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Guest Warwick Green
There was a thread on this tiopic, but it kinda got off track. :blink:

Anyways, does anybody know if Rabble is officially dead?

Seems like we are starting to get some cross-posters from the Babble strike board here to start some trouble.

Babble is still there. Make sure you don't say anything negative about SSM. The babblers will ban you for that. :P

Of all the groups I have participated in babble was the most intolerant. I once started a thread on "father's rights". All I got in reply was a load of name calling from the fem-nazis.

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Guest Warwick Green
The political coffee-klatch boards (FreeDominion and Rabble) did serve their purpose, and it would be too bad if either one of them went under. That being said, cross-political boards breed more sophisticated posts.

I'm conservative and I spent a couple of years on FD. There were a number of articulate socons posting regularly and I felt that most topics got a good airing although moderate views tended to be muted. The biggest drawback was the huge amount of anti-abortion propaganda that the religious right used to choke up the board with regularly and the frequent bouts of homophobia - some of it so wacky as to be downright funny. Just about the time I left Connie was making an effort to cut down on the more egregious anti-homosexual stuff.

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I started this thread because the Rabble site is currently down. I go there (and to FD) rarely just to poke around and see what's up. I was wondering if Rabble's current situation is permanent or a temporary situation.

I completely agree that the "coffee-klatch" boards serve a purpose.

I find this board to be much better for getting a cross-section of opinions. To me it seems like posting on a board where the fast majority of posters share your board is akin to intellectual masturbation ... fulfilling in the short-term but ultimately unsatisfying.

The political coffee-klatch boards (FreeDominion and Rabble) did serve their purpose, and it would be too bad if either one of them went under. That being said, cross-political boards breed more sophisticated posts.
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Rabble is alive and well with a good hate on for Harper.

I read on FD, its a good source of conservative political commentary, but I do find there is way too much anti abortion and religious stuff. There are a few people with only one idea in mind, to ban abortion, they seem to have a death wish for the CPC. Of the two, FD is more democratic, rabble bans anyone and everyone who disagrees with their point of view.

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Rabble is alive and well with a good hate on for Harper.

I read on FD, its a good source of conservative political commentary, but I do find there is way too much anti abortion and religious stuff. There are a few people with only one idea in mind, to ban abortion, they seem to have a death wish for the CPC. Of the two, FD is more democratic, rabble bans anyone and everyone who disagrees with their point of view.

Interesting, I got banned from Freedominion but I can still post on Babble. Yes I like this forum but it has been down so much in the last few days it gets frustrating.

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I get the feeling that Rabble is run by a group of left wing socialists union types and if they don't like what you write, you are instantly banned.

Very few people on FD also write on Rabble. Their communist ideas leave me the impression that I would be in the gulag if they ever got control of the government. They banned me twice.


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Very few people on FD also write on Rabble.

I would be surprised if anybody from FD posts on rabble: one is a right-wing site, the other a left-wing. They both make that pretty clear and I think both will ban people who don't ideologically fit. Sounds like too much agreement to me.

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I get the feeling that Rabble is run by a group of left wing socialists union types and if they don't like what you write, you are instantly banned.

Very few people on FD also write on Rabble. Their communist ideas leave me the impression that I would be in the gulag if they ever got control of the government. They banned me twice.


Of course it is, they receive funding from unions, including the teacher's union. At one time they were indirectly receiving gov't funds, not any more.

The teacher's union had a link to rabble on their site at one time, I wrote to them and complained providing a link to threads where abuse and foul language were used. They said they would remove the link, havn't checked back lately to see if they did.

I don't read all the threads on there, and have to do it before I eat, but from glancing at them lately, the language and abuse seems to have been toned down. Likely because the abusers have gone to their other strike site.

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Guest Warwick Green

I get the feeling that Rabble is run by a group of left wing socialists union types and if they don't like what you write, you are instantly banned.

Very few people on FD also write on Rabble. Their communist ideas leave me the impression that I would be in the gulag if they ever got control of the government. They banned me twice.


Of course it is, they receive funding from unions, including the teacher's union. At one time they were indirectly receiving gov't funds, not any more.

The teacher's union had a link to rabble on their site at one time, I wrote to them and complained providing a link to threads where abuse and foul language were used. They said they would remove the link, havn't checked back lately to see if they did.

I don't read all the threads on there, and have to do it before I eat, but from glancing at them lately, the language and abuse seems to have been toned down. Likely because the abusers have gone to their other strike site.

FD seems to be in continual financial difficulty. Their contributors seem to be a combination of teenagers who get a kick out of attacking gays, older types and anti-abortion people. The latter seem always willing to dig deep to keep FD alive.

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Rabble is always looking for money too.

I notice its the anti abortionists and religious crowd which seems to keep the FD alive, but I think its only a very few intolerant bigots on FD and no foul langage. I seem to remember a thread way back when, asking the moderators to do something. They do give the others a bad name.

Talking about other websites (is it allowed even ) http://www.canadawebpages.com/ yikes, talk about tin foil hatters and moonbats. At least one of em is from that 50plus site which was closed down. (Kuzadd) near 5000 posts on anti U.S. and anti Israel rants, on 50plus, huge copy and paste articles - good reason not to go there.

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  • 1 month later...

Very few people on FD also write on Rabble.

I would be surprised if anybody from FD posts on rabble: one is a right-wing site, the other a left-wing. They both make that pretty clear and I think both will ban people who don't ideologically fit. Sounds like too much agreement to me.

I was a regular FD poster from March 2004 to June 26, 2006. I had about a dozen Rabble screen names during that time, which had durations ranging from minutes ("Love Billy Goat" and "Reality Bleats") to months for "JBG" and "Left Wing Zealot". Algonquin Park Visitor and APV bit the dust on the same day, within 30 minutes. Their offense was to refer to Israel as a modern democracy.

FD seems to be in continual financial difficulty. Their contributors seem to be a combination of teenagers who get a kick out of attacking gays, older types and anti-abortion people. The latter seem always willing to dig deep to keep FD alive.

I am not a teen, and I know, via telephone, about four other regular contributors who range in age from 49 (my age) to 63 or so. I donated out of a serious concern for returning Canada to effective multi-party democracy. I am not a homophobe and I am mildly pro-choice.

Since the events leading to my banning, my views on their money handling have been evovling.

Rabble is alive and well with a good hate on for Harper.

I read on FD, its a good source of conservative political commentary, but I do find there is way too much anti abortion and religious stuff. There are a few people with only one idea in mind, to ban abortion, they seem to have a death wish for the CPC. Of the two, FD is more democratic, rabble bans anyone and everyone who disagrees with their point of view.

That was once true. Unfortunately, in their zeal to wipe out an imaginary "conspiracy" they are close to destroying what was once a great force. Hopefuly they'll repair themselves or be replaced in short order.


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Guest Warwick Green
I was a regular FD poster from March 2004 to June 26, 2006. I had about a dozen Rabble screen names during that time, which had durations ranging from minutes ("Love Billy Goat" and "Reality Bleats") to months for "JBG" and "Left Wing Zealot". Algonquin Park Visitor and APV bit the dust on the same day, within 30 minutes. Their offense was to refer to Israel as a modern democracy.

I was a reguler FDer between mid 04 until about three months ago. There is no question that it is far superior to babble which regularly bans people if they stray at all from hard left wing ideology.

I enjoyed my time at FD. I thought Connie and Mark were fair and reaonable moderators. And over that period I contributed a fair amount of money to them. On more than one occasion I requested a format like this one (or FR, for example) where there was a separate category for discussion of religious issues (and by extension political issues too). Connie always rejected it. But that wasn't why I left FD. I felt that it was being taking over by anti-gay elements. I myself am what I consider as a moderate when it comes to gay rights and I got tired of continually seeing threads quoting dubious "research" attacking gays.

JBG, I always enjoyed reading your stuff.

wg aka lwg

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I enjoyed my time at FD. I thought Connie and Mark were fair and reaonable moderators. And over that period I contributed a fair amount of money to them.


JBG, I always enjoyed reading your stuff.

wg aka lwg

Thanks for compliment. I also contributed a fair amount. I was banned as a result of a "conspiracy" that I don't believe exists and if it did, I would have neither the time nor patience for. I feel great sadness when I lose a friend.

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Guest Warwick Green

I enjoyed my time at FD. I thought Connie and Mark were fair and reaonable moderators. And over that period I contributed a fair amount of money to them.


JBG, I always enjoyed reading your stuff.

wg aka lwg

Thanks for compliment. I also contributed a fair amount. I was banned as a result of a "conspiracy" that I don't believe exists and if it did, I would have neither the time nor patience for. I feel great sadness when I lose a friend.

You were banned just before I left. But you were reinstated. I presume you were banned again.

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I enjoyed my time at FD. I thought Connie and Mark were fair and reaonable moderators. And over that period I contributed a fair amount of money to them.


JBG, I always enjoyed reading your stuff.

wg aka lwg

Thanks for compliment. I also contributed a fair amount. I was banned as a result of a "conspiracy" that I don't believe exists and if it did, I would have neither the time nor patience for. I feel great sadness when I lose a friend.

You were banned just before I left. But you were reinstated. I presume you were banned again.

Yes, I was banned for being part of a "cabal" that existed only in Connie and Mark's fevered imagination. For the public part of the development of the craziness check "Muddy's departure" and "I Had an Abortion" thread.

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Yes, I was banned for being part of a "cabal" that existed only in Connie and Mark's fevered imagination. For the public part of the development of the craziness check "Muddy's departure" and "I Had an Abortion" thread.

Just goes to show you that foilers inhabit both sides of the spectrum.

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I don't have much time for forums these days, but check in now and then.

I used to like FD but it's over the top now with anti abortion, anti gay and religious threads, there's even one now on the morality of contraception - I find it hard to believe it would even be up for discussion these days.

The Canadawebpages has jumped the shark, one forum is 90% or more Israel bashing, not much balance. They did ban cagerattler though LOL he's back as proudpegger they think.

MLW is still one of the better forums around, but I'm way behind on the news and the weekends gonna be too nice to be sitting at a computer.

Have a great weekend

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I don't have much time for forums these days, but check in now and then.

I used to like FD but it's over the top now with anti abortion, anti gay and religious threads, there's even one now on the morality of contraception - I find it hard to believe it would even be up for discussion these days.

I'm an FD bannee and now proud of it. I'm said to have led a "cabal" against Connie.

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I didn't read all the threads I usually don't read the abortion or religious type threads, there are so many of them, so I don't know what the 'cabal' is. I have contributed more than once, but unless there is a change and they focus more on conservative issues and less on abortion etc. I won't be giving anymore.

That Bill Whatcott is something else, people like him will only ensure the conservative will never get a majority. at least IMO.


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Guest Warwick Green
That Bill Whatcott is something else, people like him will only ensure the conservative will never get a majority. at least IMO.


The left have their Bill Whacotts too. The femNazis who want sex abolished since, because women are subjugated, all sex is rape.

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I used to like FD but it's over the top now with anti abortion, anti gay and religious threads, there's even one now on the morality of contraception - I find it hard to believe it would even be up for discussion these days.

Lots of nuts at FD.

The Canadawebpages has jumped the shark, one forum is 90% or more Israel bashing, not much balance. They did ban cagerattler though LOL he's back as proudpegger they think.

Proudpegger has shown up at CanCon while cagerattler is posting - and getting hammered - at CKA

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I used to like FD but it's over the top now with anti abortion, anti gay and religious threads, there's even one now on the morality of contraception - I find it hard to believe it would even be up for discussion these days.

Lots of nuts at FD.

The Canadawebpages has jumped the shark, one forum is 90% or more Israel bashing, not much balance. They did ban cagerattler though LOL he's back as proudpegger they think.

Proudpegger has shown up at CanCon while cagerattler is posting - and getting hammered - at CKA

There's actually a large pool of banned FD posters that were very reasonable and not "nuts". One (reaching for the back-patting handle) is myself. Others are Muddy, Solomon, Springer, Pinetree, and many more I can't think of.

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