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Ugly hate-filled anti-US rant by the Globe & Mail

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Shame on the Globe and Mail

On Saturday, The Globe and Mail published “The flagging empire,” a mammoth, 5,300-word essay devoted to the theme that America is a racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole, sliding inexorably toward “oligarchic totalitarianism.”


Why should such a hateful specimen be featured on the front page of the newspaper’s Saturday Focus section?

For the same reason anti-Americanism flourishes everywhere in Canada: It permits Canadians to feel superior.

We're progressive; we're liberal; we are superior. Sure, the US dominates culturally, economically and militarily, but we have unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions on demand at any time of a female's pregnancy, and we have gay marriage which was rammed through parliament against the wishes of Canadians.


What is more amazing than the sheer hatefulness of Roberts’ tone, however, is how many obvious mistakes he got past the Globe’s editors. Some examples:

Roberts: “It is safe to say that relocating more than a million people, along with the loss of the nation’s largest port, and the other economic consequences from Hurricane Katrina will bankrupt the United States. Or would, if anyone dared to call in the country’s debts ... No other [nation] has ever racked up such a tab.”

Actually, the best estimates suggest the cost of Hurricane Katrina will be minimal in comparison to the size of the U.S. economy—a few day’s worth of the country’s US$11-trillion-plus annual GDP—which explains why U.S. stock markets actually rose substantially between the time Katrina hit and the time Roberts’ article appeared.

As for that aside about America’s tab, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is less than Europe’s, and less than America’s own post-Second World War average.

Roberts: “Shahid Javed Burki, former vice-president of the World Bank’s China Department and a former Pakistani finance minister, forecasts that China will probably have enough purchasing power to surpass the United States as the world’s largest economy this year.”

An amazing claim, given that even the most generous measure available shows China’s economy to be US$4-trillion dollars smaller than America’s. The explanation is that Burki never said what Roberts claimed he’d said. What he stated is that China’s economy might overtake that of the the United States in 20 years.

Silly rightwingers with their "facts" and "data". :rolleyes:

A bunch of hatemongers who don't understand that Europe is a EUtopia. Sure, their economy is suffering, but that is only because they are being oppressed by the religious right in the USA! :blink:

Roberts on the real reason America waged the Iraq war: “Before the invasion of Iraq, OPEC apparently was considering whether to start trading in dual currencies, and some economists believe that an announcement like this would send the value of a dollar falling by up to 40%. By gaining control of the Iraqi oil fields—the world’s second richest after Saudi Arabia—the United States has effectively prevented an assault on the dollar.”

Forty percent. Wow. That would mean the Canadian dollar would actually be worth more than the greenback overnight—an astonishing result. So you’d think the Globe’s editors would check the source.

I did. And I found out the identity of the “economists” Roberts consulted.

Turns out the 40% figure originates with a “personal research project” posted on the Internet by an American health-care worker named William Clark. Among Clark’s many astounding claims is that “the effect of an OPEC switch to the Euro would be [that] the dollar would crash anywhere from 20-40%.” Clark’s source? “An astute and anonymous friend.” This friend, apparently, has morphed into what Roberts calls “some economists.”

Seymour Hersh's articles are always full of anonymous sources and Hersh always speaks the Pure Truth.

So what if one person morphs into some people? Neocons. :rolleyes:

It goes on. Roberts: “The Bush administration used the September, 2001, attacks as an excuse to pursue its thwarted plan for a pipeline taking oil from the Caspian through Afghanistan to the Pakistani port of Karachi.”

This 9/11-era conspiracy theory would have been easy for Globe editors to debunk, since all you’d have to do is investigate whether any U.S. company had actually built the sort of pipeline Roberts describes. (Four years after the Taliban’s demise, there have been elections—but alas, no such pipeline.)

NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!! :huh:

Roberts on U.S. State Department policy planner George Kennan: “Only five countries, [Kennan] stated confidently, could ever pose [a serious threat to the United States]: Britain, Germany, Japan, Israel and Russia ... The five-enemies theory is said to be one reason for the Pentagon’s shape.”

Problem: The Pentagon was dedicated in 1943. The State of Israel didn’t come into being until 1948. Where Roberts came up with this bizarre whopper I have no idea. It reads like something out of a modern-day Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Facts shmacts.

The only important fact is: BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!!!!

I could go on: The U.S. population is about 300 million, not 200 million, as Roberts writes.

A mere typo that snuck by the editors. That's all. Nothing to see here. Move along.

George Washington was not the U.S. president at the time he signed the U.S. Constitution.

Damn rightwingers at it again with their so-called facts.


The term “al-Qaeda” does not refer to “a database kept by the CIA.”

That's exactly what it means. Only a Zionist rightwing neocon would claim that Al Qaeda means "The Base". :ph34r:

And I don’t even know where to begin with such ludicrous statements as, “the only successful wars [the American Empire] has ever waged are the ones against the environment and its own people.”

What does that even mean?

If you were a progressive liberal, you would know what that means.

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Dear Montgomery Burns,

The US was once a great nation....even as far as the 70's...but it is fast becoming a

racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole
, of that there is no doubt. There are still a lot of great people there, but the overall values of the nation have gone in the toilet. Instead of god, freedom or equality, they generally worship the Golden Calf, 'bling', and Mammon. Instead of 'democracy and fairness', they worship guns, death and 'sue or screw thy neighbour' at the earliest possible opportunity.
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I just read the entire essay. Frankly I find it over the top and typical of an unmoderated internet discussion forum than a national newspaper. Even though some of the points were valid the overall tone was condescending quite hateful.

It is possible to dislike the Bush gov't and not hate Americans. I wish the leftists in Canada could figure that out.

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Dear Montgomery Burns,

The US was once a great nation....even as far as the 70's...but it is fast becoming a

racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole
, of that there is no doubt. There are still a lot of great people there, but the overall values of the nation have gone in the toilet. Instead of god, freedom or equality, they generally worship the Golden Calf, 'bling', and Mammon. Instead of 'democracy and fairness', they worship guns, death and 'sue or screw thy neighbour' at the earliest possible opportunity.

Gotta love the freedom to right an article like that, wait a second....Wasn't it the United States who succesfully prosecuted a 2 front war against the the Japanese and Nazi Germany and liberated most of Europe and parts of asia from conquest. And by proxy defeneded canada? I guess are war mongering ways are ok, just so long as it protects canadian freedom of speech. But heck, Maybe some of canadians would rather speak japanese of german.

Note: i realize all candians dont feel this way

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Dear Montgomery Burns,

The US was once a great nation....even as far as the 70's...but it is fast becoming a

racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole
, of that there is no doubt.

<raises hand> Doubt here.

The US is still (obviously) a great nation. Bush and his cohorts will be gone in a few years, and hopefully someone a little more capable and with better vision will take over. Bush and company have damaged the US economically, and damaged its reputation, but they have survived worse than Bush, and they will survive him, as well.

There are still a lot of great people there, but the overall values of the nation have gone in the toilet. Instead of god, freedom or equality, they generally worship the Golden Calf, 'bling', and Mammon.

The United States is NOT the Republican Party, so don't ascribe the values of the latter to the former.

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Dear moderateamericain,

wait a second....Wasn't it the United States who succesfully prosecuted a 2 front war against the the Japanese and Nazi Germany and liberated most of Europe and parts of asia from conquest.
To echo eureka's comment...No! They did the bulk of the fighting in the Pacific (only entering the war after they were attacked), but only lamely assisted in Europe. Except, of course, their unbombable factory production was a tremendous asset.
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Dear moderateamericain,
wait a second....Wasn't it the United States who succesfully prosecuted a 2 front war against the the Japanese and Nazi Germany and liberated most of Europe and parts of asia from conquest.
To echo eureka's comment...No! They did the bulk of the fighting in the Pacific (only entering the war after they were attacked),

Should they have entered the war before they were attacked, sort of, ahm, a pre-emptive attack? I thought you guys were opposed to that sort of thing.

but only lamely assisted in Europe.

Lamely? How many millions of American soldiers fought in Europe and Africa to qualify as "lamely assiting"?

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8 million, if I recall correctly, was the number, Argus. About three quarters of those did not arrive until 1944 and most of the quarter did not arrive until after El Alamein was won and the German drive stalled at Stalingrad.

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Dear Montgomery Burns,

The US was once a great nation....even as far as the 70's...but it is fast becoming a

racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole
, of that there is no doubt. There are still a lot of great people there, but the overall values of the nation have gone in the toilet. Instead of god, freedom or equality, they generally worship the Golden Calf, 'bling', and Mammon. Instead of 'democracy and fairness', they worship guns, death and 'sue or screw thy neighbour' at the earliest possible opportunity.

I think Theloniusfleabag posts as Mopaul at the Democratic Underground Message Board (DUMB):

what the f*ck america? what the f*ck?

what the f*ck america? what the f*ck?

what’s keeping it from utterly collapsing? you can only put duct tape and lipstick on it for so long before it sinks asunder. how can it continue as if nothing were wrong? why aren’t people rioting yet? why do so many STILL support the ape? where are the f*cking democrats? how is it all propped up and held together? what fog is blinding so many millions to the actual state of the union? what mind trick? what curse?how long can it stand before it finally implodes like the twin towers? not much longer i’m afraid. how long before the distracted masses have that ‘what the f*ck’? moment? what invisible string binds it all together still? what hypnotic trance are we in that prevents us from surrounding the white house and ridding it of the cockroaches?dead people are floating down the streets of america, and we all go to church on sunday like robots. what the f*ck america? what the f*ck?


The far left is pure comedy gold. :)

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Dear Argus,

8 million, if I recall correctly, was the number, Argus. About three quarters of those did not arrive until 1944 and most of the quarter did not arrive until after El Alamein was won and the German drive stalled at Stalingrad.
Indeed, the Torch landings were the US' first taste of modern battle, and they were fighting the hard-pressed, retreating and under-supplied Germans. Still, the US troops managed to panic and run away in a couple of fierce battles. To be fair, they were quite 'green', while the Germans and the UK troops had been 'well blooded'. (eureka, there is a good book called "Alamein: War without Hate" by Colin Smith worth checking out)

Then, Argus, in the Ardennes, (the Battle of the Bulge) the Americans actually dropped their guns and ran away, (a noted and incredibly brave exception was McCauliffe at Bastonge) and Montgomery had to temporarily assume command of the US 9th Army 'to stop the rot'.

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Dear Argus,

Should they have entered the war before they were attacked, sort of, ahm, a pre-emptive attack? I thought you guys were opposed to that sort of thing.
Well, it is all relative. If Iraq had invaded and conquered Europe, started in on Russia, and was bombing the UK mainland, I would think that the rest of the world shouldn't wait for their turn at bat.
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Dear Argus,
8 million, if I recall correctly, was the number, Argus. About three quarters of those did not arrive until 1944 and most of the quarter did not arrive until after El Alamein was won and the German drive stalled at Stalingrad.
Indeed, the Torch landings were the US' first taste of modern battle, and they were fighting the hard-pressed, retreating and under-supplied Germans. Still, the US troops managed to panic and run away in a couple of fierce battles. To be fair, they were quite 'green', while the Germans and the UK troops had been 'well blooded'. (eureka, there is a good book called "Alamein: War without Hate" by Colin Smith worth checking out)

Then, Argus, in the Ardennes, (the Battle of the Bulge) the Americans actually dropped their guns and ran away, (a noted and incredibly brave exception was McCauliffe at Bastonge) and Montgomery had to temporarily assume command of the US 9th Army 'to stop the rot'.

Why do you single out incidents involving failure of very green, understrength US soldiers and ignore all of their victories in Africa, Italy and through Western Europe? BTW, did not Germany, British, French, Italian or Russian troops ever drop their guns and run away?

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Dear Argus,
Should they have entered the war before they were attacked, sort of, ahm, a pre-emptive attack? I thought you guys were opposed to that sort of thing.
Well, it is all relative. If Iraq had invaded and conquered Europe, started in on Russia, and was bombing the UK mainland, I would think that the rest of the world shouldn't wait for their turn at bat.

Indeed all is relative. There were many, many people there of the type represented on this site, who wanted no part of a war they saw as having nothing to do with them. They did not like or believe in war under any circumstances, opposed military spending, and opposed politicians who sounded to agressive in their foreign policy statements.

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The battle of arden was freshly supplied well fed german troops in Armored divisions battling against half frozen, hungry, Army infantry divisions. And your telling me they should not give ground? After American troops PREVENTED the german offensive from snapping the lines the german army would never have another offensive for the rest of the war. It was American blood that one back Europe (not to downgrade the commitment of the few british and Canadian units involved and the Amazing defense of England made by the british) and it was American blood that won against Japan. Without the American war machine Europe would have been totally under Nazi germany control. We took back N. Africa, we took back Belgium and Luxemborg, we took italy away from Mousillini (actually more percisley we got the italians to revolt away from mousillini), We took back france, and we push the germans all the way into Berlin. And you dare call are contribution friviolous. Or as you put it LAMELY? First you damn us for not being involved in world affairs enough, then you damn us for being involved 2 much? Which is it. Ill tell you what it is, you comend us for what benefits you directly and damn us if it doesnt.

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The battle of arden was freshly supplied well fed german troops in Armored divisions battling against half frozen, hungry, Army infantry divisions.  And your telling me they should not give ground?  After American troops PREVENTED the german offensive from snapping the lines the german army would never have another offensive for the rest of the war.  It was American blood that one back Europe (not to downgrade the commitment of the few british and Canadian units involved and the Amazing defense of England made by the british)  and it was American blood that won against Japan.  Without the American war machine Europe would have been totally under Nazi germany control.  We took back N. Africa, we took back Belgium and Luxemborg, we took italy away from Mousillini (actually more percisley we got the italians to revolt away from mousillini),  We took back france,  and we push the germans all the way into Berlin.  And you dare call are contribution friviolous.  Or as you put it LAMELY?  First you damn us for not being involved in world affairs enough, then you damn us for being involved 2 much?  Which is it.  Ill tell you what it is, you comend us for what benefits you directly and damn us if it doesnt.

I don't see what the U.S. contribution to the Allied victory 60 years ago has to do with the here and now. I do see a lot of attempts to downplay the U.S. contributions, which I suspect is a reaction to the kind of thinking expressed above and repeated endlessly in our popular culture which states that it was the Americans alone who won the war. Objectively speaking, if anyone deserves credit for breaking the back of the Nazi war machine, it is the Soviets, who fought longer and harder than anyone else against Germany (inflicting about 80% of losses suffered by German land forces in World War II), for which they paid an astonishing price.

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if you read what i wrote, you saw that i was not downplaying the contribution of other nations, i was stating however the American War machine, are economic contribution, are military contribution turned the tide of war, in Europe. And yes we were virtually alone fighting the Japenese. The only country that withstood the japanese in the Far east was China. And just barely so. Also i would like to see proof of your claim that the USSR inflicted 80 percent of the losses suffered by the german army. But you are correct in saying the USSR suffered the worse losses of any "nation" in the war.

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if you read what i wrote, you saw that i was not downplaying the contribution of other nations, i was stating however the American War machine,  are economic contribution, are military contribution turned the tide of war,  in Europe.

Oh I think you downplayed it plenty:

It was American blood that one back Europe (not to downgrade the commitment of the few british and Canadian units involved and the Amazing defense of England made by the british) and it was American blood that won against Japan. Without the American war machine Europe would have been totally under Nazi germany control. We took back N. Africa, we took back Belgium and Luxemborg, we took italy away from Mousillini (actually more percisley we got the italians to revolt away from mousillini), We took back france, and we push the germans all the way into Berlin.

It sure looks to me like you're taking all the credit (the Soviet's, not the Americans, took Berlin).

Also i would like to see proof of your claim that the USSR inflicted 80 percent of the losses suffered by the german army.

Wikipedia is your friend.

The Eastern Front was by far the largest and bloodiest theatre of World War II, probably of all of history, and involved more land combat than all other World War II fronts combined. The Red Army and other forces of the USSR inflicted about 80% of losses suffered by German land forces (Germany's strongest armed force comprised of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS) in World War II.
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Dear Montgomery Burns,

The US was once a great nation....even as far as the 70's...but it is fast becoming a

racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole
, of that there is no doubt. There are still a lot of great people there, but the overall values of the nation have gone in the toilet. Instead of god, freedom or equality, they generally worship the Golden Calf, 'bling', and Mammon. Instead of 'democracy and fairness', they worship guns, death and 'sue or screw thy neighbour' at the earliest possible opportunity.

Gotta love the freedom to right an article like that, wait a second....Wasn't it the United States who succesfully prosecuted a 2 front war against the the Japanese and Nazi Germany and liberated most of Europe and parts of asia from conquest. And by proxy defeneded canada? I guess are war mongering ways are ok, just so long as it protects canadian freedom of speech. But heck, Maybe some of canadians would rather speak japanese of german.

Note: i realize all candians dont feel this way

You are absolutely right MA. I have a few problems with bush, one of them is that he never gave us a regime change.

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well, i stand corrected on the account that America won the war in Europe. Nice research BD. OMFG a con admitted he was wrong! :P

Also i was reading into the pacific conflict and credit should be given to the aussies as well they lost about 30k men fighting the japenese in the south pacific. But i still think its safe to say that it was America that won at least the pacific front. And based on new info had a helluva lot to do with the Africa/Europe front. I still dont believe that american contribution was lame in anyway.

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No one wants to downplay the American contribution to the war but your regugrgitation of Hollywood culture is insulting and annoying.

Rommel was in retreat in North Africa before the first American landed. The battle of Britain was long over: a battle which some American analysts and historians say was the effective end for germany and that from then, it was only a question of how long.

Your belief about Italy would be amusing if it die not spring from ignorance of the Italian campaign. The Brirish 8th. Armu, and others, continued from N. Africa through Italy besdie the Americans and did more of the heavy fighting. There is a story about the incompetence of American commander and the necessary assumption of control by the British command that cost the Allies dearly. But, we need not go into that. The Americans were inexperienced at the time.

Black Dog has answered about the Russian involvement and I think you can look at the numbers involved in the DDay landing and the fact that it was entirely the British Navy with some help from the Canadians that made the landings possible.

In the Pacific, too, the Americans were not alone. Who took Burma for example. Where were the Indians also and not only the Australians. It is so much more complex than you seem to think and the greates losses in blood were not American: not by a long way.

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The Japanese attempted to invade Australia. They never managed to land troops on our soil although they did a pretty fair job of bombing Darwin. Australia, as well as other nations, owes a debt of grattitude to the US for its assistance against Japanese aggression.

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Dear Montgomery Burns,

The US was once a great nation....even as far as the 70's...but it is fast becoming a

racist, bankrupt, war-mongering hellhole
, of that there is no doubt. There are still a lot of great people there, but the overall values of the nation have gone in the toilet. Instead of god, freedom or equality, they generally worship the Golden Calf, 'bling', and Mammon. Instead of 'democracy and fairness', they worship guns, death and 'sue or screw thy neighbour' at the earliest possible opportunity.

Gotta love the freedom to right an article like that, wait a second....Wasn't it the United States who succesfully prosecuted a 2 front war against the the Japanese and Nazi Germany and liberated most of Europe and parts of asia from conquest. And by proxy defeneded canada? I guess are war mongering ways are ok, just so long as it protects canadian freedom of speech. But heck, Maybe some of canadians would rather speak japanese of german.

Note: i realize all candians dont feel this way

Canada's warmongering was embarrassing. Germany never invaded Canada; never declared war on Canada, yet Canada sailed across the ocean to attack the Germans.


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Dear moderateamericain,

As Black Dog states...

I don't see what the U.S. contribution to the Allied victory 60 years ago has to do with the here and now. I do see a lot of attempts to downplay the U.S. contributions, which I suspect is a reaction to the kind of thinking expressed above and repeated endlessly in our popular culture which states that it was the Americans alone who won the war.
I have indeed downplayed the US WWII contribution, perhaps too much, but this is mainly in response to the fallacy (which was not just yours) that the US 'single-handedly' won WWII.
well, i stand corrected on the account that America won the war in Europe. Nice research BD.
Glad to see that you are willing to admit error. Well done.
Canada's warmongering was embarrassing. Germany never invaded Canada; never declared war on Canada, yet Canada sailed across the ocean to attack the Germans.
Apart from this obviously being a 'flame post', perhaps, Mr. Burns, you could stand to do some reading on the subject. Canada was actually somewhat reluctant to join the war, and voted on the issue, while Australia joined immediately, out of obligation to England, with Curtin saying "Where she goes, we go, where she stands, we stand".
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