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Uncle Ernie Is Dead - Good

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Uncle Ernie and his little female knitting crew are dead now. They will be wiped out in the Ont. election by Howdy Doody, McGuinty.

It is pretty sad when you can't be a wooden character like Howdy.

Then again, it is pretty sad, when you try to buy votes, break your own tax laws, increase spend, increase debt, ignore all reforms, say nothing on Gay Marriage, say nothing on Kyoto, say nothing about security, do nothing to restructure the relationship with Ottawa....but spend lots of time on photo shoots with crying immigrants, crying seniors and crying mothers.

Get Lost Ernie. You are a CLOWN.

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Get Lost Ernie. You are a CLOWN.
Wouldn't he still be better than Howdy Doody/Al Gore wannabee?

Wasn't Ernie the finance minister during the Harris years? That has to say something about his conservative credentials, doesn't it?

And lord help this province if the Libs win. Mcguinty simply has not been taken to task by the media as Eves has. The guy has been programmed to wear the same clothes every day, give the same answers to the same questions, and put on the same face when uttering the same slogans over and over and over again.

If you think Ernie lacks a moral compass. McGuinty makes him look like Churchill.

Aren't the PCs still the better choice? Why competely discard them when the altermative would be even worse? Why throw the baby out with the bath water?

It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives needlessly shoot themselves in the foot. I still think you can support Eves without abandoning principle. And, if you're right about him being a bad premier, we'll at least have another liberal to kick around other than Al Gore, I mean Dalton McGuinty. <_<

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Eves has no principle, he repudiated publicly many times the Harris Revolution, which was at best, a very timid and tepid set of reforms, tax cuts and de-regulation that did not significantly change the debt, tax load, spend levels or over-regulation that afflicts the province.

Eves apologised in other words for the CSR.

He is a cad. Flaherty said so and called Eves rightly 'a pink Tory'.

Now with his housewives ie. Janet Hacker and Liz Dimwit, making sure Ernie is the cry baby champion of Compassionate Conservatism, he will reap his just reward.

Complete destruction in the polls.

I love it.

For the record I am voting for Happy Howie Hampton. Anybody who is that nescient, wayward and convulsed by marxism deserves some sympathy votes.

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So, you would rather see Mcguinty win than Eves? How does that help anything? At least with Eves, conservatives would still have influence on government, wouldn't they? If Mcguinty wins, which seems to be what you want, then Liberals get to place their mark on the province. Last time we got lucky because of Peterson's lack of judgement. But how can a Liberal goverment be better than a conservatvie one in this province?

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Because the Tories will elect Flaherty, rebuild their policies, purge Uncle Ernie and the crying housewives that now run the party and get back to the real business of managing the affairs of state.

Good riddance to Ernie - bring on Howdy Doody - he will screw things up, and the Tories will win in 4 years time.

It is actually the best result we can expect. The worst is Uncle Slick staying on the job repudiating real Tory values and continuing to spend, ignore needed reforms and ignore the true battles that are shaping our province.

Ernie - Good Riddance !!!!!!

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Nah, McGuinty has no coherent plan other than to spend and tax - precisely Uncle Ernie's plan btw so either one is the same.

Eves and McGuinty are interchangeable.

Face it, the Tories made a colossal blunder in picking Eves. Pink Tories, Bill Davies Tories and blubbering housewives converged to lead the party into annihlation.

Good riddance to these clowns.

Let Flaherty run affairs and resume, with more teeth and grit and guts, the CSR, and do what needs to be done.

Ernie - go home and knit some socks you twit.

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Plus, I'm not so sure Ernie is out of this one yet.

I've been watching the two candidates closely. And I really do think that what you see in the polls, to the extent you can believe in them, is the result of a very easy ride Mcguinty has has so far in the campaign.

Eves has recieved all the criticism from the media. They have even gone so far as to do Mcguinty's work for him by focusing so much on the "negative" advertising being run by the Tories. Just think about that for a second. A primary issue for the media has been a criticism of the ads that he's been running. Why in the world don't they just let viewers decide about the ads themselves, instead of making them a campaign issue in and of themselves?

McGuinty has been giving softball answers to softball questions from the media so far in the campaign. He's been wearing the same clothes throughout. His answers are scripted, as is his delivery. The guy doesn't have a natural personality that lends itself to politics. I even think the guy's in over his head. He is awkward, much like Al Gore was, and is ripe for a grilling from someone in the upcoming debate.

Eves, on the other had - despite your misgivings to the contrary - can and does exude an aura of confidence and leadership. He knows what he's talking about. He knows how to deliver a political message. He is comfortable in his own skin. He has proven political experience. People can have confidence in his ability as a communicator and a leader.

I really don't think the same can be said of Al Gore, I mean Dalton McGuinty.

If the issue can come back to the personality of leadership, and if Eves can continue to poke holes at McGuinty's spin, I can still see them pulling this one out. And then the province might be saved from liberalism.

I know Eves has waffled. I still think he has managerial ability. Which is much more than I can say for Gore, I mean McGuinty.

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That is the great myth - that Eves is a leader.

He is not.

He stands for nothing, has no policy, believes the CSR was a mistake and tells us how much he loves everyone.

This is not leadership. Instead of a policy program he wastes money by lambasting Howdy Doody with negative ads. He wastes speech time calling Howdy names.

Eves is a complete waste of time.

True Conservatives knew that when he was elected. Many are sitting this election out.

Eves is dead. He will get massacred.

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The only thing shiny about Reagan is his hair.
:lol: That's brilliant, man! You must be one of those stand-up comedians who want to have their say on issues of political importance. Way to go. Can I come to one of your shows some time? I love to watch genius in action. I mean, Reagan, shiny... how did you come up with such wit? You must work at it very hard to have become such a pro. Keep up the good work, buddy! :P
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Well Howdy will win that is for sure.

As for Reagan - read the new book by someone who worked with him called 'Reagan's Letters'. Great book.

It puts an end to the Lie-beral myth that Ronnie was dumb. He wasn't. In fact he was so smart, he rejuvenated the economy, forced through needed deregulation, defeated Soviet Russia, lowered taxes and fired government workers.

Sounds like a helluva guy to me.

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No Eves is a vegetable. He deserves to get hammered at the polls. He has done a noble job of alienating his voter base and by pandering to the left of centre crowd has only invoked their ire.

I don't understand people who are nescient enough to expect that a Conservative by getting on his knees and pleading people to love him, by spending money on votes, by subsidising energy, health, education and so on, actually EXPECTS the socialist mass to like him. They will NEVER like you no matter what. So get over it, and do what needs to be done, and act like a man. Not like a housewife.

This is such an incredibly inept approach - the appeasement method - that never works but apparently has the Red Tories enraptured by its alluring flame.

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I know we don't take too much stock in polls, 'round here, but how's it looking there in Ontario? Not my province but I would definitely feel sorry for you guys (even Craig :) ) if you had to put up with Eves for another term.

I've been incommunicado for awhile, was there an election for Toronto yet? Or is Lassman still there?

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I know we don't take too much stock in polls, 'round here, but how's it looking there in Ontario? Not my province but I would definitely feel sorry for you guys (even Craig smile.gif ) if you had to put up with Eves for another term.

I've been incommunicado for awhile, was there an election for Toronto yet? Or is Lassman still there?

Lastman is Mayor of Toronto until mid-November.
Edited by Gugsy
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Your choice Craig, though I understand you feel it's the lesser of the evils, is still suprising. Much of the things you complain about (socialized medicine, subsidised power, and other feel good programs) are core principals of the NDP. In fact, they are usually the ones pushing to increase these programs. How can you swallow that decision? You got me so damn curious, I got to check out the Ont.NDP website...

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