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9/11 Conspiracy Revealed

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Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And 'Inside Job'

Already went over this economist. Out of his league when trying to become a structural engineer.

If they go public and admit it:

- they are criminals for being involved (automatic death sentence)

- they cross the paths people who have already murdered thousands

Not one would have a guilty concsience - ever? That's a pretty large leap for anybody to make and peg their life on it. Co conspiritors turn on each other all the time for a multitude of reasons, and where would they recruit these guys from? Dr Evil's bad guy network?

Not trying to make this a little crazy but from what you are trying to portray there are suspicious things in EVERY aspect of the whole day. That is four events to cover which would require not only a lot of people but the peoplke to cover it up afterwards meaning there would be an immense participation by all levels of government from the watchman, investigators to the leaders. Not to mention the planning etc. So, how are such high up people supposed to communicate with all these levels of operatives outside of their normal jobs without one secretary raising an eyebrow? Not one memo has come out where a security executive needs an extra five million for explosives or, a pencil pusher needs more grappling hooks. This would leave a trail somewhere outside of 'funny' conincidences.

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Not one would have a guilty concsience - ever? That's a pretty large leap for anybody to make and peg their life on it.
If they had a conscience, THEY WOULD NOT DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
where would they recruit these guys from? Dr Evil's bad guy network?
Recruit WHO?

They saw opportunity, they came by their own choice, they did it.

If you agree to create a mass murder... And then you admit it publicly... You are a retard.

Not one memo has come out where a security executive needs an extra five million for explosives or, a pencil pusher needs more grappling hooks.

It was criminals IN the government.

They funded it by their own means, by ROBBING THE COUNTRY with legislation that wasted GOVERNMENT MONEY on their CORPORATE FRIENDS.

Think - government needs to buy stuff in wars - bombs, planes, trucks, armour, etc etc.

They need corporations for this.

They funded 9/11 conspiracy.

They invested in stocks.

They got money off insurance.

They made wars - caused government to waste money on their friends.

Why is USA is in Iraq?

Why is USA wasting so much money on it?

Why is Bush pushing government-debt farther and farther?

Why did Silverstein buy and insure all of WTC 10 days before 9/11?

Why were put-options on airlines so abnormally high, weeks before 9/11?

By Ockham's Razor, Scientific Method, and Common Sense, conspiracy is the best explanation.

It explains ALL of this.

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Why is USA is in Iraq?

They invaded Iraq to influence Saudi behavior to take care of their Al Queda infestation and to provide a base for themselves in the ME to continue to prosecute the war on terror. Objective met on the first immediately and the second soon to come.

If they had a conscience, THEY WOULD NOT DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You find me ten guys that you would bet your life on that they first of all, have no concsience and second, will never change. Then multiply that number by a hundred or a thousand and you have a very long shot that you are betting everything on.

Recruit WHO?

They saw opportunity, they came by their own choice, they did it.

Comon! You are telling us that executives in suits and disquises (so people wouldn't recognize them as they would be rather high profile) crawled around in air ducts and crap laying explosives? Of course they didn't, they required working people in the hundreds if not thousands. That requires a lot of communication and supervision and would leave lots of trails at all levels. And, as for enjoying their new ound wealth, they would spend the rest of their lives making sure the evidence was all taken care of as there would be a lot of it and with sluthes like yourself on the case, they would have no respite.


It was criminals IN the government.

They funded it by their own means, by ROBBING THE COUNTRY with legislation that wasted GOVERNMENT MONEY on their CORPORATE FRIENDS.

Think - government needs to buy stuff in wars - bombs, planes, trucks, armour, etc etc.

Not the government but is the goverment but is for personal gain but is for the government and not for the peoole but is for government friends. Got it. :rolleyes:

Not one whistle blower out of all those thousands of people directly involved and the people who must have seen them saying, doing, planning, covering up or sweating about something. Just guys nit picking over a hole in a wall and which building fell when.

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They invaded Iraq to influence Saudi behavior to take care of their Al Queda infestation and to provide a base for themselves in the ME to continue to prosecute the war on terror.

Wow... US government are such good people... they must really care about their country to invade for such a crappy reason.





You find me ten guys that you would bet your life on that they first of all, have no concsience and second, will never change. Then multiply that number by a hundred or a thousand and you have a very long shot that you are betting everything on.

Listen - if you've plotted to murder thousands of your fellow countrmen, YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A CONSCIENCE.

All the people involved are getting RICHER AND RICHER.

There's absolutely NO REASON FOR THEM TO STOP.

If they had a conscience in the first place, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR.

I would KILL for that sort of power and that much money. Fortunately, I have a secret network of agents that does that for me.

Anyhell - point is this: CONSCIENCE IS BULLSHIT!

Why would they care when they're RICH AND POWERFUL?

Comon! You are telling us that executives in suits and disquises (so people wouldn't recognize them as they would be rather high profile) crawled around in air ducts and crap laying explosives? Of course they didn't, they required working people in the hundreds if not thousands. That requires a lot of communication and supervision and would leave lots of trails at all levels. And, as for enjoying their new ound wealth, they would spend the rest of their lives making sure the evidence was all taken care of as there would be a lot of it and with sluthes like yourself on the case, they would have no respite.

Look - who's going to believe some nobody?

1. They got paid to shut up

2. They committed a crime, going public would mean convicting themselves

3. Going public would get in the way of powerful people who already murdered thousands

Imagine one of them did come out?

What would he say? How would he try to convince you? Probably same way I tried.

Would you believe him? Judging from this debate, NO.

Not one whistle blower out of all those thousands of people directly involved and the people who must have seen them saying, doing, planning, covering up or sweating about something. Just guys nit picking over a hole in a wall and which building fell when.
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Why would the US not invade Saudi Arabia then? If it seems that is where most of the terrorists come from. Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded to pursuade Saudi Arabia to give up their evil ways? That does not make sense to me. They really don't care about Saudi Arabia. Maybe by securing resources in Iraq and Afghanistan, and also Nigeria, they can cut their dependancy on 'foreign oil' , since most of this is now US controlled territory.

The US is taking over the Middle East on the banner of 'freedom and democracy'. Come on not fooling anyone here. And when an ally like Israel is in the area, it makes things easier. Russia is not much of a threat, and they seem to contain Iran when needed. So the US is not afraid of taking the big risk since there is no real large opponent. Only something called terrorism. Which has no home in one specific country. So you get the US administration invading other countries on the basis of terrorism. An open ticket and pretext for war. 9/11 made that happen. You have also the Partiot act going into law only 2 months afterwards. How long has that been in the process? 9/11 made it easier for people to give up their rights for more security. New York is among many cities in the US that have passed legislation saying that the patriot act does not apply here. You would figure New York would be the first one to jump on this bandwagon since it was the center of the attacks.

They have brought democracy and freedom to Afghanistan. Now the rule of the land is Sharia Law, the same as under the Taleban. Yikes, what a change. Or was it. The US is also closer to India now and selling it nuclear technology.

Osama is nowhere to be found. After invading two countries you'd figure he would have been found right? Hell they found Saddam in a hole in the ground. And oh yes, we all know that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al-Queada as a whole. Osama, if he is the master planner of 9/11, acted alone with his group.

The US spends more money on it's military than welfare for it's citizens. The largets military on the planet. And these days getting very mobile in a hurry. But with the construction of two permanent bases in each country it invaded under the threat of terrorism, the US has no intention of leaving the area any time soon.

We can get into the Petro Dollar as well into this mix, since it does play a large part in the importance of owning the resources and the materials to sell it in your currency only. The Euro is a threat to the Greenback. If Iraq and Iran had gotten their way, they would have ditched the Greenback for the Euro to trade oil. The US then has to pay out on that and there is no way the US can afford to even come close on that without defaulting on some international loans. This is part of the reason Congress allowed the budget to be able to slip to 9 trillion US. Otherwise, the US WOULD have defaulted on a few loans. So it is in the US's domestic and foreign interest to take a stakehold in the Middle East. Permanently. Uncontested.

9/11 was the thing the US needed to make all this happen. Without 9/11 you would not have made it into Afghanistan, let alone Iraq.

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[Wow... US government are such good people... they must really care about their country to invade for such a crappy reason.


More than a reason

The US government is a continuation of beaurocracy and whatever they umplement takes years to develop in the overall realization. You discount the reason because you discount the threat Al Queda poses. They are a group that is about a hundred years behind the times. Meaning they could have done this a hundred years ago against Europe. What is amazing is that the world has not seen them comming.

Maybe time for another conspiracy theory?

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US government is made of individuals.

Individuals look out for themselves.

If the individuals in government care so much about USA,

why do they need Saudi Arabia?

Why is Saudi Arabia so special?

You discount the reason because you discount the threat Al Queda poses
Good job. You gave Afghanistan to "Northern Alliance"... You realize that those were druglords?


Opium production in Afghanistan grew 400% since 2001.

Al-Qaeda were the good guys in Afghanistan. Sorry, you messed up majorely.


Sept 17 2001 - Osama says he didn't cause 9/11 ~ http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/inv.binladen.denial/

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Minimus Maximus:
Iron oxide+sulfur (and many other elements)=steel
Clear explanation for source of sulfur=natural ocurring impurity which is often added to steel to increase machinability.
Sure... machines, ships, tubes, pipes, coils... NOT IN INERT STEEL COLUMNS.
I should also add that the burning contents of the building, diesel fuel in particular, would result in an increase in the sulfur content found in test samples taken from the area at and below the impact site.
How did WTC7 collapse? It wasn't hit by planes.


Why should the FEMA report state the obvious? Sulfur is a naturally occuring component of all steels including the steel grades used in the construction of the WTC.

Btw, I meant to say jet fuel, not diesel. I blurred your post with a report I was taking a break from writing when I responded. Concerning your question of how WTC 7 fell, my understanding is that it was damaged by debris which ultimately resulted in collapse. This seems to be a sticking point for conspiracy theorists such as yourself, but without more information I really can't say exactly how this particular building fell and neither can you.

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WTC7 housed CIA, IRS, Secret Service, Dept. of Defense; and the SEC stored 3000-4000 records of active wall street investigations.

No other buildings around it collapsed. Likely they were getting rid of unwanted information.

Collapsing a building to get rid of information is simply not on. If there was a conspiracy, then whoever was in charge would have had access to the information.


KrustyKidd, Watergate and the Iran/contra business were well on their way to becoming unsolved history until the press uncovered them. Strange too how the republicans were in power during these affairs.

You're not helping your case with this example. Iran/Contra was infinitely simpler, and infinitely less risky - politically and otherwise. And even then, it was found out.


By Ockham's Razor, Scientific Method, and Common Sense, conspiracy is the best explanation.

Ockham's Razor dictates that this plot would never ever work.

You still haven't explained how somebody could recruit hundreds or thousands of people from all walks of life, from different organizations in cities across the US to make this work.

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I only just started looking at this post today, and got this far before wanting to comment.

you're a fucking PSYCHO!

That's hardly going to change someone's opinion.

Maybe it had something to do with having an inordinate amount of diesel fuel (tens of thousands of gallons) feeding the fires which raged all day. Hardly a 'normal' fire situation for any building.
Doesn't matter how much fuel there is, it still burns at the same temperature.

It's unlikely, if not impossible, that ANY hydrocarbon there could burn hot enough to cause collapse.

Wood burns at comparatively low temperatures, in the order of 500 degrees F.

However, if you make a big enough fire using wood, you will get FAR higher temperatures.

Consider the Dresden firestorm in WWII as an example.

Consider also that for centuries blacksmiths used wood as a source of fuel for their forges, which were certainly hot enough to melt steel.

Try cramming an alluminum aircraft at seven hundred miles per hour into a building. Something is going to give in both the craft and the building. Sides, you said it was reinforced.
Then why do the holes go through 9 feet?

You saw when the planes hit WTC. The plane didn't fly out the other side. How would it go through Pentagon's STEEL-REINFORCED CONCRETE?

I don't think the entire fuselage penetrated the Pentagon's wall, whereas in the case of the towers, the plane completely penetrated the buildings.

As to why the didn't come out the other side, I'm not a physicist qualified to say, and I strongly doubt that you are either.

However, with the number of verticle steel supports within the towers, it is likely that the plane would be torn to fragments as it started passing through the tower, and its inertia would be abated before passing completely through the building.

Admittedly, this is speculation on my part, based on some small scientific knowledge.

I don't claim to be an authority.

Some say there were markins and windows, other's say there weren't.

Some say it was a giant jet, others a small commuter plane, and others a missile.

Some say it banked left, others say it banked right.

Some say it dragged its wing through the ground (even though there was no trace on the lawn).

Some say it was 50 to 75 feet, others 25 (cars should've been blown away).

Ask any law-enforcement professional how truly reliable the average eyewitness report is, and that may give you an answer to this particular question.

Considering that most of the eyewitnesses may have had all of 1 or 2 seconds to mentally record what they saw, it is no wonder there is a wild range of variables in the reports.

If it makes you feel any better, I personally believe that Bush et al knew fully well the attack was coming, and when it was to occur, although they may not have known the specifics of where or how.

The simple fact that all high-ranking officials were told NOT to fly on 9/11 is in itself a glaringly obvious giveaway, IMHO.

As for the rest, well, too much of it can be explained away too easily.

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why do they need Saudi Arabia?

Why is Saudi Arabia so special?

The US does not need Saudi Arabia. They need it not to turn into a militent Ilamic state as does the world.

It is the country which is the objective of Al Queda. It is also considered holy by Muslims the world over. Control Saudi and you control Muslims, and much of the world's economy.

Good job. You gave Afghanistan to "Northern Alliance"... You realize that those were druglords?

Unfortunate but a much lesser threat than a country run by Al Queda.

Osama says he didn't cause 9/11

If this is your version of proof, no wonder your arguments arre so terrible. I won't even bother going after other sources to provide counter information as this one is reporting wrong information. Here also from the article you supply is

I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.


The Taliban -- the fundamentalist Islamic militia that seized power in Afghanistan in 1996 -- denied his ties to terrorism and said they have taken away all his means of communication with the outside world.

Well, we know OBL had training camps all over the place and, actually phoned his mother the friday prior to 911 to tell her that there would be big news and that she would then not hear from him for a plong period.

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No one has been able to explain how and why such a plot could ever be planned, approved and executed and who could/would do that.

I have. Look up Operation Northwoods. The gov't believed something like this was possible, if they didn't Northwoods would not have got all the way up to Kennedy.

I tried that approach, and alot here will disregard it. Come at it another angle. Eventhough the Northwoods Documents are actual fact now. History lessons are lost by those who do not learn them. I am with you, I think 9/11 was planned, but I am still trying to figure out WHO planned it.

No one seems to like Alex Jones :( , he is quite passionate on the mic when talking about it, so that will put people off from him. But I think he is great.

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I think 9/11 was planned, but I am still trying to figure out WHO planned it.

Me too, and I think Al Quaida was behind it.

To reiterate on Northwoods:

- That was a different era, two generations ago.

- The plan was several thousand times simpler

- The plan was several thousand times less destructive

- The plan (at least the version I read) didn't directly call for actual murder

- The plan was not approved

- The plan was not executed

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Dear GostHacked,

I think 9/11 was planned, but I am still trying to figure out WHO planned it.
As Mr. Hardner states, al Qaeda was behind it, and more specifically, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Krusty Kid,

The US does not need Saudi Arabia. They need it not to turn into a militent Ilamic state as does the world.
Au Contraire, Saudi Arabia is a hardline religious dictatorship, that believes in beheading homosexuals, etc. It is one of the beefs of Bin Laden and those opposed to US world hegemony that such a nasty country enjoys such unwavering and hypocritical support of the US. The US needs stable oil prices, and for now, Saudi Arabia basically controls world prices through production quotas. They are one of the few places that can readily gear up production (or slow it down) to make a huge difference in the price.
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I like Alex Jones too - his style would put a lot of intelligent people off, but I don't see him being discredited and he does throw around a lot of facts.

What I find funny is that I was talking to my grandparents and my parents over the weekend. They all think that the US did it to themselves. My mom even shocked me and told me she things the Kennedy Assasination was done by the US government. Makes me proud actually.

No my family is not crazy. But overall I will say this, people IN the US will go with the official report. Many people OUTside the US will think otherwise or at least look at both options. Most people I talk to at work, friends ect say that this was done by the US themselves. My mom said point blank,'yah most likely it happened to gain support for a war. She does not even know who Alex Jones is. She does not even play on the Internet that much. How did she come to this conclusion then? Also my 80 year old grandmother thinks that the US did it to themselves, I was shocked. I thought I was gonna sound crazy when bringing up the topic.

The fact is there is a growing number of people who do not believe the official story. I am one of them.

Don't be a sheep. :)

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No my family is not crazy. But overall I will say this, people IN the US will go with the official report. Many people OUTside the US will think otherwise or at least look at both options. Most people I talk to at work, friends ect say that this was done by the US themselves. My mom said point blank,'yah most likely it happened to gain support for a war. She does not even know who Alex Jones is. She does not even play on the Internet that much. How did she come to this conclusion then? Also my 80 year old grandmother thinks that the US did it to themselves, I was shocked. I thought I was gonna sound crazy when bringing up the topic.

The fact is there is a growing number of people who do not believe the official story. I am one of them.

Don't be a sheep. smile.gif

Isn't there a survey posted somewhere on the thread that says 80% do not believe the official story ?

Is that 80% sheep or 80% non-sheep ?

I would be interested to find out how your relatives came to that conclusion. I feel that it probably bears my fears that the average person has completely lost faith in public institutions.

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No my family is not crazy. But overall I will say this, people IN the US will go with the official report. Many people OUTside the US will think otherwise or at least look at both options. Most people I talk to at work, friends ect say that this was done by the US themselves. My mom said point blank,'yah most likely it happened to gain support for a war. She does not even know who Alex Jones is. She does not even play on the Internet that much. How did she come to this conclusion then? Also my 80 year old grandmother thinks that the US did it to themselves, I was shocked. I thought I was gonna sound crazy when bringing up the topic.

The fact is there is a growing number of people who do not believe the official story. I am one of them.

Don't be a sheep. smile.gif

Isn't there a survey posted somewhere on the thread that says 80% do not believe the official story ?

Is that 80% sheep or 80% non-sheep ?

I would be interested to find out how your relatives came to that conclusion. I feel that it probably bears my fears that the average person has completely lost faith in public institutions.

I would be interested on how they came to that conclusion as well, I will ask next time. ....And why do we loose faith in those institutions? Maybe it is because we feel that they no longer have our best interest at heart? Or the fact that we find more things wrong with government today than we ever did?

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Maybe it is because we feel that they no longer have our best interest at heart? Or the fact that we find more things wrong with government today than we ever did?

Exactly. This process was started by the Reaganauts in the 1980s. They were so successful in discrediting government that they were given control of congress, the senate and the white house to clean things up. Unfortunately, it's too late.

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  • 12 years later...



More families of Sandy Hook victims filed suit against Alex Jones.  This is is half-apology from before:



“If children were lost in Sandy Hook, my heart goes out to each and every one of those parents, and the people that say they’re parents that I see on the news. The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before.”

He already issued retractions for Pizzagate.  I feel that this is all part of the slow process of making the digital world legal.

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