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I left nutty bush for scary Harper ?

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welcome USA liberal!

It's refreshing to hear from "the other side of the fence" from someone who has actually experienced it. There are many many questions I have about life in America... for another thread perhaps...

The posters on this board who glorify, adore and worship GW Bush's administration will do anything to slam Canada -- they're entire adgenda IS turning Canada into the US. You are correct that Harper is indeed "scary", not only his looks LOL.

Canada is currently one of the best countries on earth to live. Electing the conservatives is tantamount to flushing it all down the toilet.

Vote Liberal -- vote NDP -- vote Green -- heck, vote for the Marijuana Party! Just DON'T vote Conservative if you like Canada the way it is.


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welcome USA liberal!

It's refreshing to hear from "the other side of the fence" from someone who has actually experienced it. There are many many questions I have about life in America... for another thread perhaps...

The posters on this board who glorify, adore and worship GW Bush's administration will do anything to slam Canada -- they're entire adgenda IS turning Canada into the US. You are correct that Harper is indeed "scary", not only his looks LOL.

Canada is currently one of the best countries on earth to live. Electing the conservatives is tantamount to flushing it all down the toilet.

Vote Liberal -- vote NDP -- vote Green -- heck, vote for the Marijuana Party! Just DON'T vote Conservative if you like Canada the way it is.



Care to debate any of those issues? One of the reasons I am voting Conservative, aside from standing up for Canada, is for better North American relations. Why? I lived in the U.S. for a couple of years and I have a lot of family there. I would be happy to describe U.S. life as best as I remember it...

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You are quite right, betsy! A lot of Canadians want change.

And that echoes my point. They have no idea of what the change they are going to get with the Conservatives will be. They are going to get chump change in return for selling out the nation and its social values.

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tml12, I don't think there is anything do sad in this campaign as those who proudly chant the new Conservative slogan of "Stand for Canada."

How does Harper stand for Canada? He has quite explicitly expressed his determination to dismantle Canada. He has not been shy about describing Canada as a failed country that does not deserve to continue as a nation.

Harper has said that it does not matter if we don't have a national government. He has sais openly, that it is O.K. if there are any number of national governments in this Canadian territory. He is very clear that his vision of what is now Canada is to convert it into a defensive alliance and trading bloc.

Harper does not want a country of Canada and to talk of standing for Canada is the height of hypocrisy on his part and the abandonment of inquiry and concern by those who have bought the slogan.

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Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

Still Waiting.

Oh come on Honest Politician...but if I must:




LMAO I love Martin's quote: "a more sophisticated relationship based on informed dialogue, shared values and respect for our differences."

I should also note I never called this forum's left anti-American, I always said the general Canadian left.

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Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

Still Waiting.

I have stayed in Canada for a few years now, and know that there is no hatred by mainstream Canadians towards Americans. There is the sports rivalry. We saw the roudy fans in Vancouver during the youth hockey tournament, but that's it. Hate is such a strong word, and I have found it hard to be in existence in any Canadian group. There might be a few here and there, but to suggest liberals have hate ?

Its just another typical conservative ploy. They want to sound as if they are more in synch with americans. Most americans aren't conservative, so their argument is bogus to begin with. On a more important note, left leaning people such as those who vote for the liberals or the NDP are more compassionate and caring towards the less fortunate, and fight harder to make sure that equal rights are distributed to all, and not just a select few. Tolerance and the end of hatred is what we fight for in the social left, therefore any notion that liberal canadians hate americans in general gets thrown out the door.

Liberal minded people outnumber comservatives in both countries. That advantage will always be there. Just need to show up on election day !

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Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

Still Waiting.

Oh come on Honest Politician...but if I must:




LMAO I love Martin's quote: "a more sophisticated relationship based on informed dialogue, shared values and respect for our differences."

I should also note I never called this forum's left anti-American, I always said the general Canadian left.

Funny I don't recognize those people as being part of this forum. Nice try though.

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tml12, I don't think there is anything do sad in this campaign as those who proudly chant the new Conservative slogan of "Stand for Canada."

How does Harper stand for Canada? He has quite explicitly expressed his determination to dismantle Canada. He has not been shy about describing Canada as a failed country that does not deserve to continue as a nation.

Harper has said that it does not matter if we don't have a national government. He has sais openly, that it is O.K. if there are any number of national governments in this Canadian territory. He is very clear that his vision of what is now Canada is to convert it into a defensive alliance and trading bloc.

Harper does not want a country of Canada and to talk of standing for Canada is the height of hypocrisy on his part and the abandonment of inquiry and concern by those who have bought the slogan.

"stand up for bush's boy" won't sell, so he is trying something else. gotta give him credit for trying :)

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Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

Still Waiting.

Oh come on Honest Politician...but if I must:




LMAO I love Martin's quote: "a more sophisticated relationship based on informed dialogue, shared values and respect for our differences."

I should also note I never called this forum's left anti-American, I always said the general Canadian left.

Funny I don't recognize those people as being part of this forum. Nice try though.

Why don't you tell that to cut and paste boy, River God. At least tml12 just provided links. I thought the Washington Post summed us up pretty well. Maybe one day Canadians will stop yapping and start listening when it comes to our relations with the US.

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tml12, I don't think there is anything do sad in this campaign as those who proudly chant the new Conservative slogan of "Stand for Canada."

How does Harper stand for Canada? He has quite explicitly expressed his determination to dismantle Canada. He has not been shy about describing Canada as a failed country that does not deserve to continue as a nation.

Harper has said that it does not matter if we don't have a national government. He has sais openly, that it is O.K. if there are any number of national governments in this Canadian territory. He is very clear that his vision of what is now Canada is to convert it into a defensive alliance and trading bloc.

Harper does not want a country of Canada and to talk of standing for Canada is the height of hypocrisy on his part and the abandonment of inquiry and concern by those who have bought the slogan.

You are right Eureka. I am defenseless against that very truthful attack.

However, looking at the state of federalism under the Liberal government, I am willing to give Harper the benefit of the doubt...

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Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

Still Waiting.

Oh come on Honest Politician...but if I must:




LMAO I love Martin's quote: "a more sophisticated relationship based on informed dialogue, shared values and respect for our differences."

I should also note I never called this forum's left anti-American, I always said the general Canadian left.

Funny I don't recognize those people as being part of this forum. Nice try though.

And as I said I never directly accused anyone on this forum of being anti-American.

You said you wanted: "anyone stating they hate Americans."

You got it.

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Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

Still Waiting.

Oh come on Honest Politician...but if I must:




LMAO I love Martin's quote: "a more sophisticated relationship based on informed dialogue, shared values and respect for our differences."

I should also note I never called this forum's left anti-American, I always said the general Canadian left.

Funny I don't recognize those people as being part of this forum. Nice try though.

And as I said I never directly accused anyone on this forum of being anti-American.

You said you wanted: "anyone stating they hate Americans."

You got it.

You know damn well I meant anyone here. Nice to see taking things out of context isn't limited to the Liberals.

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You think being a Democrat makes a difference here? The Liberals hate ALL Americans!

That's a pretty sweeping statement from someone who is quite obviously a CPC supporter.

As such, how is it that you would be aware of the thoughts and feelings of ALL Liberal supporters???

Have you conducted a nation-wide poll that we don't know about???

Would you care to cite a site supporting this wild claim???

Ironically, now that you're here....the ones you don't like (Conservatives) are the only ones who like you.

Gee, from the way you're addressing him, and the condescending tone of your post, it certainly seems that there is at least one Conservative who doesn't like him.

How quickly you forget Carolyn Parish and her sweeping "I hate those American bastards!"

Did we hear any strong castigation from Martin? Nah.

Then Carolyn did that parody on TV.

He needed to be pressured by an outraged and emabarrassed public before he slapped her wrist weakly.

If I sounded condescending, it was as I've explained to USA_Liberal, I was misled by the message of his post.

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Let us get something straight here THE HONEST POLITICIAN.

I have never accused anyone on this board of personally being anti-American. I had no idea that you were not referring to politicians in general. Please don't say "you know damn well." That is implying that I deliberately treated you unfairly and I do not respect this. I am here to debate issues and have a positive conversation with everyone on this board, even the people I disagree with. I was not deliberately treating you like a jerk.

That being said, I do hope you realize how we on the right feel about Martin's promise to improve relationship with the Americans.

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"I do hope you realize how we on the right feel about Martin's promise to improve relationship with the Americans."

Why is it always Canada's responsibility to "manage" the relationship? What about the role of the US in this relationship? Are they NOT responsible for how they treat us?

Like the abused wife, Canada says "It's ok that I'm all beat up -- it's my fault, I should not have provoked him -- my relative said he was a "moron" and my other relative said "I hate that bastard" and yet another relative stomped on a effigy of him on national television -- no wonder he beat the shit out of me, can you blame him?"

The US needs to apologize to Canada IMO. Apologize for importing their violence, their guns, their chemical drugs... apologize for softwood lumber, mad cow, blaming us for the power outage... apologize for the likes of Tucker, O'Reilly and Carlson...

*They should be on bended knee kissing our beaver butts!

*They = those who support the republican regime.

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"I do hope you realize how we on the right feel about Martin's promise to improve relationship with the Americans."

Why is it always Canada's responsibility to "manage" the relationship? What about the role of the US in this relationship? Are they NOT responsible for how they treat us?

Like the abused wife, Canada says "It's ok that I'm all beat up -- it's my fault, I should not have provoked him -- my relative said he was a "moron" and my other relative said "I hate that bastard" and yet another relative stomped on a effigy of him on national television -- no wonder he beat the shit out of me, can you blame him?"

The US needs to apologize to Canada IMO. Apologize for importing their violence, their guns, their chemical drugs... apologize for softwood lumber, mad cow, blaming us for the power outage... apologize for the likes of Tucker, O'Reilly and Carlson...

*They should be on bended knee kissing our beaver butts!

*They = those who support the republican regime.

You may have seen the post on our inability to deploy even six aircraft to Afghanistan for six months. (we probably have a couple of privately owned airlines that could do better). This is a NATO commitment remember. Perhaps if we could pull our weight on international issues, instead of just talking about them and bashing the Americans because they can and do, they might would pay more attention and give us a little more respect. Nobody likes a mouthy neighbor who is all talk and no action.

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"I do hope you realize how we on the right feel about Martin's promise to improve relationship with the Americans."

Why is it always Canada's responsibility to "manage" the relationship? What about the role of the US in this relationship? Are they NOT responsible for how they treat us?

Like the abused wife, Canada says "It's ok that I'm all beat up -- it's my fault, I should not have provoked him -- my relative said he was a "moron" and my other relative said "I hate that bastard" and yet another relative stomped on a effigy of him on national television -- no wonder he beat the shit out of me, can you blame him?"

The US needs to apologize to Canada IMO. Apologize for importing their violence, their guns, their chemical drugs... apologize for softwood lumber, mad cow, blaming us for the power outage... apologize for the likes of Tucker, O'Reilly and Carlson...

*They should be on bended knee kissing our beaver butts!

*They = those who support the republican regime.

I will agree with you that the likes of Carlson and O'Reilly, etc. need to shut up. They are as detrimental to the relationship as Parrish, Chretien, etc. here in Canada.

You know, if we really wanted to prove we were more mature than the barbaric Americans we would not respond back with childish dialogue that makes Canadians seem as barbaric as the immature Americans who attack us in the first place.

Your remarks, Drea, indicate that you cannot separate good Americans from bad ones. Believe me, we need this relationship. We need to acknowledge our similarities and respect our differences with the Americans.

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"I do hope you realize how we on the right feel about Martin's promise to improve relationship with the Americans."

Why is it always Canada's responsibility to "manage" the relationship? What about the role of the US in this relationship? Are they NOT responsible for how they treat us?

Given our entire national economic life depends on close and friendly relations with the US, I'd say that we have a bigger stake in maintaining good relations than the Americans.

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