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Lock up the women!

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Saskatoon Star Phoenix

One of the most charismatic world leaders of the past decade has a speaking date lined up in Saskatoon.

One of the most embarrassing world leaders (impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice) is coming to Toontown.

Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, is a big draw because people can relate to him, [Andy] McCreath said.

Men who are serial-cheaters on their wives can definitely relate to him...not withstanding the rape accusations (Juanita Broderick) that have followed him throughout his life.

"He seems very human," he [Andy McCreath] said. "He's very self-deprecating. He makes fun of himself in his speeches, and I think George Bush and other world leaders never seem to do that.

While President Bush liberated 55 million Muslims from brutal tyranny, Clinton argued what the definition of "is" is. :lol:

Clinton, who was elected president in 1992...

Only because Ross Perot split the right.

Perot (19,742,267 votes) + George Bush, Sr. (39,104,545 votes) garnered 58,846,812 votes.

Clinton received 44,909,889 votes.

...and re-elected in 1996...

Bob Dole didn't exactly excite the Republican base. Nice guy but....

Bob Dole (39,198,755 votes) + Ross Perot (8,085,402) garnered 47,284,157 votes; Clinton barely nipped them by getting 47,402,357 votes; a slim 118,200 vote victory.

"Although he's out of office, he still acts like a world leader," McCreath said. "He's all over the place. You see him everywhere doing great things for humanity."

Of course. If I was getting $100,000 US per speech, I would be "all over the place" too.

Jones is thrilled Clinton's Saskatoon engagement is his only Saskatchewan stop.

No, this isn't the demonized Paula Jones. However, Ms. Jones was a guest on Hannity & Colmes when the results of her lie detector test were released. She was asked if Clinton exposed himself to her - in a hotel room - while Clinton was Governor of Arkansas.

She said yes and the lie detector guy concluded that she was telling the truth. I understand that lie detectors aren't admissable in a court of law, but it is damning evidence.

Thank God for Fox News--since the liberal MSM flat-out refused to report this. :angry:

About 2,000 tickets go on sale for the event starting at 10 a.m. today at the Centennial box office and Ticketmaster. Tickets range from $84 to $235 with tax included, Jones said.

Decisions decisions. Do I spend $84 or $235 to heckle this poor excuse for a man?

McCreath said it's the cheapest ticket ever sold in Canada to hear Clinton speak. Other events have sold for as much as $600 a seat.

Proving that crack cocaine is alive and flourishing...

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There's enough blame to go around re wife cheating and scandal. How about the Republican talley?

Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!

Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!

George Bush Linda Tripp says had he an affair with a woman named "Jennifer"

Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering from cancer....

Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.

Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood starlets

William Cohen Dumped his white wife for a new black one.

Guy Millner Has been married three times, partly because he has sex with women he isn't married to....

Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives...

Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!

Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn't remember hiring hookers...

John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor...

Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an illegitimate child during his affair!

Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn't keep his Promise to his wife and then lied about it for 20 years!

Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard son who, today, he ignores!!

Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives - and coerced one into having an abortion - then lied about it!

Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays home with the kids!

Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!

Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.

Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and has sex with her while wearing women's panties!

:N.C. Rep. Sue Myrick - Who cheated on her husband and left him for another man!

LA. Rep. Bob Livingston - The GOP Speaker-to-never-be, who cheated on his wife Bonnie - with at least four women!

Michael Huffington - The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna - with other men!

Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin - Who had an adulterous affair with her Security Guard - a state trooper!

Rep. Helen Chenoweth - Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho Legislature!

The Charleston County, S.C. Solicitor, a Republican, who had an extramarital affair - a GAY affair with another man.....

Jim Bakker - Who eventually got locked up in chains and sent to federal prison.

Jimmy Swaggart - Who broke down crying after he got busted with an ugly hooker!

Courtesy of http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html.

Scandals? Karl Rove, Scotter Libby, Tom Delay, Haliburton, and more - http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/01/18/scandal

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Please stick to the topic...a sitting American president who was cheating on his wife.

So if they screw around on their wives BEFORE they become president, that makes it all okay??? :blink:

Hey PocketRocket... Montgomery is just burning that a Democrat like Clinton is so popular, he'd easily have been elected for a third term if he were allowed to run... And that he was liked and respected around the world.... And that he has charisma, unlike anyone that they can get to run for the religious right, either in Canada or the USA....


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Monty, you missed one I think. Bubba was also disbarred for lying under oath. He can no longer practice law, which is why he goes around taking money from whomever for his little chats. If lawyers(of which there are so many crooks) could actually agree that Bubba was lyin' then he must have been a lyin' sack of ...sugar(Simpson reference, ring any bells?)

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Monty, you missed one I think.  Bubba was also disbarred for lying under oath.  He can no longer practice law, which is why he goes around taking money from whomever for his little chats.  If lawyers(of which there are so many crooks) could actually agree that Bubba was lyin' then he must have been a lyin' sack of ...sugar(Simpson reference, ring any bells?)

Oh there you go, Sharkman...using facts, data and stats to justify your point.

Neocons. :rolleyes:

Here's the only fact you need to know: NO BLOOD FOR OOIILLLL!!

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Monty represents that good old double standard of the Republicans:rag on Clinton and deny and ignore the crap in their own party. You see the difference is, the Dems don't go around stating moral supremecy like the Rebs. And that's why the label "hypocrite" sticks to them like s---.

*looks in the camera and states:*

In front of the world: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

Only radical ideologues like Newbie would try to justify a President lying under oath (a felony)--to the American public.

Clinton had his law license yanked for his lack of ethics....

A half-decent president (becaue of the Republican controlled Congress), but a failure as a man...

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Let's not forget the bold face lies Bush told the country and the world.

Our intelligence sources tell us that he (Saddam) has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production."

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”

State of the Union Address – 1/28/2003

So Clinton got a bj in the oval office and apologized for it. No one died Monty. Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

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Let's not forget the bold face lies Bush told the country and the world.

Our intelligence sources tell us that he (Saddam) has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production."

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”

State of the Union Address – 1/28/2003

So Clinton got a bj in the oval office and apologized for it. No one died Monty. Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

You're being entirely disingenuous. Not one of the things you've quoted was a lie.

Firstly, it was a common opinion throughout the West's intelligence community that Saddam was making attempts to purchase components for refining U235 throughout the 90's.

Secondly, if British Intelligence gave Bush bad information it's not a lie for him to quote it before it's disproved (and it still hasn't been).

And you're third quote deals with an intelligence estimate based on Saddam's prior capabilities, and again it was not a lie to quote that estimate.

Even if you didn't know the specifics, the generality of Bush's language suggests a man taking tough action to avert a potential catastrophe rather than waiting for that catastrophe to be confirmed.

That you would characterize this as bald-faced lying suggests the depths to which you will sink to equate the seriousness of putting together a case for war with the unseriousness of defending the personal honour of an honourless man, who by the way provably did commit perjury.

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Monty represents that good old double standard of the Republicans:rag on Clinton and deny and ignore the crap in their own party. You see the difference is, the Dems don't go around stating moral supremecy like the Rebs. And that's why the label "hypocrite" sticks to them like s---.

The issue is simply blind partisanship. To some "Democrats" are seated at the left hand of Satan simply by virtue of their political affiliation, whereas Republicans can do no wrong for they are as close to God as is possible for mortals to be. Who could have guessed that salvation or damnation could boil down to which party gets your $15?

There's a word for people who see the world in such black-and-white terms: fanatic. Political partisans like MB are cut of the same cloth as Jehovah's Witnesses or suicide bombers: none can be reasoned with and all are best avoided.

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Lock up the women!, "Slick Willie" is coming to Saskatoon

So we should lock up women to keep them from having consensual sex?

One of the most embarrassing world leaders (impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice) is coming to Toontown.

I thought Clinton was comming to town, not Nixon.

Men who are serial-cheaters on their wives can definitely relate to him...not withstanding the rape accusations (Juanita Broderick) that have followed him throughout his life.

So...he is a broad spectrum candidate who republicans can relate to as well???

While President Bush liberated 55 million Muslims from brutal tyranny, Clinton argued what the definition of "is" is.

I wouldn't want to give any credit to the people actually doing the fighting either.

Only because Ross Perot split the right.

So then Junior shouldn't have been president either? Or do those excuses only work when they benifiet you?

Bob Dole didn't exactly excite the Republican base. Nice guy but....a slim 118,200 vote victory

And Dubya lost by what 500,000 votes? Another double standard on your part.

Of course. If I was getting $100,000 US per speech, I would be "all over the place" too.

Yeah we all would, but the difference is people want to hear what Clinton has to say, and there is nothing wrong with making money, or did you just join the Karl Marx fan club?

Decisions decisions. Do I spend $84 or $235 to heckle this poor excuse for a man?

Yes, it is much more respectable and adult like to run around heckling people.

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Let's not forget the bold face lies Bush told the country and the world.

Our intelligence sources tell us that he (Saddam) has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production."

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”

State of the Union Address – 1/28/2003

So Clinton got a bj in the oval office and apologized for it. No one died Monty. Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

You're being entirely disingenuous. Not one of the things you've quoted was a lie.

Firstly, it was a common opinion throughout the West's intelligence community that Saddam was making attempts to purchase components for refining U235 throughout the 90's.

Secondly, if British Intelligence gave Bush bad information it's not a lie for him to quote it before it's disproved (and it still hasn't been).

And you're third quote deals with an intelligence estimate based on Saddam's prior capabilities, and again it was not a lie to quote that estimate.

Even if you didn't know the specifics, the generality of Bush's language suggests a man taking tough action to avert a potential catastrophe rather than waiting for that catastrophe to be confirmed.

That you would characterize this as bald-faced lying suggests the depths to which you will sink to equate the seriousness of putting together a case for war with the unseriousness of defending the personal honour of an honourless man, who by the way provably did commit perjury.

Give me a break already. Look up the work lie in the dictionary. Bush had to take his "Daddy" Cheney in with him to the senate hearing so he wouldn't say the wrong thing. And he refused to have it taped. Smart, but totally dishonest. No, Bush is not only incompetent, he lies to the American people and the world. Clinton lying about a bj is wrong granted, but it took Starr how many millions and investigations to create this scam? Bush, whether he knew it or not a the time, LIED. Only now is he slowly acknowledging false information. How many examples do you want of Bush lying? The net is full of credited sources that I am only too happy to provide. As far as Clinton, look at my earlier list of shameful republicans. No comparison.

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So we should lock up women to keep them from having consensual sex?

Accusations of rape and exposing yourself to someone is consensual sex? Wow, I didn't know that. :o

I thought Clinton was comming to town, not Nixon.

Nixon was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice? Wow, I didn't know that. :o

So...he is a broad spectrum candidate who republicans can relate to as well???

But of course. All Republican presidents are referred to as Playboy Presidents, right?

I wouldn't want to give any credit to the people actually doing the fighting either.

But of course. Those baby-killing blood-drinking fascists do not deserve any credit.

So then Junior shouldn't have been president either? Or do those excuses only work when they benifiet you?

Ralph Nader received 19,742,267 votes in 2000? Silly me thinking that he only got 2,882,955 votes.

And Dubya lost by what 500,000 votes? Another double standard on your part.

Two words: "Electoral College"

Do you know what that is?

Yeah we all would, but the difference is people want to hear what Clinton has to say...

I'd love to hear what he has to say about Juanita Broderick's accusations, but Clinton doesn't seem to want to talk about that.

...and there is nothing wrong with making money...

Except when those hardworking greedy rich people make money.

...or did you just join the Karl Marx fan club?

Wow. An NDPer is suggesting I joined the Karl Marx fan club. If you had changed the last name to Rove, you might've come somewhat close.

Yes, it is much more respectable and adult like to run around heckling people.

You're right - except when Ann Coulter is heckled and prevented from giving her speech a few weeks back.

I've got a better idea. I'll throw some pies at him. That's the respectable and adult thing to do, right?

Or maybe I can throw Oreo cookies at him since Toni Morrison did coin him "the first black president."

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Look up the work lie in the dictionary

lie. n: Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression

lied. v: To present false information with the intention of deceiving.

Good grief. Do you think that no one on this forum owns a dictionary?

Besides, British intelligence still stands by their uranium claim.

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Do you want me to list all the Democrat cheaters...

Or how about sitting presidents....John Kennedy?

You actually keep lists of this type of information?... Yikes ... that is bent... :lol:

The age-old question: why are the right-wingers so obsessed by SEX?

... sex others are having... that is. :)

Yes this is bent - the left's obsession with sex (courtesy of newbie):

Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!

Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!

George Bush Linda Tripp says had he an affair with a woman named "Jennifer"

Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering from cancer....

Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.

Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood starlets

William Cohen Dumped his white wife for a new black one.

Guy Millner Has been married three times, partly because he has sex with women he isn't married to....

Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives...

Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!

Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn't remember hiring hookers...

John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor...

Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an illegitimate child during his affair!

Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn't keep his Promise to his wife and then lied about it for 20 years!

Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard son who, today, he ignores!!

Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives - and coerced one into having an abortion - then lied about it!

Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays home with the kids!

Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!

Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.

Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and has sex with her while wearing women's panties!

:N.C. Rep. Sue Myrick - Who cheated on her husband and left him for another man!

LA. Rep. Bob Livingston - The GOP Speaker-to-never-be, who cheated on his wife Bonnie - with at least four women!

Michael Huffington - The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna - with other men!

Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin - Who had an adulterous affair with her Security Guard - a state trooper!

Rep. Helen Chenoweth - Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho Legislature!

The Charleston County, S.C. Solicitor, a Republican, who had an extramarital affair - a GAY affair with another man.....

Jim Bakker - Who eventually got locked up in chains and sent to federal prison.

Jimmy Swaggart - Who broke down crying after he got busted with an ugly hooker!

And not only did Swaggart have sex with a hooker, but she was ugly! :ph34r:

And Jeff Gannon was a gay Republican. Gay. GAy. GAY!

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So Clinton got a bj in the oval office and apologized for it.

He committed perjury and obstructed justice. But rbid ideologues like yourself can never bring themself to critisize Dear Leader for committing a felony.

No one died Monty.  Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

I'll take a stab at it:

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured 1,000; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

Some say that Clinton's inaction was responsible for 9-11, because we do know that 9-11 was planned years in advance.

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Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

The question still stands. Clinton didn't invade Iraq and he offered more to the table than pre 911Bush. Oh, and Orrin Hatch and Trent Lott had much to do with countering Clinton's terrorism legislation. http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/pearly/htmls/...-terrorism.html.

I think you are scared of the numbers Monty. Here's a little help: http://www.iraqbodycount.net and http://icasualties.org/oif. That'a a minimum of 27,000 that died under Bush's watch. But be aware, it's a MINIMUM.

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Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

The question still stands. Clinton didn't invade Iraq and he offered more to the table than pre 911Bush. Oh, and Orrin Hatch and Trent Lott had much to do with countering Clinton's terrorism legislation. http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/pearly/htmls/...-terrorism.html.

I think you are scared of the numbers Monty. Here's a little help: http://www.iraqbodycount.net and http://icasualties.org/oif. That'a a minimum of 27,000 that died under Bush's watch. But be aware, it's a MINIMUM.

Care to tell us how many Iraqis died under Clinton's watch? How many of these happened during Clinton's watch? Don't worry adding on the Iraqis killed when he lobbed missiles into Iraq to divert attention when Monica Lewinsky was slated to testify.

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We will never know how many Iraqis died under Clinton's watch. We do know that it was a large number. We also know that the greatest number of those died as a consequence of the sanctions against Iraq.

Those sanctions spread death far more widely than did Saddam.

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Accusations of rape and exposing yourself to someone is consensual sex? Wow, I didn't know that. 

Your lies are growing more and more pathetic, You said lock the women up. Why, if the women want to have sex with him let them, if he rapes someone and it can be proven, he will go to jail. Locking the women up because bill is comming would indicate that you don't trust a womens judgement...you don't trust their ability to make choices. IF you wanted to just be an ass hole you could have said lock the doors keep clinton out, but time and tiem again you ahve prooven to be less than fair and less than honest.

Nixon was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice? Wow, I didn't know that.

Your right I was less than fair he was impeached for Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Contempt of Congress. Not perjury, my appoligies. To avoid this he ran away from office leaving behind an administration of 25 convicted criminals.

But of course. All Republican presidents are referred to as Playboy Presidents, right?

I am not a republican, I am not a democrat, and I certainly am not blinded by partizanship like yourself. You said men who were serial cheaters can relate to them, according to statistics alot of men cheat, making him broad spectrum, and this cheatign is not confined to democrats.

But of course. Those baby-killing blood-drinking fascists do not deserve any credit.

I will appoligize to you as soon as you can find the post where I reffered to ANYONE as a baby killing blood drinking fascist, if not you owe me one. But in the end you are still dodging the reply you gave all the credit to the president but none to the men and women who actually did anything

Ralph Nader received 19,742,267 votes in 2000? Silly me thinking that he only got 2,882,955 votes.

This is annoying, its as if your strategy is to act as dumb as humanly possible.

You claimed that Clinton didn't deserve to be president because he didn;t get 50% of the vote, don't fault me for pointing out that Bush did not get 50% of the vote in his first term either...fault yourself for making a dumb arguement.

Two words: "Electoral College"

Do you know what that is?

Yes I do, you were trying to make clinton seem like a an undeserving president because he only won by 118,000 votes agaisnt a lame candidate, don't fault me when I point out the fact that Bush won by getting half a million votes les than a lame candidate.

I'd love to hear what he has to say about Juanita Broderick's accusations, but Clinton doesn't seem to want to talk about that.

Maybe you could try paying him $100,000? I am not here to argue clinton is God, I am not hear to argue clinton is a great man, I am not a big clinton fan, but when you make unreasonable one sided arguements I will defend against that (That applies to your post as a whole, so don't pick parts to come up with an arguement, because as a whole thats what your post was)

Except when those hardworking greedy rich people make money

I fail to see your point, but thats probley because you failed to adress the situation at hand. If a hardowrkig gperson is making good money more power to him...he has my respect. I am not a socialist, I am not a communist, and I am not agaisnt people making money, barign other factors of course.

Wow. An NDPer is suggesting I joined the Karl Marx fan club. If you had changed the last name to Rove, you might've come somewhat close. 

Well you were just opposed to someone making money honestly, although perhaps he was oppressing the working class, I will have to check with my local riding association, i'll get back to you. As for NDP'er you can call it what you might, my support for them is limited to this election, I voted for the B.C Liberals in the provincial election and supported the CPC last federal election, there jsut happens to be certain issues I want dealt with or looked into that I know the NDP will help support/brign to the front. If thats what you want to call an NDP'er then fine. But hey I was talking about you, someone who just opposed the right of a person to make money....or is that a Karl Rove policy?

You're right - except when Ann Coulter is heckled and prevented from giving her speech a few weeks back.

I've got a better idea. I'll throw some pies at him. That's the respectable and adult thing to do, right?

Or maybe I can throw Oreo cookies at him since Toni Morrison did coin him "the first black president."

You can do what ever you like as long as you stop insinuating that I somehow defend any such actions, Pies oreos, bullets, fists whatever. You are again mis associating me it is not adult like to do any such thing, although many adults do such things. Besides I would much rather eat my food. But unless you can point out where I have supported such actions than I don't see how you can make such a claim. There is no excepts, un-neccesary childish behavoir is un-neccasary childish behavoir.

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