is the wackos in the riding association. Tiffs occur in riding associations, and it is always a good thing to keep such things out of the media spotlight. Perhaps the workers whom took this thing to the police were doing the right thing. I do not know.

Regardless it is really bad press for the Essex MP. It does not shine a bright light on the riding association.

The best thing the CPC could do right now is distance themselves as far as possible from this bad publicity.

As far as I can tell, they are, it doesn't seem to be a major issue anywhere else.

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Well, it seems some must be living in their own echo chamber and not the real world where people are discussing it, and being apalled. It will not translate into a sympathy vote for him. Canadians have pretty much had it with their MP's and their party organizers being involved in RCMP and police force investigations leading to charges being laid and court cases. Moreover, the Judge stated the MP used the Canadians courts for political purposes. That is going over just as poorly in the electorates minds. Say nothing of the 2 poor women who had their photos doctored and sent to media and other CPC party members.

If this was happening to any other party, those particianns here, who are trying to make light of it, would be screaming bloody murder about it and calling for resignations.

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How about you show me where any other party in Canadian history has their MP and riding leadership end up in court with ONE being charged with attempted murder, or uttering murder threats?

This IS NOT in fighting, this goes well beyond, must be all that nice Christianity!

Who said anything about christianity in this thread there's a bias showing. This isn't about an MP its about volunteer workers, but its typical ritamd same games played on 50plus spurious and malicious huh!

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This IS NOT in fighting, this goes well beyond, must be all that nice Christianity!

Who said anything about christianity in this thread there's a bias showing. This isn't about an MP its about volunteer workers, but its typical ritamd same games played on 50plus spurious and malicious huh!

Who or what is ritamd and 50plus? Are you saying this poster, catchme, is a spurious and malicious poster from another forum?

well, I laughed out loud .......



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