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Doom and Gloom forecast for Canada

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Ontario has to do a better job with immigration.

What makes you think your qualified to make such a statement?

Do you pay the bills?

Ontario is being DUMPED with 43% of all immigration to Canada.

Why is there NO democratic process to resolve the immigration issue?

Why are Ontario residents burdened with the huge cost of uncontrolled immigration when municiple taxes, housing, electricity are among or the highest in Canada?

If taxes are so high because of the high cost of housing, energy and municiple services how is flooding the province with huge numbers of immigrants many who cannot self-sustain themselves going to help the province that does not even have the proper infrastructure to cope with demand and chaotic conditons?

And I say Ontario has a constitutional right to work with the federal government on immigration. Don't you think Ontario should do a better job since they are one of the few provinces not to get an agreement in place that suits them? Do you need qualifications to make such a statement.

And if you continue to think that it is only the federal government, then vote to remove Stephen Harper nest election. He supports the present numbers.

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Somebody has to pay for infrastructure initially (which nobody did in Ontario's case) and get paid back or you have BIG problems that create an additonal burden to SOCIAL PROGRAMS. Iam am not aware of any major federal infrastructure or major projects to look after or accommodate federal immigration in Ontario.

But anyway here is a link to show who gets what in the way of immigration and it looks like in this case Ontario really got shafted with family class and so called protected persons in 2004.


Check out the numbers.

An agreement with the federal government can regulate the numbers. Ontario doesn't have one. Why?

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If Ontario can't get the fed what it wants it to do with its demographics, then nobody can.

Here, here. I mean what are they saying at Queen's Park? Is it an issue at the Ontario legislature or are we only hearing complaints here? And if there is concern from Ontario's government, why are they not talking to Harper about regulating numbers or helping assist in some way?

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Yeah that is about the sum of it isn't it? The centralized power of the federal government needs to be cut back somewhat and devolved into a more local formation of political authority. Leave the feds in charge of defense and foreign affairs but dowenload the balance of operating authority to the provinces piece by piece to start looking after their own citizens as they see fit. This would go a long way toward providing for the distinct cultures found in many areas of the nation. Leave the feds to create national minimum standards and then turn the ball over to the provinces to do as they see fit.

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Somebody has to pay for infrastructure initially (which nobody did in Ontario's case) and get paid back or you have BIG problems that create an additonal burden to SOCIAL PROGRAMS. Iam am not aware of any major federal infrastructure or major projects to look after or accommodate federal immigration in Ontario.

But anyway here is a link to show who gets what in the way of immigration and it looks like in this case Ontario really got shafted with family class and so called protected persons in 2004.


Check out the numbers.

New York State generated similar problems by paying for its own infrastructure (which the rest of the country got for free) and was stuck with the demand for social programs.

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If there's one thing I've learned over the years in talking immigration with its supporters, every one of them is too emotionally immature and pig-ignorant to actually discuss the issue without calling names.
from Argus
Oh! Oh! Come and faciliate me, Dobby! Come faciliate my dick, you squalid little git
Muslim goat herders
Well, and because you're a moron, of course.
think I would rather be a Ku Klux Klan member than a pedophile and child molester like you

and thats only two pages worth, try and guess who posted these? :D too emotionally immature and pig-ignorant to actually discuss the issue without calling names you say?

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Ontario has to do a better job with immigration.

What makes you think your qualified to make such a statement?

Do you pay the bills?

Ontario is being DUMPED with 43% of all immigration to Canada.

Why is there NO democratic process to resolve the immigration issue?

Why are Ontario residents burdened with the huge cost of uncontrolled immigration when municiple taxes, housing, electricity are among or the highest in Canada?

If taxes are so high because of the high cost of housing, energy and municiple services how is flooding the province with huge numbers of immigrants many who cannot self-sustain themselves going to help the province that does not even have the proper infrastructure to cope with demand and chaotic conditons?

And I say Ontario has a constitutional right to work with the federal government on immigration. Don't you think Ontario should do a better job since they are one of the few provinces not to get an agreement in place that suits them? Do you need qualifications to make such a statement.

And if you continue to think that it is only the federal government, then vote to remove Stephen Harper nest election. He supports the present numbers.

No if you really want to know I don't think we need the number of immigrants the feds say we do.

If we need skilled help why are they bringing in third world 'skilled help' with basically no qualifications or qualifications that are not recognized?

Why not bring in recognized American or British or European immigrants why third world immigrants and all their problems.

If you ask me the whole immigration issue is all part of the Liberals and Trudeau's equality plan and that is if you import enough of all these foreign third world cultures it will hopefully eliminate discrimination and all left wing imagined bigotry and racist sentiments and take the political emphasis off of Quebec and to provide a cheap labour base dragging all Canadians down in the process.

Harper and his Conservatives must go along with this initial Liberal plan to remain a viable alternative as a lot of damage as already been done in the way of Liberal preferential political immigrants especially in B.C. and Ontario.

It is guaranteed 'not to work' as many immigration related problems have already surfaced along with our so called perpetual unity difficulties will drag Canada down to the level a dysfunctional corrupt little country.

Could be were there already and are continually digging ourselves deeper into the hole.

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Look guys I know things are a little complicated in the cities with immigration. I saw that crap happening, didn't like and I left. I like it out here a lot, it is different than living in town. I feel safe and so does my family its why we are where we are.

My little rant was about that fact that we have choices available to us. Leave the damned cities to the immigrants! Come out into rural Canada where you will find what you are looking for.

And yet you and others are calling for more immigration and for that immigration to be directed more to - rural areas - as opposed to the cities. If that happens that will put you in the same position as the rest of us.

To repeat: I don't have a problem with a shortage of workers. I only have a problem with a shortage of jobs. People hired Indonesians for $15hr? Did they try to advertise in Toronto - in Newfoundland?

There are tons of unemployed and underemployed people in this country. We should be looking to them to solve skills shortages, not importing foreigners.

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and thats only two pages worth, try and guess who posted these? :D too emotionally immature and pig-ignorant to actually discuss the issue without calling names you say?

Apparently you are, yes. Which is why you went back over the thread, feverishly pulling up what are largely my replies to snivelling little boys like you, and putting them together as if somehow that relates to the topic under discussion. Go whine somewher else.

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If Ontario can't get the fed what it wants it to do with its demographics, then nobody can.

Here, here. I mean what are they saying at Queen's Park? Is it an issue at the Ontario legislature or are we only hearing complaints here? And if there is concern from Ontario's government, why are they not talking to Harper about regulating numbers or helping assist in some way?

Because to oppose immigration, to complain about immigration, to suggest it be cut back or changed, is to instantly draw howls of "racism!" from both the brainless morons of the left, and the self-interested immigrant industry and government-paid ethnic representatives.

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Alberta has advertised all over the country looking for workers. The problem is simply that there are a lot of lazy people not willing to work. Why bother if you can sit on your behind and collect welfare? The nanny state pays your bills so why work?

The answer to that is immigration. It is a simple solution. The other side of the coin is to get rid of the welfare state! Oh I would love to see that, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

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Alberta has advertised all over the country looking for workers. The problem is simply that there are a lot of lazy people not willing to work. Why bother if you can sit on your behind and collect welfare? The nanny state pays your bills so why work?

The answer to that is immigration. It is a simple solution. The other side of the coin is to get rid of the welfare state! Oh I would love to see that, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

THe answer is not immigration.

The answer is for businesses to hire and train the skilled workers they need in the form of apprenticeships and skills training.

The businesses of this country want ready made skilled people.Priority number one is to make money not spent it.

No one wants to come to Alberta because it costs to much to live there, who can afford a house or an apartment? Can you blame them? Making big bucks and having to spend big bucks to live there doesn't make sense.They might as well stay home where it's more affordable,even with low wages,or no wages.

Immigrants who come here generally have a communication problem with their skills and businesses are reluctant to hire them because they don't want to spend the time training.Add to that most immigrants lack the funds to live beyond poor housing, so big cities is where they migrate and stay.

Argus is right, it's time to cut back with immigration and start being more selective about who we let in.

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Stephen Harper continues with the policy that started with Brian Mulroney and then on with Jean Chretien and Paul Martin. I suggest if people continue to have a problem with the ploicy, they trun to Harper.

If he doesn't immidately shut down immigration, vote him out. Don't make excuses why you won't vote him out either. I really can't take complaints here seriously if there is a lot whining but no action.

Better yet, run for office if you feel immigration is hurting Canada.

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Good point! However I will vote against Harper no matter what he does until he starts legislating for the citizens instead of partisan special interest groups. He is no better or worse then those who came before him.

You're putting your money where your mouth is, which is good. Too mnay people here will complain and not act. Who can you vote for in your area that will be better at reflecting your views?

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Stephen Harper continues with the policy that started with Brian Mulroney and then on with Jean Chretien and Paul Martin. I suggest if people continue to have a problem with the ploicy, they trun to Harper.

If he doesn't immidately shut down immigration, vote him out. Don't make excuses why you won't vote him out either. I really can't take complaints here seriously if there is a lot whining but no action.

Better yet, run for office if you feel immigration is hurting Canada.

Not to forget Mulroney was a Quebecer.

The heavy emphasis on culture (other than being White and English speaking) was pursued by the Liberals with Trudeau and multiculturalism.

The only difference is Mulroney made it official with a policy.



Stephen Harper is boxed into a cultural corner and probably will follow Paul Martin if he wants his party to stay viable.

What other party in Canada will kick culture out the window???

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I don't support partisan efforts normally. I look for independent candidates who claim an accountability to constituents not party leaders. The last three elections I had no such candidate to support, I was stuck voting for a Green Party guy. At least they support direct democracy and environmental concerns with sustainable development and industry accountability.

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Stephen Harper continues with the policy that started with Brian Mulroney and then on with Jean Chretien and Paul Martin. I suggest if people continue to have a problem with the ploicy, they trun to Harper.

If he doesn't immidately shut down immigration, vote him out. Don't make excuses why you won't vote him out either. I really can't take complaints here seriously if there is a lot whining but no action.

Better yet, run for office if you feel immigration is hurting Canada.

Not to forget Mulroney was a Quebecer.

The heavy emphasis on culture (other than being White and English speaking) was pursued by the Liberals with Trudeau and multiculturalism.

The only difference is Mulroney made it official with a policy.



Stephen Harper is boxed into a cultural corner and probably will follow Paul Martin if he wants his party to stay viable.

What other party in Canada will kick culture out the window???

You could run yourself.

You see, it is hard to take complaints on policy seriously when people don't actually plan on voting against that policy.

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I don't support partisan efforts normally. I look for independent candidates who claim an accountability to constituents not party leaders. The last three elections I had no such candidate to support, I was stuck voting for a Green Party guy. At least they support direct democracy and environmental concerns with sustainable development and industry accountability.

But at least you voted with your heart to the best of your abilities.

There are too many people here who vehemently complain about a policy but will continue to vote for that party and say "I didn't have a choice." There is always a choice. They could run. They could put in a protest vote.

I have done that many times even though I knew my candidate wouldn't win.

I have run myself for office.

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If the truth be known I would like to run for office, but not just yet. I have said it before, I am an Alberta separtist. The time to take action will be soon though. Harper must kow tow to eastern Canada to gain a majority. When he does that there will be pressure to tap into Alberta wealth in the form of an NEP2 type of program. If he is dumb enough to sell his soul and take the bait he will loss support out here but still gain a majority overall. At that point Albertans will be seriously looking at their options.

Meanwhile back at the ranch King Ralph has bailed, thank God! Whatever partisan lackie they install into that job this fall will determine which direction Alberta will take with respect to the feds. The guy that takes a hard line on provincial rights will likely be the winner in this contest. Fed bashing is a favorite pastime over here.

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If the truth be known I would like to run for office, but not just yet. I have said it before, I am an Alberta separtist. The time to take action will be soon though. Harper must kow tow to eastern Canada to gain a majority. When he does that there will be pressure to tap into Alberta wealth in the form of an NEP2 type of program. If he is dumb enough to sell his soul and take the bait he will loss support out here but still gain a majority overall. At that point Albertans will be seriously looking at their options.

Meanwhile back at the ranch King Ralph has bailed, thank God! Whatever partisan lackie they install into that job this fall will determine which direction Alberta will take with respect to the feds. The guy that takes a hard line on provincial rights will likely be the winner in this contest. Fed bashing is a favorite pastime over here.

It's kind of like a one party state in Alberta. Is there room for an independent candidate?

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There is room, but is there a probability of election, likely not. Out here we have multigenerational political regimes. We keep them around until we know for sure we are getting screwed and then we turf them. When we put them down, they don't come back. First loser was the Liberals, they were replaced by the United Farmers who were replaced by Social Credit, who was replaced by the Progressive Conservatives. The track record here is that the old government is displaced by a literally new party.

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There is room, but is there a probability of election, likely not. Out here we have multigenerational political regimes. We keep them around until we know for sure we are getting screwed and then we turf them. When we put them down, they don't come back. First loser was the Liberals, they were replaced by the United Farmers who were replaced by Social Credit, who was replaced by the Progressive Conservatives. The track record here is that the old government is displaced by a literally new party.

It is farly unique in North America.

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