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If a leader can't admit their faults / mistakes that makes them a weak leader, not a strong one. A strong leader can say "Actually, I don't know about X, but I have a lot of smart people who do and I'm learning more about it all the time." The weak leader says "Of course I know all about X" and then continues to do nothing because of their ignorance.

Don't confuse strength (or the appearance thereof) with an inability to admit that you're human.

Strong leaders have no problem saying that priorities can be hard to set. But strong leaders then go out and set priorities. The person who thinks priorities affecting an entire nation are always easy to set, or who mocks those who can see that it can be hard, are those who probably don't fully understand what is at stake.

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You know, you complain about others being partisan, but what are you with comments like the above. Please list some things you like about Dion if you dare.

Here's one. He was inclusive and made places for all his leadership rivals in his team.

I have never claimed to be non-partisan and chastised others for being *blindly partisan* at the same time.

Care to explain why you singled me out? Quid pro quo...

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You know, you complain about others being partisan, but what are you with comments like the above. Please list some things you like about Dion if you dare.

Here's one. He was inclusive and made places for all his leadership rivals in his team.

I have never claimed to be non-partisan and chastised others for being *blindly partisan* at the same time.

Care to explain why you singled me out? Quid pro quo...

Do you really have to ask? :lol::lol:

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What did Dion accomplish during his year as Environment Minister?

Project Green

Reviews a Year of Environmental Progress

The Climate Change conference in Montreal

Why Dion's plan would have reached the Kyoto targets if Steve did not cancel all programs.

And the cost was $10 billion until 2012.

So please, don't accept the propaganda dripping from Baird or Lunn or the other parrots who are forced to toe the party line. Do the research for yourselfs and "then" you can criticize Stephane Dion for not being a leader.

After reading all his accomplishments in his sort time as Environment Minister, I and may more are very impressed. And then the man has to be honest also.

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That is funny, funny stuff.

We would have met our Kyoto targets, despite a decade of inaction by the Liberals because the Conservatives have been in power for 13 months.

Credibility Stéphanie. Credibility. That is the key. That one doesn't even pass the laugh test. :lol:

What decade? Most of the world just signed the Kyoto accord in 2003. The Liberals came to power in 1993 and spent years cleaning up the deficit and debt that Mulroney left. Kyoto came into being in 1997 but did not come into force until February 16, 2005 with 169 counties signing on. At that time Dion had his ducks all set up to meet the targets that Canada set. Which Steve canceled all the programs but then renewed them after sticking his finger up, under a new name, but with select parts missing, like help for lower income Canadians to refit their homes.

Now Steve has had 14 months to set targets for whatever substitute Kyoto he wants and... where are they???

In 2050? WOW!

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Kyoto came into being in 1997 but did not come into force until February 16, 2005 with 169 counties signing on. At that time Dion had his ducks all set up to meet the targets that Canada set.

Hmmm, so Kyoto was signed in 1997 but no action was taken by the Liberals for 8 years because it hadn't come into force yet? :lol:

Credibility Stéphanie. Credibility. That is the key. That one doesn't even pass the laugh test. :lol:

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Kyoto came into being in 1997 but did not come into force until February 16, 2005 with 169 counties signing on. At that time Dion had his ducks all set up to meet the targets that Canada set.

Hmmm, so Kyoto was signed in 1997 but no action was taken by the Liberals for 8 years because it hadn't come into force yet? :lol:

Credibility Stéphanie. Credibility. That is the key. That one doesn't even pass the laugh test. :lol:

Try reading these:

Project Green

Reviews a Year of Environmental Progress

The Climate Change conference in Montreal

Why Dion's plan would have reached the Kyoto targets if Steve did not cancel all programs.

Speaking of credibility.............. a 'socialist scheme'

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This is the one that lacks all credibility.

Would you like to post those links a third time?

Credibility Stéphanie. Credibility. That is the key. That one doesn't even pass the laugh test.

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Kyoto came into being in 1997 but did not come into force until February 16, 2005 with 169 counties signing on. At that time Dion had his ducks all set up to meet the targets that Canada set.

Hmmm, so Kyoto was signed in 1997 but no action was taken by the Liberals for 8 years because it hadn't come into force yet? :lol:

Credibility Stéphanie. Credibility. That is the key. That one doesn't even pass the laugh test. :lol:

Try reading these:

Ah, hiti you know they never read anything that might disprove what they are attempting to message. I did though and found this very interesting:

At the December 2005 Montreal Conference, Stéphane Dion as Minister of the Environment chaired the conference recognized internationally as a tremendous diplomatic success for Canada in bringing together the world over the issue of climate change. As the Sierra Club noted in their 2006 Report card: “Former Environment Minister Stéphane Dion did superb work from June 2005 until the close of the climate conference in December. In fact, Minister Dion ignored the fall of the government on November 28, 2005 and conducted himself as a heroic President of the negotiations. International NGOs rated his performance as the best of any in the last thirteen years of Conferences of the Parties.”

Mr. Dion said, “David Emerson should enlighten his colleague the Minister of Industry immediately, and inform him of the facts: that Project Green would indeed have made it possible for Canada to meet its international obligations under Kyoto. When I became Minister of the Environment we set to work immediately. Our Liberal government of the time, lead by the ad hoc cabinet Committee on Sustainable Development, brought into place Project Green. David Emerson was very confident in defending Project Green and its goals last year when he was a Liberal cabinet Minister and chair of the ad hoc cabinet committee. He should now do the honourable thing and tell his colleague the Minister of Industry to stop calling him a liar. That is what Mr. Bernier implied last night on CTV, throwing away any pretense of decency and civil debate.”

Mr. Dion added, “Clearly Mr. Bernier’s comments yesterday were intended only to divert attention from the conservative government’s disastrous policies on the environment and combating climate change, as well as the damage they are

Moreover, instead of accepting Laytons' ammendments to bill C288 of the Liberals Private members bill, to expand upon the CEPA, we Canadians are now being forced to spend millions more, on a new Bill, can anyone say gun registry? And waste more time with no start date until 2015, when Dions would've started in 2008.

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The problem i have with the whole kyoto thing is that it's been neglected for so long and to meet the targets in time would be unfeasible unless you shut down a good portion of our economy. The other way to meet it would be through the carbon credit deal and I have a HUGE problem with sending my tax dollars to other countries so they can alledgedly try and fix their problems.

We have a biofuel industry chomping at the bit to go, if the libs are wanting to throw money around, throw money at that.

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The problem i have with the whole kyoto thing is that it's been neglected for so long and to meet the targets in time would be unfeasible unless you shut down a good portion of our economy. The other way to meet it would be through the carbon credit deal and I have a HUGE problem with sending my tax dollars to other countries so they can alledgedly try and fix their problems.

We have a biofuel industry chomping at the bit to go, if the libs are wanting to throw money around, throw money at that.

That's exactly what I mean about credibility. Dion saying that we would have met Kyoto with what was in place up to 2005, then blaming our inability to meet Kyoto on the Conservatives last 13 months in power isn't credible. Then saying Canadians can get rich in the process of trying to meet Kyoto isn't credible.

Shipping money overseas to buy tax credits is a joke.

The Conservatives announced a biofuels strategy in December. Here is the link.

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