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Harper's Foreign Policy ?

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I live in the murder capital, Aboriginal-gangland-central Winnipeg. I just think minding my own business will do me a lot better than alarm systems and locks and paranoia.

OK then...you have earned the right not to lock your door.

But seriously, you aren't concerned about a random event? Especially when, I assume, you live in a house?

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I live in the murder capital, Aboriginal-gangland-central Winnipeg. I just think minding my own business will do me a lot better than alarm systems and locks and paranoia.

A lock on your door isn't going to stop anyone I agree. Its a false sense of security. I still lock mine though.

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Actually I live on the south side of Winnipeg (and it's about as segregated as any American city that way). If I lived in the North End, I admit it would be a very different story and I'd probably have five locks and a handgun.

I have never been there so this really means nothing to me but you still don't lock the door anyway???

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This is ridiculous. You know, extremisits have no right to debate policy. Extreme left, extreme right...you are all the same.

I am not a bug Bush fan, but you know what? He has done some good things and he has helped the people in Iraq out a lot, regardless of what the extreme communist left might think.

I do not believe for one minute the ridiculous stuff you are passing off as "truth"...

In a true democracy everybody has the right to debate. I noticed a number of you right wing enthusiasts here on this website have told me to shut up. That doesn't surprise me. My views are not left. They are centered and prop-peace. If I am center, what are you ?

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Winnipeg is basically divided into rich south and poor north (always has been). There are break-ins here, of course, and I do often lock my doors when I go out. But I have these stupid doors that, if they're set on lock, I just have to close them and they're locked. I'd be locking myself out of the house all the time if I kept them set that way all the time. I figure, if some psycho wants in, they're gonna get in. In the meantime, I'm not going to sit here and worry about it.

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Why does one country need to excercise global dominance and why do we need to pick one at all ? Why doesn't the US just stay at home and take care of their own problems? Why do we need their military forces to protect us? They are more often the perpetrators than the defenders, they just know how to hide it well, particularly given the average IQ of the American Population is approximately 90. Terrorist forces attack those that have created the problems within their countries. That is why they attacked the United States. If Canada can keep true to its foreign policy of contributing to world peace we shouldn't have to worry about being under attack by terrorists. Sticking to the ideals set forth by the United Nations should be our primary goal, something that the US has always had trouble with.

Why? Because there always has. In all of recorded history, if there was not one there were more than one vying to be, so who would you chose to be next if you dislike the US so much? China? Because they sure look like the front runner. Now there is a paragon of personal freedom and democracy. Smaller nations always have to chose eventually. It has been our good fortune to have ones that were on our side for all our history. We may not always be so lucky. I guess if we just keep quiet and never take a serious position on anything, no one will ever get mad at us. How many people have been butchered in Africa and other places because of countries following the UN's "ideals"? Or do we blame that on the US as well? I'm not trying to justify Iraq or anything else in particular but is there anything you would consider important enough to stand up and fight for?

With respect to Communism, remember Hungary? I do. I went to school with some of the refugees. Remember Czechoslovakia? Remember the Cuba missile crisis? Remember the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan? Remember the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the border war with India? Remember the invasion of South Korea? Remember Kruschev saying "we will bury you"? I'm old enough to remember them all.

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This is ridiculous. You know, extremisits have no right to debate policy. Extreme left, extreme right...you are all the same.

I am not a bug Bush fan, but you know what? He has done some good things and he has helped the people in Iraq out a lot, regardless of what the extreme communist left might think.

I do not believe for one minute the ridiculous stuff you are passing off as "truth"...

In a true democracy everybody has the right to debate. I noticed a number of you right wing enthusiasts here on this website have told me to shut up. That doesn't surprise me. My views are not left. They are centered and prop-peace. If I am center, what are you ?

Sorry, but there is a small, unwritten rule around here (or so I've noticed) that basically says that when you make a comparison between any current person and Hitler, it's time for you to go.

So go.



Bye now.

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For $50 you can get locks that solve your problem.

Go to a Home Depot and talk to the lock guy there.

Or spend $150 and call in a uniionized locksmith that will tell you the same thing. :)

I still insist that a lock hasn't ever stopped anyone. How many criminals go door to door checking locks? (maybe they do, I'm not a criminal??) If someone's going to break in, they are going ot have the tools to do it if your door is locked right? So no difference.

It's part of the whole free-loader principle. Everyone will assume you lock your doors as long as everyone else does.

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Thank god for Micheal Moore. How many Americans do you think actually watched those movies?

Many American's have watched his movies, especially Fahrenheit 911, that film made a lot of money. The point is, that you're a propagandist liar when you say that the American government has managed to stifle anyone who speaks out against their policy. You're either a liar, or a retard, or both, but either way, please shut up. I'm sick of this kind of crap.

You can just scroll on by if you don't want to read the post.

Calling people liars and retards is rather juvenile I might add.


I'm currently reading this book "American Backlash" by Michael Adams. It describes how society in the states is changing.

Older Americans are moving toward more religion, traditional family values, law and order, security, national pride and obedience to authority.

Young Americans are going exactly the opposite direction; rejecting religion, accepting brutality and violence, the persuit of intense situations, impulsiveness and apathy.

Americans are fed a diet of consumerism and, of late, fear which has driven these two groups apart. The news spouting daily that if "your not with us, you're against us", "support GW or you're anti-American" has polarized the country. Being a "liberal" in the US is blasphemy because of George Bush and his fictional war on terror.

The difference in Canada is that we aren't so pressured to be patriotic. We are able to question our government without our neighbours "turning on us" like pod people, fingers pointing "Scrreeeee! a liberal!"

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Why? Because there always has. In all of recorded history, if there was not one there were more than one vying to be, so who would you chose to be next if you dislike the US so much? China? Because they sure look like the front runner. Now there is a paragon of personal freedom and democracy. Smaller nations always have to chose eventually. It has been our good fortune to have ones that were on our side for all our history. We may not always be so lucky. I guess if we just keep quiet and never take a serious position on anything, no one will ever get mad at us. How many people have been butchered in Africa and other places because of countries following the UN's "ideals"? Or do we blame that on the US as well? I'm not trying to justify Iraq or anything else in particular but is there anything you would consider important enough to stand up and fight for?

With respect to Communism, remember Hungary? I do. I went to school with some of the refugees. Remember Czechoslovakia? Remember the Cuba missile crisis? Remember the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan? Remember the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the border war with India? Remember the invasion of South Korea? Remember Kruschev saying "we will bury you"? I'm old enough to remember them all.

Well by the sounds of things I am probably younger than you, and no I don't remember all of it. But I respect your opinion and appreciate the opportunity to dialogue with you, since that is what it is all about is it not ?

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I posted this on another website http://www.canadiandemocraticmovement.ca/index.html in response to an American's posting who praised Harper and his support of American Right Wing Idealisms including US invasion of Iraq:

In short, it is very clear to me why this American friend is posting on this website in support of Harper. The right wing here in Canada would be in favour with the agenda of the US administration for economic dominance, which inevitably includes control of Canadian resources. And with Harper in power, Bush will get it. At the expense of most ordinary Canadians and at the economic gain of a few elite Albertans, including Mr. Harper himself.

Harper doesn't scare me in the least, but uninformed posts and knee jerk anti-Americanism do. I don't support the Iraq war, but neither do I believe it was about oil, if it were, the U.S. would have it secured and pouring into their country free, by now.

The U.S. gov't has not gained control over the U.S. media, thats ridiculous, ever read the New York Times, and of course no one has control over M. Moore.

Don't forget the democrat (George Soros and others) who fund Moveon.org and finance many other attack sites and ads.

Your rhetoric is extreme, Harper and the CPC will no more give the control of our resources than would the NDP. Get real.

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Thank god for Micheal Moore. How many Americans do you think actually watched those movies?

The difference in Canada is that we aren't so pressured to be patriotic. We are able to question our government without our neighbours "turning on us" like pod people, fingers pointing "Scrreeeee! a liberal!"

Gee, have you heard Paul Martin lately.... :rolleyes:

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You can just scroll on by if you don't want to read the post.

Calling people liars and retards is rather juvenile I might add.


I'm currently reading this book "American Backlash" by Michael Adams. It describes how society in the states is changing.

Older Americans are moving toward more religion, traditional family values, law and order, security, national pride and obedience to authority.

Young Americans are going exactly the opposite direction; rejecting religion, accepting brutality and violence, the persuit of intense situations, impulsiveness and apathy.

Americans are fed a diet of consumerism and, of late, fear which has driven these two groups apart. The news spouting daily that if "your not with us, you're against us", "support GW or you're anti-American" has polarized the country. Being a "liberal" in the US is blasphemy because of George Bush and his fictional war on terror.

The difference in Canada is that we aren't so pressured to be patriotic. We are able to question our government without our neighbours "turning on us" like pod people, fingers pointing "Scrreeeee! a liberal!"

Thank you, and I agree. Fear based politics combined with consumerism...sufficient to pull the wool over most American eyes. And yes, we aren't so pressured here to be patriotic, or to lock or doors, or to build walls around our communities, or to further fill up our prisons, to increase our military, or to go off to war to protect ourselves against so called terrorists...

Apparently Alberta (or at least one of them here ) disagrees....and wishes to shut up anybody who doesn't !!

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You can just scroll on by if you don't want to read the post.

Calling people liars and retards is rather juvenile I might add.


I'm currently reading this book "American Backlash" by Michael Adams. It describes how society in the states is changing.

Older Americans are moving toward more religion, traditional family values, law and order, security, national pride and obedience to authority.

Young Americans are going exactly the opposite direction; rejecting religion, accepting brutality and violence, the persuit of intense situations, impulsiveness and apathy.

Americans are fed a diet of consumerism and, of late, fear which has driven these two groups apart. The news spouting daily that if "your not with us, you're against us", "support GW or you're anti-American" has polarized the country. Being a "liberal" in the US is blasphemy because of George Bush and his fictional war on terror.

The difference in Canada is that we aren't so pressured to be patriotic. We are able to question our government without our neighbours "turning on us" like pod people, fingers pointing "Scrreeeee! a liberal!"

Thank you, and I agree. Fear based politics combined with consumerism...sufficient to pull the wool over most American eyes. And yes, we aren't so pressured here to be patriotic, or to lock or doors, or to build walls around our communities, or to further fill up our prisons, to increase our military, or to go off to war to protect ourselves against so called terrorists...

Apparently Alberta (or at least one of them here ) disagrees....and wishes to shut up anybody who doesn't !!

I don't wish to shut anyone up. Don't go saying that we are trying to get Harper elected on fear... the Liberal campaign has been completely based on making people fear Harper.

This isn't the US. Harper isn't claiming that electing liberals will bring in a terrorist attack or a war or anything. Theres no fear, theres no implied patriotism. There is no comparison.

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I still insist that a lock hasn't ever stopped anyone. How many criminals go door to door checking locks? (maybe they do, I'm not a criminal??) If someone's going to break in, they are going ot have the tools to do it if your door is locked right? So no difference.

It's part of the whole free-loader principle. Everyone will assume you lock your doors as long as everyone else does.

My locks don't lock me out and my dog's bark will scare the crap out of any potential criminal.

Buy a dog,a real dog.

It will keep you secure and make you feel like Layton's is near by when you get loney at night. :)

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This is ridiculous. You know, extremisits have no right to debate policy. Extreme left, extreme right...you are all the same.

I am not a bug Bush fan, but you know what? He has done some good things and he has helped the people in Iraq out a lot, regardless of what the extreme communist left might think.

I do not believe for one minute the ridiculous stuff you are passing off as "truth"...

In a true democracy everybody has the right to debate. I noticed a number of you right wing enthusiasts here on this website have told me to shut up. That doesn't surprise me. My views are not left. They are centered and prop-peace. If I am center, what are you ?

Sorry, but there is a small, unwritten rule around here (or so I've noticed) that basically says that when you make a comparison between any current person and Hitler, it's time for you to go.

So go.



Bye now.

I did not compare Bush with Hitler. I simply stated that throughout history the US has supported many a fascist regime, both through military aid and economic aid. Including Bush's great grandfather supporting the Hitler regime financially. I do not know the facts surrounding that statement but I have seen it quoted through numerous different sources.

There have been many atrocities of war supported by US foreign aid. These are well documented for anybody that cares to read about them.... Columbia, Turkey, Cuba, Korea, Indonesia, Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua to name a few.

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Enough of the histrionics. Maybe time to learn your facts before posting them on the board.

I did not compare Bush with Hitler. I simply stated that throughout history the US has supported many a fascist regime, both through military aid and economic aid. Including Bush's great grandfather supporting the Hitler regime financially. I do not know the facts surrounding that statement but I have seen it quoted through numerous different sources.

There have been many atrocities of war supported by US foreign aid. These are well documented for anybody that cares to read about them.... Columbia, Turkey, Cuba, Korea, Indonesia, Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua to name a few.

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This is ridiculous. You know, extremisits have no right to debate policy. Extreme left, extreme right...you are all the same.

I am not a bug Bush fan, but you know what? He has done some good things and he has helped the people in Iraq out a lot, regardless of what the extreme communist left might think.

I do not believe for one minute the ridiculous stuff you are passing off as "truth"...

In a true democracy everybody has the right to debate. I noticed a number of you right wing enthusiasts here on this website have told me to shut up. That doesn't surprise me. My views are not left. They are centered and prop-peace. If I am center, what are you ?

Sorry, but there is a small, unwritten rule around here (or so I've noticed) that basically says that when you make a comparison between any current person and Hitler, it's time for you to go.

So go.



Bye now.

I did not compare Bush with Hitler. I simply stated that throughout history the US has supported many a fascist regime, both through military aid and economic aid. Including Bush's great grandfather supporting the Hitler regime financially. I do not know the facts surrounding that statement but I have seen it quoted through numerous different sources.

There have been many atrocities of war supported by US foreign aid. These are well documented for anybody that cares to read about them.... Columbia, Turkey, Cuba, Korea, Indonesia, Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua to name a few.

Which has to do what - with Canadian politics, good governance and the CPC ?

Bush's great grandfather might have had some financial dealing with the Hitler regime, but it hardly has anything to do with Canadian politics or the Bush family today.

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I did not compare Bush with Hitler. I simply stated that throughout history the US has supported many a fascist regime, both through military aid and economic aid. Including Bush's great grandfather supporting the Hitler regime financially. I do not know the facts surrounding that statement but I have seen it quoted through numerous different sources.

There have been many atrocities of war supported by US foreign aid. These are well documented for anybody that cares to read about them.... Columbia, Turkey, Cuba, Korea, Indonesia, Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua to name a few.

Which has to do what - with Canadian politics, good governance and the CPC ?

Bush's great grandfather might have had some financial dealing with the Hitler regime, but it hardly has anything to do with Canadian politics or the Bush family today.

Well at least somebody else out there has read that about the Bush family.

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"Thank you, and I agree. Fear based politics combined with consumerism...sufficient to pull the wool over most American eyes. And yes, we aren't so pressured here to be patriotic, or to lock or doors, or to build walls around our communities, or to further fill up our prisons, to increase our military, or to go off to war to protect ourselves against so called terrorists..."

We don't have to. We have someone to do it for us. The US. We would never let consumerism pull the wool over our eyes would we? What a crock.

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The Pax Americana is only a peace for Northern countries. The States are highly complicit in the context of many of the world's ongoing wars.

Look at what they did to Nicaragua and Congo, those are the two I'm most familiar with, but there are many more.

American foreign policy is not popular in the rest of the world, chomsky has cited this in hegemony or survival.

When we are critical of the American administration, we're labeled anti-American, but I've travelled a few times to New York and Washington and found the people awesome, the society great. It's really important to be able to dissent, to be critical, it's the foundation of civil society, and the great thing about our societies.

Just because we have great societies, does that mean it's ok to abuse and exploit other countries with the excuse that their governance is not as good, and sometimes it's done, like in Nicaragua in the 80's, where governance was improving, and in Congo where the States and Belgium had Lumumba, a democratically elected prime minister, assassinated, and then supported Mobutu - a leader so corrupt that his personal fortune exceeded the budget of his country, supported him because he was willing to allow covert operations by the CIA to neighbouring countries during the Cold War. The hypocrisy that the openly stated self-interest of American foreign policy is also meant to paternalisticaly help other countries is astounding. We haven't even begun with the Bretton Woods institutions.

There is definitely something wrong there, as we've seen in canada, power corrupts, and as we see in American foreign policy, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I guess it's politically incorrect to be anti-american, political correctness being relative to your political perspective.


Of course it is. I just get tired of all this pious BS I hear from Canadians. We owe our whole quality of life to those dastardly Americans and what they do to maintain their own position in the world and what they do to prop up the rest of the G8 or G10 or whatever the heck they are now. Trouble is, we want all the good stuff but aren't willing to be honest about what it really takes to provide it. Exercising power is not a popularity contest.

Our country and our system of government is a product of the British Empire, particularly the Victorian period. In the 64 years of Victoria's reign there wasn't one year that British troops weren't fighting in some little war, revolt, mutiny etc somewhere in the world. Their foreign policy wasn't popular with the rest of the world and they were also complicit in many of the worlds wars that sure weren't fought for the benefit of the locals, but we owe our country, our language, our government, our laws and all our freedoms to those people. They weren't just some happy coincidence. We are not the chosen people.

You are wrong, it is politically incorrect not to be anti American in this country. That's why most of our politicians can't resist playing the anti American card to get votes.

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