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First 1/2 day in office - Two political ethics promises broken.

All I can say is Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



These idiots are lucky Canadians are sick of elections, otherwise they wouldn't last to the spring sitting of Parliament.

Where has all the morality gone?

Where is the Ethics bill that was supposed to the first thing the govt. took care of? Oh right, it has to wait to go through until after the current govt. was done doing the exact same crap they tore down the previous govt. for.

I love it. Consevative MP's are pissed at the party and it's leader. They haven't even had a single day in the House Of Commons yet. Hopefully 23 or more will choose to sit as independants or join another party. Harper can't even keep 124 people happy, how the hell is he supposed to unite a country?

Still, after everything Harper and his party said during the Election campaign, his first week as Prime Minister has been the best joke politics since someone stole Joe Clark's chin.

People in the Conservative party called Belinda a whore for what she did. And that was with atleast some moral objection to her party's stance on some issues. So what do we call Emerson? A Gold Digging Man-Whore?

I seem to distinctly remember Harper saying he wouldn't appopint any senators. That he felt they should be elected, and he would bring in legislation to make sure senators have to be elected to sit in the senate. So WTF is he doing appointing a senator who never even ran for election, let alone actually got elected.

I know conservatives don't want to hear this but, We told you so! We told you so!

We told you so! We told you so! We told you so!

Enjoy your 6 month's as PM Stevie, you idiot. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



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First 1/2 day in office - Two political ethics promises broken.

All I can say is Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



These idiots are lucky Canadians are sick of elections, otherwise they wouldn't last to the spring sitting of Parliament.

Where has all the morality gone?

Where is the Ethics bill that was supposed to the first thing the govt. took care of? Oh right, it has to wait to go through until after the current govt. was done doing the exact same crap they tore down the previous govt. for.

I love it. Consevative MP's are pissed at the party and it's leader. They haven't even had a single day in the House Of Commons yet. Hopefully 23 or more will choose to sit as independants or join another party. Harper can't even keep 124 people happy, how the hell is he supposed to unite a country?

Still, after everything Harper and his party said during the Election campaign, his first week as Prime Minister has been the best joke politics since someone stole Joe Clark's chin.

People in the Conservative party called Belinda a whore for what she did. And that was with atleast some moral objection to her party's stance on some issues. So what do we call Emerson? A Gold Digging Man-Whore?

I seem to distinctly remember Harper saying he wouldn't appopint any senators. That he felt they should be elected, and he would bring in legislation to make sure senators have to be elected to sit in the senate. So WTF is he doing appointing a senator who never even ran for election, let alone actually got elected.

I know conservatives don't want to hear this but, We told you so! We told you so!

We told you so! We told you so! We told you so!

Enjoy your 6 month's as PM Stevie, you idiot. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



Honest Politician,

Welcome back!!! I have missed your mind-numbing post (and while I am on the mind subject) absent-minded posting.

Yes Harper's move made me spit out my coffee in the morning and say a few four letter words but in comparison to 12 years of Liberal corruption, NDP socialism, and Bloc separatism, I would still say we have the best government possible in power.

I suggest you wait a while before laughing your liver our...have a drink in the meantimes while you sit on the sidelines in opposition... ;)

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Did you really post the same story in two different threads?

Hmmm, is there that little to attack the new government with?

Sad, sad, sad.


You need to understand there is little much they have to fight with...so everytime Harper's 40th cousin 90 times over acidentally smokes pot in a cab in Holland...it is ALL Harper's fault... ;)

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People in the Conservative party called Belinda a whore for what she did. And that was with atleast some moral objection to her party's stance on some issues. So what do we call Emerson? A Gold Digging Man-Whore?

Absolutely. And Harper guilty of pandering as he admitted soliciting the jump.

The rest of the vitriole we'll not comment on because I cannot remember one Liberal here express anything but glee over BS (Aren't her initials just ironic?) jumping.

On the other hand, many conservative supporters here are genuinely disturbed by Harper's open solicitation of Emerson. Whatever their motives, it was the wrong thing to do. I've spent time here trying to figure out what was going through their minds, but don't mistake that for making excuses.

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That is the difference between supporters of the CPC and Liberals. Liberals do whatever it takes to win. This *uproar* is just a misguided attempt at setting themselves up to win the next elections.

CPC supporters called Harper for stepping out of line. Will he do something this egregious again? Probably not. Will the Liberals over-react to the same extent the next time he makes a mistake? Absolutely.

It is going to be a long, long time in the opposition benches for them.

Absolutely. And Harper guilty of pandering as he admitted soliciting the jump.

The rest of the vitriole we'll not comment on because I cannot remember one Liberal here express anything but glee over BS (Aren't her initials just ironic?) jumping.

On the other hand, many conservative supporters here are genuinely disturbed by Harper's open solicitation of Emerson. Whatever their motives, it was the wrong thing to do. I've spent time here trying to figure out what was going through their minds, but don't mistake that for making excuses.

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You seem to be much more convinced than I that Harper will lead us for years to come. I think going from a 23 seat minority win to a legacy of majorities takes a lot more than the implosion of the Liberals. It depends extraordinarily heavily on the assumptions that the Liberals will not rebound quickly and that Harper will dazzle.

I certainly think the possibility exists, but his first days just don't evoke such confidence in me. I admit I am a partisan. The conservatives are the only party right now I could cast a vote for in good conscience. The current implements of the Liberals and NDP just disgust me. I think the Green Party's name comes as much from their environmental focus as it does to their envy of the real political parties in this country.

Harper has a much bumpier road to travel than I think even you realize shoop. He may get a buffer with the Liberals in-limbo but Layton, the extortionist of meaningless deals for Canadians, will still give him a hard time in the house. And unless Harper doesn't want the west demanding a referendum before Quebec does, it can't be viewed that he's bending over backwards to Duceppe.

It's kind of like trying to balance a teeter-totter that works on both the x and y axis.


That is the difference between supporters of the CPC and Liberals. Liberals do whatever it takes to win. This *uproar* is just a misguided attempt at setting themselves up to win the next elections.

CPC supporters called Harper for stepping out of line. Will he do something this egregious again? Probably not. Will the Liberals over-react to the same extent the next time he makes a mistake? Absolutely.

It is going to be a long, long time in the opposition benches for them.

Absolutely. And Harper guilty of pandering as he admitted soliciting the jump.

The rest of the vitriole we'll not comment on because I cannot remember one Liberal here express anything but glee over BS (Aren't her initials just ironic?) jumping.

On the other hand, many conservative supporters here are genuinely disturbed by Harper's open solicitation of Emerson. Whatever their motives, it was the wrong thing to do. I've spent time here trying to figure out what was going through their minds, but don't mistake that for making excuses.

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I don't honestly know if I see a *legacy* of majorities. But I could see Harper winning a majority in the fall of 2008 then resigning in the spring of 2012 to clear the way for new blood. Completely agreed that the first few days of Harper's term as PM don't evoke a lot of confidence.

But, let's look back to the campaign. In the first two days of the campaign Harper: talked about SSM, (which seemed like a sure loser at the time), he couldn't name any of the Quebec City candidates on the podium with him in his first speech in the city and there was that misunderstanding between him and McKay about the office of public prosecution. Yet he still won!

I do not downplay how difficult the road will be for Harper in the coming months.

However, from everything he has accomplished since becoming leader of the Alliance I am more and more sure of his abilities as a leader. He has shown that he can learn from his mistakes, surround himself with good people (including changing staffers when necessary - something Dithers never really got) and think ahead strategically.

Yes Emerson's appointment was a mistake. Will Harper learn from it? I am confident that he will.

You seem to be much more convinced than I that Harper will lead us for years to come. I think going from a 23 seat minority win to a legacy of majorities takes a lot more than the implosion of the Liberals. It depends extraordinarily heavily on the assumptions that the Liberals will not rebound quickly and that Harper will dazzle.

I certainly think the possibility exists, but his first days just don't evoke such confidence in me. I admit I am a partisan. The conservatives are the only party right now I could cast a vote for in good conscience. The current implements of the Liberals and NDP just disgust me. I think the Green Party's name comes as much from their environmental focus as it does to their envy of the real political parties in this country.

Harper has a much bumpier road to travel than I think even you realize shoop. He may get a buffer with the Liberals in-limbo but Layton, the extortionist of meaningless deals for Canadians, will still give him a hard time in the house. And unless Harper doesn't want the west demanding a referendum before Quebec does, it can't be viewed that he's bending over backwards to Duceppe.

It's kind of like trying to balance a teeter-totter that works on both the x and y axis.

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We've seen what internal strife within one's own party can do to a party in power. Harper has been tapped to lead our nation and already he's having troubles with in our party--before he even convenes his first parliament. The impressive work he did in uniting the parties and getting them this far so quickly is quickly being undermined by two really bad appointments in his first day on the job. We're not talking about a party unravelling, but its certainly something he doesn't need with the challenges before him. He's making this more difficult than it needs to be.

I don't honestly know if I see a *legacy* of majorities. But I could see Harper winning a majority in the fall of 2008 then resigning in the spring of 2012 to clear the way for new blood. Completely agreed that the first few days of Harper's term as PM don't evoke a lot of confidence.

But, let's look back to the campaign. In the first two days of the campaign Harper: talked about SSM, (which seemed like a sure loser at the time), he couldn't name any of the Quebec City candidates on the podium with him in his first speech in the city and there was that misunderstanding between him and McKay about the office of public prosecution. Yet he still won!

I do not downplay how difficult the road will be for Harper in the coming months.

However, from everything he has accomplished since becoming leader of the Alliance I am more and more sure of his abilities as a leader. He has shown that he can learn from his mistakes, surround himself with good people (including changing staffers when necessary - something Dithers never really got) and think ahead strategically.

Yes Emerson's appointment was a mistake. Will Harper learn from it? I am confident that he will.

You seem to be much more convinced than I that Harper will lead us for years to come. I think going from a 23 seat minority win to a legacy of majorities takes a lot more than the implosion of the Liberals. It depends extraordinarily heavily on the assumptions that the Liberals will not rebound quickly and that Harper will dazzle.

I certainly think the possibility exists, but his first days just don't evoke such confidence in me. I admit I am a partisan. The conservatives are the only party right now I could cast a vote for in good conscience. The current implements of the Liberals and NDP just disgust me. I think the Green Party's name comes as much from their environmental focus as it does to their envy of the real political parties in this country.

Harper has a much bumpier road to travel than I think even you realize shoop. He may get a buffer with the Liberals in-limbo but Layton, the extortionist of meaningless deals for Canadians, will still give him a hard time in the house. And unless Harper doesn't want the west demanding a referendum before Quebec does, it can't be viewed that he's bending over backwards to Duceppe.

It's kind of like trying to balance a teeter-totter that works on both the x and y axis.

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The Fortier thing is not that big of a deal.

Really when it comes down to it you have Myron Thompson and Garth Turner shooting off their mouths. That doesn't really qualify as *internal* troubles.

This thing will blow over as soon as the first Canadian strikes gold in Torino.

The Emerson mistake is nothing in comparison to uniting the parties, learning from the mistakes of the 2004 campaign and a *generally* successful 2006 campaign.

We've seen what internal strife within one's own party can do to a party in power. Harper has been tapped to lead our nation and already he's having troubles with in our party--before he even convenes his first parliament. The impressive work he did in uniting the parties and getting them this far so quickly is quickly being undermined by two really bad appointments in his first day on the job. We're not talking about a party unravelling, but its certainly something he doesn't need with the challenges before him. He's making this more difficult than it needs to be.
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If the move produces better government then it will pay off. The challenge is to evaluate this having the talent in the cabinet. We won’t know what job would have been done with out them. They were brought in for their depth and talent. We should be thankful Mr. Dithers is gone and the PM is now making decisions with our best interests in mind. ;)

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Did you really post the same story in two different threads?

Hmmm, is there that little to attack the new government with?

Sad, sad, sad.

It's worth repeating. Seems you folks forget the relentless slander and innuendo you bashed the former government with on and on and on...... So get used to it.

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First 1/2 day in office - Two political ethics promises broken.

All I can say is Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



These idiots are lucky Canadians are sick of elections, otherwise they wouldn't last to the spring sitting of Parliament.

Where has all the morality gone?

Where is the Ethics bill that was supposed to the first thing the govt. took care of? Oh right, it has to wait to go through until after the current govt. was done doing the exact same crap they tore down the previous govt. for.

I love it. Consevative MP's are pissed at the party and it's leader. They haven't even had a single day in the House Of Commons yet. Hopefully 23 or more will choose to sit as independants or join another party. Harper can't even keep 124 people happy, how the hell is he supposed to unite a country?

Still, after everything Harper and his party said during the Election campaign, his first week as Prime Minister has been the best joke politics since someone stole Joe Clark's chin.

People in the Conservative party called Belinda a whore for what she did. And that was with atleast some moral objection to her party's stance on some issues. So what do we call Emerson? A Gold Digging Man-Whore?

I seem to distinctly remember Harper saying he wouldn't appopint any senators. That he felt they should be elected, and he would bring in legislation to make sure senators have to be elected to sit in the senate. So WTF is he doing appointing a senator who never even ran for election, let alone actually got elected.

I know conservatives don't want to hear this but, We told you so! We told you so!

We told you so! We told you so! We told you so!

Enjoy your 6 month's as PM Stevie, you idiot. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



Honest Politician,

Welcome back!!! I have missed your mind-numbing post (and while I am on the mind subject) absent-minded posting.

Yes Harper's move made me spit out my coffee in the morning and say a few four letter words but in comparison to 12 years of Liberal corruption, NDP socialism, and Bloc separatism, I would still say we have the best government possible in power.

I suggest you wait a while before laughing your liver our...have a drink in the meantimes while you sit on the sidelines in opposition... ;)

Well we were all to believe that Mr. Harper would end all the lies and decite. If he can't even follow ethical politices heaven help us all when Mr. Flaherty gets his hands on the money, remember the common sense revolution.

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First 1/2 day in office - Two political ethics promises broken.

Honest Politician,

Welcome back!!! I have missed your mind-numbing post (and while I am on the mind subject) absent-minded posting.

Yes Harper's move made me spit out my coffee in the morning and say a few four letter words but in comparison to 12 years of Liberal corruption, NDP socialism, and Bloc separatism, I would still say we have the best government possible in power.

I suggest you wait a while before laughing your liver our...have a drink in the meantimes while you sit on the sidelines in opposition... ;)

Well we were all to believe that Mr. Harper would end all the lies and decite. If he can't even follow ethical politices heaven help us all when Mr. Flaherty gets his hands on the money, remember the common sense revolution.

Yeah, it was a good one, too bad the CPC have abandoned similar principles. Harris had it right, no more living off the public teat if you are physically and mentally able.

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Why is it worth repeating? Because the slander ended up being *only* proven to be $3.8 million in money pilfered by the Liberals?

You have nothing but one story because you are too lazy to look anything else up. Yet again symbolic of the laziness from the Martinites that cost them a majority, then government. Keep up the good work. :lol:

It's worth repeating. Seems you folks forget the relentless slander and innuendo you bashed the former government with on and on and on...... So get used to it.
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Well we were all to believe that Mr. Harper would end all the lies and decite. If he can't even follow ethical politices heaven help us all when Mr. Flaherty gets his hands on the money, remember the common sense revolution.

Ah, good ol' Mr. Flaherty. The man who truly runs the CPC. He will eventually stick his head too far up Harpers arse, and people will see him every time Harper opens his mouth. The moderate conservatives have every right to feel hoodwinked and bamboozled. They were spoon fed sugar coated metal Krusty-O's, and told it was Fruitloops.

Honest Politician,

Welcome back!!! I have missed your mind-numbing post (and while I am on the mind subject) absent-minded posting.

Yes Harper's move made me spit out my coffee in the morning and say a few four letter words but in comparison to 12 years of Liberal corruption, NDP socialism, and Bloc separatism, I would still say we have the best government possible in power.

I suggest you wait a while before laughing your liver our...have a drink in the meantimes while you sit on the sidelines in opposition...

Thanks. I was running low on Idiot fuel and thought I would stop by to pick some up. :P:D

Such an abundance around here.

Harper has already broken/tarnished/tainted/F*@#ed-up the so-called Integrity that he just based an entire election campaign on. The best part is it only took him a couple of hours! Hehehehehehehe.

Actually I have been laughing since election night. Having fewer seats than the Liberals had in the previous govt., I am sure, was far from what the Calgary Group had envisioned. Hehehehe As far as forwarding a Neo-Con agenda, Harper is as impotent as a 80yr old anabolic steroid user, who's alergic to Viagra.

So I will sit back on the sidelines and enjoy a drink, and perhaps even a puff, as I watch the inevitable implosion of the CPC.


<_< I don't know about you, but it seriously pisses me off to know my taxes are going to buy crack and ciggarettes for the single welfare mothers abundant in my little crap hole town. That's right I said Crack and Ciggarettes, f*@# "Beer and Popcorn!". Don't tell me the crackhead single mothers don't exist, because I used to know atleast a dozen. Almost half this town is messed up on either Crack or Hillbilly Heroin. I hear of people who sell their prescriptions of Hillbilly Heroin so they can afford to buy Crack, because that is their drug of choice. Now they get an extra $100 a month if they've been dumb enough to bring a child into their own personal hell within the last 6 years. WTF Man?!? Instead of rewarding people by handing out money to those who have kids, try handing out some birth control. Give me and my wife some money because we are not burdening over crowded education, and healthcare systems with our spawn. My taxes have helped to provide school for all my neighbours 5 brats, meanwhile I carry a student loan like an anchor around my neck. He stands to get $300 a month of our money, my money, your money, because he's too F'n dumb to wrap his pecker. If only I were that stupid. :angry: :End Rant

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<_< I don't know about you, but it seriously pisses me off to know my taxes are going to buy crack and ciggarettes for the single welfare mothers abundant in my little crap hole town. That's right I said Crack and Ciggarettes, f*@# "Beer and Popcorn!". Don't tell me the crackhead single mothers don't exist, because I used to know atleast a dozen. Almost half this town is messed up on either Crack or Hillbilly Heroin. I hear of people who sell their prescriptions of Hillbilly Heroin so they can afford to buy Crack, because that is their drug of choice. Now they get an extra $100 a month if they've been dumb enough to bring a child into their own personal hell within the last 6 years. WTF Man?!? Instead of rewarding people by handing out money to those who have kids, try handing out some birth control. Give me and my wife some money because we are not burdening over crowded education, and healthcare systems with our spawn. My taxes have helped to provide school for all my neighbours 5 brats, meanwhile I carry a student loan like an anchor around my neck. He stands to get $300 a month of our money, my money, your money, because he's too F'n dumb to wrap his pecker. If only I were that stupid. :angry: :End Rant

Irony, of course, would elude you completely. This is the kind of rant that your kind delights in smearing conservatives for. In fact, if it was said by anyone even remotely associated with the Conservative party you and your ilk would be screaming it from the rooftops to show how heartless and vile conservatives are, and how they "hate" the poor and want to destroy social programs.

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Well we were all to believe that Mr. Harper would end all the lies and decite. If he can't even follow ethical politices heaven help us all when Mr. Flaherty gets his hands on the money, remember the common sense revolution.

There is nothing whatever which is remotely unethical, dishonest or deceitful about anything Harper has done.

You simply hate Conservatives out of ideological zealotry.

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Far from it. The anger in Vancouver Kingsway was well-founded to start. Now it is just being dragged on and on because the Liberals and NDP are trying to score political points. Very interesting how the *citizen* rally against Emerson yesterday was organized by the NDP. Good grassroots uprising.

Harper has already broken/tarnished/tainted/F*@#ed-up the so-called Integrity that he just based an entire election campaign on. The best part is it only took him a couple of hours! Hehehehehehehe.
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Irony, of course, would elude you completely. This is the kind of rant that your kind delights in smearing conservatives for. In fact, if it was said by anyone even remotely associated with the Conservative party you and your ilk would be screaming it from the rooftops to show how heartless and vile conservatives are, and how they "hate" the poor and want to destroy social programs.

Handing out $100 a month is not a Social Program it is an Election Bribe designed to buy votes for the CPC. Congrats it worked.

Far from it. The anger in Vancouver Kingsway was well-founded to start. Now it is just being dragged on and on because the Liberals and NDP are trying to score political points. Very interesting how the *citizen* rally against Emerson yesterday was organized by the NDP. Good grassroots uprising.

Come on. Harper F*@#ed up bad, just admit it. Glad to see the NDP sticking their collective noses up the CPC's arse. Freaking bums cost the Libs the election.

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Irony, of course, would elude you completely. This is the kind of rant that your kind delights in smearing conservatives for. In fact, if it was said by anyone even remotely associated with the Conservative party you and your ilk would be screaming it from the rooftops to show how heartless and vile conservatives are, and how they "hate" the poor and want to destroy social programs.

Handing out $100 a month is not a Social Program it is an Election Bribe designed to buy votes for the CPC. Congrats it worked.

Far from it. The anger in Vancouver Kingsway was well-founded to start. Now it is just being dragged on and on because the Liberals and NDP are trying to score political points. Very interesting how the *citizen* rally against Emerson yesterday was organized by the NDP. Good grassroots uprising.

Come on. Harper F*@#ed up bad, just admit it. Glad to see the NDP sticking their collective noses up the CPC's arse. Freaking bums cost the Libs the election.

And all the empty promises from the Liberals over the last 13 years were any different?

I, personally, have never endorsed Harper's behavior with regards to the senate appointment and the solicitation of Emerson.

I can't say Harper's messed up that bad. If you were to say Harper's stepped knee deep in it, I could agree with that right now. After the Liberals, I am at least prepared to wait and see how he functions within the minority parliament, and within that parliament what he can/cannot achieve. It is pretty obvious to everyone that Harper will have to be quite the consensus builder to get anything passed with barely 37% of the house under his power. If Harper gets a fair amount done (note: I'm not holding my breath, but hopeful nonetheless) I think that can overshadow these rather disappointing missteps. If not, 20/20 hindsight will show that they were a foreshadow to the demise of this parliament.

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I can't say Harper's messed up that bad. If you were to say Harper's stepped knee deep in it, I could agree with that right now. After the Liberals, I am at least prepared to wait and see how he functions within the minority parliament, and within that parliament what he can/cannot achieve. It is pretty obvious to everyone that Harper will have to be quite the consensus builder to get anything passed with barely 37% of the house under his power. If Harper gets a fair amount done (note: I'm not holding my breath, but hopeful nonetheless) I think that can overshadow these rather disappointing missteps. If not, 20/20 hindsight will show that they were a foreshadow to the demise of this parliament.

I agree Hicksey.

These issues are only being raised because the CPC set the bar very high when it comes to ethics. If the Liberals had done these things, people would have barely noticed. I don't see these issues resonating with the voters either.

I'm more interested to see how Harper will handle his caucus now.

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