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Tucker Carlson/Ann Coulter

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You wrote- " So Canada is now the "retarded cousin" of the United States."

H-m-m-m-m, could have a point newbie.

What foreign country would allow the stomping of a 'George Bush doll' on national television unless that country is planning an invasion or preparing to launch a nuke or something.

I agree verbal retribution is in order, 'If you can't say anything nice don't say it at all.'

If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Seriously, there is 'no room' for anti-Americanism in Canada for many reasons.

I mean there was a downpour of Canadian political criticism when Don cherry joked about 'visors ' on hockey helmets, by simply saying " most of the guys that wear them are European or French guys."

Nationalist Quebecers came down on him hard as well as federal authorities and the CBC itself but where is our government to defend the U.S. against malicious anti-Americanism?

This is a lot more serious in my estimation then the Cherry joke.

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So now Canada is the "retarded cousin" of the United States. This comment and others are listed below. This is getting very ugly and totally unacceptable. I will also point out it is coming from the right.



Did you think that we would just sit back and let you bash us at will?

You can thank Paul Martin for things to come. I hope you all have your passports?

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So now Canada is the "retarded cousin" of the United States. This comment and others are listed below. This is getting very ugly and totally unacceptable. I will also point out it is coming from the right.



Did you think that we would just sit back and let you bash us at will?

You can thank Paul Martin for things to come. I hope you all have your passports?

Hahaha.... but its sooooo easy to bash you! I mean with all the material you all give us... come on! I can tell you that its the arrogance of Americans that turns me off them.

oh, and btw, those clips are about a year old if not older.

passports... thats funny....

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The bashing of Canadians by Americans is inappropriate and counterproductive to our personal and economic well-being. This also applies to American-bashing by Canadians.

While he probably should not have said anything at all, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins' comments last week in Ottawa were much more appropriate and intelligent. While you may not agree with him, his comments were well put.

The fact that Tucker Carlson is still allowed to talk about Canada after his inane Honduras remarks in the interview he had with the similarly idiotic Carolyn Parrish baffles me.

Canadians should use this as an example to prove they are, in fact, smarter than and higher above the Americans who issue these kinds of statements. Doing otherwise would only make us look as childish and insecure as the Tucker Carlsons of the world.

BTW America1,

Are you aware that the Canada-U.S. relationship is a two-way street?

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"While he probably should not have said anything at all, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins' comments last week in Ottawa were much more appropriate and intelligent. While you may not agree with him, his comments were well put."

I listened to the speech on the radio and concur his comments were intelligent and well put. As a Canadian it made me look past the election hoopla Martin feels he needs to do and at the bigger picture. The PM thumping his chest during a speech would be hilarious.

I think an end to the whole softwood lumber thing would cool the Governments comments a bit, I doubt the percentage of Casnadians who are aware of the Softwood Lumber dispute is higher than the same percentage of Americans, not that I think people are dumb for not knowing or something elitist like that but maybe it puts pressure on Martin to open his mouth, since to say nothing would be getting walked over.

Not that they handled it correctly or said the right thing, but come on do they ever?

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The fact that Tucker Carlson is still allowed to talk about Canada after his inane Honduras remarks in the interview he had with the similarly idiotic Carolyn Parrish baffles me.

I don't get you guys, who cares what they say? Tucker lashing out at Canada because he had just been destroyed by Parrish is hardly surprising or really of any import at all. Freedom of speech, there's always going to be people that say stupid things on both sides of the border.

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Did you think that we would just sit back and let you bash us at will?

You can thank Paul Martin for things to come. I hope you all have your passports?

The US has done little more than spread terror since the second world war. We care deeply about the US... we are going to reform you... Europe hates you, but they will help us... Canada will help even if we have to bitch-slap every Republican mother in the US... we'll have lots of help from Mexico and all of South America as they move more to people-centred governments, as is happening now... like lovely dominoes... many Central and South Americans have a very special feeling about the US and their last American century of political interference, assassins, death and destabilization... we need to see your worldwide military bases close... it's starting already... then the stripping off of Hawaii and all overseas possessions... Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam... Marshall Islands... etc... then we'll get into the meat... Alaska is Canadian... we are the north... it is our responsibility... you have no right there... it has never been yours... then there's Vermont, Warshington, Oregon... we expect flexiblilty... time will tell... the Mexicans have a perfect right to have free-flow of people and trade into your country... much of it has been Spanish since Christ was a cowboy... you took it illegally, so they'll take it back... It's just a small jump to see the US divided into five or six small administrative regions... Texas has always been eyed by Ontario as a wonderful landfill site... Texas may be able to continue to be the arsehole of the word... the possibilties are exciting... in the end, freedom-loving democrats and revolutionary socialists in North, Central and South America are looking for our day... and we will have it... we need to bring our continents together and meld the US into the larger picture... much can change in 20 years... :)

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The fact that Tucker Carlson is still allowed to talk about Canada after his inane Honduras remarks in the interview he had with the similarly idiotic Carolyn Parrish baffles me.

I don't get you guys, who cares what they say? Tucker lashing out at Canada because he had just been destroyed by Parrish is hardly surprising or really of any import at all. Freedom of speech, there's always going to be people that say stupid things on both sides of the border.

When someone wants to interview a Canadian and an American regarding U.S.-Canada relations they DO NOT NOT NOT call Carolyn Parrish and Tucker Carlson, two of the most hateful and racist people on either side of the border.

It's like having two neo-Nazis come in to discuss Germany-Israel relations...with an equally as hateful and racist result.

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This reminds me of an interesting piece I heard on CBC radio last week.

Apologies for having no names to cite, but I was driving at the time and hardly in a position to take notes.

Anyhow, the guy being interviewed was a political science professor.

The topic was right-wing vs left-wing opinionists (if that's the correct word).

His premise, when broken down to its bare-bones basics, was that the main difference between left and right pundits is that the right-winger media-personality types have their main stock in trade in stirring up anger. Get riled up about something. ANYTHING.

With the current situation in the USA, they can hardly get riled up about the government, because their own boy is in power.

So, they look for any other little thing to get steamed up about.

He went on to give examples.

A few of these included the attitude towards France.

(Why wasn't there the same hostility toward Germany when they too vetoed Iraq???

Good question. No answer.)

Recent jabs at Canada. (Coulture's comments several months ago about "rolling over and crushing Canada". Other comments were also included).

Not to mention the always dependable "traitors to the USA" which is commonly directed at anyone who publicly disagrees with the President and or his poilicies.

Also, the ever-ready "Liberal protesters are directly responsible for the deaths of American soldiers"

The list went on and on pointing out many right-wing rants that never even would have been brought up if there were a Democrat in power who the right-wingers could REALLY slag.

The guy was equally as critical of left-wing pundits, but pointed out that the lefties are not as quick to point fingers at outside factors in a search for someone or something to blame, because by nature of the left policies there were always plenty of internal targets at which to take aim.

A lefty doesn't need an external target when there are ALWAYS "social injustices" like racisists and anti-abortionists and anti-SSM's and so on, not to mention the dreaded NRA.

He did mention the habit of some on the very-extreme left who bandy about words like "fascist" and "neo-con" on a regular basis, but pointed out that the mainstream left in the media are generally more moderate.

Which brings me around to my point (finally).

What we're seeing is just more of the same pointless posturing.

Martin brought up the same old points he's been harping on for months (years???) regarding softwood and Kyoto for purposes of his campaign, and to give the appearing of taking a tough stance with the USA. "David vs Goliath" is always a great campaign tactic.

Wilkins, in criticizing Martins campaign tactics played right into Martin's hands.

These right-wing talking heads are doing exactly the same.

The more they yammer about "crushing" Canada, the more Martin can stand up and say "See, I told you so", and the better his "David/Goliath" image will appear.

Which brings me to point #2: If Canada is so insignificant, as these right-wing pundits seem to say, then why do the words of any of our politicians matter to them at all???

Well, simple really. It gives them, as detailed above, something to get really good and riled up about.

Best thing for the US right-wingers to do??? Simply dismiss Martin's comments in a casual "no big deal" manner, or ignore them completely, and that will take the steam out of Martin's sails.

Can't claim to be fighting Goliath when he's ignoring you.

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The bashing of Canadians by Americans is inappropriate and counterproductive to our personal and economic well-being.  This also applies to American-bashing by Canadians.

While he probably should not have said anything at all, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins' comments last week in Ottawa were much more appropriate and intelligent.  While you may not agree with him, his comments were well put.

The fact that Tucker Carlson is still allowed to talk about Canada after his inane Honduras remarks in the interview he had with the similarly idiotic Carolyn Parrish baffles me. 

Canadians should use this as an example to prove they are, in fact, smarter than and higher above the Americans who issue these kinds of statements.  Doing otherwise would only make us look as childish and insecure as the Tucker Carlsons of the world.

BTW America1,

Are you aware that the Canada-U.S. relationship is a two-way street?

Yes I'm aware, I'm also aware that we are a much more powerful country in every possible way. You may not lik to hear it but Canada is getting involved in a pissing contest it can NOT win. I feel bad if your ego is hurt by that comment but, it's true.

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The bashing of Canadians by Americans is inappropriate and counterproductive to our personal and economic well-being.  This also applies to American-bashing by Canadians.

While he probably should not have said anything at all, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins' comments last week in Ottawa were much more appropriate and intelligent.  While you may not agree with him, his comments were well put.

The fact that Tucker Carlson is still allowed to talk about Canada after his inane Honduras remarks in the interview he had with the similarly idiotic Carolyn Parrish baffles me. 

Canadians should use this as an example to prove they are, in fact, smarter than and higher above the Americans who issue these kinds of statements.  Doing otherwise would only make us look as childish and insecure as the Tucker Carlsons of the world.

BTW America1,

Are you aware that the Canada-U.S. relationship is a two-way street?

Yes I'm aware, I'm also aware that we are a much more powerful country in every possible way. You may not lik to hear it but Canada is getting involved in a pissing contest it can NOT win. I feel bad if your ego is hurt by that comment but, it's true.

The Americans always go the undrying well with their schoolyard chant, "We are the best country in the world" crap. No one is in a pissing contest. Martin is simply standing up for Canada. You guys may be powerful but most of the world dislikes you. A great legacy for Bush.

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Which is why I say we build 300 small cap nukes point them at the US, then we are all equal. Because at the end of the day the only requirement for the big boy table militarily is to be able to destroy your opponent. Economically we are already FAR more important going forward then the US.

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The bashing of Canadians by Americans is inappropriate and counterproductive to our personal and economic well-being.  This also applies to American-bashing by Canadians.

While he probably should not have said anything at all, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins' comments last week in Ottawa were much more appropriate and intelligent.  While you may not agree with him, his comments were well put.

The fact that Tucker Carlson is still allowed to talk about Canada after his inane Honduras remarks in the interview he had with the similarly idiotic Carolyn Parrish baffles me. 

Canadians should use this as an example to prove they are, in fact, smarter than and higher above the Americans who issue these kinds of statements.  Doing otherwise would only make us look as childish and insecure as the Tucker Carlsons of the world.

BTW America1,

Are you aware that the Canada-U.S. relationship is a two-way street?

Yes I'm aware, I'm also aware that we are a much more powerful country in every possible way. You may not lik to hear it but Canada is getting involved in a pissing contest it can NOT win. I feel bad if your ego is hurt by that comment but, it's true.

You seem to feel that Canadians started this "anti-Americanism" and that it is fairly recent. Canada and the U.S. have had tense moments for years. I would not blame either country for starting the "fight" because there are loudmouthed idiots on both sides of the border. The people I respect is those who have graduated from this preschool-like fighting and name calling.

Kids insult...adults should talk rationally. With this much on the line, people on both sides of the border need to start maturing fast.

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Which is why I say we build 300 small cap nukes point them at the US, then we are all equal. Because at the end of the day the only requirement for the big boy table militarily is to be able to destroy your opponent. Economically we are already FAR more important going forward then the US.


I realize that you are smoking cheap crack here but really...do you intend that this discussion continue in this most ridiculously childish fashion?

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BTW America1,

Are you aware that the Canada-U.S. relationship is a two-way street?

Yes I'm aware, I'm also aware that we are a much more powerful country in every possible way. You may not lik to hear it but Canada is getting involved in a pissing contest it can NOT win. I feel bad if your ego is hurt by that comment but, it's true.

The Americans always go the undrying well with their schoolyard chant, "We are the best country in the world" crap. No one is in a pissing contest. Martin is simply standing up for Canada. You guys may be powerful but most of the world dislikes you. A great legacy for Bush.

Actually, NEWBIE, America1 did NOT say anything about being "the best" country.

I give him great credit for this, because "best" is a highly subjective term, and is a matter of personal opinion and nothing more.

But he DID say the USA is a "much more powerful country in every possible way", which is a simple statement of fact with which I have to agree.

(Although, when it comes to the "pissing contest", if the rules have anything to do with being able to write your name in the snow, you'd have a hard time beating Canada :D:lol::P )

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The Americans always go the undrying well with their schoolyard chant, "We are the best country in the world" crap. No one is in a pissing contest. Martin is simply standing up for Canada. You guys may be powerful but most of the world dislikes you. A great legacy for Bush.

Actually, NEWBIE, America1 did NOT say anything about being "the best" country.

I give him great credit for this, because "best" is a highly subjective term, and is a matter of personal opinion and nothing more.

But he DID say the USA is a "much more powerful country in every possible way", which is a simple statement of fact with which I have to agree.

I didn't say he did pocket. But most Americans I'd be willing to bet feel this way. It's in their advertising, on their TV shows, and the politician says this all the time. Of course "best" is subjective.That was part of my point. Hence the word crap.

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Which is why I say we build 300 small cap nukes point them at the US, then we are all equal. Because at the end of the day the only requirement for the big boy table militarily is to be able to destroy your opponent. Economically we are already FAR more important going forward then the US.

Why don't you start small, like trying to get a navy that isn't falling apart.

hahahahahaha- you are on drugs! Your economy can't even be compared with ours. Get a clue!

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You seem to feel that Canadians started this "anti-Americanism" and that it is fairly recent. Canada and the U.S. have had tense moments for years. I would not blame either country for starting the "fight" because there are loudmouthed idiots on both sides of the border. The people I respect is those who have graduated from this preschool-like fighting and name calling.

Kids insult...adults should talk rationally. With this much on the line, people on both sides of the border need to start maturing fast.

I don't think the Americans started the "anti-americaism" in Canada.

You must admit that your last 2 PMs and their gvts have been much more hostile to the Bush admin then Bush admin has been to them.

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Actually, NEWBIE, America1 did NOT say anything about being "the best" country.

I give him great credit for this, because "best" is a highly subjective term, and is a matter of personal opinion and nothing more.

But he DID say the USA is a "much more powerful country in every possible way", which is a simple statement of fact with which I have to agree.

(Although, when it comes to the "pissing contest", if the rules have anything to do with being able to write your name in the snow, you'd have a hard time beating Canada :D:lol::P )

Exactly, it would be like Canadians say you can beat the US in hockey. I couldn't argue b/c it's easily provable (put them on ice and you win 8 out of 10 times).

Note: I know canadians do other things well besides play hockey, it's just an example.

I'm not saying Canada is weak and a terrible country, it's just not in the same class in terms of "power" as the US at the momment. Not bragging, just the honest truth.

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I didn't say he did pocket. But most Americans I'd be willing to bet feel this way. It's in their advertising, on their TV shows, and the politician says this all the time. Of course "best" is subjective.That was part of my point. Hence the word crap.

Com'on, obviuosly we have a strong sense of nationalismm in the US. I don't doubt that but, you are infering that Candians don't. Have you ever read the Globe and Mail? They constantly come of like Canadians think they are "more sophisticated" then the US all the time? They seem to think we just got "lucky" to be where we are today. Like we are some dumb hicks that stumbled into being a powerful economy and military.

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I don't think the Americans started the "anti-americaism" in Canada.

You must admit that your last 2 PMs and their gvts have been much more hostile to the Bush admin then Bush admin has been to them.

You'd have more of a case if that hostility wasn't shared by pretty much every world leader who's name isn't Blair. Maybe the bully mentality you've displayed in this thread and Bush has shown the world has something to do with it?

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