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Tory MP accused of emailing 'denigrating' joke

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The hypocrisy of his actions, he fires a staff from his riding association because he did not like his staff's joking email, but feels he is justifed to stay?

There is no hypocrisy because Mayes isn't the one who fired him. The director how got fired was voted off the board by the other members of the board.

Being a director in a riding association is a voluntary position. So the director who was let go was definitely not on Mayes' staff in any way shape or form.

That the fired director turned around and leaked a different email to the media makes me think the guy is very odd and was definitely not looking out for Mayes or the party. He has definitely burned all bridges with the party. Who knows what transprired to lead to him being let go from the board, but he had to know leaking the email would have hurt him.

Had he really wanted to hurt Mayes he would have leaked it during the next election. Clearly not a very shrewed guy...

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The joke, and his approval and recommending it while forwarding it after is plenty enough. It went to his MP's office, and was forwarded from there. This also makes anything he does in committeee suspect, and subject to suspicion, meaning he cannot do his job adequately.

And sweet, you approve of a racist joke and add a misogynist comment as well.

Now hold on Shiela Broflovski, it doesn't mean anything. I was watching the Colbert report and he makes fun of people all the time. How is this any different, what's wrong with cracking a joke.

Get a sense of humour for chrissakes.

It's not misogynist, would you prefer if I told you to stop getting you're knickers tied up in a knot?

I think Catchme just likes to get offended by everything, and victimize everyone over semantics.

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'Canadian Blue' So what action's besides the jokes show that he is a racist. If he's doing his job, why fire him over some person getting their panties tied up in a knot.

The joke, and his approval and recommending it while forwarding it after is plenty enough. It went to his MP's office, and was forwarded from there. This also makes anything he does in committeee suspect, and subject to suspicion, meaning he cannot do his job adequately.

And sweet, you approve of a racist joke and add a misogynist comment as well. :rolleyes:

Hmmm.....so if Canadian Blue says "panties tied in a knot" this means he hates the female gender? That's ridiculous Catch Me and you know it.

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The joke, and his approval and recommending it while forwarding it after is plenty enough. It went to his MP's office, and was forwarded from there. This also makes anything he does in committeee suspect, and subject to suspicion, meaning he cannot do his job adequately.

And sweet, you approve of a racist joke and add a misogynist comment as well.

Now hold on Shiela Broflovski, it doesn't mean anything. I was watching the Colbert report and he makes fun of people all the time. How is this any different, what's wrong with cracking a joke.

Get a sense of humour for chrissakes.

It's not misogynist, would you prefer if I told you to stop getting you're knickers tied up in a knot?

I think Catchme just likes to get offended by everything, and victimize everyone over semantics.

I give her a bit more credit than that Canadian Blue. She likes to be offended over anything and a voctim over anything when it supports her agenda.

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The hypocrisy of his actions, he fires a staff from his riding association because he did not like his staff's joking email, but feels he is justifed to stay?

Typical, rascist puke! That email should have been immediately deleted and a letter sent to the person sending it saying that this type of thing was not acceptable. Instead he forwarded it!

He didn't write the joke, he laughed at it.

Good for him, it was a funny reflection on the public service.

I could care less.

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Half the adds on TV these days have women making men look like idiots. I get white guy jokes from non Caucasian friends and dumb guy jokes from women (specially from my wife). So what, a lot of them are funny and no offense is intended. Except that is to people who are always looking for an excuse to be offended.

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Why wilfully choose to use sexist terminology, to denigrate the poster instead of addressing the topic? Deliberate use of such is as bad as condoning racism in an MP.

Those supporting him are either racist, or playing partisianship. Enuff said!

That's one of the stupidest thing's I have ever heard. Watch South Park, the Chappelle Show, The Colbert Report, whatever and you are sure to find much worse jokes about racial and gender stereotypes.

It's not racism, the MP isn't condoning racism and most of these racial jokes come from minority groups. I've made jokes about my sister in the law who is Dutch all the time, it doesn't mean I hate Dutch people. I've even been the butt of a few jokes about my ancestry, but I don't get offended.

I think somebody just needs to get a sense of humour. ;)

By the way do you plan on banning South Park or Family Guy anytime soon, as they have made fun of a bunch of different groups.

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An MP is not comedians or comic TV big difference. I cannot even believe some would compare the them. :rolleyes:

He used our email system to spread his racism. If this had been the Liberals people would've been screaming, suporting racism and his actions says much about the CPC and their supporters.

Indian is not an acceptable term, nor is referring to FN's as Tonto, or Chief.

That some of you do not see a correlation between failure/inaction/disrespect on these issues list and the chair of the First Nations Committee thinking a racist-FN joke being funny is simply unbelievable.

Anyone who finds no racism in the joke meets the definition of a racist.

If you think greeting FN peoples as 'Tonto or Chief' is alright just try it sometime with someone of FN extraction and see just how many laughs you get in return.

As someone else who responded to this joke said:

There is also another serious problem with the "joke" which is the denigration of committees, of federal civil servants, elected representatives and of democracy. If Mayes thinks it's a "good joke" to depict government work as occasions where one drinks coffee, blathers nonsense, makes a mess and then takes off for the day -- then my guess is he's getting precious little done on this file and likely on any other on which he were to "serve".

It is inapparopriate on so many levels, it is sickening.

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The hypocrisy of his actions, he fires a staff from his riding association because he did not like his staff's joking email, but feels he is justifed to stay?

Apparently you can't read, which is typical of the left. He did not fire anyone. The board of the riding association voted the person out over an email which criticised the serving member. Then afterwards he claimed it was "a joke". Sure.

Typical, rascist puke!

Yes, typical racist puke with an Asian wife and Black granddaughters.

What politically correct drivel. What mindless, reactionary, anal-retentive pap.

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Why wilfully choose to use sexist terminology, to denigrate the poster instead of addressing the topic? Deliberate use of such is as bad as condoning racism in an MP.

Those supporting him are either racist, or playing partisianship. Enuff said!

Those criticizing him are universally dishonest and ignorant, without judgment or humour, and probably would not pass an IQ test if we ever required them for voters.

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Am I following this thread properly?

A guy is to resign because he "read" a joke on his computer?

I think this kind of childish partisan accusation is one of the major reasons why politicians of all levels and stripes today have to portray themselves as robotic, unthinking, unemotional drones who have no flaws, faults or shades of gray to their character. The least kind of hint of a personality and some whiny, sniveling partisans from the other side will go screaming to the press, who will dully splash this shocking insight into the fact the politician is human onto the front page of every newspaper.

I mean, the joke wasn't even denigrating towards natives, not in the least. But that doesn't matter, apparently. The Liberals will still seize on it to "demand his resignation". What contemptible hypocrisy on their part, and on the part of those here who are thumping their politically correct bibles in agreement.

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"If this had been the Liberals people would've been screaming, suporting racism and his actions says much about the CPC and their supporters."

If this had been the Liberals, it probably would not even have been reported by the Liberal MSM.

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An MP is not comedians or comic TV big difference. I cannot even believe some would compare the them. :rolleyes:

He used our email system to spread his racism. If this had been the Liberals people would've been screaming, suporting racism and his actions says much about the CPC and their supporters.

Indian is not an acceptable term, nor is referring to FN's as Tonto, or Chief.

That some of you do not see a correlation between failure/inaction/disrespect on these issues list and the chair of the First Nations Committee thinking a racist-FN joke being funny is simply unbelievable.

Anyone who finds no racism in the joke meets the definition of a racist.

If you think greeting FN peoples as 'Tonto or Chief' is alright just try it sometime with someone of FN extraction and see just how many laughs you get in return.

As someone else who responded to this joke said:

There is also another serious problem with the "joke" which is the denigration of committees, of federal civil servants, elected representatives and of democracy. If Mayes thinks it's a "good joke" to depict government work as occasions where one drinks coffee, blathers nonsense, makes a mess and then takes off for the day -- then my guess is he's getting precious little done on this file and likely on any other on which he were to "serve".

It is inapparopriate on so many levels, it is sickening.

A native girl I know said herself she thinks its just a joke and people are getting up in arms over nothing.

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An MP is not comedians or comic TV big difference. I cannot even believe some would compare the them. :rolleyes:

He used our email system to spread his racism. If this had been the Liberals people would've been screaming, suporting racism and his actions says much about the CPC and their supporters.

Indian is not an acceptable term, nor is referring to FN's as Tonto, or Chief.

That some of you do not see a correlation between failure/inaction/disrespect on these issues list and the chair of the First Nations Committee thinking a racist-FN joke being funny is simply unbelievable.

Anyone who finds no racism in the joke meets the definition of a racist.

If you think greeting FN peoples as 'Tonto or Chief' is alright just try it sometime with someone of FN extraction and see just how many laughs you get in return.

As someone else who responded to this joke said:

There is also another serious problem with the "joke" which is the denigration of committees, of federal civil servants, elected representatives and of democracy. If Mayes thinks it's a "good joke" to depict government work as occasions where one drinks coffee, blathers nonsense, makes a mess and then takes off for the day -- then my guess is he's getting precious little done on this file and likely on any other on which he were to "serve".

It is inapparopriate on so many levels, it is sickening.

I dont think "Indian" would offend a native as much as its offending you Catch Me. In New Brunswick I have worked at jobs where people call me squarehead cuz I am english-speaking. And I call them frogs right back. And whatever you may think of this, these people are just joking with me and nobody breaks out in little arseholes and shits all over the place the way you are doing. You have called people stupid and uneducated here, but you get very very picky about a little term that I think most people can understand. You are actually flying off the handle about this.

Now you know that when Columbus got here he was looking for India and he called the people here Indians. We all know he was wrong. But Indian is not offensive. It does not mean anything insulting----or else you dont like people from India I take it.

Lol...you are really fishing. First its a joke with a native in it---a group Mayes doesnt even belong to. And now you are using it as denigration of civil servants. Lol I must at least give you credit for being persistent little Liberal mosquitoes. So now Mayes cant even joke about his own. Remember he didnt write the joke. He "took" a joke about civil servants well.

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But this is just the problem. This is a man sending this? Too many times I have heard stuff like this excused by men because it is just a joke.

Maybe that indicates your complete lack of humour.

I think the most telling thing is margrace dealing with 'racism' by resorting to 'sexism.'

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It will be interesting to see how much if any outrage comes from the native community. So far all I have seen is non natives being outraged for them. Or is it outraged civil servants. I notice the media didn't think it offensive enough not to repeat it.

Given his government position, I don't think he was the smartest cookie to respond laughing. But at the same time, I don't think it's as big of a deal that he did as people are making it out to be, I think many other people would have done the same.

Nonetheless, I think the reaction would be the equal (if not worse), if it had been a Liberal who responded as such. In fact, I can practically hear the "hypocritical Liberal" accusations about the "elite champagne-socialists" as opposed to the "typical conservative racist."

If you were to be honest with yourself, you know that it is indeed a partisan issue, and if it were a Liberal who'd done the same, many conservatives on this forum (who are currently denying that these actions are offensive) would be screaming otherwise.

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It will be interesting to see how much if any outrage comes from the native community. So far all I have seen is non natives being outraged for them. Or is it outraged civil servants. I notice the media didn't think it offensive enough not to repeat it.

Given his government position, I don't think he was the smartest cookie to respond laughing. But at the same time, I don't think it's as big of a deal that he did as people are making it out to be, I think many other people would have done the same.

Nonetheless, I think the reaction would be the equal (if not worse), if it had been a Liberal who responded as such. In fact, I can practically hear the "hypocritical Liberal" accusations about the "elite champagne-socialists" as opposed to the "typical conservative racist."

If you were to be honest with yourself, you know that it is indeed a partisan issue, and if it were a Liberal who'd done the same, many conservatives on this forum (who are currently denying that these actions are offensive) would be screaming otherwise.

Of course it is a partisan issue. Of course there would be the same kind of asinine reaction if a Liberal had said it. That is why it is crap. As someone else said, if he is guilty of anything it is not covering his ass. There seems to be no greater crime as far as politicians or bureaucrats are concerned.

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