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New Liberal Leader.......is it time for Justin Trudeau?

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Trudeau would probably have a respectable showing, thats how sad this country is at times. Ontario would be all over having another Trudeau to screw Alberta.

Another Trudeau to screw Alberta is your point fo view. To some, people say ALberta's greed does itself in.

Interesting perspective about Albertas greed.

Do you fell that Alberta gets more than its share of federal resources, is too greedy in that regard?

Or do you feel that the amount that Alberta contributes to federalism is inadequate?

I'm genuinely curious.

I agree with that question.

80+ years of Conservative rule and Alberta has a great economy, minimal corruption, a great working ethic, and a stupendous degree of personal responsibility.

After 12+ years of Liberal rule, Canada has loads os scandal, no armed forces, and no respect around the world.

Sounds to me like Canada is doing itself in, not Alberta.

No respect around the world? You must be blind. Or ignorant, but you've already proven yourself to be that on many occasions, so what's the point of beating that dead stick.

AS for no corruption in Alberta, you are kidding me. It's not the same kind of governemnt corruption, granted, but there is a backlog of rigfs violations cases against the Alberta government that would put the State of Texas to shame. Whether it's same sex rights, racial minority rights, or women's rights, ALberta's government has complaints registered aginst it in all those areas.

Again, you are full of it.


1) Most people around the world do not know what to think about Canada...

2) "Rights" violations are a thin line and not in the same league as the Liberals buying a majority in the 1997 election. "Corruption" is not an issue of the left or right, whereas "rights" violations could be nothing more than affirmative action cases the left uses with its imposition of these reverse discrimination policies on our society. If you have a specific case, I'd review it...

I think you are full of it and you twist facts around. I have proven that a clear majority of Canadians support the death penalty, that "rights violations" are different from corruption, and that a majority of people in foreign countries have no opinion of Canada.

I was wrong to state that that hospital had a sauna and I admitted my mistake.

Do you admit it when you twist the facts around Boru? :unsure:

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I am sure if this backlog is as big as you claim it is you could probably provide a link of some kind...

AS for no corruption in Alberta, you are kidding me. It's not the same kind of governemnt corruption, granted, but there is a backlog of rigfs violations cases against the Alberta government that would put the State of Texas to shame. Whether it's same sex rights, racial minority rights, or women's rights, ALberta's government has complaints registered aginst it in all those areas.
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Time for Jack Layton to switch to the Liberals and lead them.


excellent! And so he should.

All you conservatives frothing at the mouth because there's no current leader... pfffft.

Be patient -- it'll happen.

You never know, the left and the centre could unite.... :D

Layton as Liberal leader? :lol:

Can you imagine the debates? I can just see Prime Minister Harper looking at Layton in shock after Layton thought there was a difference between the principal-agent theory and agency costs. You know, it says a lot that NDP voters want Layton to bail to the Liberals now... :lol:

On second thought, Layton waited years to be opposition leader...if he becomes Liberal leader, he can be on the opposition benches for years... :lol:

You forget that if Layton became Liberal leader and took his party with him, Harper wouldn't be Prime Minister anymore. Layton would.

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Time for Jack Layton to switch to the Liberals and lead them.


excellent! And so he should.

All you conservatives frothing at the mouth because there's no current leader... pfffft.

Be patient -- it'll happen.

You never know, the left and the centre could unite.... :D

Layton as Liberal leader? :lol:

Can you imagine the debates? I can just see Prime Minister Harper looking at Layton in shock after Layton thought there was a difference between the principal-agent theory and agency costs. You know, it says a lot that NDP voters want Layton to bail to the Liberals now... :lol:

On second thought, Layton waited years to be opposition leader...if he becomes Liberal leader, he can be on the opposition benches for years... :lol:

You forget that if Layton became Liberal leader and took his party with him, Harper wouldn't be Prime Minister anymore. Layton would.

I don't think so...no one in the business community of any country would vote for Layton...

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My point was, without an election, Layton would be prime minister. The Libs and NDP combined have more seats than the CPC.

That is true but keep in mind the business community is right-wing and votes Liberal in spite of the NDP...

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Trudeau would probably have a respectable showing, thats how sad this country is at times. Ontario would be all over having another Trudeau to screw Alberta.

Another Trudeau to screw Alberta is your point fo view. To some, people say ALberta's greed does itself in.

Interesting perspective about Albertas greed.

Do you fell that Alberta gets more than its share of federal resources, is too greedy in that regard?

Or do you feel that the amount that Alberta contributes to federalism is inadequate?

I'm genuinely curious.

I agree with that question.

80+ years of Conservative rule and Alberta has a great economy, minimal corruption, a great working ethic, and a stupendous degree of personal responsibility.

After 12+ years of Liberal rule, Canada has loads os scandal, no armed forces, and no respect around the world.

Sounds to me like Canada is doing itself in, not Alberta.

No respect around the world? You must be blind. Or ignorant, but you've already proven yourself to be that on many occasions, so what's the point of beating that dead stick.

AS for no corruption in Alberta, you are kidding me. It's not the same kind of governemnt corruption, granted, but there is a backlog of rigfs violations cases against the Alberta government that would put the State of Texas to shame. Whether it's same sex rights, racial minority rights, or women's rights, ALberta's government has complaints registered aginst it in all those areas.

Again, you are full of it.


1) Most people around the world do not know what to think about Canada...

2) "Rights" violations are a thin line and not in the same league as the Liberals buying a majority in the 1997 election. "Corruption" is not an issue of the left or right, whereas "rights" violations could be nothing more than affirmative action cases the left uses with its imposition of these reverse discrimination policies on our society. If you have a specific case, I'd review it...

I think you are full of it and you twist facts around. I have proven that a clear majority of Canadians support the death penalty, that "rights violations" are different from corruption, and that a majority of people in foreign countries have no opinion of Canada.

I was wrong to state that that hospital had a sauna and I admitted my mistake.

Do you admit it when you twist the facts around Boru? :unsure:

TML, you are a complete and absoltue liar. You did not prove that Canadians support the death penalty. You just said it as if it werefact,and that, apparantly, is enough.

You say rights violations are different from corruption. Thatis a matter of your opinion, and a very warped opinion it is. Human rights abuses are the worst kind of corruption, and the only reason you downplay them is becauyse it is your government that is most guilty of them. Your government is guilt of human rights abuses that have been settles for decades. WOmen and racial minorities.

I do not twist facts, you do. Wrse than that, you simply lie through your rotten yellow teeth, and that's the worst kind of twisting.

You have proven I am full of it? How so? Because I dare to object to your ramblings and rants? You are pathetic, and continue to paint yourself as such wth every passing day, with such nonsense as Canadians supportign the death penalty, complete fiction, and then your idiotic wet dreams of you going out on the streets and debating down those nbasty leftwing hippies that plague Canada.

Grow up, get out of your basement and get some fresh air. It smells good, and it'll clear your head. Your delusional sense of self grandeur is truly sad.

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AS for no corruption in Alberta, you are kidding me. It's not the same kind of governemnt corruption, granted, but there is a backlog of rigfs violations cases against the Alberta government that would put the State of Texas to shame. Whether it's same sex rights, racial minority rights, or women's rights, ALberta's government has complaints registered aginst it in all those areas.

Again, you are full of it.

Boru, I've heard similar statements in the past and at one time had found a list of the human rights complaints against the Ab. gov't. After comparing them to human rights complaints in other provinces I found them to be of a similar nature and frequency given population size. I have just checked the Ab. gov't site again and can't seem to track down the same information I had found before.

I'm not saying that it's not possible that Alberta has a large backlog (enough to put the State of Texas to shame though, come on) just that sometimes information becomes purposely skewed in order to suit a particular agenda. The right does it to the left, the left does it to the right and before long the truth is nowhere to be found.

Could you provide a link for the backlog concerning human rights complaints in Alberta to back up your claim.

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Hell no. Far too many of the *fisally consrvative* Liberals would hold their noses and vote Conservative you woud easily get a CPC minority. Start by dividing up the 54 Liberal seats in Ontario evenly between the CPC and the NDP. Then give the CPC five more seats in Quebec. Boom majority right there.

How many NDP voters *wouldn't* go with Layton???

How exactly would Layton leading the Liberals lead to a majority???

You forget that if Layton became Liberal leader and took his party with him, Harper wouldn't be Prime Minister anymore. Layton would.
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How exactly would Layton leading the Liberals lead to a majority???

This election proved that about 65% of Canadians will never vote for the CPC. Even when they run a good campaign and the liberals are mired in scandal and the leader of the Libs looks like he's having a nervous breakdown halfway through the campaign, the still can't crack that 40% mark. The Libs and NDP combined got more than 52% of the vote. In this country, that would be a super-majority. I think the prospect of having majority power for a generation would compel right-leaning Libs and left-leaning NDPers to hold their nose and dance together. And CPCers who dismiss it that it could never happen seem kind of like subway-riders in the face of a terrorist threat: they don't want to think about it because it's just too horrible to contemplate. :lol:

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"TML, you are a complete and absoltue liar. You did not prove that Canadians support the death penalty. You just said it as if it werefact,and that, apparantly, is enough."

Ah, no I am not...you asked for a link, I responded with one, and you just ignored that post (you only like to respond with insults...I have noticed that). :(

"You say rights violations are different from corruption. Thatis a matter of your opinion, and a very warped opinion it is. Human rights abuses are the worst kind of corruption, and the only reason you downplay them is becauyse it is your government that is most guilty of them. Your government is guilt of human rights abuses that have been settles for decades. WOmen and racial minorities."

Human rights violations are a form of government that is being run poorly but it is in a different league from corruption. I agree that they are wrong but you have not provided me with any cases like I asked you to where the Alberta government has violated numerous people's rights so I will say to you...in your own words..."you are a complete and absoltue liar."

"I do not twist facts, you do. Wrse than that, you simply lie through your rotten yellow teeth, and that's the worst kind of twisting.

You have proven I am full of it? How so? Because I dare to object to your ramblings and rants? You are pathetic, and continue to paint yourself as such wth every passing day, with such nonsense as Canadians supportign the death penalty, complete fiction, and then your idiotic wet dreams of you going out on the streets and debating down those nbasty leftwing hippies that plague Canada.

Grow up, get out of your basement and get some fresh air. It smells good, and it'll clear your head. Your delusional sense of self grandeur is truly sad."

Since you clearly don't liike to debate issues or read my links which verify EVERYTHING I have posted here (I attack my opponents with facts, unlike you who attack your opponents with insults).

I won't respond back because I am above all that but I will not only provide you with the link AGAIN I will even quote the part of the link where it is clearly stated that 70% of Canadians support the death penalty.

LINK: http://www.religioustolerance.org/execut3.htm

QUOTE: "Public approval of the death penalty is currently about 70%. Public support is essentially the same in Canada, a country which abandoned capital punishment."

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How exactly would Layton leading the Liberals lead to a majority???

This election proved that about 65% of Canadians will never vote for the CPC. Even when they run a good campaign and the liberals are mired in scandal and the leader of the Libs looks like he's having a nervous breakdown halfway through the campaign, the still can't crack that 40% mark. The Libs and NDP combined got more than 52% of the vote. In this country, that would be a super-majority. I think the prospect of having majority power for a generation would compel right-leaning Libs and left-leaning NDPers to hold their nose and dance together. And CPCers who dismiss it that it could never happen seem kind of like subway-riders in the face of a terrorist threat: they don't want to think about it because it's just too horrible to contemplate. :lol:

How can you say these things and still have a straight face? :D I was a liberal supporter in the past and then went NDP for quite some time, but this time I went CPC mostly because they are now more in line with my thought struucture then all the other parties. The Liberals are now not only rutterless but the rats are abandoning ship, as the leadership race seems like a game of hot potatoe. I smile at this implosion, even though the electorate did not show the implosion, it is now pretty clear that it really has. I guess it was the last ditch efforts of smear at the end of the election that is what shows then as not imploding. But look at their ranks, and see that no big names are coming forward, because most of those names have past affiliations with Chretien, and that is just going to be a vote killer for the next decade or so. Hell I will even predict that come the next election( which I believe will be 2 years or so away) the NDP will supplant the liberals as the official opposition. The block will still be around but will be down to 25-30 seats. The CPC will have a majority and it will have gained most of it in Quebec, and intercity Ontario.

Harper will only have to live up to what he promised to do in this election, which will not be hard to do, and that will take all the scarey tactics used by the others out of play. The next election will be on the issues only. And the CPC will have the leading hand of being able top say "we showed you what we can do with a Minority government, and now is time to show you what we can do with a majority ". The CPC platform by then will be quite plain to see and there will be no scarey hidden agendas. But there will be many things then said about agendas of the Liberals and NDP etc. Boy turn about being fair play. So when you say that the CPC will never get more then 35% of the the vote is really just sour grape postering. The election is now near 10 days old and the world is still in one piece, the skies are clear and there is no doom in the air. And after next Monday we will see the start of a new time in government. I predict it will be a good time. There are many things to look forward to, but the one I think I will enjoy more then the others, will be seeing the liberal trying to finsd anyone that would want to run for leader. Hell Belinda may yet get to be the leader, which is something I must admit I never would have seen coming a year ago. Interesting times ahead, and it is going to have lots of humouristic moments. A political characturistics dream.

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I'm telling ya, it's gotta be Ken Dryden. Anybody who can get a law degree while playing goalie for the Habs has the character for the job. And Quebec will vote for him because he's not at all connected to the sponsorship scandal and he was a great goalie. And he isn't Brison.

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I think Dryden could very well come up through this sorry, sorry pack of candidates.

I'm telling ya, it's gotta be Ken Dryden. Anybody who can get a law degree while playing goalie for the Habs has the character for the job. And Quebec will vote for him because he's not at all connected to the sponsorship scandal and he was a great goalie. And he isn't Brison.
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I think Dryden could very well come up through this sorry, sorry pack of candidates.

I'm telling ya, it's gotta be Ken Dryden. Anybody who can get a law degree while playing goalie for the Habs has the character for the job. And Quebec will vote for him because he's not at all connected to the sponsorship scandal and he was a great goalie. And he isn't Brison.

I hope not. I mean Prime Minister Dryden? While Theo struggles in goal? As a Toronto MP?

Suddenly Belinda is looing real good...

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I think Dryden *might* be the best candidate of the remaining lot.

He isn't without his drawbacks though.

Long-winded Noam Chomsky-esque answers to questions have to go. Reputation to get offended when asked tough questions ... no good.

Supposedly his French isn't great. Probably not Belinda Stronach *painfully bad* French, but still not great.

P.S. Could we pass a rule that any *jokes* relating to his previous career as a professional athlete have to at least be some what funny. :lol: tml I kid....

I hope not. I mean Prime Minister Dryden? While Theo struggles in goal? As a Toronto MP?

Suddenly Belinda is looing real good...

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Trudeau would probably have a respectable showing, thats how sad this country is at times. Ontario would be all over having another Trudeau to screw Alberta.

Coming from a redneck from Calgary, how priceless... I do not know how old you are, but get your facts straight Geoff, one, the Premier at that time was as much to blame as the federal government, he adamantly said he was not going to sigh the NEP and yet he did? Why? If he was so adamant that he was going to sign it, he could of put the firewall into effect, but did not, he is as much to blame for the NEP as the federal government was, but being that your a redneck from Calgary, you see it differently... you have it in your head from the propaganda that the conservative government produces here that Ottawa is always out to get the province especially a liberal government, get a life and do some research, why not check library archives, and see for yourself, Peter Lougheed is as much to blame as the federal government, and just one thing, how long ago did that happen 20 some years ago and your still stewing over it, grow up!!!!

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Hmmmm, let's just look at this comment about doing some research.

The ardent/angry/apoplectic STEFROCKS wonders why Peter Lougheed didn't use the proposed firewall (aka the Alberta Agenda) to block the National Energy Program.

Hmmmm, if one reads the letter you can see that it proposes using many of the powers as granted to provincial governments in the Constitution. The N.E.P. was introduced in 1980. The Constitution was patriated in 1982.

How was Premier Lougheed supposed to use the powers of the Consitution before it existed? A time machine? :lol:

Do some research .... brilliant. :rolleyes:

If he was so adamant that he was going to sign it, he could of put the firewall into effect, but did not

get a life and do some research, why not check library archives, and see for yourself

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Trudeau would probably have a respectable showing, thats how sad this country is at times. Ontario would be all over having another Trudeau to screw Alberta.

Coming from a redneck from Calgary, how priceless... I do not know how old you are, but get your facts straight Geoff, one, the Premier at that time was as much to blame as the federal government, he adamantly said he was not going to sigh the NEP and yet he did? Why? If he was so adamant that he was going to sign it, he could of put the firewall into effect, but did not, he is as much to blame for the NEP as the federal government was, but being that your a redneck from Calgary, you see it differently... you have it in your head from the propaganda that the conservative government produces here that Ottawa is always out to get the province especially a liberal government, get a life and do some research, why not check library archives, and see for yourself, Peter Lougheed is as much to blame as the federal government, and just one thing, how long ago did that happen 20 some years ago and your still stewing over it, grow up!!!!

Actually I'm from Toronto originally and I'm a big city type person. I go out to trendy clubs and pubs all the time (which shows my age I guess). I couldn't be farther from a red-neck so guess what stef, your a bigot.

I wasn't alive when the NEP was introduced so there isn't any personal anger towards Trudeau. My family lived in Quebec and Ontario up until a few years ago so really all I hear is pro-Trudeau things from the older folks. So no, its not any propaganda that's made me think this.

It's careful criticism of the issues presented and I've determined that the NEP was in the worst interests of both Alberta and Canada, and Trudeau merely acted to score some cheap political points.

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That's pretty much the best summation of what motivated Trudeau. Scoring cheap political points.

No real remorse or care for the country as a whole. Canada is a diverse country, a PM's decisions cannot always be in the best interest of the power bases that elected him.

It's careful criticism of the issues presented and I've determined that the NEP was in the worst interests of both Alberta and Canada, and Trudeau merely acted to score some cheap political points.
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