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January 20, 2006


John Chuckman

I hadn't realized until recently that Stephen Harper was using "God Bless Canada!" as a tagline for his speeches. Some may think this a harmless, or even beneficent, expression for a politician to use, but for those with knowledge of history, nothing could be a more frightening.

I do believe we all know to whom Harper is tipping his hat with these words. George Bush, author of two wars which have killed more than a hundred thousand innocent people and the champion of an ugly set of repressive laws in the United States, says "God Bless America!" every chance he gets.

Some might say Bush uses the line because he has nothing else to say, and I don't doubt this is part of the truth. But slogans of this kind are always used to protect dangerous people from criticism. The words are used also as code, a kind of insidious political wink, to bloodthirsty supporters, the Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell types. They says things that cannot be uttered in public.

Bush usually says it in front of a set of gigantic, eagle-topped American flags, reminiscent of nothing so much as the days when Germany's leader spoke and sputtered in front of platoons of monstrous, threatening flags.

Bush also always wears a prominently-placed American flag pin on his lapel, just in case you forget where he's from. I can never help thinking of the image of Hitler wearing his quiet Iron Cross on an otherwise plain, neatly-tailored uniform. Neatness and patriotism for the cameras instead of troops sloshing through human blood.

The belt buckle of the German legions which murdered their way across Europe were embossed with "Gott Mit Uns" (God With Us) over a fierce eagle grasping the swastika. This is only to say that there is a record in fairly recent history of the use of religious slogans in politics to cover horrors. I recall a photograph of American Marines, having illegally invaded Iraq, kneeling for a quick blessing before going out to kill more Iraqis in their own land.

Were I to dip further into European history, I would name the countless wars and persecutions in which God Bless Something Or Other! was invoked over the bodies of burning, bleeding, or broken victims.

Religion does not belong in public life, and Stephen Harper's efforts to drag it in says a great deal about him to those choosing to listen. This principle is as much a defense of freedom of religion as anything else: millions of Christians have been slain by other Christians over subtle differences of belief.

Religion in politics violates Canadians' traditional political civility. While God may be understood as a translation for Allah or Jehovah, the name is completely unsuitable for those embracing Buddhism or Hinduism or Humanism or no religion at all. This usage opens wounds where none need exist.

Even among today's Christians, God does not have the same meaning to everyone. To a Pat Robertson, God is someone who destroys communities with hurricanes when they fail to recognize the truth of Pat's preaching. Pat's God is also someone who sanctions the assassination of democratically-elected leaders who happen to oppose American policies.

And please, make no mistake, a core portion of Harper's Alberta-based party are people with just such views.

Not a lot of Canadians understand that a large portion of Alberta Crown land was taken up by Americans looking for farmland at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. There was a heavy in-migration of American attitudes from the province's beginning. This was reinforced by the development of oil and gas in the 1940s and 1950s, and has been reinforced further still with the recent development of the tarsands.

Look at the Alberta government's Internet site where Ralph Klein lists himself under the heading Executive Branch, a purely American expression not even applicable to parliamentary government. Look at Klein's ugly public outbursts which remind one of nothing so much as a Tom Delay or a Newt Gingrich.

Remind yourself of Harper's record of saying things like Alberta should build a firewall around itself, an American gated community on a grand scale. Look at the city of Calgary whose lighted glass blocks are positively eerie at night in a city which virtually empties to the suburbs at five or six o'clock, American-style. No street life, none of the flavor of Vancouver or Toronto or Montreal. A colony of dangerous Dallas.

Remind yourself that Harper strongly advocated Canada join America's illegal invasion of Iraq. Most disturbingly, Harper advocated this bloody policy, not on the basis of sharing Bush's dark beliefs, but on the basis of catering to Bush's favor over trade. Harper said, again and again, Canada should join an illegitimate war because it was what its major trading partner was doing. Blood for gold. You just can't take a lower ethical path. I'll take a ten-year old scandal anytime.

If Stephen Harper heads a minority government, you may be sure he will continue to show the kind of artificial restraint of language he has shown for much of the campaign. Does any critically-thinking Canadian believe this will continue if he succeeds in gaining a majority? He is already criticizing Canada's courts, a favorite activity of Texas's poisonous Tom Delay. One of Harper's senior advisors, Tom Flanagan, is an American ex-patriot bristling with the perspectives and attitudes of the Midwest where he was raised.

The United States is almost certainly the worst example possible in the advanced world of a civil and cohesive society. Canada's arguing between provinces seems civilized compared to the dangerous pressures in American society where a President can be impeached for a dribble on a dress or where a boy washed ashore can be kept from his loving father and home in the name of freedom. A place today where dissidents face arrest or spying and travel-bans or, at best, are told to get out if they don't like it. Only the drumbeat of jingoistic patriotism, reinforced with religious slogans, holds a people together who are full of conflict and anger over their country's activities and policies but feel almost powerless to change anything.

Think hard when you vote. Canada has been prospering without Harper's policies and it has avoided at least one pointless war. In politics, you have to pick your battles carefully because no one party can represent all the issues about which you care. Peace and civility and dedication to broad human rights are priceless and may well be put at risk with a Harper majority.

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Hey chuckman,

Does this mean that you're NOT taking that job in the States?


Oh well! You can just continue to saturate boards with that kind of slanderous drivel (with reference to George Bush's wars killing that many people...proof please!).

Oh, and about Alberta, kiss my ass. You haven't got a clue about what the hell you're talking about. American? If we wanted to be American out here, we would have done it and there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it. Albertans are federalists (for the most part), so save your "just like american..." b.s. for your narrow minded club of buddies.

HOWEVER....if I'm going to be American, do I get to use real paper money? Cool.

Paranoid much?

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You're absolutely right John.

In fact I've heard Pat Robertson and every religious zealot in Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama are thinking of moving to Lethbridge if Stephen Harper gets into power, slaying mercilessly every homosexual they cross on their pilgramage.

Actually, it was Coaldale which is 13 km away. Honest mistake.

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You're absolutely right John.

In fact I've heard Pat Robertson and every religious zealot in Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama are thinking of moving to Lethbridge if Stephen Harper gets into power, slaying mercilessly every homosexual they cross on their pilgramage.

And don't forget that should Harper be elected he'll be out raping old ladies, burning down black churches, beating up gays and just causing overall chaos and pandemonium--and that's just for starters until liberals can come up with something else for him to do.

Only people that know their ideas are inferior need to engage in this kind of slander/libel/defamation.

Remember that.

They know a minority government could never achieve any of the things they're being accused of and if they even tried the three opposition parties would put them out on their ear. They think Canadians are stupid. It's the only explanation for it because if they didn't they'd never serve up this kind of nonsense.

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Isn't there an internet tradition that goes something along the lines of "First guy to invoke 'Hitler' automatically loses the debate"? It's a surefire way to get your message filed under "desperate, frothing-at-the-mouth hyperbole." Sorry, Chuck, thanks for playing.

As a proud descendent of Minnesota Swedes, I'm certainly one of the Albertans with American background you're referring to. How dare you suggest I'm any less Canadian for my background, you stupid flaming piece of crap. And how typical of people like you, trying to preserve the Liberal grasp on power by driving wedges between Canadians. On Monday, this kind of crap is going to fail. Go hide in your bunker, Chuck. Be afraid of what's coming. Goodbye and good riddance, asshole.


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Isn't there an internet tradition that goes something along the lines of "First guy to invoke 'Hitler' automatically loses the debate"? It's a surefire way to get your message filed under "desperate, frothing-at-the-mouth hyperbole." Sorry, Chuck, thanks for playing.

As a proud descendent of Minnesota Swedes, I'm certainly one of the Albertans with American background you're referring to. How dare you suggest I'm any less Canadian for my background, you stupid flaming piece of crap. And how typical of people like you, trying to preserve the Liberal grasp on power by driving wedges between Canadians. On Monday, this kind of crap is going to fail. Go hide in your bunker, Chuck. Be afraid of what's coming. Goodbye and good riddance, asshole.


It's in "The Small "l" Liberal Playbook", and the Redbook. They're just following directions.

It says that "whenever you run out of ideas and answers just scream Conservative=Hitler and all will be well."

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As much as I disagree with much of your post Chuckman, I do agree that religion needs to be removed from the political dialogue.

The difficulty though in you singling out Harper is you forget how important religion in is Canada generally. You don't think religion in Quebec politics is important? Martin's a proud Catholic, as I believe Chretien was.

Don't think its such a black and white issue my friend and use a reference to God by Harper to paint him as an American bigot.

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As much as I disagree with much of your post Chuckman, I do agree that religion needs to be removed from the political dialogue.

The difficulty though in you singling out Harper is you forget how important religion in is Canada generally. You don't think religion in Quebec politics is important? Martin's a proud Catholic, as I believe Chretien was.

Don't think its such a black and white issue my friend and use a reference to God by Harper to paint him as an American bigot.

The offensive against christian/catholic values is just sickening. It's not OK for a PM to display and be proud of his religion by asking God to bless is country? Political correctness has long been getting out of hand.

I don't find it offensive when people of other religions invoke their religion like such. I thought we all had that right in Canada.

I guess unless if you're catholic the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

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As much as I disagree with much of your post Chuckman, I do agree that religion needs to be removed from the political dialogue.

The difficulty though in you singling out Harper is you forget how important religion in is Canada generally. You don't think religion in Quebec politics is important? Martin's a proud Catholic, as I believe Chretien was.

Don't think its such a black and white issue my friend and use a reference to God by Harper to paint him as an American bigot.

The offensive against christian/catholic values is just sickening. It's not OK for a PM to display and be proud of his religion by asking God to bless is country? Political correctness has long been getting out of hand.

I don't find it offensive when people of other religions invoke their religion like such. I thought we all had that right in Canada.

I guess unless if you're catholic the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

I agree...I am not very religious but I do have faith in God.

The political attack by the secular left is unbelievable. Do they have shame?

I will stand up for my values and I will stand up for what I believe in.

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As much as I disagree with much of your post Chuckman, I do agree that religion needs to be removed from the political dialogue.

The difficulty though in you singling out Harper is you forget how important religion in is Canada generally. You don't think religion in Quebec politics is important? Martin's a proud Catholic, as I believe Chretien was.

Don't think its such a black and white issue my friend and use a reference to God by Harper to paint him as an American bigot.

The offensive against christian/catholic values is just sickening. It's not OK for a PM to display and be proud of his religion by asking God to bless is country? Political correctness has long been getting out of hand.

I don't find it offensive when people of other religions invoke their religion like such. I thought we all had that right in Canada.

I guess unless if you're catholic the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

I agree...I am not very religious but I do have faith in God.

The political attack by the secular left is unbelievable. Do they have shame?

I will stand up for my values and I will stand up for what I believe in.

I do always. Poltical correctness is for the weak. I call a spade a spade.

I need to correct myself here.

I said ...

I guess unless if you're catholic the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

It should have read ...

I guess unless if you're conservative and catholic the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

I hear Liberals invoking God's name all the time and not one of them ever gets called on it. But when a conservative does the scary religious-right-wing extremists are out in force to destroy Canada.

Its amazing how many idiots there are out there that buy this nonsense.

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You silly silly people, why oh why do you know so little?

It is an American tradition for presidents to say "God Bless America", Bush did not invent this.

I sincerley hope "God Blesses Canada"

I know. Me too.

But conservatives aren't allowed to do it. There are rules you know.

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If someone wants to say God bless Canada, by all means do it. We need a bit of divine intervention here. :lol:

Though I guess I shouldn't really comment, I'm apparently an American out here in Alberta, even though I've lived in and been to most likely far more of Canada then Chuckman.

His 'Canadian' tolerance and knowledge of his country shows when he comes across with such disgusting anti-Americanism and lack of respect for critical issues based political discourse. Sorry Chuckman, this isn't the way Canada does things, especially in Alberta.

And by the way, Calgary has an awesome night-life. It's no Toronto I agree, but thats due to the fact its about 4 times smaller. I enjoy going to clubs and bars not thinking I'm going to get shot (even though this is kind of changing recently). I spend at least two nights a week in downtown Calgary enjoying the social scene and its not "a colony of dangerous Dallas."

The difference between you and me Chuckman is two-fold. I too am concerned about American influence. The differences come in the fact I've met people like Harper and Flanagan personally, and the fact that I live in the most conservative area in Canada. This isn't America though, this is Canadian conservatism, and its not at all comparable to the Republicans. And once you realise that these people are real people, like you and me, you'll stop assuming that they are the fourth reicht.

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If someone wants to say God bless Canada, by all means do it. We need a bit of divine intervention here. :lol:

Though I guess I shouldn't really comment, I'm apparently an American out here in Alberta, even though I've lived in and been to most likely far more of Canada then Chuckman.

His 'Canadian' tolerance and knowledge of his country shows when he comes across with such disgusting anti-Americanism and lack of respect for critical issues based political discourse. Sorry Chuckman, this isn't the way Canada does things, especially in Alberta.

And by the way, Calgary has an awesome night-life. It's no Toronto I agree, but thats due to the fact its about 4 times smaller. I enjoy going to clubs and bars not thinking I'm going to get shot (even though this is kind of changing recently). I spend at least two nights a week in downtown Calgary enjoying the social scene and its not "a colony of dangerous Dallas."

The difference between you and me Chuckman is two-fold. I too am concerned about American influence. The differences come in the fact I've met people like Harper and Flanagan personally, and the fact that I live in the most conservative area in Canada. This isn't America though, this is Canadian conservatism, and its not at all comparable to the Republicans. And once you realise that these people are real people, like you and me, you'll stop assuming that they are the fourth reicht.

Unless the Germans beat us to the fourth reicht, conservatives will always be that to the left in this country--otherwise we fall to fifth.

I am so sick of these self-righteous liberals wrapping themselves in the Canadian Flag and telling me I am the next coming of Hitler because I am conservative.

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Unless the Germans beat us to the fourth reicht, conservatives will always be that to the left in this country--otherwise we fall to fifth.

I am so sick of these self-righteous liberals wrapping themselves in the Canadian Flag and telling me I am the next coming of Hitler because I am conservative.

Agreed Hicksey. It angers me that they liberals promote tolerance, yet are the last to actually show it. Apparently in Canada, your either with them, or American. And thats just not fair. There are plenty of us conservatives that don't agree with whats happening the US and are very devoted to seeing a better Canada. It's too bad that the Liberals are gaining back momentum due to their intolerant attacks.

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Unless the Germans beat us to the fourth reicht, conservatives will always be that to the left in this country--otherwise we fall to fifth.

I am so sick of these self-righteous liberals wrapping themselves in the Canadian Flag and telling me I am the next coming of Hitler because I am conservative.

Agreed Hicksey. It angers me that they liberals promote tolerance, yet are the last to actually show it. Apparently in Canada, your either with them, or American. And thats just not fair. There are plenty of us conservatives that don't agree with whats happening the US and are very devoted to seeing a better Canada. It's too bad that the Liberals are gaining back momentum due to their intolerant attacks.

I said it in another thread and I'll repeat it here. I don't want to become the US either. But I realize what they are to us. Without them consuming like they do -- 70% of our exports are consumed by the US each year -- the socialist wet dream going on here can't work. Without them acting as big brother and protecting us and taking us around the world we would have to have a respectable sized military which costs money. I don't want to be them, but I know what they mean to who we are and I respect them for it.

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Did something prick where it hurt? Poor lillte Conservatives. Oh those oh so tolerant Conservatives!

God is blessing Canada - at least as you Conservatives count your blessings. He is melting the permafrost giving you a little milder climate around the Tar Sands. He is helping your religous fanatical base demonize the word "liberal" just as He did in the USA. He has allowed you to continue unshaken in your belief that meanness and self interest is the natural order amongst men: at least He has not yet sent a bolt of lightning to change your opinions.

Perhaps you could ask your guru, George Bush, to ask God to get a little more active on the liberal/socialist front and strike down all those non-believers who are on the Left and ranged against te mighty army of the Good from Lethbridge or was it Coaldale.

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