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Alberta Makes Big Tax Money

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It's a good time to be an Albertan. The job market is paying massively, it's rather ridiculous how much you can be paid in Alberta right now.

I've got some friends that have moved out here over the last six months or so from Ontario and Quebec, and doing the same type of work are making 20+ more a year. It's great.

Is there inflation? Yup, about 5% in Calgary. It sucks, you can't afford houses right now. But for someone starting out at the beginning of the game, it's the place to be. So much money to be made.

With Ontario losing jobs and economic growth barely crawling there, Alberta's success is going to become more of an issue of contention. Our solid economic values brought us this wealth, and it won't be long before the RoC wants to take it away to support their failed economic structures. Alberta needs to be careful... it is after all, one of the richest regions in the world inside a country that is struggling to maintain a top 10 standing in the OECD.

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It's a good time to be an Albertan. The job market is paying massively, it's rather ridiculous how much you can be paid in Alberta right now.

I've got some friends that have moved out here over the last six months or so from Ontario and Quebec, and doing the same type of work are making 20+ more a year. It's great.

Is there inflation? Yup, about 5% in Calgary. It sucks, you can't afford houses right now. But for someone starting out at the beginning of the game, it's the place to be. So much money to be made.

With Ontario losing jobs and economic growth barely crawling there, Alberta's success is going to become more of an issue of contention. Our solid economic values brought us this wealth, and it won't be long before the RoC wants to take it away to support their failed economic structures. Alberta needs to be careful... it is after all, one of the richest regions in the world inside a country that is struggling to maintain a top 10 standing in the OECD.

Do you worry about the competence level of the government in Alberta? Could they piss it all away?

As for Alberta's growth, it is good for Canada. I think if Alberta grows by over a 100,000 people a year or more, it will be a good thing as long as the province can manage the growth.

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I am absolutely frightened by the lack of government competent in Alberta.

The only problem is there is no replacement party more competent. The Liberals and NDP are actually a complete joke of an opposition and the Alberta Alliance is too socon for my liking and the liking of other more mainstream non-farmers.

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I am absolutely frightened by the lack of government competent in Alberta.

The only problem is there is no replacement party more competent. The Liberals and NDP are actually a complete joke of an opposition and the Alberta Alliance is too socon for my liking and the liking of other more mainstream non-farmers.

I don't know if that is going to change in Alberta. It is a one party state. Liberals there join the Conservative party. NDP who are moderates there join the Conservative party. It is either the PCs or something more conservative.

Perhaps the incredible amount of immigration might change that in the future but it hasn't happened so far.

I suspect that you might have a Conservative government there until they day you die. I don't even know why anyone runs in opposition.

If you do get an incompetent government, I expect the purging will come within the Conservatives and you will simply get a new Conservative premier.

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Albertans will create a new political party and embrace it if there is no other viable alternative. The one known thing is thaty things need changing. In our past when that sentiment gets legs the old dynasty bites the dust and a new one is created. It has only happened four times, but then again we have only had four different governments. Liberal, United Farmers, Social Credit and now Progressive Conservative and with the exception of the United Farmers all dominated for decades at a time.

Personally I want to see a new party. Call them the Commonwealth Party of Alberta for now. There is a growing group of Alberta citizens that want to see things change, they represent the largest demographic in the province and they are the apathetic citizenry. A lot of them are becoming very vocal in their opinions, but still do not support a partisan faction. That is because they are simply too independent minded and don't want to conform to some party line. They have watched the big majority governments at the federal and provincial levels ram legislation down the throats of citizens and they don't like it. But there is a this time no viable alternative to the big political parties. What will work for them is a grass roots movement to address citizens issues with government. In other words a new partisan faction, the independents. Candidates that are elected on the basis of desiring to represent their constituents instead of partisan parties and their leaders, yet are willing to work with others to resolve problems are what Albertans want.I am currently seeking out people who want to see change in this province. I am advocating that they find independent candidates for their ridings and help them get elected.

The Conservatives have at least one more majority government to start addressing the needs of Albertans. After that at best they will find themselves in a minority position. The third election from now there will be an entirely different form of government in Alberta. If the government of Canada does not recognize the direction that Alberta is travelling in, then there will be large problems for the nation down the road. In my opinion within 15 years Aberta will be in a position to seperate because of federal policies and provincial public agendas.

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The Conservatives have at least one more majority government to start addressing the needs of Albertans. After that at best they will find themselves in a minority position. The third election from now there will be an entirely different form of government in Alberta. If the government of Canada does not recognize the direction that Alberta is travelling in, then there will be large problems for the nation down the road. In my opinion within 15 years Aberta will be in a position to seperate because of federal policies and provincial public agendas.

Who do you vote for in Alberta elections if the PCs are unacceptable?

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With Ontario losing jobs and economic growth barely crawling there, Alberta's success is going to become more of an issue of contention. Our solid economic values brought us this wealth, and it won't be long before the RoC wants to take it away to support their failed economic structures. Alberta needs to be careful... it is after all, one of the richest regions in the world inside a country that is struggling to maintain a top 10 standing in the OECD.

Oil is a "value" now? Jesus, geoffery, I don't know how you can spout stuff like that in one breath and in the next say:

I am absolutely frightened by the lack of government competent in Alberta.

When the same incompetents runnming the show now (and looking to run the show in the futuie) are the same people who got us where we are today by pushing "solid economic values." Or did the sudden lack of a debt turn all the geniuses stupid? Or, could it be there is an independent variable at work that is responsible for Alberta's success? Like say, the massive increase in global oil and gas prices in the last few years?

Your attitude (which is all too common in this province, especially among carpetbaggers who have adopted Alberta and taken its self-aggrandizing mythos to heart) reminds me of the old saying: "Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple."

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The solid economic values are why we have an oil industry and why Newfoundland is impoverished with a likely comparable amount of resources.

Pffft. And the fact that Alberta has about a 40 year head start on developing its resources has nothing to do with that, right?

It's nice to have oil, it's nicer to have the taxation and business systems in place to get it outta the ground.

Because otherwise oil companies will just go elsewhere? I think not.

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They did in Saskatchewan, they are ready to pack their bags in Newfoundland. There is alot of oil out there.

And nowhere is there more than in Alberta, no? That we have to supplicate ourselves before Big Business is another one of those great Alberta myths. The oil companies are taking Alberta for a ride and our incompentent leaders are helping them.

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The solid economic values are why we have an oil industry and why Newfoundland is impoverished with a likely comparable amount of resources.

It's nice to have oil, it's nicer to have the taxation and business systems in place to get it outta the ground.

Calm down, breath deep, use your head, don't recite what you read in the Calgary Sun.

Oil is a newly discovered commodity in NFLD. Second, there isn't that much of it out there at all. Third, it's in the ocean and it's much more expensive to get. Fourth, the federal government is not letting NFLD have the same deal as Alberta - in Alberta if you find oil, you develop it within 5 years or you lose it. In NFLD, you can sit on it forever. The reason being that Harper is an Albertan and not a NFLDer. So what's going to happen is that the oil companies will dig up all the oil in Alberta and then move to NFLD. Which is good because the oil rigs in Alb are ran by NFLDers anyway, so they are fully qualified to do the job. What may be inconvenient for you is that you'll have to move to St.Johns.

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The solid economic values are why we have an oil industry and why Newfoundland is impoverished with a likely comparable amount of resources.

It's nice to have oil, it's nicer to have the taxation and business systems in place to get it outta the ground.

Calm down, breath deep, use your head, don't recite what you read in the Calgary Sun.

Oil is a newly discovered commodity in NFLD. Second, there isn't that much of it out there at all. Third, it's in the ocean and it's much more expensive to get. Fourth, the federal government is not letting NFLD have the same deal as Alberta - in Alberta if you find oil, you develop it within 5 years or you lose it. In NFLD, you can sit on it forever. The reason being that Harper is an Albertan and not a NFLDer. So what's going to happen is that the oil companies will dig up all the oil in Alberta and then move to NFLD. Which is good because the oil rigs in Alb are ran by NFLDers anyway, so they are fully qualified to do the job. What may be inconvenient for you is that you'll have to move to St.Johns.

Do you even have the most basic of understanding of what you are talking about? Newly discovered? Maybe. It would depend on what you use for relative terms.

Nefoundlanders running rigs? Hah! There are not that many Newf's on the rigs first of all. While there is a huge number in Ft. Mac, the rigs are overwhelmingly run by Alberta toolpushes (rig managers). The vast majority of Newf's that are on the rigs are lease hands or maybe roughnecks (this would make sense to you if you understood the patch). As for "digging up all the oil in Alberta", that is simply a foolish statement. Hibernia and White Rose on the coast have huge deposits, but nowhere near what lies in the Eastern Slopes and the Basin in Alberta. Don't even start to compare MacMurray to anything else in Canada. Maybe Saudi (or OPEC etal).

If Newfoundlanders don't like the Liberal policies as concerning the natural reserves of the province, remember....it's provincial jurisdiction. You might want to press your provincial government on that one.

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Our solid economic values brought us this wealth

You've got to be kidding. Your solid economic values generated rich deposits of oil under your feet? That's rather funny. Your heads are spinning. Don't overestimate yourselves. That's what's going to cause tensions, nothing else.

Really? I'd say it's your jealousy that is going to cause problems.

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The solid economic values are why we have an oil industry and why Newfoundland is impoverished with a likely comparable amount of resources.

It's nice to have oil, it's nicer to have the taxation and business systems in place to get it outta the ground.

Calm down, breath deep, use your head, don't recite what you read in the Calgary Sun.

Oil is a newly discovered commodity in NFLD. Second, there isn't that much of it out there at all. Third, it's in the ocean and it's much more expensive to get. Fourth, the federal government is not letting NFLD have the same deal as Alberta - in Alberta if you find oil, you develop it within 5 years or you lose it. In NFLD, you can sit on it forever. The reason being that Harper is an Albertan and not a NFLDer. So what's going to happen is that the oil companies will dig up all the oil in Alberta and then move to NFLD. Which is good because the oil rigs in Alb are ran by NFLDers anyway, so they are fully qualified to do the job. What may be inconvenient for you is that you'll have to move to St.Johns.

haha. it' snot newly discovered in NFLD. They have known about that oil for 40 years. What's stopping it is that Newfoundland wants ownership of the company. Completely rediculous stuff you would only hear about in Nigeria. BTW, (assuming you are) The liberals made that policy, not evil Harper.

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With Ontario losing jobs and economic growth barely crawling there, Alberta's success is going to become more of an issue of contention. Our solid economic values brought us this wealth, and it won't be long before the RoC wants to take it away to support their failed economic structures. Alberta needs to be careful... it is after all, one of the richest regions in the world inside a country that is struggling to maintain a top 10 standing in the OECD.

Oil is a "value" now? Jesus, geoffery, I don't know how you can spout stuff like that in one breath and in the next say:

I am absolutely frightened by the lack of government competent in Alberta.

When the same incompetents runnming the show now (and looking to run the show in the futuie) are the same people who got us where we are today by pushing "solid economic values." Or did the sudden lack of a debt turn all the geniuses stupid? Or, could it be there is an independent variable at work that is responsible for Alberta's success? Like say, the massive increase in global oil and gas prices in the last few years?

Your attitude (which is all too common in this province, especially among carpetbaggers who have adopted Alberta and taken its self-aggrandizing mythos to heart) reminds me of the old saying: "Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple."

The ALberta government first started making painful cuts when oil was at $13 per barrel. The fact that they got their fiscal house in order during rough periods is a testament to the government and the province is now able to enjoy its windfall because of difficult decisions made before the boom.

Way to go Ralph! You've done it again :)

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My dog could have run and been elected as a conservative in Alberta for the last few decades. Its not like Ralph had a rough time of things here, being awash in revenues a goldfish could have governed as well. You have to look under the carpet for the lump in the middle of the room. Its a pile of skeletons from the closet that the conservatives have been hiding for years. Some clever human will lift the corner of the rug one day soon and the conservative legacy will be their own gallows.

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I think that whenever you have a government in place for too long you are guaranteed to run into problems (of corruption, incompetence and complacency) eventually. The fact that Alberta hasn't changed its government for so long and that Ralph was more or less a king probably means that the conservatives didn't do quite as good as they could have. It seems to me that Alberta could be getting a lot more money for its resources than it currently is - it's not like the oil companies have anywhere else to go.

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I think that whenever you have a government in place for too long you are guaranteed to run into problems (of corruption, incompetence and complacency) eventually. The fact that Alberta hasn't changed its government for so long and that Ralph was more or less a king probably means that the conservatives didn't do quite as good as they could have. It seems to me that Alberta could be getting a lot more money for its resources than it currently is - it's not like the oil companies have anywhere else to go.

I couldn't agree more, but the limiting factor is the Tory government who are well looked after.

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