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Alberta Political Corruption

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This is apart of a campaign for public awareness that has the one aspect of Forum Posting for education on this serious matter. This campaign has been in effect for several years already but has not been brought into full force until recently when the case depicted below was acknowledged to be true and correct in front of the provincial courts and yet still nothing has been done to change this corruption.

The leaders of Alberta currently known as the Ralph Klein Government has committed illegal acts, intentional murder, and started/fed the cover-up conspiracy of these modern times. I without question firmly believe the population of Alberta must become aware of these heinous crimes against out own people, inflicted upon us by our own people, by the very one’s, who have taken oaths of public office, lawyers included, swearing to never allow such corrupt acts to ever occur within the boundaries of our province.

The R.C.M.P, Civil Police Forces, Lawyers of select firms, W.C.B. with other insurance agencies, and the provincial government expanding from the common MLA to Chief Justice's of the Courts and the Premier himself Ralph Klein have partaken in vile/criminal acts to better their lives and the lives of those who follow them. But then the next question of the reader is "Prove it" & "Do something about it", well we have!

Several individuals within the residence of Alberta has found proof of such allegations and taken them to the police and the courts, but why have you heard nothing about this and why was nothing done or changed? Well if the Government who has committed the acts is the same entity who creates the laws and is in theory supposed to uphold the rights and freedom of its citizens, you have an unfair and impossible task to bring justice on these horrendous claims. An avenue that them must be explored is the education of this to the general public not only to the citizens of Alberta but to the country and world as well, but this to is an impossible act when the news papers, radio stations, and TV organization have been threatened and fear the consequences of spreading this knowledge.

My name is Kyle Hughes I am 19 years of age, my father is Anthony Howard Hughes, and for the past 12 plus years we have been victims of this corruption. As our knowledge of such events expanded and as our evidence we have now been threatened with death, not only death of ourselves but the death of our family as well.

Below is a copy of a letter sent out in 2004 to every major newspaper in North America, every Provincial Government of Canada, the Federal Government of Canada, and several international establishments, organizations, and governments. Nothing has been done nothing has been changed as the truth is still hidden.

Consider yourself educated.

Here is a summary to clarify my accusations; allegations, which I am adamantly bringing against the Alberta Government, Entities Thereof, and Persons Therein, as well as a large number of others, within our province. I without question firmly believe the population of Alberta must become aware of these heinous crimes against our own people, inflicted upon us by our own people, by the very one’s, who have taken oaths of public office, lawyers included, swearing to never allow such corrupt acts to ever occur within the boundaries of our province. This brief summary will show why I believe these people have participated so freely in our own demise, and by clarifying my serious accusations; allegations, Albertans will be as “shocked” as we were to discover these vile and deceitful truths.

Quest For Justice

I will be satisfied with nothing less than “exposing the truth for what it is”, and “expose those who have participated for what they are”. The truth can sometimes be hard to fathom, but once understood, it must never be hidden, no matter what the cost.

I was hurt at work and never received the surgeon recommended treatment for these injuries, and to this very day, I am assured by Alberta Health and Wellness, Minister Mar, that I will “never receive” this said treatment, “unless I can afford the treatment myself”. I have further discovered that I may sue any, or all of these said persons whom I am accusing of participating in our demise. I filed with my secondary health insurance (group insurance) through the company I worked for, but I sadly discovered the “policy manual” through this said employer was “worthless”. When I needed the treatment, the only document recognized was the “actual written agreement” between the company and the insurance company, period. I clearly found all of this difficult to understand. The policy manual I am holding in my hand states “Re-Hab will be covered”. I am taken to an institute which examines me and they “verbally state” they can fix the problem. The insurance company states “no to any treatment”, and I am left on my own as the insurance company is stating I should retire, as the damage is severe. I ask to see the actual report from the institute and “I am denied access”. My doctor asks for the report, and he also is “denied access”. We are told the insurance company paid for the assessment report, which supposedly states I can be fixed, and they are the only ones who can legally release a copy to us. Numerous requests are put forward and “all are denied access”. I file with the Insurance Council of Alberta as they are the Government body put in place to “protect consumers” from the questionable activity of Insurance Companies. They tell me after they investigated that nothing is wrong as the actual policy does state, “no treatment, only assessments”, thus I did receive what the policy stated. My employer refused me any access to files; the Insurance Council of Alberta participated in the withholding of information and state this is “legislatively approved” within Alberta. Only a “bad faith issue”, even when the “Government is aware” of these vile acts against fair and honest due process. My investigation shows the company was told they didn’t actually need treatment to be covered because they already pay for WCB. The employer is happy with the reduced premiums. I am left to suffer out my life, all because it was unfortunate that I got hurt at work, and now I am encountering corruption at the highest levels within our province. I have shown numerous criminal acts have occurred, when referring to the “Criminal Code of Canada”, and not by referring to the extremely questionable way the “Alberta Police Act and Alberta Legislation” have been written and enforced. Again when I complain I am told to sue, no criminal acts happening here. These people are playing God with my life to ensure their profit margins. I found this to be tremendously unsettling. “Where is the protection for Albertans” against these crimes happening against us? Seriously, at what cost to human life and wellbeing is this almighty profit margin and supposed progress actually worth? Please understand why there will never be any investigations into the conduct of any lawyer who works for the WCB or Alberta Justice System or their cronies. Any complaint against a lawyer must be filed with the Law Society of Alberta as they register all lawyers within the province. The serious problem is that Douglas R. Mah; Secretary and General Council of the Alberta WCB, top lawyer in the province for them, is also a Bencher; Director of the Alberta Law Society responsible for the “professional conduct” of Alberta lawyers. They break the law and then protect themselves. Douglas R Mah has stated to me in writing that no illegal activity has taken place whatsoever, but yet they are still tampering, manipulating, withholding and destroying claim file and medical file evidence prior to hearings. Truly just as children, they did not believe they would be discovered and prosecuted. They felt as long as they all play along everything will be alright. Well the evidence I have was received prior to the removal and destruction of the previous computer system which held the fateful truths, thus they can never get away from what they have done. There is no statute of limitations when it comes to criminal offences so be aware I have time to bring them all before a Judge, to be Judged as I myself will be judged for my actions soon enough.

There is no civil remedy for these types of crimes, as I firmly believe a civil remedy is the very way these very serious crimes have been intentionally covered up. The victim of a criminal offence by filing a civil remedy will upon verdict, sign an agreement settlement for a pittance of their just entitlements and then further have to pursue another civil remedy for pain and suffering. In the end, the crucial evidence proving these critical offences is covered up, and obviously buried forever, bound by the civil remedy agreement settlement, which all parties agreed upon, thus the evidence is sealed. Only a criminal forum before a Court of Queens Bench Judge will ever fairly and honestly show Albertans the Justice System within our province has crossed a moral and legal barrier, which must never be crossed, as this moral and legal barrier is the only protection we as a society have from any of these crimes. By participating and orchestrating freely and openly, our Justice system has clearly fallen into disrepute, damaged beyond repair through any civil remedy. I am demanding Justice, I am not asking for it any longer. “A criminal act is a criminal act, and it will not be interpreted any other way”. That is a direct quote from the Acting Commissioner of the RCMP, Alberta K-Division. In Alberta it is clearly a matter of “whom”, has committed a criminal offence, which will determine if “ever” there will be any criminal investigation. Minister Clint Dunford said it very openly and I quote; “I do not want to be the minister responsible for putting legislation in place which will end up in the courts for the next 20 years”. He also stated openly that there will be no tribunal to deal with all these contentious cases as he has been stating all these years, and further the $154 million we have re-allocated belongs to those who re-allocated it, being the WCB and the Employers, period. The fund is supposed to run at around $600 million, so where is the rest of the money. Oh right, they made it discretionary to keep the fund fully funded, and some may (unconfirmed) receive interest free loans. (only a look at the books will show for sure) The Alberta government would have to further re-allocate monies away from other families who are suffering, instead of showing Albertans this government can be trusted and is accountable to the people. They did although put more legislation into place which will further protect their interests, thus forcing the people of the province to protect themselves, but how? I am unequivocally stating that the very way the Alberta legislation is written and enforced, is a crime itself. Again, only a Judge of Court of Queens Bench will ever be able to explain the hurtful truth to you all and that is; Anthony Hughes is Right!

Put yourselves into my shoes and see how any of you would handle such a shocking, damaging, and vile situations. Have any of you ever received a fair and impartial hearing of any kind when the following is allowed to occur? Simply Ask Yourselves!

A) Tampering, Manipulating, Withholding and Destroying of “claim file” and “medical file” evidence “prior to”, “during” and “after” administrative; appeals hearings; judicial hearings. This applies to all Alberta Government Entities and Insurance Company (in my case Clarica, SunLife) related issues, which I filed allegations of wrongdoing relating to service delivery and or professional misconduct. This is a complete wonton disregard for human decency as tampering, manipulating, withholding and destroying of any persons evidence to “pre-determine diagnostic outcomes”, enabling the termination of benefits, seriously jeopardizes the very ”health and wellbeing” of every Albertan. I have brought this very matter to everyone’s attention throughout the entire “Alberta Government” and “Justice System”, only to be completely ignored. I did actually question my own sanity for even thinking justice was for all and not the selected few, as they control the money flow; and the lawyers.

B) Tampering and Fabricating evidence to intentionally prevent any criminal investigation, thus “Obstructing Justice”. This applies to both the RCMP and the Edmonton Police Service related to cases against the Alberta Government, Entities Thereof, Persons Therein. Those, who took oaths to serve and protect are being controlled by this corrupt government, and they all as well, willingly or otherwise are participating in our demise. I guess when I found out that a police officers family member worked for the WCB, I should have realized then that no investigations would “ever take place”. Then again, who truly would criminally investigate your own family and friends, when they benefited from these vile acts? Right, supposedly an honest Police Service! Through any civil remedies, the offenders are given an “insignificant punishment, if any punishment at all”, and then they are allowed to continue to abuse our society.

C) Criminal Conspiracy to Commit Fraud. With my allegations; accusations, listed in A and B being explained, it further explains the following; “The Alberta Government implemented deregulation the exact same way in which they were told and explained it did not work, why?” I believe all warnings were intentionally ignored because the aftermath of implementing faulty deregulation legislation was already proven, thus the end result is known and expected. “The flat tax which followed deregulation, was expected and probably drafted even before the deregulation nightmare was initiated”. I believe the “Billions of taxpayer dollars which were re-allocated to free up bad business loans” originating as far back as the collapses in the early 1980’s, and save our province from financial collapse, were re-allocated to pay off extremely bad losses, which these persons involved themselves in, both on behalf of the Province of Alberta, and as private citizens. Show all Albertans “who exactly the business was”; “who exactly owned this said business”, “including silent partners”; and “how much taxpayer money exactly did these said businesses each receive”. This government in my opinion did live up to their commitment to big business, and the tax burden; business losses, are now being cleaned up by the provinces middle to low income. I firmly believe only “open governmental accountability of the books” will show everyone what amounts were lost through the Investment Scandal, Bre-Ex, Enron, and World Com only to list a few. The teachers of the province who are not covered by WCB, (only private disability) only got their $60 million back once they discovered the “intentional re-allocation of those funds”. The Government of Alberta and Entities Thereof, and Persons Therein, I believe, have no choice but to “recoup any monies they can get their hands on” as the books are supposed to be “accurate” and “accountable” “prior to” any election, but again, without any Albertans ever seeing the books, “how will we ever know”. “We can trust whom we elect you may say”, and then I will introduce you directly to the widows and children of those lost, and those continuing to suffer awaiting a pre-determined fate, then everyone can “reflect” on those words as they are “sadly meaningless” within Alberta.

D) Criminal Conspiracy to Commit Fraud. I further believe, the Health Care Crisis we are living with in Alberta, was also self imposed by our own Alberta Government to further along the plan of privatization; control the contentious WCB/Insurance claims; give tax relief to the wealthy; businesses. All by implementing drastic legislation which further “strips” the average Albertan of “Constitutional and Charter Rights”, which are supposed to be guaranteed. My letter from Health Minister Mar is very clear. “Since the WCB refused to give me the surgeon recommended treatment arising from work related accidents, the Alberta Health Care System is not going to supply me with this treatment either, which at the absolute very least, would allow me to live out my life with a little quality and dignity”. By also allowing Insurance Companies and the WCB, to legally and legislatively deny a large volume of workers of any entitlement because your own doctors and specialists submitted; “Non Medically Objective Findings”, also clearly proves just how redundant this system truly is. All doctors are registered through the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and through their registration receive lawyers for defence whenever they need. Does it not make everyone question why we are even using and paying these doctors, when we can legally prove they are submitting worthless reports? Or, is our very own Government attempting to get away with criminal fraud? Again this fits into the Alberta Governments plan to re-allocate however much money they personally believe they require for their own personal financial empires and security. A.I.S.H. refused any entitlement whatsoever because I had not completed the surgeon recommended treatment. “Clear patterns of unspeakable abuse against our own population, and all are well, as long as the wealthy stay that way!” The upcoming Insurance Reforms will further benefit big business and further damage the foundation of our society. All an insurance company has to do now is simply pay you what, oh right $4000 for a soft tissue injury, and they are now free and clear of any responsibility. Realize no matter what the injury is, and even if you have had 6 surgeries and have been treated for 14 years with your doctors submitting continuous progress reports, you are still recorded on their books as you having a soft tissue injury. Also, remember they get to utilize any of your information now, and then destroy or withhold whatever they want “prior to”, “during” and “after” your hearings and again this is all, “legislatively approved” in Alberta. Alberta is an exception to many Canadian Laws, which protects these people from prosecution, so I am clearly wondering why this is not alarming every Albertan? “Every case” within this province “where a worker succumbed to their injuries and died”, or have “committed suicide” because they could not cope with these abuses, must be, “criminally investigated”. Once done, I am positive that further charges of criminal negligence causing bodily harm, will have to be brought forward against a large number of persons for their direct involvement. To criminally deny entitlement and medical care, and to state it is all right because it is “legislatively approved” that “they cannot be prosecuted for these crimes” against us, truly should make all Albertans sick to their stomachs.

Remember it is only slander and or defamatory libel, if I am wrong. Also, please note that if any of the accused were ever to attempt action directly against me they all would come tumbling down. I “committed multiple criminal offences” to force their hand and they refused to investigate anything. Does this not shock everyone that I am walking around free as they could “care less”, thus, “by not prosecuting me”, “they do not prosecute themselves?”

All of this is relating to the original discoveries through FOIPP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy) and Access to Information. These discoveries clearly show I never received crucial claim file and medical file information either at the WCB, Insurance Council or otherwise “prior to”, “during” and “after” hearings. Everyone has been caught and confirmed to have been tampering, manipulating, withholding, and destroying my information, to enable them to deny any entitlements, and further to cover up these criminal acts. Thus, I believe this benefits their business associates, and the wealthy, and not the people of this province who elected them. If we do nothing about this crisis, this government will continue to put corrupt legislation in place further securing their rights to abuse and control us, further preventing any chances of any cases coming back to haunt them. They now, as of Jan 1, 2004, “control all of your personal health information”, and the “WCB” and the “Insurance Companies” do have “complete access already without your permission whatsoever”. (They can now simply have their own doctors access your material under the heading of medical investigation, to prove or disprove entitlements) They can use this information in anyway they wish; “tamper”, “manipulate”, “withhold” or “destroy” your information when they are done, all again, “without your knowledge”, “prior to”, “during” and “after” any hearings you may attend, judicial or administrative. This again as of Jan 1, 2004 is “all legislatively legal”, and all Albertans will see in the future when they go to any hearings, is that they have already been biased, and will never, as I, receive a fair and impartial hearing ever again within the boundaries of Alberta. They are doing this to build their own personal empires and security for themselves and their families and friends, and have clearly turned a blind eye to the suffering and carnage they are causing upon their own people, who elected them in the first place. Clearly the government books must be opened immediately, because “NO”, we as the voting population do not believe the government is being accountable, and we must verify the books for ourselves. Again, if this is not done immediately, it further proves my allegations/accusations.

Please understand the conversation below is with a “lawyer” from the Edmonton area with over 30 years practicing within our province. It is what he says to me that is shocking, because even after confirming criminal offences have occurred, I am still standing here demanding justice for us all, alone! The truth must prevail!

“Some of the things you know, what you have said, and now we are finding that the board is using medical panels to try and over turn appeals commission decisions, and you know it should be the other way around. We are finding that their being very heavy handed in there and try and impose their will on everything that comes into their radar screen. You know I think it is regrettable that they have involved themselves in criminal activity but I think it’s also a third world behavior to be unwilling to live the rule of the law and except, you know, an appropriate and fair-minded adjudication. There was something embolden for Justice Friedman to say that it was a culture of denial that treats injured workers with suspicion. That from a Judge who spent years sorting through, you know, through evidence and try to illuminate what was the legal process that was involved, the legal principle that was involved, as he examined the WCB and said that the principle that under lays this organization, is this culture of denial that treats injured workers with suspicion. How far will this go, this is post Friedman, this is post all of the reforms, you can’t treat with antibiotics, you have to go in there with a scalpel.”

I hope this helps clarify what all Albertans had better start considering immediately. Premier Klein has openly participated publicly in the withholding of information, which all Albertans have “all the legal rights to see”. This man believes this province is his own personal piggy bank to be used however he feels, and Albertans “must demand” to see all the books, (not just his), PRIOR TO the upcoming election, period. Refusing will prove to Albertans that I am explaining the truth, and Albertans must remove these people before they completely destroy any future any us have. We are the richest province (“if” the books actually prove that) in the country, and the only one which resorts to these vile acts against their own people. I truly believe Ralph Klein and his loyal followers “fear” the newly amended criminal code, which has further fueled a “direct fear” of the RCMP, thus warranting their desire to have them totally removed from our province. We are not sheep, and must all find our own life’s calling, or follow our own destinies, but we cannot allow ourselves to be “completely controlled by a select few, with personal agenda’s, building security for themselves”. I surely hope Mr. Klein and his loyal followers are not attempting to rid us of the RCMP to isolate our province and our people under this “tyrannical rule”, with only the general population following the written laws of Canada. Crimes Against Humanity, “within Canada”, has been amended into the Criminal Code of Canada in 2004, to include Organizations causing severe and prolonged pain and suffering and in cases death upon a large number of persons and all Albertans must weigh the pain, suffering and in cases deaths within our province very carefully.

Do not “fear change” when “change is based on truth”. We as a society are extremely fearful of our own security and well being, and this government has prayed upon our fears, and have guided us towards destruction, social unrest, and continued injustices. “The truth would have been discovered sooner or later! Is this not what we teach our children?” We can overcome this madness, together! We have truly all done wrong by turning a blind eye to our own sick and suffering, but we must all understand this madness must stop now, as we are being controlled for the wrong reasons, with social collapse imminent. I believe public insecurity and public fear leads to public violence, which we must not allow to happen. We as a society must deal with this situation head-on, not “cower” and “be controlled”. We must understand that a degree of skepticism pertaining to my allegations; accusations, is very important. We must never judge hastily, but we cannot live with our “heads in the sand” while our very lives, are being legislated away. Everyone must “stay open minded” enough to consider this “horrendous phenomenon”, which I am trying so desperately to explain. It is difficult to maintain balance between “skepticism” and “open-minded reality”, when we must consider “our own” to be at the heart of this vile disease called “greed”.

Perhaps my biggest challenge is understanding this “government controlled materialistic machine called progress”, being justified “at the same time as the pain and the suffering”. How does one justify the other? Glancing at the Bible I cannot understand the connection between “suffering” and “making a profit” at whatever the cost. Once I figure out how religions, which are practiced daily in our country, can openly witness this carnage upon our own people, without protest, then maybe I can figure out how to help Albertans understand, I am simply trying to show the truth to everyone. The Bible does note, if I understand nothing else about it’s contents, that “I must not ever consider hiding this truth, regardless of the continued pain and suffering this is imposing upon my own family. Once I discovered the truth, I became morally bound to explain these discoveries to all Albertans”. Our sacrifice may seem miniscule to most, but the “effects of our sacrifice, will be felt by all, as the truth will set everyone free”.

In Conclusion:

CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) is analyzing these allegations; accusations, at this very moment and I eagerly await their response. Politicians state they cannot control the Police, but this has been proven to be “completely untrue”. They simply put legislation in place, call it legal, and presto the RCMP and City Police Services simply state, what the wrongdoers have done is not against the law. (even without reviewing any evidence) Well wake up to the fact of who wrote these vile and corrupt laws, which they follow no matter what the outcome, regardless of the human suffering. ( But they will protect their own) They as well simply state, hey, if it is written in legislation then there is nothing they can do, so complain to your MLA. Well we have all seen how redundant going to these MLA’s is, so “vote wisely” (An Open Accountable Government) or we all “suffer” (Re-Elect Klein and His Cronies).

Understandably, “if we do nothing”, this government is going to “suppress the truth”, and continue to abuse us, as that is their very intention. This as well, “Ralph Klein and his Cronies have proven to us all already”.

I firmly believe there are very good people working within our province. “Once the criminal element is removed”; “new persons are in place”; “we change this horrid legislation”; “eliminate the existing appeals processes and move to an arbitrary solution immediately upon disputes with all parties being held accountable immediately before a Judge”; and as history has shown; “those who are responsible, will be held responsible”; “the hurt will subside”; and “we as a society will move on”. This does not require masterful thinking, just plain and simple “honesty”.

Anthony H. Hughes

This is the most recent letter sent out on this matter concerning Anthony Hughes. It is directed to Mr. Ron Stevens; Alberta Minister of Justice, and still nothing has been done to change this problem. Again this letter was sent to every major newspaper in North America, every Provincial Government, the Canadian Federal Government, and several organizations.


Alberta Minister of Justice

Mr. Ron Stevens

Fax No. 780-422-6621

RE: Political and Judicial Interference;

Aiding and Abetting the Ongoing Fraud

Dear Mr. Stevens;

My name is Anthony H. Hughes, and through investigation I have found out

that you put the “Departmental Directive” in place stopping all contact between myself and the Wetaskiwin Crown Prosecutors office in regard to Provincial Court, Criminal, Docket No. 050355247P1–01–001, the result of which has seriously further jeopardized the health, well-being, and security of my family, my witnesses, and myself. The Court, the Crown, and the RCMP, were informed that Tony Douglas Manders had attempted to seriously harm two witnesses within my case using a vehicle as a weapon. A third witness was directly threatened with death by one of Mr. Manders associates, all of which was intentionally ignored at your direction, thus protecting the backroom deals which the Crown and the Early Case Resolution Unit made in regard to one Tony Douglas Manders, a confirmed serious offender with prohibitions against driving, and possessing any firearms. I believe beyond any doubt that you were hoping Tony Douglas Manders would assault me seriously enough that you and your associates did not have to address and/or defend against my allegations. These are clearly punitive measures intended to stop me from pursuing the allegations against you and your associates, all of which very clearly shows that you and your associates are a serious danger to the very structure of our society.

As I informed Judge White of the Leduc Provincial Court on March 9, 2006:

1) I will change my plea from not guilty, to guilty, thus stopping this vial, deceitful and clearly dishonest judicial process in an attempt to protect my family, my witnesses, and myself from further harm,


2) I have no confidence whatsoever in the Alberta Justice System to give me fair and impartial hearings as a direct result of the proven judicial and political interference; again which you as Justice Minister are directly responsible for and/or are directly involved in. Your actions serve only one purpose Mr. Stevens, with only one clear and obvious outcome, that being: protection of the fraud at whatever cost which the Government of Alberta, Entities thereof, Persons therein are directly participating in;

As I have informed Justice Donald Lee, Alberta Court of Queens Bench; and the Solicitors for Minister Mar, to whom you direct as well and have been obviously all along. I will not bother filing anything further within the Court System of Alberta in regard to the $25,000,000 civil suit against the former Health Minister, Gary Mar, Action No. 040323680, because you have clearly participated in bringing the Justice System of Alberta into utter disrepute, all of which again is solely intended to protect the fraud, which you and your associates are directly involved in. All this being done, without any regard whatsoever as to the health, well being, and security of those involved within my case and Albertans as a whole. You and your associates have simply proven to all of us that you have zero moral and/or ethical fibre, let alone integrity. Pathetic spineless cowards, nothing more. Further, none of you who are directly involved has anything to be proud of. Because if intentionally causing serious bodily harm by intentionally withholding medical care from a large number of Albertans is something you and your associates are proud of, then that in itself simply proves the allegations I have brought forward detailing just how corrupt you people truly are.

Therefore, I will say that you have made your point about who and/or what runs Alberta, and that is: clear, and unquestionable deceit, dishonesty, and obstruction of justice by those involved to maintain the fraud, and the cover up of the same, nothing more. You and your associates have wielded your mighty hand and the effects have been felt. As a direct result, you and your associates can be further proud of the fact, that my daughter has been refused specialist medical care for over a year. This is being done at the direction of the Alberta Government who obviously at any cost to life, security of the person, or the fair administration of justice and/or otherwise, will teach Anthony H. Hughes, and everyone around him, how far you will go to protect these heinous crimes you and your associates are committing.

Mr. Stevens, I will stroke your ever so fragile ego and state that; you are the man, you run the show, so you decide whether we have any legal rights to live or die within this Province, and while you are doing that, please reflect upon the following:

1) Kevin Taft, Liberal Opposition Leader asked of Premier Klein, recorded within the Alberta Legislature Hansards in the spring of 2005: will you openly disclose exactly how many persons within the Alberta Government receive a $100,000 or more bonus each year. Premier Klein stated he saw no problem releasing this information, he just conveniently did not state when and/or what year it would be released. As of the writing of this letter, I have found zero response posted within the Alberta Legislature Hansards for Albertans to see. Thus, it is my honest held belief that continuing to pay yourselves large amounts of Albertans tax dollars for zero work done, other than further legislation to protect the fraud being committed by this Government, is more than just an appearance of corruption Mr. Stevens. You, your associates, and your lawyers stink to high heaven of it. Intentionally and deliberately allowing our Police services to be under funded, and under staffed with internal policies in place not to investigate fraud if it’s against the Alberta Government, Entities thereof, Persons therein, and yet further direct the victim to seek a civil resolve at the expense of the victim, is truly unconscionable without a doubt, none of which having any place within in a free and democratic society,


2) Douglas R. Mah, WCB Secretary and General Council, and Director/Bencher at the Law Society of Alberta in regard to professional conduct of lawyers, stated the following in writing: “tampering with evidence, be it for the purposes of an administrative proceeding or a criminal prosecution, is itself a criminal offense.” The WCB, the Insurance Company, and many others, willingly and knowingly, with the permission of their lawyers, and the Alberta Government, have destroyed and/or withheld and/or altered evidence and medical précis packages prior to, during, and after hearings, all of which to intentionally bias the outcomes of every hearing I have ever been involved in. With all costs related, medically and/or legally, being downloaded to the general public, being the taxpayers to cover; Albertans will soon discover what I already know. So, Mr. Stevens, a criminal act is a criminal act, so how can you, as did Mr. Hancock your predecessor, maliciously and irresponsibly interpret that any other way?


3) I believe beyond any doubt that all of the above confirms finally, what Albertans already knew, because we live it each and everyday this fraud continues, that being: that the Canadian Constitution, and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are non-existent within the Province of Alberta. It is my honest held belief that as long as the fraud the Alberta Government initiated and nourishes is allowed to continue; neither the Constitution, nor the Charter, have any room to be applied within Alberta, nor have they been.

For clarity in understanding this letter Mr. Stevens, I have annexed to this letter; the Summary of Allegations released to the public by me in 2004, and filed with Justice Lee, A.B.Q.B. Civil, Action No. 040323680 January 7, 2005; and the Notice of Motion filed within Provincial Court, Criminal, Docket No. 050355247P1–01–001 heard March 9, 2006; with both maneuvers clearly intended to stop this ongoing corruption of our rights, and to protect my witnesses, my family, and myself, as well as our society as a whole, from further harm.

You are already aware that my recent Federal filing was rejected. That does not change the fact that I will get it right soon enough regardless of any further intentional and deliberate acts of dereliction, deceit and dishonesty on your part, which of course will simply be perceived by myself as being further punitive measures to further corrupt and obstruct the course of justice.

In closing Mr. Stevens, the next election will not come soon enough for some Albertans and for that you stand real proud, and keep looking at yourself in that mirror, telling yourself; that you are the man. If at any time in the future you happen to get around to it Mr. Stevens, then you write me a letter and explain why you attempted to have my family, my witnesses, and myself seriously harmed. I believe you did what you did because you were either asked and/or instructed to do it, but again until you become a man, you will only know your true intention. An unbiased determination of the truth is all that I wanted from the beginning, to which none of you would allow. To assume and/or expect that I would continue within the Alberta Courts when you are well aware of the destruction of evidence prior to hearings, and further with the serious threats against my family, my witnesses, and myself, your assumptions are truly pathetic to say the least. Thus, I very much look forward to seeing you and your associates in Court within this year, whether through my case and/or through one of the many others you and your associates are directly involved in and/or have already directly interfered with. Of further note: I have cc’d this letter and annexed materials world wide with the obvious intent of informing everyone of what this corrupt Alberta Government is doing, and above all what a spineless coward you really are.

Destiny finds those who listen Mr. Stevens, and fate will find the rest, including you and your associates.


Anthony H. Hughes

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Guest k.w.m
This is apart of a campaign for public awareness that has the one aspect of Forum Posting for education on this serious matter. This campaign has been in effect for several years already but has not been brought into full force until recently when the case depicted below was acknowledged to be true and correct in front of the provincial courts and yet still nothing has been done to change this corruption.

The leaders of Alberta currently known as the Ralph Klein Government has committed illegal acts, intentional murder, and started/fed the cover-up conspiracy of these modern times. I without question firmly believe the population of Alberta must become aware of these heinous crimes against out own people, inflicted upon us by our own people, by the very one’s, who have taken oaths of public office, lawyers included, swearing to never allow such corrupt acts to ever occur within the boundaries of our province.

The R.C.M.P, Civil Police Forces, Lawyers of select firms, W.C.B. with other insurance agencies, and the provincial government expanding from the common MLA to Chief Justice's of the Courts and the Premier himself Ralph Klein have partaken in vile/criminal acts to better their lives and the lives of those who follow them. But then the next question of the reader is "Prove it" & "Do something about it", well we have!

Several individuals within the residence of Alberta has found proof of such allegations and taken them to the police and the courts, but why have you heard nothing about this and why was nothing done or changed? Well if the Government who has committed the acts is the same entity who creates the laws and is in theory supposed to uphold the rights and freedom of its citizens, you have an unfair and impossible task to bring justice on these horrendous claims. An avenue that them must be explored is the education of this to the general public not only to the citizens of Alberta but to the country and world as well, but this to is an impossible act when the news papers, radio stations, and TV organization have been threatened and fear the consequences of spreading this knowledge.

My name is Kyle Hughes I am 19 years of age, my father is Anthony Howard Hughes, and for the past 12 plus years we have been victims of this corruption. As our knowledge of such events expanded and as our evidence we have now been threatened with death, not only death of ourselves but the death of our family as well.

Below is a copy of a letter sent out in 2004 to every major newspaper in North America, every Provincial Government of Canada, the Federal Government of Canada, and several international establishments, organizations, and governments. Nothing has been done nothing has been changed as the truth is still hidden.

Consider yourself educated.

This is the most recent letter sent out on this matter concerning Anthony Hughes. It is directed to Mr. Ron Stevens; Alberta Minister of Justice, and still nothing has been done to change this problem. Again this letter was sent to every major newspaper in North America, every Provincial Government, the Canadian Federal Government, and several organizations.

Kyle I too have been defrauded by WCB Alberta, for those that disbelieve these comments must have their heads else where, as I am aware that there are more people in Alberta that have been threatened also, I have been trying to also get the word out. For my actions of attempting to stand up for myself, by questioning my financial problems that have occurred by WCB (monies wrongfully removed from me) I now have a criminal record for the crime that they themselves committed, I believe it was done to discredit me from seeking court action as I have already been informed by those in power that I am a criminal and therefore have no validity in what I say and any paper evidence I may have has been fabricated by me, well my claim file is all I have for evidence and it proves that they have defrauded me out of over $60,000.00 in the 10 years that I have been injured. If you can please contact me. http://abusebyalbertasworkerscompensation.blogspot.com/

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Seems to me a great many federal liberals walked as well not too long ago.

Power breeds coruption


walked? walked... where? who walked? how many is a "great many"? how long ago? do you have names?

attempts to assimilate is the mark of the Borg :lol:

waldo (just lettin ya know it's really me... yes me... I've written this post... if I didn't attach my pseudonym there would be uncertainty and a lack of authoritative association)

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It is important Albertans know who we are dealing with. 40 years of one government has created a well organized criminal organization that protects it's own and those closely involved, and covers up all wrongdoings. I have seen personally how dirty the Alberta PCs have become.

Alison Redford was named Minister of Justice and Attorney General on March 12, 2008 and since then, she has used her experience at law to become a driving force behind Alberta's political corruption. I have personally seen how Justice minister Redford allowed fraudulent lawyers to operate in Alberta. Even through Alberta Legal Aid, and protected by the Law Society of Alberta.

Alison Redford lied under oath, swearing to uphold the office of Justice Minister.

Read about the corruption and breach of human rights on by blog;


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It is important Albertans know who we are dealing with. 40 years of one government has created a well organized criminal organization that protects it's own and those closely involved, and covers up all wrongdoings. I have seen personally how dirty the Alberta PCs have become.

Alison Redford was named Minister of Justice and Attorney General on March 12, 2008 and since then, she has used her experience at law to become a driving force behind Alberta's political corruption. I have personally seen how Justice minister Redford allowed fraudulent lawyers to operate in Alberta. Even through Alberta Legal Aid, and protected by the Law Society of Alberta.

Alison Redford lied under oath, swearing to uphold the office of Justice Minister.

Read about the corruption and breach of human rights on by blog;


Have you gone to the police?

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