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Tories still short of majority in latest poll from Ipsos-Reid:

Quebec support for the Tories remains up.

Interesting. When the Conservatives support is down jdobbin points to that.

The comments above are from your own post. It would appear that Jdobbin pointed out that the Tories remain up.

As for the comments about Ontario, the numbers have been going back and forth, much like the MPs switchin parties.

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Could this be the result of the May-Dion affair?

Or irate citizens fed up with pettiness from the Liberals over their continued whining about Harper's stylist?

Really, when Harper was looking so "sloppy"....people were making a big deal out of it. Now that he's trying to improve his image...the Liberals are complaining. I don't know about you, but I want my PM to look sharp! After all, he is the head of and representing my country.

You want him to use taxpayers money to have someone comb his hair? One thing is certain, you would be singing a different tune if Paul Martin had someone to comb his hair.

If Paul Martin is the Prime Minister, I wouldn't be complaining either if we pick up the tab for his grooming!

Let's face it....nations' leaders are also like celebrities. They tend to get their photos splashed on the front pages of newspapers or face the cameras on tv WORLDWIDE. High definition!

And not everyone has the natural knack for fashion and grooming.

Would I like it if Paul Martin, as the leader and representative of Canada, look so shabby beside a dapper Clinton?

You think politicians do not hire consultants to teach them how to talk effectively (including body language?)

Anyway, I surely wouldn't want Harper to look like Ruby Dhalla yesterday on Mike Duffy. Somebody ought to show that poor girl how to apply make-up. She looked like her face got dipped in flour...same color like her lips. But her lower neck was her own natural brown color!

If she'd sat still, she could've been easily mistaken for a corpse. Night of the Living Dead!

I was distracted by her looks....and hardly paid attention to what she was saying. Get the pic?

And yes, WE SHOULD PAY THE TAB! The Prime Minister wouldn't be needing a personal stylist if he is not hubnubbing with other leaders, being photographed and interviewed...if he was not doing this job! It's part of the job! It comes with the job!

If he wants to command attention as one of the leading world leaders in the international stage, he's got to have the looks!

Why should it be said that for all our generosity to other countries' poor....we are cheapskates when it comes to our own leader?

Get real!

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Betsy don't listen to jdobbin.

When it's a good poll for the Conservatives the polls are swinging and "who can say"?

But when they are bad they serve as proof that the Liberals will be returned to their rightful position. He's a typical, blowhard diehard Liberal supporter.

Funny Mike Duffy noted that none of the leaders from any of the other parties commented or criticized Harper. Duffy surmised that they also got their own image consultants/stylist/make-up artist/whatever they might like to call him/her. Their parties are picking the tab....which is just right since they are not sitting Prime Ministers.

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Funny Mike Duffy noted that none of the leaders from any of the other parties commented or criticized Harper. Duffy surmised that they also got their own image consultants/stylist/make-up artist/whatever they might like to call him/her. Their parties are picking the tab....which is just right since they are not sitting Prime Ministers.

It isn't the image makers that is the issue per se. It is keeping such a person on the payroll and hiding it from freedom of information access requests. Do you believe that this type of expense should remain private even though it is coming out of your pocket?

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I've got no clue what the level of support is for the parties, each poll tells a different story. I noticed the Green Party has around 1% support in Atlantic Canada, I'd imagine that wouldn't be good for May.

She definitely has a long way to go. Central Nova will be a tough riding with a very long history of Conservative rule to fight against.

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And yes, WE SHOULD PAY THE TAB! The Prime Minister wouldn't be needing a personal stylist if he is not hubnubbing with other leaders, being photographed and interviewed...if he was not doing this job! It's part of the job! It comes with the job!

If he wants to command attention as one of the leading world leaders in the international stage, he's got to have the looks!

Why should it be said that for all our generosity to other countries' poor....we are cheapskates when it comes to our own leader?

Get real!

Should that tab be secret? Why isn't the image maker listed as a staff member? Why deny it if it is a cost than can be justified?

Why does Parliament have to go through a long and complicated process of having to request the information?

Harper has always said that freedom of information should be a hallmark of his government. The media request for information was met with stony silence and when pressed the government said no information on that subject existed. Not exactly an acceptable response when taxpayer money is being spent.

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And yes, WE SHOULD PAY THE TAB! The Prime Minister wouldn't be needing a personal stylist if he is not hubnubbing with other leaders, being photographed and interviewed...if he was not doing this job! It's part of the job! It comes with the job!

If he wants to command attention as one of the leading world leaders in the international stage, he's got to have the looks!

Why should it be said that for all our generosity to other countries' poor....we are cheapskates when it comes to our own leader?

Get real!

Should that tab be secret? Why isn't the image maker listed as a staff member? Why deny it if it is a cost than can be justified?

Why does Parliament have to go through a long and complicated process of having to request the information?

Harper has always said that freedom of information should be a hallmark of his government. The media request for information was met with stony silence and when pressed the government said no information on that subject existed. Not exactly an acceptable response when taxpayer money is being spent.

Well, who knows. Maybe it is a ploy by the Cons to get the media's goat...and to sucker in some Liberal MPs, who couldn't resist to grab this bone and turn it into a contention....thus making them look so petty!

P E T T Y!

Ask again your question. Why do you think the Cons would do a stupid thing as hide the tab, when they know the oppostions are just waiting for something to attack them with? UNLESS they're doing it for a reason. Such as leading the Liberals to look.....uh....petty.

I guess that's how Harper would want them to look like!

As a taxpayer, I ask...why do these blasted MPs waste most of the time questioning fashion and hairstyles instead of discussing important issues? HAVEN'T THEY THOUGHT OF ANYTHING MORE SUBSTANTIAL TO DISCUSS FOLLOWING THEIR TWO-WEEK BREAK?

No wonder hardly anything got done in 13 years!

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It's also based on Harper's hypocrisy, given he heavily criticized Preston Manning for having an image makeover on the Reform Party's dime. Once again, he has shown that what was unacceptable before he was PM is now acceptable, billable to the taxpayers, and worth trying to keep secret should anyone ask.

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Well, who knows. Maybe it is a ploy by the Cons to get the media's goat...and to sucker in some Liberal MPs, who couldn't resist to grab this bone and turn it into a contention....thus making them look so petty!

P E T T Y!

Ask again your question. Why do you think the Cons would do a stupid thing as hide the tab, when they know the oppostions are just waiting for something to attack them with? UNLESS they're doing it for a reason. Such as leading the Liberals to look.....uh....petty.

I guess that's how Harper would want them to look like!

Petty? How is it petty to ask how much the taxpayer is paying for a service provided to the prime minister?

I'm afraid your answer doesn't make sense.

This initiative came from the media through normal channels of information access. Those channels are closed and Harper said his government would be open and transparent about access.

What you are describing as a "reason" for blocking access is what you probably despised about the Liberals. It is political games being played with our tax money.

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It's also based on Harper's hypocrisy, given he heavily criticized Preston Manning for having an image makeover on the Reform Party's dime. Once again, he has shown that what was unacceptable before he was PM is now acceptable, billable to the taxpayers, and worth trying to keep secret should anyone ask.

That's one question Harper supporters won't answer. Why was it a bad thing for Manning to have a clothing allowance from the Reform party but it is okay for Harper to have a make-up artist staff member paid for by tax?

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It's also based on Harper's hypocrisy, given he heavily criticized Preston Manning for having an image makeover on the Reform Party's dime. Once again, he has shown that what was unacceptable before he was PM is now acceptable, billable to the taxpayers, and worth trying to keep secret should anyone ask.

There's the honesty issue.

Harper did not criticize Manning "for having an image makeover."

He criticized Manning's clothing allowance. Your semantic word games are a lame attempt to draw a parallel where one doesn't really exist.

This initiative came from the media through normal channels of information access. Those channels are closed and Harper said his government would be open and transparent about access.

There was a request in Parliament made by an MP. Honesty?

Really, the only thing you have is a Prime Minister presenting his best possible face to the public?

Proper channels are being followed. When they have been the stylist's salary will be known.

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My gawd Betsy, do you really think this is about pettiness? Wake up, it's about secrecy and coverup. If Steve was sure it would play to the tax crowd it wouldn't have been buried. There is NO RECORD of his psychic stylist on the employee roster. This is a democratic country not a dictatorship (on paper anyways) where everything but national security matters are supposed to be public domain and open to scrutiny. Steve campaigned on it.

It appears you are just one of those Harpercrites where anything Stevie does is perfectly fine in your eyes. Take off those partisan blinders and see what little things like this really mean.

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My gawd Betsy, do you really think this is about pettiness? Wake up, it's about secrecy and coverup. If Steve was sure it would play to the tax crowd it wouldn't have been buried. There is NO RECORD of his psychic stylist on the employee roster.

Ahhh, Fortunate you answered you won question.


You refer to the Prime Minister by his first name = petty.

You refer to the stylist as the psychic stylist = petty.

You're also being logically inconsistent. If it is about coverup and secrecey then how do you know there is NO RECORD???

Very good job of unintendedly proving Betsy's point that this about nothing but pettiness. :lol:

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Coverup is pettiness? Secrecy is pettiness? Not having a taxpaid employee on the employee roster for all to see is pettiness?

Oh Michael Bluth, you are such a harpercrite.

(PS, I don't put the Prime Minister on a pedestal like so many of you do - only if they are a Conservative PM you say? Steve hasn't earned my respect. When he walks ethical instead of just talking ethical, then we'll see)

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Coverup is pettiness? Secrecy is pettiness? Not having a taxpaid employee on the employee roster for all to see is pettiness?

There are proper channels to be followed. You are saying it is coverup and pettiness because the Conservatives are following proper channels. If they ignore the time limit for the committees request then you will have an issue.

Oh Michael Bluth, you are such a harpercrite.

Oh Rita you are so condescending.

(PS, I don't put the Prime Minister on a pedestal like so many of you do - only if they are a Conservative PM you say? Steve hasn't earned my respect. When he walks ethical instead of just talking ethical, then we'll see)

It's a matter of fairness. Stephen Harper has said he doesn't like being called Steve. If you must use his first name why not call him Stephen?

It's petty to refer to a person by a name they have publicly stated they don't like.

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(PS, I don't put the Prime Minister on a pedestal like so many of you do - only if they are a Conservative PM you say? Steve hasn't earned my respect. When he walks ethical instead of just talking ethical, then we'll see)

All the stonewalling from the PMO is just nonsense. First CP's request for information and now the NDP official request are being met with blanket denials or excuses. Just reveal the salary. How hard can that be?

Still, you have some Harper supporters here who have no problem with the denials and now the stonewalling.

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It's a matter of fairness. Stephen Harper has said he doesn't like being called Steve. If you must use his first name why not call him Stephen?

And I should jump because of his preferences? Why? Why is it so important to you? He is an elected politician. He is fair game and fairer game even because of his lack of ethics and honesty. You can call him King Stephen if you want but to me he is just another politician playing the game for personal and egotistical gain.

By the way, Fortunata is my name, the only name I have ever used. Or maybe you are just playing games like Steve does.

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Well, who knows. Maybe it is a ploy by the Cons to get the media's goat...and to sucker in some Liberal MPs, who couldn't resist to grab this bone and turn it into a contention....thus making them look so petty!

P E T T Y!

Ask again your question. Why do you think the Cons would do a stupid thing as hide the tab, when they know the oppostions are just waiting for something to attack them with? UNLESS they're doing it for a reason. Such as leading the Liberals to look.....uh....petty.

I guess that's how Harper would want them to look like!

Petty? How is it petty to ask how much the taxpayer is paying for a service provided to the prime minister?

I'm afraid your answer doesn't make sense.

This initiative came from the media through normal channels of information access. Those channels are closed and Harper said his government would be open and transparent about access.

What you are describing as a "reason" for blocking access is what you probably despised about the Liberals. It is political games being played with our tax money.

As you have stated:

It isn't the image makers that is the issue per se. It is keeping such a person on the payroll and hiding it from freedom of information access requests. Do you believe that this type of expense should remain private even though it is coming out of your pocket?

I take it you agree with me about the necessity of having an 'image-maker" at this time in our society when practically everybody is "packaged"...and practically everyone who has savvy knows the effectiveness of having the right image. That this is just part and parcel of EMPOWERING our leader whenever he goes out there in public or have meetings with other dignitaries!

There was nothing hidden about the stylist. She was there, grooming Harper infront of the journalists before they went on-camera.

If she is just part of the norm, why is it suddenly important whether she's in the payroll?

Don't we just all assume that she is in the payroll?

So what prompted the digging by the media? And the ensuing digging from the Liberals?

If she is on the payroll....so what?

Why is this information suddenly so important?

That's what I find petty! It's nothing more than trying to dig up dirt!

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That's what I find petty! It's nothing more than trying to dig up dirt!

I understand your concerns. I don't think it would have been an issue had Harper not called Manning on such a thing, when the party was paying the tab.

As a taxpayer, I am comfortable knowing that any PrimeMinister will have access to such modelling without further scrutiny. But you know the moment there is Red Prime Minister the Blue team will act petty.

I don't think it is a problem to know the cost of such services. Too much of government spending is hidden from the public.

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My gawd Betsy, do you really think this is about pettiness? Wake up, it's about secrecy and coverup. If Steve was sure it would play to the tax crowd it wouldn't have been buried. There is NO RECORD of his psychic stylist on the employee roster. This is a democratic country not a dictatorship (on paper anyways) where everything but national security matters are supposed to be public domain and open to scrutiny. Steve campaigned on it.

It appears you are just one of those Harpercrites where anything Stevie does is perfectly fine in your eyes. Take off those partisan blinders and see what little things like this really mean.

What cover-up? She was not hidden at all.

I saw the stylist on tv....while she's preparing Harper before the camera starts rolling. The journalists were there watching....they were all waiting for the interview to start.

You think she's doing it for free? For the love of Harper? Lol.

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As you have stated:

It isn't the image makers that is the issue per se. It is keeping such a person on the payroll and hiding it from freedom of information access requests. Do you believe that this type of expense should remain private even though it is coming out of your pocket?

I take it you agree with me about the necessity of having an 'image-maker" at this time in our society when practically everybody is "packaged"...and practically everyone who has savvy knows the effectiveness of having the right image. That this is just part and parcel of EMPOWERING our leader whenever he goes out there in public or have meetings with other dignitaries!

There was nothing hidden about the stylist. She was there, grooming Harper infront of the journalists before they went on-camera.

If she is just part of the norm, why is it suddenly important whether she's in the payroll?

Don't we just all assume that she is in the payroll?

So what prompted the digging by the media? And the ensuing digging from the Liberals?

If she is on the payroll....so what?

Why is this information suddenly so important?

That's what I find petty! It's nothing more than trying to dig up dirt!

The information is important because Harper has said it is important when he was campaigning. Any citizen, any time and any where should be able to find out what a service is costing, who is getting paid and why. The original CP press service search turned up nothing. The Conservative party initially denied she was on the payroll. It was only when CP starting asking how much the party was paying that they came clean. However, they still won't tell how much is being paid. Are we getting good service? Is she overpaid? Was the contract tendered? Nothing, nothing and nothing.

I don't agree that taxpayers should pay for a make-over for Harper. Perhaps his wife should set out the clothes he needs to wear the next day.

I, you or anyone should be able to find out what our taxpayer money is being spent on. You call it petty. I call it due diligence.

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What cover-up? She was not hidden at all.

I saw the stylist on tv....while she's preparing Harper before the camera starts rolling. The journalists were there watching....they were all waiting for the interview to start.

You think she's doing it for free? For the love of Harper? Lol.

The cover-up was when CP did an ordinary check under the freedom of information act to see what she was paid. The search turned up nothing revealing she was being paid from tax money. It just isn't acceptable.

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What cover-up? She was not hidden at all.

I saw the stylist on tv....while she's preparing Harper before the camera starts rolling. The journalists were there watching....they were all waiting for the interview to start.

You think she's doing it for free? For the love of Harper? Lol.

LOL back. She is on tv .... now. Her status was hidden; her official employment status is still hidden; her salary is still hidden. LOL. Without a access to information request the public still wouldn't know we pay for a psychic stylist. As it is all information about it is still being kept secret, because of stonewalling by the Steve government. If it isn't important why doesn't Steve just make the information public as it would be for any other civil servant paid by the taxpayer? Jaysus Murphy. A sack of hammers comes to mind.

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