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Harper-Bush, Bush-Harper?

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Just another scare tactic, like Martin, pandering to the bigotry of anti-Americanism to win votes.   Ughhhhh

Can't refute the accucations again Harper so must must try and deflect.

Posting facts is not another scare tactic.

Being anti-american is not bigotry.

Coulda fooled me, there's a difference between normal critique and drive by smear tactics; and there are facts, and then there are facts ROTFLMAO

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The so called Honest Politician posted what amounts to a rant with no misgivings or doubts about the credibility of his/her source. I happen to be attacking the source, and anyone who takes it at face value.

What did I post under the first link?

"Interesting Point of View".

It's a point of view. The "Credibility" of the source is of no issue. It is a point of view. You know "fredom of speech"?

Just because it doesn't conform to your view doesn't make it wrong, unless you have facts to back up your own claims, and refute what was in the article.

Can you prove Harper is not Bush-lite?

For someone who is "non-partisan" you sure got offended with the suggestion that Harper is like Bush.

We have discussed here, the whole "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..." type of reasoning, and may I say you came in "quacking" quite loudly.

So what if you say you aren't a conservative, your behaviour is nothing less than what I have come to expect from conservative supporters on this board. Hence the mistake, if there ever was one.

If you are truly upset about people being unjustly accused, go defend Martin on the Gomery issue. He was cleared by Gomery but you wouldn't know it the way the "fact" of his involvment is constantly brought up. Or defend the fact there is no actual proof of insider trading, and that the RCMP investigation was undertaken at the request of the NDP, who based their conclusions on pure hypothesis of what caused a market spike. Or the fact Harper lied to the Canadian people about the suitcase full of money that the Liberals wasted on nothing but an empty folder.

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I suppose this is reverse onus. You posted this crap, you provide sources which back up your claim that the information in this rant is credible.

Your the one being childish here dude/dudette, I have never made a claim either way, you have posted something which lacks credibility. The onus is on you as the one who started this thread to provide sources which back up the bloggers claims, unless you don't agree with them.

You are the one who has a problem with it.

You are the one who called it "drivel".

You are the one who says it has no credibility.

You are the one saying the blog is a lie.

So, you can refute the claims yourself.

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That's an interesting article full of opinions based on nothing and no facts, just sweeping statements.

However, to some of us, it makes us want to vote for Harper even more.


Oh well. Making you want to vote for him "even more" doesn't make your vote count for more than one. If you where going to vote conservative anyway, then it was already too late for you.

If you want to have facts, read the second article I posted.

It is both long and disturbing.

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I'll respond to Kaplans article even though I don't think much of it. About the only thing we agree on is I'm not a huge Bush fan either.

Spending Budget Surpluses

Harper's proposed tax cuts and spending proposals will lead us into deficit.

Martin's proposed tax cuts and spending proposals (over 20B before the writ was even dropped) will not lead us into deficit. OOO KAAAY

Harper from Oil Country

I thought he grew up in Ontario. I guess changing your address in this country disqualifies you from being PM.


Since Kyoto was signed, US CO2 production up 13%. Canada's CO2 production up 23% . What's his point.

Mandatory Minimum Prison Sentences for certain crimes

I'm for em.

Military Spending

The Liberal's neglect of this country's military has been criminal. We love telling the world we are the best place to live but won't spend two bits to defend it. We leave that up to the Americans and insult them for their trouble. Doesn't matter because we know they will do it anyway and we can get a free ride. We have more military personnel at Command Center in Ottawa than we do soldiers in all our regular army infantry battalions and sailors on active warships put together. Such is the politicization of our military.

During the last election campaign the Liberal had TV adds going that showed the Conservatives buying Nimitz class carriers. What the Conservatives were advocating were multipurpose ships that could carry aircraft. Exactly the same kind of ships that are being talked about now by the Liberals.

12 Years after Chretien shot it down, the Navy is still waiting for it's new helicopter with no end in sight. The only thing that is for sure is that they will be getting fewer, less capable machines and they will cost more. Our fighter aircraft are old and wearing out, our transport aircraft are ancient and worn out. We have to hire Russian and Ukrainian aircraft to get our stuff overseas or God forbid, ask those damn Americans. Do we really want to talk about submarines?


The reason our dollar is doing so well is because we have what the world (China and the US mostly) wants. Resources. If commodity and energy prices go in the tank, so will our economy and so will our dollar.

It's really too bad that Anti Americanism is so fashionable in this country and our politicians cannot resist the temptation to use it to gain votes even when it harms Canada. It is our misfortune to be located next to the US not because of the Americans but because it even stops us from having a meaningful dialog about the future of something important as healthcare. Our politicians cannot resist playing the Anti American card to gain votes and further their own dogma.

Either this guy is not who he says he is or he knows little about Canada. IMO

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Spending Budget Surpluses

The surpluses are there because of the fiscal responsibility of Martin as Finance Minister. He probably has a better idea of what is there to spend than Harper.

Harper from Oil Country

Did I miss something or is Harper not running in Alberta.


This is a far cry from the only environmental issue Bush is being attacked on. The Alaska Oil Drilling proposals are a much better example of the Bush administration's lack of environmental awareness.

The Bush administration gave almost 50% taxbreaks on the purchase of large SUV's if the buyer could offer proof that the vehicle would be used for work purposes. The Dentist, Lawyers, Doctors and Executives, who bought the vehicles just had to prove they carried work materials to the office to get the taxbreak. Now since these vehicles are among the worst poluters on the road, and the Bush administrating is promoting the use of such vehicles it does not say much for the Bush administration's view of the environment.

Mandatory Minimum Prison Sentences for certain crimes

Depends on the crime. Thommy Chong did 9 months in jail for selling a bong, in the US. Totally uncalled for. The conservative proposal of a minimum two years in prison for the equivalent of one or two pot plants in the backyard, seems just as rediculous.

Violent crime is an area where I would possibly like to see mandatory sentences. My biggest problem is that the offenders have a tendancy become better criminals in jail. The young guys learn new tricks and police tactics, from the older inmates. Connections are made and bonds are formed. It is like a big networking seminar where the topic is crime and how to get away with criminal activities.

Military Spending

And we need a bigger military to....what? Fight in more conflicts?

I can understand upgrading equipment. But reinstating the 101 airborne, then doubling the size of another base, I feel is a direct result of our "not enough troops" official excuse to stay out of IRAQ. Harper wants to make sure he can jump on the American bandwagon and ride off to save the world.


The dollar is high due to the economy and it's strength as you said. But having a govt. who has run surplusses in the budget for several years adds to investor confidence, whose investments in turn, serve to add more strength to the economy, and dollar. A fiscally irresponsible govt. will not generate the same level of investment.

Either this guy is not who he says he is or he knows little about Canada. IMO

After all it is only oppinion isn't it?

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Now who has ....... promised tax cuts, promised not to alter abortion laws, pledged to make government “smaller” and pledged to increase the military????


Uhm, Paul Martin has promised all those things...

Martin promised tax cuts and they came into effect Jan 2005, he NEVER promised not to alter abortion laws,

I'm not sure what you're attempting to say. You think promising not to outlaw abortion is somehow a Republican trait? In any event, it's clear Martin is not going to touch abortion laws. So stop nitpicking. He has the same policy as Harper; leave it alone.

he NEVER promised to make government smaller and he NEVER promised to increase the military.... just to buy more and better equipment.

Guess again.

He has promisedf to add 5,000 more soldiers to the military. How can you not be aware of that? As for smaller govermment

Martin's Obsession with Smaller Government

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Just another scare tactic, like Martin, pandering to the bigotry of anti-Americanism to win votes.   Ughhhhh

Can't refute the accucations again Harper so must must try and deflect.

Posting facts is not another scare tactic.

Being anti-american is not bigotry.

Bigots never seem to believe their own bigotry counts.

Possbily because most bigots aren't the most honest of people, even to themselves.

Nor the brightest.

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Just another scare tactic, like Martin, pandering to the bigotry of anti-Americanism to win votes.   Ughhhhh

Can't refute the accucations again Harper so must must try and deflect.

Posting facts is not another scare tactic.

Being anti-american is not bigotry.

Bigots never seem to believe their own bigotry counts.

Possbily because most bigots aren't the most honest of people, even to themselves.

Nor the brightest.

Agreed again Argus...you live in Ottawa, any chance you may run for office???

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The surpluses are there because of the fiscal responsibility of Martin as Finance Minister. He probably has a better idea of what is there to spend than Harper.

Or you could say the surpluses are there because Martin has been stealing the money from us in the form of taxes which are too high, in the form of theft from pension funds, in the form of theft from unemployment insurance surpluses, and because of the GST Martin and company promised to "kill". Certainly fiscal responsibility is not something anyone can label Martin with any more. Over the last few years the federal budget has grown faster and farther than at any time in the last fifty years, even surpassing the huge increases under Trudeau. In the last couple of years he's been throwing money at anything and everything in sight which he thinks might win him a few votes.

Did I miss something or is Harper not running in Alberta.

People have argued that Paul Martin is an Ontario prime minister. Even though he represents a Quebec riding, because he grew up in Ontario. But fair's fair. I have never called him anything but a Quebecer, through and through. So by that standard, Harper is from Western Canada.

Military Spending

And we need a bigger military to....what? Fight in more conflicts?

I can understand upgrading equipment. But reinstating the 101 airborne, then doubling the size of another base, I feel is a direct result of our "not enough troops"  official excuse to stay out  of IRAQ.  Harper wants to make sure he can jump on the American bandwagon and ride off to save the world.

We need a bigger military in order to do the tasks the federal govenrment continues to assign them. What they've been doing is sending guys overseas for long periods, repeatedly. Sometimes there's only six-eight months between one assignment and another. That destroys families, and it is bleeding the military as men quit because they never get to see their families, or even their frigging country.

The dollar is high due to the economy and it's strength as you said. 

The dollar is not that high. We continually compare the dollar to the US buck. And while some like to claim the Canadian dollar has risen immensely over the past few years, in reality, it's simply the US dollar which has fallen, not merely against the Canadian dollar but against almost all other currencies as well. Yes, the Canadian dollar has risen somewhat, due to reasons mentioned, but most of the rise is really just the US falling, and if the brilliant economic decisions of Paul Martin play any part in it, well, it's exctremly minor.

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Agreed again Argus...you live in Ottawa, any chance you may run for office???

No. I'd have to couch everything I said in the weasel words of politicians or else the intellectual infants in the media (which is pretty much all of them) would go bananas. If you want to run anyonw run Kimmy. She almost always manages to respond with a degree of respectful commentary I often can't bring myself to bother with.

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That's true. Some weasel Liberal would get you to reveal your identity and out you as the despicable perverted argus. Harper would make you resign within three hours.  :D

I fully admit to being a pervert. But you know what I say to the girls I know? The only difference between me and your boyfriend/husband, is I tend to say out loud what they only think about. B) And you know what, none of them ever really disagrees with me.

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Spending Budget Surpluses

Federal spending is up more than for any other branch of government. Martin got his surpluses with a combination of downloading on to the Provinces and the lowest interest rates since WWII. How long do you think they would last with the 18 to 20% interest rates of the late 80's and don't blame that on Mulroney, the whole world had them. Not to mention things like a gas tax to fight a deficit we haven't had for eight years and raiding the EI fund to finance spending. Martin will spend whatever it takes to get elected.

Harper from oil country

I guess moving west of the Ontario border does disqualify one from being PM.


Kyoto was about reducing greenhouse gases, CO2. CO2 is a naturally formed gas, (you produce it every time you exhale) not pollution. I repeat, since Kyoto was signed, US CO2 production up 13%, Canada 23%. I don't know how we compare on pollutants.

Mandatory Minimum Prison Sentences

I am not proposing an American system. I think 3 strikes and you're out is a ridiculous concept but no more ridiculous than our 50 strikes and you're still in.

The Vancouver police have a new poster boy for their bait car program. In a recent interview he said he had been steeling cars and committing break ins for seven years (he is now 23 so you do the math). He was a meth addict and figures he stole around a 1000 cars and committed around 2000 break ins during that time. He was involved in 20 police chases and had been arrested more times than he can remember. He has never had and still doesn't have a drivers license. It wasn't till he was nailed in a bait car and spent 6 months in jail that he could finally get away from the drugs. Whatever happened to the concept that part of the justice system's function was to protect society from the bad guys. I guess it is no longer politically correct.

Military Spending

We need a good military so we can have a foreign policy that is independent of countries like the US. Where did this nutty Canadian idea that being strong makes us less independent come from? Talk about brainwashed. I don't approve of the Iraq campaign either but now that the Americans are there, I sure hope they can make it work because I don't see any good alternatives. We are members of NATO and the basic principal behind NATO is that an attack against one is an attack against all. On 9/11 the US was attacked by a group based in and supported by the government of Afghanistan. That is why we are there. I have no doubt the Americans would be there in spades if it happened to us. We should be able to pull our weight when it comes to protecting our own interests and supporting our allies.

You watch too much TV. The 101 is very famous American airborne division. We used to have an airborne battalion. A battalion is around 1000 men. Most divisions are ten times that size.


I don't dispute that balanced budgets are a factor when it comes to investor confidence but they are not the only factor. Our dollar dropped over a cent today and one of the big factors was commodities and a big drop in natural gas prices. I guess we have different ideas on what is fiscally irresponsible.

Your fixation on the US merely confirms the degree that Anti Americanism plays in our domestic politics. How could we ever make any decisions on our own if we didn't have them to point at?

Is this just my opinion? I've never inferred that it was anything else.

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You watch too much TV. The 101 is very famous American airborne division. We used to have an airborne battalion. A battalion is around 1000 men. Most divisions are ten times that size.

You don't remember the hazing? Was it not the 101 Airborne, Patricia Pats or something like that? That is the battalion, or whatever, Harper wants to resurect.


Again kyoto is not the only environmental issue.

On 9/11 the US was attacked by a group based in and supported by the government of Afghanistan. That is why we are there.

I said IRAQ not Afghanistan. The war on terror is a lot different from a war for oil.

The Vancouver police have a new poster boy for their bait car program. In a recent interview he said he had been steeling cars and committing break ins for seven years (he is now 23 so you do the math). He was a meth addict and figures he stole around a 1000 cars and committed around 2000 break ins during that time. He was involved in 20 police chases and had been arrested more times than he can remember. He has never had and still doesn't have a drivers license. It wasn't till he was nailed in a bait car and spent 6 months in jail that he could finally get away from the drugs. Whatever happened to the concept that part of the justice system's function was to protect society from the bad guys. I guess it is no longer politically correct.

Seen this. The guy freaks when he figures out he took a bait car.

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"My fixation on the US has to do with the fact this is a thread comparing Harper to Bush."

I thought it was about a blog by a guy called Kaplan. Who are you speaking for, him or yourself? I only speak for myself.

"You don't remember the hazing? Was it not the 101 Airborne, Patricia Pats or something like that? That is the battalion, or whatever, Harper wants to resurect."

Of course I remember it. We did the Canadian thing. Instead of fixing it, we banned it. As to what they were called, look it up for yourself. It will do you good to learn something new.

"Again Kyoto is not the only environmental issue."

I agree but that was what was mentioned in the blog. If you have evidence that US pollution is rising at a greater rate than Canada's, Let's see it.

"I said IRAQ not Afghanistan. The war on terror is a lot different from a war for oil."

I don't know whether it is a war for for oil, daddy's unfinished business or what, but we do agree on this. However, you can't prosecute a war on anything without and effective military.

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