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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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While it may appear to be many things to many different people, until it airs and we can see what it's like we don't have any real idea what messages and character portrayals in the show are. Implying that the CBC has a deeper more sinister objective, based on this conjecture is silly at best.

And being the tenth poster on this thread to make the same obvious point, i.e. the show hasn't aired yet, is even sillier and quite pedanitc.

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It's common knowledge that the CBC promotes it's Liberal agenda. That is why they are not taken as a credible news organization throughout the world. Same reason why the Toronto Star is non-credible.

The minimum wage has been raised by 25 cents in Ontario. This all stemmed from a Toronto Star front page who used their news paper as a tool for a political agenda.

They are not taken as credible because their editorial has directly affected government policy? Good point!

For kicks, let's check out the CBC website and see some subtle brain washing and social programming they have going today shall we?

Todays CBC website front page:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will shuffle his cabinet Thursday, with embattled Environment Minister Rona Ambrose expected to be moved to another ministry."

*notice the strong wording which depicts our Environment minister, who essentially has done nother wrong, in a negative light. Also, there is a tone of 'Evile Ruler Harper is out to battle women'.

Being embattled doesn't portray her in a negative light. You just don't understand what embattled means. It means that she has been beset by conflict, and even she would admit that to be the case.

"Federal politicians contaminated with chemicals, group says"

*Lol.. here we go. The Federal gov't (read Harper) is toxic! and so is ambrose!

Lol...here we go. It clearly says politicians which is a non-partisan term. You are disengenuously projecting partisanship to make a point that doesn't really make sense anyway.

"Elections '07

"Canada readies for vote-a-palooza"

*Really? I didn't know there was going to be an election in 2007. The people don't want an election, our gov't in power doesn't want an election. Could it be... my GOd.. could it be.. the... CBC WANTS AN ELECTION?

Could it be that it's a minority government and an election could come at any time, no matter what the CBC wants?

Saddam video spotlights Iraq's problems

"The way Saddam was treated before he died will probably reinforce the view among Sunnis that the new government is waging a sectarian war against them."

*Too easy.

I think the government death squads killing Sunnis reinforces that view well enough. I also think the CBC needs more lightweight critics like you. It would be good for them.

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The question is, what advantage is the CBC gaining in choosing to pilot an ethnic and possibly highly rasist show. The obvious answer is that the CBC is attempting to expand its viewing market beyond primarily news viewing. It has piloted many shows and repeatedly altered its program order in an attempt to gain a lasting viewer market.

Now the CBC is attempting to gain an entrance into the ethnic viewing community by piloting a show which appears to be attractive towards muslim people (making them seem superior, dealing with muslim issues ect.) Once the show airs the CBC will be able to determine if it met these objectives successfuly.

Einar the Dagger

Unfortunately you may be right in regards to what the CBC wants this series to do,but it is not the intent of Zarqua Narwaz the creator of the series. She says,

I never intended for Little Mosque on the Paries to be a show about Muslims for a Muslim audience.

When asked what she hopes to accomplish with the show she says,

There is a lot of misunderstanding about Islam,and it's followers. Through the comedy of Little Mosque on the Prairie, I hope a little light can be shed

LIttle Mosque on the Prairie See Press Kit

For me personally, I think Zarqua should have made it a show about Muslims FOR Muslims to watch and to shed a little light about Islam for themselves.

They seem to be the ones who have a misunderstanding of their own religion.

The whole world has seen what Islam is all about, and so far no one cares much of what they see, yet alone find anything funny about it..

If there has been a misunderstanding about this religion it is primarly be the participants of Islam.Putting the Little Mosque on the Prairie for the purpose of understanding Islam isn't funny.

Putting the Little Mosque in Iraq or Iran or any of the other the violent Muslim countries won't be funny either,but that's where it does belong.Especially if Zarqua Narwaz's intent in correcting a misunderstanding of Islam and it's followers.Let them find something funny in what they preach in the places where they preach it the most.

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And being the tenth poster on this thread to make the same obvious point, i.e. the show hasn't aired yet, is even sillier and quite pedanitc.

That point would be silly and pedantic if not for the fact that other posters keep making the even sillier and even more pedantic comment that, based on 30 second clips, this show is racist, etc.

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For me personally, I think Zarqua should have made it a show about Muslims FOR Muslims to watch and to shed a little light about Islam for themselves.

They seem to be the ones who have a misunderstanding of their own religion.

The whole world has seen what Islam is all about, and so far no one cares much of what they see, yet alone find anything funny about it..

If there has been a misunderstanding about this religion it is primarly be the participants of Islam.Putting the Little Mosque on the Prairie for the purpose of understanding Islam isn't funny.

Putting the Little Mosque in Iraq or Iran or any of the other the violent Muslim countries won't be funny either,but that's where it does belong.Especially if Zarqua Narwaz's intent in correcting a misunderstanding of Islam and it's followers.Let them find something funny in what they preach in the places where they preach it the most.

Your viewpoint seems a bit extreme. You are basically judging the entire Muslim faith on the extremist views that we see from some Muslims. I have no doubt that this show could do some good (if done properly) to explain to non-Muslims that there are those who believe in Islam but do not believe in flying planes into buildings. Your post comes across as saying that Muslims who do not believe in the extremist position somehow do not understand what they believe.

An analogy would be to say that a Christian wanted to make a show about how not all Christians believe that birth control is a sin or that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured. Your post would read as if you were telling that person that he or she doesn't understand their own religion because there are some people who do believe those things. Yet Christianity is a pretty big tent when you look at some of the beliefs that people hold.

You do raise an interesting line of thinking though. If done well, this show might be able to not only give non-Muslims an insight into the Islamic faith, but also could show Muslims with more extreme viewpoints that there is more to the religion than violence. That's probably setting the bar a bit too high for a CBC comedy though.

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That point would be silly and pedantic if not for the fact that other posters keep making the even sillier and even more pedantic comment that, based on 30 second clips, this show is racist, etc.

You aren't really adding anything to the thread.

Sillier and more pedantic? Because you refuse to acknowledge the racism and government-funded stereotyping inherent in this 30 second clips?

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You aren't really adding anything to the thread.

Sillier and more pedantic? Because you refuse to acknowledge the racism and government-funded stereotyping inherent in this 30 second clips?

And this is why people keep saying that you can't judge the show because it hasn't aired yet. Because other people keep trying to judge an entire show based on a 30 second clip! You don't think it's adding anything to the thread, but then again, I don't think repeated attempts at saying an entire show - which no one has seen - is racist really adds anything either.

Am I going to judge an entire show on one 30 second clip? No. Because one clip does not mean that the show is biased one way or another. There might be five scenes that we haven't seen yet that go the other way. So why judge right now when you can just wait a few days and see for yourself?

Yes the show has a white guy who is intolerant of Muslims. It also apparently has a white guy (the Reverend) who is tolerant. Apparently it also has a Muslim character that isn't particularly tolerant of others. If there was no balance, and the only white people were all stereotypical rednecks then I could see a problem. But based on the character descriptions on the web site I don't see that being the case. Nevertheless, I'll wait until the show comes out before passing final judgment one way or the other.

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Am I going to judge an entire show on one 30 second clip? No. Because one clip does not mean that the show is biased one way or another. There might be five scenes that we haven't seen yet that go the other way. So why judge right now when you can just wait a few days and see for yourself?

Yes the show has a white guy who is intolerant of Muslims. It also apparently has a white guy (the Reverend) who is tolerant.

It's much more than one thirty second clip. Here are three more gems to add to the case. But let me guess, you aren't going to judge the entire show on one 30-second clip, two more rednecked quotes and a blatantly politically-biased characterization of a political ideology. :rolleyes:

Here is the source of everything below. www.littlemosque.ca

The Reverend is *tolerant*? but he is quoted as saying: "Christianity didn't survive 2,000 years by being charitable." Sounds like they are portraying him as intolerant...

The same redneck (character name Fred Tupper) who utters the cleavage line also says: "If we don't stop them soon we will all be speaking Muslim." Oh the wit in that one...

Here is part of how the character Fred Tupper is characterized on the show's Web site.

Fred describes himself as a textbook libertarian: like most bigots.

No political bias there. Unless you consider yourself a libertarian, then you are a bigot - by CBCs definition.

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I have only read a few of the posts above, but they did make me laugh out loud. For crying out loud, these people are making jokes about themselves, and some here are taking it seriusly. Sheesh.



In a decidedly un-CBC-like promotional event for "Little Mosque," a band of friendly camels was on hand Thursday, including one beast who happily shared a shawarma with one of the show's stars, Boyd Banks. Banks plays the resident redneck on the show who is ever suspicious of the goings-on in the mosque in the fictional town of Mercy.

"It's been a fun role to play, because let's face it, after Sept. 11, we all had racist thoughts," Banks says. "I know I had them, and I'm not proud of that. It would be nice, wouldn't it, if this show could end some of the prejudices that people have about Muslims."

I don't even watch television, but I actually might watch this. If people can make fun of themselves to others, it is the best start to any friendship that will ever last.
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Your viewpoint seems a bit extreme. You are basically judging the entire Muslim faith on the extremist views that we see from some Muslims. I have no doubt that this show could do some good (if done properly) to explain to non-Muslims that there are those who believe in Islam but do not believe in flying planes into buildings. Your post comes across as saying that Muslims who do not believe in the extremist position somehow do not understand what they believe.

An analogy would be to say that a Christian wanted to make a show about how not all Christians believe that birth control is a sin or that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured. Your post would read as if you were telling that person that he or she doesn't understand their own religion because there are some people who do believe those things. Yet Christianity is a pretty big tent when you look at some of the beliefs that people hold.

You do raise an interesting line of thinking though. If done well, this show might be able to not only give non-Muslims an insight into the Islamic faith, but also could show Muslims with more extreme viewpoints that there is more to the religion than violence. That's probably setting the bar a bit too high for a CBC comedy though.


I'm afraid that your imagination has taken the best of you.

Extreme viewpoint?,flying planes into buildings?post comes across as saying that Muslims who do not believe in the extreme position somehow do not understand what they believe?

I've said none of those things,even though may have thought or wished I did.

What I did say was that the creator did NOT create the series for Muslims, and I believe she should have, so Muslims can see what they are to themselves.

How much more do we have to "learn" about Islam and what it "really" is? I know there are Muslims who follow Islam and they are good people, but why are these Muslims in denial about those who practice Islam wrongly?

Why are Muslims always educating the western world about Islam, and not condemning and educating those who practice Islam with hate and violence?

Very few Muslim voices speak out against this violence and hate. Fifteen young Muslims Canadians get sucked into terrorism, and the Muslim community says it is Canadians who don't understand these young men.

Making a comedy about Muslims in a non-Muslims community under the pretence that non-Muslims in Canada need to understand Islam, and NOT creating the series for Muslims to understand how non-Muslims Canadians live their lives as decent law abiding people,with their own religion, their own customs,their own peaceful lives. Mocking a non-Muslim group's life style with stereo-types doesn't seem to be the right way to get any non-Muslims to understand someone else's religion.

I don't need to know anymore about Islam,or any other religion for that matter.

What does need to be done, is for Muslims to teach other Muslims about Islam and acceptance of other people's customs,cultures and religions.

Being a poor black man is not funny,just ask a black man. Being a drunken Indian is not funny,just ask an Indian.

Being a obese person is not funny,ask a fat person.

Being a Islamic Muslim is not funny, just ask a Muslim.

Why should being a non-Muslim in a small western town be funny?

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Now you're catching on! That's exactly what I've been saying. And it only took 13 pages. :lol:

I got it all along. You have already judged the show, and no amount of evidence to the contrary will change your opinion. :lol:

Just when it looked like you understood, you opened your mouth again. Stignasty is not going to judge a show based on some 30 second soundbites. Unlike you, who has already blackballed the show as racist.

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What does need to be done, is for Muslims to teach other Muslims about Islam and acceptance of other people's customs,cultures and religions.

Nice that you know what Muslims need to do for Muslims, too bad that premise did not work with Christians being able to teach other so called Christians about acceptance of other peoples customs, cultures and religions. :rolleyes:

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There's a term for people who have no sense of humor, and interpret every silly generalization as examples of racism. They call them PC. The right on this forum is becoming a prime example of political correctness run amock.

There were *four* silly little generalizations before the show has been aired. It attacks four things the CBC doesn't like.

1. People who don't believe in their left-wing ideology.

2. Christians

3. Canadians from the Prairies.

4. People who are not of colour.

If there were attacks on the opposite in each case people would be up in arms.

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4. People who are not of colour.

If there were attacks on the opposite in each case people would be up in arms.

Earlier the complaint was about attacks on white Western Canadians.

This thread has deteriorated into simple baiting.

On the Internet, baiting is similar to trolling, in that baiters, like trolls, try to elicit a response from other users.


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Earlier the complaint was about attacks on white Western Canadians.

This thread has deteriorated into simple baiting.

On the Internet, baiting is similar to trolling, in that baiters, like trolls, try to elicit a response from other users.


The complaint has always been about the use of a massive annual subsidy to push an agenda. LMotP is simply another example of the misuse of that subsidy.

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o political bias there. Unless you consider yourself a libertarian, then you are a bigot - by CBCs definition.

No. The text is saying that bigots call themselves libertarians, not that libertarians are bigots.

There were *four* silly little generalizations before the show has been aired. It attacks four things the CBC doesn't like.

1. People who don't believe in their left-wing ideology.

2. Christians

3. Canadians from the Prairies.

4. People who are not of colour.

If there were attacks on the opposite in each case people would be up in arms.

"Attacks"? Give it up. Stop to trying to cram your politcal corectness down our throats....

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No. The text is saying that bigots call themselves libertarians, not that libertarians are bigots.

Please do explain the difference. Which libertarians are bigots and which are not?

"Attacks"? Give it up. Stop to trying to cram your politcal corectness down our throats....

Why? Is political correctness a good thing only when used to advance left-wing causes?

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Please do explain the difference. Which libertarians are bigots and which are not?

The non-bigoted ones. Let me put the joke this way. Not all libertaians are bigots, but all bigots are libertarians.

Why? Is political correctness a good thing only when used to advance left-wing causes?

Is political correctness a bad thing only when used to advance left-wing causes?

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