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Canadian Political Polls


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Latest Ipsos poll.


As the pollster says, for some reason the Harper Tories cannot push it past the 40% mark for very long.

Polls can not be trusted- where is the governing body to make sure the companies that do these surveys are behaving themselves? There is no two party sytem in Canada or America- It's a huge Facist state. So once we except that fact that all politics has become theatre.the better - then with that out of the way - we can instruct our Facist wanna be masters..someone has to speak up...if you continue in this delluded idea that democacy exists - then the wakeup call will be ten times are rude when it comes.

Pollsters and those that engage such companies know one thing for certain - that the individual is fear full and terrified of being cut from the herd of sheeple...so if a poll states that 90% of the people believe that poop smells like roses..80% will agree - George Bernard Shaw said "The majority is always wrong" and he was right. If you were to conduct a poll that stated 98% of people admitted to being homo-sexuals - the ranks of the gay population would double in a day...human beings are pitiful. The men that control the polling companies control the most of the minds and cowardly hearts of the population...it's a great and easy scam.

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Grand-Mere a.k.a Shawinigate, in which Chretien had shady dealings regarding his part ownership of a golf course before and during being PM.



Many unanswered questions were left hanging.

IMO most Quebecers make a clear distinction between Mulroney and Harper.

Perhaps an inquiry is in order?

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Dion fails to connect with Cdns: Poll

Couldn't wait for the resident poll logger to post

Not surprising. I think he has done a poor job of organizing, fundraising, appointing the right people and performing publicly in day to day functions. He runs well behind his party and I think you can assume that when an election comes up, the strategy will be to run as a Liberal party rather than as part of "Dion's team."

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His wont might not be to post that particular poll.

Of all the polls in this thread, only three or four have the Liberals in the lead. I post all polls when I see them good or bad.

One thing I can ignore from now on though is your posts.

Edited by jdobbin
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One thing I can ignore from now on though is your posts.

tsk tsk tsk, you appear to be running out of people here who respect your authority to a degree you deem sufficient.

Your fault or theirs ours?

One of the reasons I enjoy this board so much is the diversity of opinion. If you are only looking for people to parrot your hatred of Harper then why not use Rabble?

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Of all the polls in this thread, only three or four have the Liberals in the lead. I post all polls when I see them good or bad.

One thing I can ignore from now on though is your posts.

I didn't ever refer to you by name. A bit sensitive?
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Ganging up on someone to personally insult? It's like shooting someone in the back. Brave crowd.
I have nothing against jdobbin and, in fact, have considered him a friend. I was merely having a bit of fun. I shouldn't have done it, and I'm sorry.
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Ganging up on someone to personally insult? It's like shooting someone in the back. Brave crowd.

Like the bravery of someone repeatedly and libelously accusing you of 'stalking' to the point where the moderators had to step in and stop the behaviour?

Why weren't you stepping up to bat in that case?

Your remedy to deal with what you see as an insult is to insult the 'bravery' of those involved?

It wouldn't have to do with the political views of those involved would it?

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Like the bravery of someone repeatedly and libelously accusing you of 'stalking' to the point where the moderators had to step in and stop the behaviour?

Why weren't you stepping up to bat in that case?

Your remedy to deal with what you see as an insult is to insult the 'bravery' of those involved?

It wouldn't have to do with the political views of those involved would it?

One alleged behaviour does not justify another. You know that.

If I noticed two cowards ganging up on you I would step in too. Even for you :lol: whose political persuasion is nothing similar to mine. So take that Michael Bluth!

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If I noticed two cowards ganging up on you I would step in too. Even for you :lol: whose political persuasion is nothing similar to mine. So take that Michael Bluth!

Here's a link to the history of bullying from the offended poster. Bullying you didn't *notice*.

I'm a fair guy. But will defend myself when necessary.

Next time I get ganged up on I'll send you a PM to come to my defence. Thanks.

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Stop the personal off-topic nitter-nattering banter. Let me remind you all of the forum rules:


Please respect others using this board by refraining from personal attacks. There is a huge difference between disagreeing with a thought or idea and attacking an individual. We encourage lively debate and intelligent critiques of others viewpoints, not tirades against another poster.


Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious. Rule of thumb: Play the ball, not the person (i.e. tackle the argument, not the person making it).

People who have a history of antagonistic behaviour will be treated more harshly than those who do not.

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I missed this poll when it came out a few weeks ago.


- A third of Canadian adults believe the leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) would be a competent head of government, according to a poll by Angus Reid Strategies. 34 per cent of respondents think Jack Layton would make a good prime minister.

In addition, 23 per cent of respondents think Liberal leader Stéphane Dion would make a good prime minister, while 14 per cent feel the same way about Green leader Elizabeth May.

It was only published on Angus Reid's website.

Edited by jdobbin
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Latest poll from Decima.


A new poll suggests saturation coverage of the Mulroney-Schreiber affair hasn't hurt the electoral prospects of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives.

Indeed, the latest Canadian Press Decima/Harris poll suggests the Tories have maintained an eight-point lead over the Liberals despite several weeks of non-stop revelations and rehashing of Karlheinz Schreiber's financial dealings with former Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney.

The survey puts the Tories at 36 per cent support nationally, compared to 28 per cent for the Liberals – unchanged from a survey two weeks ago.

The NDP was at 16 per cent and Green Party at 11 per cent.

The Liberals have been trying to link Harper's government to revelations that Mulroney, while still an MP in 1993, accepted the first of three $100,000 cash payments from Schreiber, a German-Canadian arms lobbyist who is wanted in Germany on charges of fraud, bribery and tax evasion.

Schreiber was a principal figure in the RCMP probe into allegations of kickbacks in Air Canada's purchase of a fleet of Airbus planes.

The Liberals are still suffering all over the country in the polls. The Tories are at the same place they were two weeks ago and at the same place they were when they won the election with a minority.

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Latest poll from Decima.


The Liberals are still suffering all over the country in the polls. The Tories are at the same place they were two weeks ago and at the same place they were when they won the election with a minority.

And I still think that when a clear choice between having Harper as PM or having Dion as PM is presented, the CPC gets a majority.

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Latest Ipsos poll.


Parliamentary hearings into payments to a former prime minister more than a decade ago have sapped support for the ruling Conservatives, according to an opinion poll released on Saturday.

The Ipsos Reid poll, published in the National Post newspaper, showed support for the Conservatives at 35 percent, down from 39 percent in a November 23 poll from the same company.

Support for the Liberals, the biggest opposition party, held steady at 29 percent, while the left-wing New Democrats and the separatist Bloc Quebecois both gained support.

The figures mean the Conservatives are a long way from the magic figure of 40 percent public support that would give them a chance of winning a majority in a new election.

The party has only a minority of seats in Parliament and need the support of at least one other party to stay in power.

Pollster Darrell Bricker said the well-publicized hearings into 1993 payments made to former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney by a German-Canadian arms dealer appeared to be the main factor behind the slump in Conservative support.

"If you have a steady diet for an entire week of all these revelations coming out ... it can't help but get people to think there is a problem," he told the National Post.

The hearings do seem to have had an effect on Conservative support but they have not helped the Liberals either.

Only the NDP and BQ support have risen.

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